What ruined tsarist Russia?

What ruined tsarist Russia?
What ruined tsarist Russia?

February was an elite palace coup with revolutionary consequences. The February-March coup was not carried out by the people, although the conspirators took advantage of the popular discontent and, if possible, reinforced it with all available means. At the same time, the Februaryist conspirators themselves clearly did not expect that their actions in the near future would lead to such destructive consequences.

What ruined tsarist Russia?
What ruined tsarist Russia?

The Februaryists - representatives of the social elite of the Russian Empire (grand dukes, aristocrats, generals, financial and industrial elite, politicians, deputies, etc.), believed that the destruction of autocracy would allow them to make Russia a constitutional monarchy or republic, modeled on their beloved England and France. In fact, it was a pro-Western, Masonic conspiracy, since the Februaryists considered the Western world to be the ideal. And the king - a legacy of ancient times, with his sacred figure, prevented them from taking all the power into their own hands.

A similar elite conspiracy already existed in Russia in the 19th century, when the Decembrists, representatives of the Russian aristocracy, seduced by Western ideas of "freedom, equality and brotherhood", raised the revolt. However, in 1825, most of the elite of the Russian Empire did not support the uprising, the army was the mainstay of the empire, and Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich with his associates showed will and determination, was not afraid to shed the blood of the conspirators. In February 1917, the situation changed - most of the "elite" betrayed the tsarist throne, including the highest generals, the regular army bled to death on the battlefields of the First World War, and the tsar was different, he could not go against the representatives of the top of the empire (according to the principle of "and No man is an island").

In general, the 1917 revolution (unrest) was a natural phenomenon. Russian civilization during the reign of the Romanovs experienced a deep social crisis. The Romanovs and the "elite" of the empire, who generally aspired to live by Western standards and parasitized on the bulk of the population, did not seek to transform society in Russia into a "kingdom of God" in which the ethics of conscience reigns and there is no parasitism in the work and life of people. However, the code-matrix of Russian civilization and the people does not obey such arbitrariness and sooner or later responds to social injustice with unrest, through which a renewal of society and the emergence of a more just system that meets the aspirations of the majority of the people can take place

Among the main contradictions that tore apart the Romanov empire, several main ones can be distinguished. Under the Romanovs, Russia partially lost the spiritual core of Orthodoxy ("Slavia Prav"), the combination of the ancient traditions of Vedic Russia and Christianity (Good News of Jesus). The official Nikonian church, created after information sabotage from the West, crushed the "living faith" of Sergius of Radonezh. Orthodoxy has become a formality, the essence is enticed by the form, faith - empty rituals. The church became a department of the bureaucratic, state apparatus. A decline in the spirituality of the people began, a decline in the authority of the clergy. The common people began to despise the priests. Official, Nikonian Orthodoxy is becoming shallow, it loses its connection with God, it becomes an appearance. In the final we will see the blown up temples and monasteries, and with complete indifference of the masses. At the same time, the healthiest part of the Russian people, the Old Believers, will go over to opposition to the Romanov state. Old Believers will preserve purity, sobriety, high morality and spirituality. The official authorities persecuted Old Believers for a long time, turned them against the state. In conditions when they were persecuted for two centuries, the Old Believers withstood, retreated to the remote areas of the country and created their own economic, cultural structure, their own Russia. As a result, the Old Believers will become one of the revolutionary detachments that will destroy the Russian Empire. The capital of the Old Believers, industrialists and bankers (who have worked honestly for centuries, accumulating national capital) will work for the revolution.

Thus, Tsarist Russia has lost one of the main pillars of the Russian state - spirituality. During the revolution, the formal church not only did not support the tsar, moreover, the churchmen almost immediately began to glorify the Provisional Government in their prayers. As a result of the spiritual degradation of the church - the total destruction of the church world, many victims. And now the churchmen are demanding repentance from the people, participating in the creation of the myth about “beautiful tsarist Russia”, “terrible Bolsheviks” who destroyed “old Russia” and gradually grab away property and property piece by piece (for example, St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg), forming a separate class of "masters" and large owners.

