Liquidation of the "Wolf". How the Chekists carried out the operation to destroy Roman Shukhevych

Liquidation of the "Wolf". How the Chekists carried out the operation to destroy Roman Shukhevych
Liquidation of the "Wolf". How the Chekists carried out the operation to destroy Roman Shukhevych

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Liquidation of the "Wolf". How the Chekists carried out the operation to destroy Roman Shukhevych
Liquidation of the "Wolf". How the Chekists carried out the operation to destroy Roman Shukhevych

About the bloody path of one of the leaders of the Ukrainian nationalists, Hauptman Roman Shukhevych, deputy commander of the Nachtigal subversive and terrorist battalion of the SS Galicia division and other police and punitive formations in the Lviv region, Belarus and Volyn, and after the war - the leader of the bandit underground in the Western Ukraine, once exalted to the skies by President V. Yushchenko and elevated by him to the rank of Hero of Ukraine, is evidenced by many documents, one reading of which literally freezes the blood in your veins.

The souls of the innocent murdered cry out …

As you know, the villainous "career" of this monster began with his participation in the assassination of the Ambassador of the Polish Seim Tadeusz Goluvko back on August 29, 1931. In 1931-1933. R. Shukhevych was the technical organizer of several attempts on the life of Polish officials and an employee of the Soviet consulate A. Mailov, in 1934 he participated in organizing an attempt on the life of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Poland Bronislaw Peratsky.

But this executioner managed to put the murder of disagreeable persons and even entire peoples "on stream" already under the Nazi regime, the intelligence service of which the Abwehr, as well as the chief executioners from the SS, discerned in "General Chuprynka", as his accomplices in bloody craft called him, the natural inclinations of the organizer mass genocide.

Such generalized figures testify to the scale of the monstrous atrocities of the Bandera supporters who zealously served the Fuehrer, whose "military and political training" was always in charge of the "unresolved head commander" R. Shukhevych ("General Chuprynka"). During the years of the Great Patriotic War in Ukraine, a total of 5 million 300 thousand civilians died at the hands of the Nazis, 2 million 300 thousand able-bodied Ukrainian women and Ukrainians were deported to Germany.

At the hands of only punitive Banderites killed 850 thousand Jews, 220 thousand Poles, more than 400 thousand Soviet prisoners of war and about 500 thousand civilian Ukrainians

Killed 20 thousand soldiers and officers of the Soviet Army and law enforcement officers, and about 4 - 5 thousand of their own "warriors" from the UPA, who proved to be insufficiently "active and nationally conscious" …

And here are some facts from the "combat" biography of "General Chuprynka". On June 30, 1941, the battalion "Nachtigall" under the command of Hauptman Shukhevych, which burst into Lvov together with the German forward units, brutally destroyed more than 3 thousand Lvov-Poles in the first days, including 70 world-famous scientists. Before the terrible death, the professors of the Lviv University and their families were subjected to outrage and unheard of humiliation.

In total, within a week, the battalion "Nachtigall" brutally exterminated about 7 thousand civilians in Lviv, including small children, women, old people. And from the pulpit of the Cathedral of St. Jura, the Uniate Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky offered prayers in honor of the "invincible German army and its chief leader Adolf Hitler", and in advance absolved all the sins of the Bandera army, calling their bloody crimes "a godly deed." With the Jesuit blessing of the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the mass extermination of civilians in Ukraine and other regions began by the Bandera, Nakhtigalevites, and Upovtsy, who later partly joined the notorious SS division "Galychina", and partly into other Hitlerite punitive-terrorist formations …

At the beginning of 1942, the Nachtigall battalion was reorganized into the 201st SS police battalion and, led by German Major Dirlewanger and the same Hitlerite captain Shukhevych, was sent to Belarus to fight the partisans. As you know, not the Germans, but just their henchmen from among the former "Nakhtigalevites" wiped out the Belarusian village of Khatyn, destroying all the inhabitants, and the Volyn village of Korbelisy, in which over 2,800 civilians were killed and burned, mainly children, women. old people and sick.

In August 1943, by order of Shukhevych, agreed, of course, with the German authorities, on the territory of the Kovel, Lyuboml and Turin districts of the Volyn region, several hundred UPA thugs under the leadership of the hardened criminal Yuri Stelmashchuk massacred the entire Polish population. They plundered their property and burned their farms. On August 29 and 30, 1943 alone, Bandera's supporters massacred and executed more than 15 thousand people, among whom were many elderly people, women and children.

