Battle of Saul: "brothers in arms" - crusaders and pskovs

Battle of Saul: "brothers in arms" - crusaders and pskovs
Battle of Saul: "brothers in arms" - crusaders and pskovs

Earthly life was full of worries, Let now at the first abusive call

She will give herself for the Lord.

We will enter the kingdom of eternal praises, There will be no death. For those who have seen again

Blissful times will come

And he will prepare glory, honor and happiness

Returning home country …

Conon de Bethune. Translated by E. Vasilieva

It happened, however, that the same Slavs and, in particular, the Pskovites, that is, the inhabitants of the city of Pskov, fought along with the crusaders. And they not only tried to constantly conquer it, as you can imagine, reading a school history textbook, but also sent proposals to Russia to go on a campaign together and on an equal footing, well, say, against the same Lithuanians, motivating this by the fact that the latter are pagans.


Knights of the Teutonic Order in the attack. Rice. Giuseppe Rava.

The fact is that the Baltic tribes were in tributary dependence on the Russian principalities: the Livs, Latgalians, Semigallians, Curonians had to pay tribute to the Polotsk principality, and the Estonians - to the Novgorod Republic. Therefore, whenever the crusaders, under the pretext of the baptism of these peoples, made a campaign in their lands, the Slavic principalities marched against them in response, and often attacked first, in order to make the Western knights feel the heavy hand of Veliky Novgorod and its ally the city of Pskov. Well, the slowly smoldering conflict between the Novgorodians and the knights of the Order of the Swordsmen, who first settled in the Baltic States, arose back in 1210, when the knights attacked the Estonians. As a result, the Novgorodians undertook as many as eight military campaigns against them, but they were preparing even more!

1. First and second hikes (1203, 1206)

2. Third campaign (1212)

3. Failed hike (1216)

4. Fourth campaign (1217)

7. Fifth campaign (1219)

8. Sixth campaign (1222)

9. Seventh campaign (1223)

10. Failed hike (1224)

11. Failed hike (1228)

12. Eighth campaign (1234)

It all began with the fact that in 1184 the Catholic missionary Meinhard von Segeberg asked the Polotsk prince to preach in the Livonian lands, and, having received his consent, founded and headed the Livonian diocese in 1186. In 1198, his successor Berthold Schulte was assassinated by the Livs. Then German crusaders from the northern lands of the Holy Roman Empire founded the fortified city of Riga (1200) and created the Livonian Brotherhood of Christ's Warriors (known as the "Order of the Swordsmen" in 1202).

To regain control over the Livs, Prince Vladimir Polotsky in 1203 invaded Livonia, where he captured the castle of Ixskul, and forced him to pay tribute to him. But now the castle Golm, due to the resistance of the knights, he failed to capture. In 1206, the Bishop of Riga Albrecht von Buxgewden tried to conclude peace with the prince, but failed. Failed and Vladimir's attempt to capture Riga, which he besieged, but could not take.


The modern ruins of the Koknese castle. It's hard to imagine, but once he stood on a high hill. This reservoir waters from the local hydroelectric station flooded everything around.

In 1207, the Order captured the Koknese fortress (in Russian chronicles as Kukeinos) - the center of one of the Russian appanage principalities in Livonia, which were dependent on the Polotsk prince. And in 1209, Bishop Albrecht, with the help of the Order, seized Gersik - the capital of the second Polotsk inheritance in Livonia - and captured the wife of Prince Vsevolod, after which he had to declare obedience and donate his land to the Archbishopric of Riga, having received back only a small part of it as a feud.

In 1209, Mstislav Udatny (Udatny), a famous warrior, appeared on the Novgorod throne. And already in 1210, he, together with his brother Vladimir of Pskov, made a trip to the Chud and took from them a tribute of 400 nogats. According to the peace treaty, the Russians were supposed to send priests to them, but this was not done.

In January-February 1212, Mstislav, with a 15,000-strong army, brothers Vladimir and Davyd, marched to Varbola in northern Estonia and laid siege to it. After several days of the siege, having received a ransom of 700 nogats, he returned to Russia.

In 1216, at the request of the Estonians, Vladimir Polotsky again decided to march to Riga at the head of the Polotsk and Smolensk warriors, but suddenly died on board the ship, which made the campaign upset.

