Why don't the Russians or Bengalis shout to the whole world about the genocide committed against them? Why do they not appeal to international courts, do they not demand the obligatory conduct of genocide lessons in schools?
There is such a collision: the answer lies on the surface, because it is … - in the deep sources of the Russian and Indian civilizations! Some of the ancestors of the Russian Slavs, the Aryans, at one time settled in Hindustan, preserving their culture and their high spirit, carrying them through the centuries. No wonder there are so many similarities even in the geographical names of India and the ancient Russian lands.
This spirit is completely different from the Old Testament principle that underlies modern Western “democracies.” Therefore, some of them are not at all ashamed to invent myths about the Holocaust, annually juggling numbers, confirming the invented “facts” with numerous mythical testimonies of the “miracle of survivors”.
Thus desecrating the memory of those people who really suffered from the fascist scum.
Ordinary people of the planet must know the historical truth. After all, only it, practice, will allow one to get closer to the truth and give a correct assessment to the subjects of history.
Before the genocide during World War II, Great Britain had already distinguished itself in India.
According to the British Governor-General of 1834: "The plains of India turn white with the bones of weavers."
1800-1825 1 million people died of hunger, 1825-1850 - 400 thousand, 1850-1875, Bengal, Orissa, Rajasthan, Bihar were struck, 5 million died, 1875-1900 - died 26 million
Seventy years after the war, it is time to open a criminal case and convene a new Nuremberg Tribunal, this time against one of the prosecuting states - Great Britain - for the systematic and deliberate extermination of millions of people.
This genocide is not limited to the Second World War - the war was the scene of only the last episode in the chain of criminal acts. Hunger and exhaustion served only as instruments of genocide, the horrors of which lasted for decades.
The crime scene is Bengal, India (at present, historical Bengal occupies partly the territory of India and partly Bangladesh); the accused are British colonialist masters; victims - thirty million killed.
It began in 1770 with a major disaster, when about a third of the population of Bengal died due to drought. And this is not a lot and not a little - 10 million people! The East India Company, which has occupied the country for five years, never once thought about taking appropriate action. Colonial officials happily reported to their superiors in London about the increase in their income from the trade and export of food.
It should be noted here that Bengal is a river region and there is no more fertile land in the entire Ganges delta. Before the arrival of the British colonists, Bengal was the granary of all India. Each village used to be and now has a pond with fish, which the village could eat during times of poor rice harvest. It took an English intervention to turn this green, fertile land into a land ravaged by famine.
Over the 182 years of the British regime in Bengal, there have been 30-40 cases of mass famine (depending on how hunger is defined). There are no reliable sources confirming the number of casualties from these natural disasters. We have at our disposal only the figures proposed by the British colonialists. But even with the limited information available, it is not hard to see the face of British colonialism in India.
The last time famine occurred in Bengal was in 1942-1945. During these three years, famine has claimed at least four million lives. Some researchers believe that there were many more victims (it should be borne in mind that the figure of four million is borrowed from British sources).
Despite the lack of agreement on the number of victims, most researchers agree that this hunger is a work of human hands. Nobel laureate Amartya Sen (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amartya_Sen) is pretty convincing that this famine was caused precisely by British politics, and not by a radical drop in food production.
Noteworthy are the following facts:
a. In May 1942, Burma was conquered by Japan. The British feared that the Japanese, allied with the Indian National Army (led by Subhas Chandra Bose), would invade India from the east. Bose's slogan "Dilli Chalo" (Forward to Delhi) aroused fear among the British, and they adopted a "scorched earth" policy.
On the one hand, this policy was to ensure that if the Japanese decided to pass through Bengal, the local food supplies would not fall to the conquerors.
On the other hand, the colonialists wanted to break the will of the people of Bengal to revolt in support of the invaders. It cannot be a coincidence that in October 1942, the British colonial authorities carried out a police operation, as a result of which 143 camps and buildings of the Congress Party were destroyed, and many people were arrested.
Between August 1942 and February 1943, the British occupation police shot 43 people. In addition, British soldiers were involved in the rape and robbery of food stores, among other things.
b. Bengal was inundated with refugees and retreating soldiers from various English colonies temporarily occupied by the Japanese. In March 1942 alone, between 2,000 and 3,000 military and civilians arrived in Calcutta and Chittagong every day, up to 300,000 in May. As a result of government purchases of food, food prices in rural areas have reached sky-high heights.
v. While waiting for the Japanese to land in the Bay of Bengal, the British authorities adopted a directive called the Ship Confiscation Scheme, which ordered the confiscation of all ships with a capacity of more than 10 people. Implementation of the directive resulted in the confiscation of more than 66,500 ships.
As a result, the inland waterway transport system was completely paralyzed. Fishing became almost impossible, most of the farmers growing rice and jute could no longer transport their products. These government measures led to the collapse of the economy, especially in the lower reaches of the Ganges delta.
d. The confiscation of land for fortifications and defense infrastructure (landing sites for aircraft, military camps and for refugees) led to the expulsion of 150 to 180 thousand people from their land, turning them almost homeless.
e. The colonial authorities refused to supply food to Bengal from other regions of the country in order to create an artificial food shortage. This particularly brutal policy was legislated in 1942 under the name Rice Supply Disruption Scheme.
As previously mentioned, the purpose of this policy was to obstruct the supply of food to the Japanese army in the event of a possible invasion. At the same time, the government authorized free traders to buy rice at any price in order to supply it to the state food fund.
Thus, on the one hand, the authorities bought up all the rice in the district to the last grain, and on the other hand, prevented the supply of rice to Bengal from other regions of the country.
e. The government's carte blanche for the purchase of food has launched the inflation mechanism. As a result, some traders, instead of supplying food to the authorities, put it off temporarily in order to sell it at a higher price. This led to a worsening food shortage and further price increases.
f. The magnitude of inflation was spurred on by massive military measures, which were financed by overtime work on the monetary printing press. The excess of paper money, caused by the policy of the authorities, led to general inflation, which hit the pockets of the impoverished rural population especially hard.
h. Despite the fact that English law in India provided for the possibility of declaring a state of emergency in the event of natural disasters, famine was never officially recognized as such at the official level, the authorities did not impose a state of emergency and, therefore, did not take adequate countermeasures to remedy the situation. It was only in October 1943 that the British government finally drew attention to the emergency of the disaster, but even then the authorities still refused to take drastic measures that the situation might require.
and. Despite the fact that India imported about 1.8 million tons of cereals before the war, England made sure that India's trade surplus for rice rose to a record level in the tax year 1942/43.
j. The complicated situation in Bengal became the subject of discussion in the English parliament at a meeting attended by only 10% of the members of parliament. Repeated requests for food imports to India (population about 400 million) resulted in the supply of approximately half a million tons of grain in 1943 and 1944.
By comparison, in Great Britain, with a population of 50 million, net cereal imports in the second half of 1943 alone were 10 million tons. Churchill repeatedly banned the export of any kind of food to India, despite the fact that during the Second World War about 2.4 million Indians served in British units.
The least that the people of India and Bangladesh can do is to erect a monument to the millions who fell at the hands of a cruel monster. Let's at least fix the story!