It should be noted that in the Russian Federation of the late XX - XXI century, the same thing is happening. Many new temples, churches, monastic complexes, mosques are being built, a rapid archaization of society is taking place, but in reality, in the moral sense, the citizens of Russia are lower than the Soviet people of the 1940-1960s. Spirituality cannot be raised by the visible wealth and splendor of the church. The current church is enmeshed in the Western (materialistic) ideology of the “golden calf”, so there are only a few percent of real Christians in Russia, the rest only pretend to be formal in order to “be like everyone else”. Earlier, in the late USSR, they were also formally members of the Komsomol and communists in order to get a "start in life", etc. Now they "repainted" and became "earnest Christians."

The second biggest conceptual mistake of the Romanovs was the split of the people, an attempt to turn Russia into a peripheral part of the Western world, European civilization, to recode Russian civilization. Under the Romanovs, the Westernization (Westernization) of the social elite of Russia took place. The most people-oriented tsars - Paul, Nicholas I, Alexander III, tried to resist this process, but did not achieve much success. Westernized "elite" of Russia, trying to modernize Russia in a Western manner, itself killed "historical Russia". In 1825, Nicholas was able to suppress the revolt of the Western Decembrists. In 1917, the Westernized Februaryists took revenge, were able to crush the autocracy, and at the same time they themselves killed the regime under which they flourished.

Tsar Peter Alekseevich was not the first Westernizer in Russia. The turn of Russia to the West began even under Boris Godunov (there were separate manifestations under the last Rurikovichs) and the first Romanovs. Under Princess Sophia and her favorite Vasily Golitsyn, the project of Westernization of Russia took shape and developed without Peter. However, it turned out that it was under Peter the Great that Westernization became irreversible. It was not for nothing that the people believed that the king was replaced during his trip to the West and was called the "Antichrist." Peter made a real cultural revolution in Russia. The point was not shaving the boyars' beards, not in Western clothing and customs, not in assemblies. And in the planting of European culture. It was impossible to recode all the people. Therefore, they westernized the top - the aristocracy and the nobility. For this, church self-government was destroyed so that the church could not resist these orders. The church became a department of the state, part of the apparatus of control and punishment. Petersburg with western architecture full of hidden symbols became the capital of the new Russia. Peter believed that Russia lagged behind Western Europe, so it was necessary to bring it on the "right path", to modernize it in a Western way. And for this to become a part of the Western world, European civilization. This opinion - about the "backwardness of Russia", will become the basis of the philosophy of many generations of Westernizers and liberals, right up to our time. Russian civilization and the people will have to pay a very high price for this. As a result, in the 18th century, the division of the Russian population into the pro-Western elite and the rest of the people, the enslaved peasant world, took shape.

Thus, the Russian Empire had a congenital defect - the division of the people into two parts: an artificially withdrawn German-French-English-speaking "elite", noblemen-"Europeans", divorced from their native culture, language and people as a whole; on a huge, mostly enslaved mass, which continued to live in a communal way and preserved the foundations of Russian culture. Although it is possible to single out a third part - the world of Old Believers. In the 18th century, this division reached its highest stage, when the huge peasant mass (the overwhelming majority of the population of the Romanov empire) was completely enslaved and enslaved. In fact, the "Europeans" - nobles created an internal colony, they began to parasitize on the people. In doing so, they received freedom from their head of duty - to serve and defend the country. Previously, the existence of the nobility was justified by the need to defend the homeland. They were a military elite class that served until death or incapacitation. Now they were freed from this duty, they could exist as social parasites all their lives.