In the winter of 1216/17, Russian tribute collectors burned down one of the castles in Latgale, after which the Germans took them prisoner, but then released them after negotiations. Then they raided the Novgorod lands in early January 1217.

In February 1217, Vladimir of Pskov, together with the Estonians allied to him, gathered a large army and besieged the city of Odenpe for 17 days. There were Estonians in the city too, and they asked for help from the Germans, who sent a 3,000-strong army. A battle took place in which the knights lost two commanders and … 700 horses. Therefore, three days later, the besieged surrendered the city on condition that they be released to Livonia.

Since the Novgorodians were late with the help of the Estonians, when the crusaders captured their Viljandi fortress in September 1217, two years later, Prince Vsevolod Mstislavovich came to the Estonian lands with a 16,000-strong Novgorod army to oppose Livonia. In turn, the knights with the Livs and Latgals opposed them. Henry of Latvia tells about the defeat of the Russian guard detachment, its retreat and pursuit to the river, behind which the main Russian army was concentrated. At the sight of many Russian soldiers, the Livs and Latgalians fled, but the Germans managed to prevent the attempt of the crossing by the Russians, who lost 50 people. However, they did not succeed in defeating the Russian army. The lands of the Latgalians and Livs were devastated, after which the Russians held Wenden under siege for two weeks, while the Germans gathered fresh troops throughout Livonia.

Battle of Saul: "brothers in arms" - crusaders and pskovs
Battle of Saul: "brothers in arms" - crusaders and pskovs

Crusaders. Fresco from the castle of Cressac.

In 1222, another campaign was made against the Germans. An army led by Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich came from Vladimir, which together with the Lithuanians besieged Wenden and ravaged the adjacent lands.

On August 15, 1223 Viljandi fell, where the Russian garrison was stationed. Henry of Latvia writes: "As for the Russians who were in the castle, who came to the aid of the apostates, after the capture of the castle they were all hanged in front of the castle to fear other Russians …"

A year later, the Estonians revolted, again invited the Novgorodians to help and placed them in Viljandi and in Yuryev, sharing with them the property seized from the crusaders. But after the victory over the Estonians under the Emperor, the crusaders gathered an 8,000-strong army and recaptured Viljandi.


Knight of the first half of the 13th century Modern renovation.

Meanwhile, the 20-thousandth Russian army, led by the Novgorod prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, was moving to Livonia. Having received news of the fall of Viljandi, it changed its route and for four weeks unsuccessfully besieged the city of Revel, but was never able to take it. The chronicle news of the campaign of the Novgorodians to help Yuryev dates back to 1224.

But when in 1228 Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich set out on another campaign against the order, rumors spread that he was actually going to go to Pskov. Then the Novgorodians refused to participate in the campaign, and the Pskovites entered into an alliance with the crusaders, as a result of which the campaign could not be organized.


Let us turn to the effigies of the time closest to 1236. Before us is the figure of a knight from Wales Cathedral, dating from 1240. Wales, of course, is far from the Lithuanian swamps, but the armament of the European knights has always been sufficiently international. This figure does not show a helmet, but it shows what was worn under it on the head, and in addition, we see a collar on it to protect the neck. The shield is large, in the shape of an iron, smooth without emblems. Surcoat with scalloped hem.

In a bull of November 24, 1232, Pope Gregory IX asked the Order of the Swordsmen to send troops to protect half-pagan Finland, which was baptized by the Swedish bishops, from colonization by Novgorodians. In 1233, the Novgorod fugitives, together with Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich (the son of Vladimir Mstislavich, who lived in Riga after his father's death), captured Izborsk, but were soon driven out of there by the Pskovites. The decision to march into the possession of the Order was made by Yaroslav after the crusaders made a similar raid on Tesov in the same year.


Another figure from the same cathedral. On the shield, we see an umbo, which is not typical for that time. The helmet has one viewing slit without a bridge and vertical breathing holes. There is no cruciform hole for the "button" on the chain, which means that chains have not yet come into fashion and the removed helmets were worn somehow differently.

In the winter of 1234, Yaroslav left Pereyaslavl with the lower regiments and, together with the Novgorodians, invaded the possessions of the Order. Then he set up camp near St. George's, but the city did not besiege. Then the knights undertook a sortie from St. George's, but suffered a severe defeat. Someone, however, managed to return behind the fortress walls, but part of the knights, pursued by the Russians, went out onto the ice of the Emajõgi River, where they fell through and drowned. Among the dead, the chronicle mentions "the best Nѣmtsov nѣkoliko and the lower (that is, the warriors of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality) nѣkoliko" - that is, not only the Germans failed and drowned. According to the Novgorod chronicle, "bowing to the prince Nѣmtsi, Yaroslav took peace with them in all his truth."