"General Chuprynka" was one of the authors of the "methodology" of the massacres committed. According to her, the entire population was herded into one place without exception, and the executioners began to massacre everyone indiscriminately. “After not a single living person was left, they dug large holes, dumped all the corpses into them and covered them with earth. - testified one of the participants in these crimes. - To hide the traces of this terrible action, we kindled bonfires on the graves. Thus, dozens of small villages and farms were completely destroyed …”.

In mid-September 1943, UPA gangs in the Gorokhovsky and former Senkivichesky districts of the Volyn region killed about 3 thousand residents of Polish nationality. It is characteristic that one of the UPA groups was led by a priest of the autocephalous church, who was in the OUN specifically in order to absolve the accomplices-executioners for their atrocities.

“People were laid on the ground in rows, face down, and then they were shot,” an eyewitness confirms. - Once again putting people down for execution, the Bandera fighter shot at a 3-4-year-old boy. The bullet blew away the top of his skull. The child got up, began to scream and run in one direction or the other with an open throbbing brain. Bandera continued to shoot, and the child ran until another bullet calmed him …”.

Such examples can be given endlessly. The same modern apologists of Bandera, who cite in justification of the atrocities committed by the OUN-UPA bandits, that they were allegedly driven exclusively by trampled national feelings and concern about "cleansing the primordially Ukrainian territory" of any newcomers - representatives of "alien" ethnic groups, should recall the revelations R. Shukhevych himself: “The OUN is doing so well, after we have known the radians' possession, it will be humiliating. Do not cry, but physically znischuvati! Do not be afraid that people will punish us for being rough. High out of 40 million of the Ukrainian population will be lost to half - nothing terrible for a tsomu… ".

Bandera, who improved the skills of executioners in the units of the German police and the SS troops, literally excelled in the art of torturing defenseless people

An example for them was, first of all, "General Chuprynka" himself, who in every possible way encouraged fanaticism in its most monstrous manifestations …

When the whole world was healing the wounds inflicted on mankind by the most terrible of all previous wars, unleashed by Shukhevych's "deity" - Adolf Hitler, Bandera in the Western Ukrainian lands in the 40-50s took their lives more than 80 thousand people. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of those killed were civilians far from politics. A significant percentage of those killed at the hands of nationalist murderers were innocent children and old people. Among the brutally murdered in Lvov, the henchmen of "General Chuprynka" was a wonderful Ukrainian publicist and writer Yaroslav Galan. All his "guilt" was that he dared to write the hard-hitting truth about Bandera and its spiritual fathers from the Lviv Uniate Cathedral of St. George and the Catholic Vatican …

In the village of Svatovo in the Lviv region, they still remember four girls-teachers who were tortured by Shukhevych's henchmen. They died only because they were from the Soviet Donbass! Doesn't it look like today?

And the teacher Raisa Borzilo (Pervomaisk village) was accused by nationalists of promoting the Soviet system at school. For this, the Bandera people gouged out her eyes, cut off her tongue, threw a noose of wire around her neck and dragged her horse across the field until she, all bloody, gave up her breath …

In accordance with the norms of the International Tribunal, such acts cannot be qualified otherwise than war crimes and crimes against humanity, which have no statute of limitations!

The mass monstrous murders of innocent people committed by Bandera during and after the Great Patriotic War can be called only in one word: GENOCIDE

Yes, it was a real genocide, that is, the mass extermination of people, moreover, committed for a long time and in the most inhuman, most disgusting, uncovered form. By and large, in many Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian cities and villages it is necessary to erect sorrowful memorials to the victims of the Bandera genocide, and not desecrate the memory of these people by blasphemous exaltation of the executioners who shed rivers of innocent blood!

The main organizer of these mass atrocities, carried out by the Banderaites, was the same Chuprynka, who apparently hoped in this way to curry favor with their Nazi masters and issued a special order that claims to be even more bloodthirsty than those issued by the Hitler Gauleiters for occupied territories: “Treat the Jews the same way as Poles and Gypsies: destroy mercilessly, spare no one … Protect doctors, pharmacists, chemists, nurses; keep them under guard … The Jews used for digging bunkers and building fortifications should be quietly eliminated at the end of the work ….