The people responded to this universal injustice with a peasant war (the uprising of E. Pugachev), which almost escalated into a new turmoil. In the first half of the 19th century, the serf noose was significantly weakened. However, the peasants remembered this injustice, including the land problem. In 1861, Tsar Alexander II announced "liberation", but in fact, liberation took place in the form of plunder of the people, since the peasants' land plots were cut, and even forced to pay redemption payments. The Stolypin reform also did not resolve the land issue. In the empire, there was still a division into a "nation" of masters "and a people -" natives ", who were exploited in every possible way so that a few percent of the population could prosper, who could support servants, estates, and live luxuriously for years and decades in France, Italy or Germany. It is not surprising that after February 1917, a new peasant war actually began, estates burst into flames, and a “black redistribution” of land began. The peasants took revenge for centuries of humiliation and injustice. The peasants were neither for the Reds nor for the Whites, they fought for themselves. The peasant movement in the rear was one of the reasons for the defeat of the White movement. And the Reds with great difficulty put out this fire, which could destroy the whole of Russia.

From these two foundations (the degradation of the spiritual core and the westernization of the elite, the artificial division of the people), other problems of the Russian Empire arose. Thus, despite the brilliant exploits of the Russian commanders, naval commanders, soldiers and sailors, the foreign policy of the Russian Empire was largely dependent and in a number of wars the Russian army acted as “cannon fodder” of our Western “partners”. In particular, Russia's participation in the Seven Years War (tens of thousands of dead and wounded soldiers, time and material resources spent) ended in nothing. The brilliant fruits of the victories of the Russian army, including Königsberg, already annexed to the Russian Empire, were wasted. Later, Russia got involved in a senseless and extremely costly confrontation with France. But it is extremely beneficial for Vienna, Berlin and London. Paul I realized that Russia was being dragged into a trap and tried to get out of it, but Russian aristocrats-Westernizers killed him with the gold of Britain. Emperor Alexander I and his pro-Western entourage, with the full support of England and Austria, dragged Russia into a long confrontation with France (participation in four wars with France), which ended in the death of tens of thousands of Russian people and the burning of Moscow. Then Russia, instead of leaving a weakened France as a counterweight to England, Austria and Prussia, liberated Europe and France itself from Napoleon. It is clear that soon the exploits of the Russians were forgotten and Russia began to be called "the gendarme of Europe."

Thus, Petersburg focused all its main attention and resources on European affairs. With minimal results, but huge costs, often pointless and meaningless. After the annexation of the Western Russian lands during the partitions of the Commonwealth, Russia did not have major national tasks in Europe. It was necessary to solve the problem of the straits (Bosphorus and Dardanelles) with one blow, concentrate on the Caucasus, Turkestan (Central Asia) with the release of Russian influence in Persia and India, in the East. It was necessary to develop their own territories - the North, Siberia, the Far East and Russian America. In the East, Russia could have a decisive influence on the Chinese, Korean and Japanese civilizations, occupy a dominant position in the Pacific Ocean (it was possible to annex California, Hawaii, and other lands). There was an opportunity to start "Russian globalization", to build their own world order. However, time and opportunities were lost in the wars in Europe that were meaningless for the Russian people. Moreover, thanks to the pro-Western party in St. Petersburg, Russia has lost Russian America and the potential for further development of the northern part of the Pacific region with the Hawaiian Islands and California (Fort Ross).

In the economic field, Russia was turning into a resource and raw material appendage of the West. In the world economy, Russia was a raw material periphery. Petersburg has achieved the integration of Russia into the emerging world system, but as a cultural and raw material, technically backward peripheral power, although it is a military giant. Russia was a supplier of cheap raw materials and foodstuffs to the West. Russia in the 18th century was for the West the largest supplier of agricultural goods, raw materials and semi-finished products. As soon as Tsar Nicholas began a policy of protectionism in the 19th century, the British immediately organized the Eastern (Crimean) War. And after the defeat, the government of Alexander II immediately softened the customs barriers for England.

Thus, Russia drove raw materials to the West, and the landlords, aristocrats and merchants spent the money received not on the development of domestic industry, but on overconsumption, the purchase of Western goods, luxury and foreign entertainment (the "new Russian gentlemen" of the 1990-2000 model. repeated). Russia was a supplier of cheap resources and a consumer of expensive European products, especially luxury goods. The proceeds from the sale of raw materials were not used for development. Russian "Europeans" were engaged in overconsumption. Petersburg high society eclipsed all European courts. Russian aristocrats and merchants lived in Paris, Baden-Baden, Nice, Rome, Venice, Berlin and London more than in Russia. They considered themselves Europeans. The main language for them was French and then English. Loans were also taken from the British, and then the French. Not surprisingly, the Russians became England's cannon fodder in the fight against Napoleon's empire for world domination (a fight within the Western project). Then the most important principle of British politics was born: "To fight for the interests of Britain to the last Russian." This lasted until the entry into the First World War, when the Russians fought with the Germans in the name of the strategic interests of England and France.

