Not everyone knows that humanity produces a lot of waste. In 1987, it produced garbage the size of Mont Blanc, but today it has two such mountains. However, that garbage … There are just a lot of people, and they just start (or rather, already produce!) The waste of their own life in a fantastic amount. For example, a year 290 billion kilograms of … feces and in addition to them 13 billion liters of urine. All this needs to be disposed of, but to this amount you need to add pig manure, which in its biological composition is quite close to human, so this amount should probably be increased by an order of magnitude. And here the question arises: where to put all this "grace of the womb"?

It remains only to fill them with … human or pig waste and throw them off! Weight, the more, the better!
Note that already in ancient times people found a very peculiar use for feces in … war! The ancient Greeks, for example, became famous for the creation of many different throwing machines, and not just the well-known catapults and ballistae. They also had polybols, which were also used for throwing stones, but several at once, in one gulp. The doribols threw huge javelins and beams of arrows. And neuroballists could be charged with barrels of incendiary mixtures, and bundles of burning brushwood, poured with olive oil, and corpses of animals (before they were thrown, they were kept in the sun for several days to enhance combat effectiveness), and huge … coolies and clay pots with sewage, so that poison the air of the unfortunate besieged even more, and make their stay outside the city walls completely impossible. In the Middle Ages, all the same was repeated during the siege of knightly castles. Moreover, this weapon was beneficial in all respects, even more profitable than everything else, since the castle was small in size, and it was easier to throw fecal masses on it, which were supplied together by the soldiers of the besieging army. Moreover, there was no protection from this weapon. After all, even if a pot of contents fell on the roof, then it, this contents, still flowed into the courtyard, and the stench spread through the castle anyway.
The defenders of the castle defended themselves in about the same way: they arranged toilets on the walls so that feces fell from them directly into the ditch, which made the water in it take on completely harmful properties. It is clear that everyone knew about this, and no one from the besiegers of this castle wanted to climb into this ditch. True, in the heat, the moat whimpered, but the owners of the castle put up with this, since it was a reliable defense. After all, it was enough to take a sip of water from it to get seriously ill.
And for the neighboring villagers there was no worse punishment than cleaning the castle moat, therefore, arrears and prisoners from the castle prison were driven to this work, and often they were even promised freedom for this!
However, even indirectly, feces served the cause of the war. So, in England there was the area of Danish law "Denlaw", captured at one time by the Norwegians and Danes. They had a developed shooting sport - archery at targets, which were called "sor tyr". The Scandinavians were driven out, but England was conquered by the Normans who spoke French. The word was changed on him into "outhouse", but initially it meant not at all what it is now, namely a target for arrows, molded from their own feces. Firstly, they were always at hand, and secondly, what did they eat and drink then? Unleavened bread, meat, beans and ale! So it’s not surprising that … in general, those whose targets were falling apart were shouted that he “ate little porridge”, but those whose targets turned out to be smooth and neat were approved by shouts that the king, they say, feeds his own people well. archers! Why were such targets needed? And then, that expensive and sharp-edged arrowheads were not blunt in them. But these archers did not wash their hands, but wiped them on themselves. That is why the feudal knights called these men "stinking." And since the competition was attended by ladies, then … in order not to embarrass them with the process of producing material for targets, the shooters were seated in small tents, and if he "sat" there for too long, the audience shouted "toilet, come out!" That is, "target, come out!" Well, over time, the meaning of this word has changed and "grown" to the "tricky house".
By the way, the fact that the arrows from the bow took on the arrowheads with such hands, led to the fact that the wounds inflicted by them became inflamed and rotted, so that even those slightly wounded by such arrows still died afterwards. The same was the case with the first shooters from firearms, whose ignition hole for protection from rain was also covered with "this very thing." Accordingly, they took bullets to him with the same dirty hands and with exactly the same consequences. No wonder the French knight and condottiere during the Italian Wars Pierre Bayard, nicknamed "a knight without fear and reproach" and famous for his scrupulousness in matters of honor, ordered without pity to cut off the hands of those who found lead bullets, since lead, according to the people of that time, it was precisely the cause of the infection of the wounds, although in fact the cause was completely different.
However, people already then guessed what was the matter and, say, the tips of the famous "garlic" were specially greased with boar and pig manure! Pegs disguised on the paths in the jungle were also smeared with it by the Dayaks (residents of the island of Borneo) and the Viet Cong during the years of the war in Indochina. A rope of boar hair was pulled in front of them, completely invisible among the vegetation, and the person falling on them received his portion of "poison".
However, it would seem that the old "fecal weapon" is now gradually reviving again. Literature began: in the Harry Potter novels, the young wizards of the Hogwarts school are only engaged in throwing dung bombs at each other during recess. But wizards find it easy. He waved his wand, whispered a spell, and all the "consequences" disappeared at once. But in real life, alas, everything is different.
For example, in September 2013 in the Philippines, terrorists threw a bomb at soldiers patrolling the city. The bomb exploded, none of the seven people died, and one could hope that they would pursue the terrorists. However, this did not happen! The explosion completely incapacitated them, and all because the bomb was filled with feces, and the fact that they were covered with them from head to toe, they were simply mentally broken!
Well, now let's think about the fact that today wars are becoming more humane, non-lethal, and besides, mankind has difficulties with the disposal of the same pig excrement, which is produced in huge quantities by pig-breeding complexes. But if so, why not stuff bombs with them and drop the same ISIS fighters on the heads? At one time, the uprising of the sepoys in India began only because the sepoys-Muslims had to touch their lips with cartridges smeared with pork fat. And then there won't be fat at all, will it?
And now let's imagine bombs weighing 500 kg and one ton with a body made of the lowest-grade metal (if only to withstand the weight of the “charge), filled with pig feces and a small explosive charge that is triggered at a certain height above the target. In this case, it will be covered with a continuous rain of liquid pork shit and … little it will not seem to anyone. Well, in order to wash it all off in the desert, there is simply not enough water! Thus, without killing anyone, you can force people to leave this or that area and attack them with completely different bombs when they leave. And it is possible, for example, to strike with such a weapon at the "capital" of terrorists Raqqa, dropping on it several dozen or even hundreds of such bombs, and then what will this "capital" become? True, here various questions may arise related to the norms of international law, they say, this is not humane, but … is trinitrotoluene in a bomb, which, when exploded, tears a person to pieces, is less humane than ordinary pig manure or human excrement from sewage treatment plants. - or from military bases? Of course, the last "filling" is much more humane, and if so, why not use it, especially in hot and desert areas, which also suffer from a shortage of fresh water.