The last figure is similar to the first, but it has “smooth legs”. It is possible that this is already leather armor, or … just a flaw of the sculptors.

After that, the crusaders, until the weakening of North-Eastern Russia by the Mongol invasion in 1237-1239, made only raids on Izborsk and Tyosov. However, the Russians had to fight in these lands not only with the crusaders. So, in 1225, 7000 Lithuanians devastated the villages near Torzhok, not reaching the city of only three miles, killed many merchants there and captured the entire Toropets parish. The Lithuanians who were leaving were defeated, lost 2,000 people and lost all the booty. In 1227, Yaroslav, together with the Novgorodians, went on a campaign to the pit, and the next year he repulsed their retaliatory attack. In the same year 1227 he baptized the Korela tribe.


Simply wonderful effigy by Gottfried von Kappenberg (1250), Tasselscheiben, Germany. The helmet, however, is not. But on the other hand, every fold of the surcoat and the cloak is shown, including its two brooches.

Meanwhile, having conquered almost all the Baltic tribes, the Order of the Swordsmen in 1236 set out on a crusade against pagan Lithuania. It is believed that the master of the Order of the Swordsmen, Folkin, delayed the start of the campaign, as he feared unknown lands, but he was still forced to speak, because the Pope himself called him to this campaign. And it was this autumn campaign that became fatal for him and his people. Although, it would seem, he had no reason to worry. It was sent for help to Europe and Russia, as a result, 2000 Saxon knights and another 200 warriors from Pskov arrived to him. According to the Lithuanian historian E. Gudavičius, the first to block the way for the army of the crusaders were the squads of the Samogitian princes of the Saul land. They were the first to be seen by the crusaders “at the same stream”, as the “Livonian Rhymed Chronicle” reports. They approached the site of the battle on the evening of September 21, and the main army pulled up only in the morning before the start of the battle. Although, most likely, the Lithuanian army was already standing behind the guard detachment in full readiness and was just waiting for a signal from him. But one way or another, and on the morning of September 22, 1236, on the Lithuanian pagan holiday of the autumn equinox, dedicated to the goddess Zhamina - Mother Earth (the Catholics have the day of St. Maurice and his companions), a fierce battle began, called the "Battle of Saul".


Modern reconstruction of a knight of the Teutonic Order.

In this battle, the crusaders were defeated, while the master of the Order of the Swordsmen, Folkwin Schenke von Winterstern, Count Heinrich von Danenberg, Herr Theodorich von Haseldorf, 48 knights of the Order of the Swordsmen, as well as many secular knights and many ordinary warriors from Chud were killed.


The site of the battle (alleged) at Saul.

“The Novgorod First Chronicle of the Senior Edition” reports this as follows: “In summer 6745 [1237]. … The same summer came Nѣmtsѣ in powerѣ great from the overseas to Riga, and that copulated all, both Riga and the whole Chyuda just land, and pleskovitsi from himself sent help from a man 200, going to godless Lithuania; and so, for the sake of ours, godless filthy victories were, every dozen came to their homes."

As for the "Livonian Rhymed Chronicle", it tells about this battle as follows: "Folkwin and his brothers learned that there was one spiritual honest order in the distance, all justice was fulfilled, we call the German house, we revered the support of the weak, where there are many good knights.

Then with all his heart he longed to unite his order with that. He ordered the messengers to equip, and the Pope asked to receive their German house. Unfortunately, he had already reposed, the Lord Almighty judged that, it was not his fault, with him the pilgrims were killed, then there were many who arrived in Riga. They set off on the road, having heard about life in the region. Burning out of impatience, they only asked for this, so that he would lead the campaign in the summer. From Haseldorf, the knight of glorious effort put in a lot, and Count von Dannenberg was with them: And all the heroes so asked them to lead to Lithuania. "You will have to endure hardships," then Magister Falkvin said, "believe me, there will be a lot." Hearing this speech, they: “That's why we came here!” - they all said at once whether they were rich or poor. The master did not oppose Bole. Said, “We're here by God's will, the Lord can protect us. We are willing to go with you, since you have decided to fight. Just give us a short time, I will lead you on a campaign, and there you will have plenty of booty."