There were also serious contradictions in national, land and labor issues. In particular, St. Petersburg was unable to establish a normal Russification of the national outskirts. Some territories (Kingdom of Poland, Finland) received privileges and rights that the state-forming Russian people, bearing the burden of the empire, did not have. As a result, the Poles rebelled twice (1830 and 1863), became one of the revolutionary units in the empire. During the First World War, the Poles began to be used by Austria-Hungary and Germany, which created the Russophobic "Kingdom of Poland", then England and France took up the baton, which supported the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth against Soviet Russia. Then the "Polish hyena" became one of the instigators of the outbreak of World War II. Due to the lack of a reasonable policy in the national area, Finland became a base and a springboard for revolutionaries. And after the collapse of the empire by the Russophobic, Nazi-fascist state, which was going to create “Greater Finland at the expense of the Russian lands. Petersburg was unable at the right time to destroy the Polish influence in the Western Russian lands. He did not carry out the Russification of Little Russia, destroying the traces of Polish rule, the germs of the ideology of Ukrainians. All this was very clearly manifested in the course of the Revolution and the Civil War.

The First World War destabilized the Russian Empire and undermined the old order. Numerous contradictions that had been accumulating for centuries broke through and developed into a full-fledged revolutionary situation. No wonder the most reasonable people of the empire - Stolypin, Durnovo, Vandam (Edrikhin), Rasputin tried to the last to warn the tsar and avoid Russia's entry into the war with Germany. They understood that a big war would break through those "barriers" that still cover up the empire's weaknesses, its fundamental contradictions. They understood that in case of failure in the war, revolution could not be avoided. However, they did not listen to them. And Stolypin and Rasputin were eliminated. Russia entered the war with Germany, with which it had no fundamental contradictions (as it had with Napoleon's France earlier), defending the interests of Britain and France.

In the fall of 1916, spontaneous unrest began in the capital of Russia. And part of the "elite" of the Russian Empire (grand dukes, aristocrats, generals, Duma leaders, bankers and industrialists) at that time weaved a conspiracy against Emperor Nicholas II and the autocratic system. The masters of Britain and France, who could easily have prevented this conspiracy and instructed the Russian Masons not to interfere with the Tsarist regime from winning the war, did not do this. On the contrary, the masters of the West, who condemned the German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires to destruction, also sentenced Tsarist Russia. They supported the "fifth column" in Russia. It is very significant that when the British parliament became aware of the abdication of the Russian tsar, the overthrow of the autocracy in Russia, the head of the government Lloyd George of the "union state," said: "One of the goals of the war has been achieved." The owners of London, Paris and Washington wanted with one blow not only to remove the German competitor (within the Western project), but also to solve the "Russian question", they needed the resources of Russia to build a new world order.

Thus, the masters of the West with one blow - destroying tsarist Russia, solved several strategic tasks at once: 1) they were not satisfied with the possibility that Russia could get out of the war by concluding a separate agreement with Germany and get a chance for a radical modernization of the empire (on the wave of victory), in alliance with the Germans, who needed the resources of Russia; 2) they were not satisfied with the possibility of Russia's victory in the Entente, then St. Petersburg received the Bosphorus and Dardanelles, expanded its sphere of influence in Europe and could also prolong the existence of the empire, decide on a radical modernization of the building of the "White Empire"; 3) solved the "Russian question" - the Russian super-ethnos was the bearer of a just model of the world order, an alternative slave-owning Western model; 4) supported the formation of an open pro-Western bourgeois government in Russia and put under control the enormous resources of Russia, which were necessary for the construction of a new world order (global slave-owning civilization).