Then he sent messengers to Russia, their help soon arrived. The Estonians nimbly took up arms, without delay, arrived at the place; Latgalians, Livs gathered in battle, they did not stay at home in the villages. And the pilgrims were glad. They were impatiently eager to march with a large, beautiful army: they had to gallop across the fields to Lithuania, crossing many rivers. Having suffered a lot of deprivations, they came to the Lithuanian region. Here they plundered and burned, devastating the land with all their might, and leaving behind them everywhere the horror of ruin. On Saul, the path of their return went, among the bushes, swamps.

Alas, unfortunately they decided to go on that trip! As soon as they reached the river, the enemy appeared. And few in whom the ardor remained that in Riga burned their hearts. The master galloped up to the best, said: “Well, the hour of battle has struck! It is a matter of honor for us: as soon as we put down the first ones, then we can safely return home in fun”. "But here we do not want to fight," the heroes answered him, "we must not lose our horses, otherwise we will become pawns." The master said: "Do you want to lay down your own heads with horses?" So he said in anger.

A lot of filthy people came. In the morning, just dawn, the soldiers of Christ rose, they are ready to take an unexpected battle, they started the battle with the enemies. But in the swamps the horses were bogged down like women, the soldiers were killed. I feel sorry for the heroes that they died there, finding themselves without protection. Others, having broken through the ranks, fled, saving their lives: the Semigallians, not knowing pity, indiscriminately cut them down, they were poor or rich. The master fought with his brothers, the heroes held out in battle until their horses fell. They continued to fight: they laid down a lot of enemies, and only then they were defeated.

The master stayed with them, in battle he consoled the brothers. Forty-eight of them remained, and this handful defended themselves. The Lithuanians pushed the brothers aside, and fell trees on them. Lord, save their souls: they perished with honor, and the pilgrim was not alone; Lord, show mercy to them, because they took the torment. Grant salvation to their souls! This is the end of the master himself, and with him the brothers of his order."


As you can see, the place is beautiful, but … swampy and it was completely disastrous for the knights to ride around here on heavy horses, and even fully armed. But although they did not want to fight despite all the admonitions of their master, for some reason they could not retreat and were forced to fight.

Obviously, the reason for the defeat of the crusader army was the poorly chosen place of the battle. The area was swampy and marshy by the river. The knight's horses were stuck in the wet earth, quickly fizzled out, and there was no question of galloping fast. Therefore, the knights became easy prey for the numerous Lithuanian army. The horses were shot with bows, and the dismounted soldiers were gradually killed, surrounded somewhere in the forest among the trees, which the Lithuanians chopped down and dropped on the surrounded knights. The latter, as always, not so many participated in the battle. This is evidenced by the continuation of the chronicle, which tells how the Order of the Swordsmen, due to heavy losses, decided to come under the jurisdiction of the Teutonic Order, which sent the Swordsmen to help … only 54 knights, considering, however, that this was quite enough!


This is happening now, but it could well have happened just like that in 1236.

“Master to the distant Livonian land: his brother Hermann Balcke was called. A detachment was assembled from the best, where everyone was glad of that honor: fifty-four hero. They were supplied in abundance with food, horses, and a kind dress. It was time for them to perform in Livonia then. They came to the region proudly, without shame. And they were honored by all the knights together; the edge was comforted by them in grief. The knights of Christ soon changed their insignia, they sewed a black cross on their dress, as the German order tells. The master was filled with joy, and the brothers all rejoiced that they were with him in that land. (Translated from Middle High German by M. Bredis)


Seal and coat of arms of the Order of the Swordsmen.

And now the conclusion. At that time, people on the territory of Russia did not recognize themselves as one big nation (“a super-ethnos of the Rus”, as Samsonov usually writes here). When they met, they said: "We are from Pskov (just like a soldier from the movie" We are from Kronstadt "), we are from Vladimir, we are from Suzdal …" And they all had their own interests. Let's just say - "purely father's, because your father and grandfather's table is dearer to you, and mine is my own." That is why one principality fought with another, and the Pskovites could well send their soldiers to the aid of the same enemies-crusaders in order to plunder other enemies at the same time - “godless Lithuania”, because after all, “we and they are Christians, and those pagans believe in many gods and demons! Ugh!