And it is not for nothing that many members of the public of Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Belarus, Israel, even today, continue to demand that an international tribunal open a criminal case against the military criminal organization OUN-UPA and its leaders Bandera, Shukhevych, Konovalets, Melnik, etc., on numerous facts of the Holocaust directed against Jews, and genocide against citizens of Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. In the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, to prosecute the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, for the glorification of the Holocaust and genocide committed by war criminals from the OUN-UPA, propaganda of outrageous nationalism as a form of fascism, and aiding the revival and formation of nationalist organizations in Ukraine, which are openly pro-fascist, extremely misanthropic in nature. The souls of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims cry out for a fair trial of the brutal murderers - Ukrainian nationalists from the OUN-UPA!

And the current last survivors of "General Chuprynka", who have seized power as a result of an unconstitutional armed coup in Ukraine and are thirsty for new blood in the south and southeast, it would not be superfluous to refresh their memory of how in 1950 the bloody executioner was destroyed by the Chekists - "unescored head-commander Shukhevych-Chuprynka."

And not in that fantastically implausible edition, which is multiplied in "truthful" studies by some engaged Ukrainian would-be "researchers" who are preoccupied with how to whitewash and heroize this fiend. And in the form as the whole story looks in reality.

How the Chekist-military operation was organized and carried out against "General Chuprynka" (initially, we emphasize, the aim was to take him alive to give a public trial), we will tell, based only on the original documents and testimonies of the direct participants in it,as well as the frank confessions of others involved in the events.

Provided armed resistance and was destroyed

Let's start with the most important, perhaps, document drawn up by the KGB leaders based on the results of the operation on the same day, March 5, 1950, and declassified by the Central Archives of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

Top secret.

Note on "HF"

Ministry of State Security of the USSR to comrade V. S. Abakumov

Minister of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR

Lieutenant General Comrade Kovalchuk N. K.

We report that as a result of a number of intelligence-operative measures and the conducted KGB-military operation on March 5 of this year. at 8.30 am in the village of Belogorshcha, Bryukhovetsky district, Lviv region, during an attempt to seize, a well-known organizer and leader of the OUN underground in the western regions of the Ukrainian SSR, Roman Shukhevych, known under the nicknames "General Taras Chuprinka", "Tur", "Bely", was killed and was killed. "Old", "Father" and others, and captured alive by his closest assistant in the underground Didyk Galina, who in the underground had nicknames "Lipa", "Gasya" and others.

In addition, on March 3 of this year. at 19 o'clock in Lvov, the personal contact of R. Shukhevych, Gusyak Darina, nicknamed "Darka", was captured.

During active interrogation on March 3 and 4 this year. "Darka" refused to indicate the places of Shukhevych's hiding place and diverted our attention in the other direction.

In this regard, a combination was developed and carried out and at 22.00 on March 4 this year. The village where Shukhevych and Didyk are hiding became known.

At 8.00 on March 5, p. The village of Belogorshcha was surrounded, and the houses of the displaced person Natalia Khrobak and her sister Anna were blocked.

At 8.30, Khrobak Anna Shukhevych and Didyk were found near a resident of the village of Belogorshcha.

Our group, which entered the house, began an operation, during which Shukhevych was asked to surrender.

In response, Shukhevych put up armed resistance, opened fire from a machine gun, with which he killed Major Revenko, the head of the department of the 2-N MGB of the Ukrainian SSR, and, despite the measures taken to capture him alive, during the shootout he was killed by a sergeant 8 SR 10 SP VV MDB.

During the operation, Didyk swallowed an ampoule with poison, which was in her mouth, but thanks to the measures taken, she was saved.

A large number of documents of great operational importance were found in the house where Shukhevych lived: fonts and codes for communication with the leaders of the OUN underground, a passport, a military ID and other documents in the name of Polevoy Yaroslav.

The body of Shukhevych was presented for identification: his son Yuriy, who is being held in the internal prison of the UMGB in the Lviv region; his former cohabitant, one of the active members of the OUN underground, Zaritskaya Yekaterina, and the former economic assistant of the OUN Central "Provider" - Blagiy Zinovia.

All of them at once and without any hesitation identified Shukhevych in the corpse.

Lieutenant General Sudoplatov

Major General Drozdov

Colonel Maystruk

Submitted 5 March 1950

Narrated by Drozdov

Received by: at the USSR Ministry of State Security, Head of the 2nd Main Directorate, Major General Comrade Pitovranov at 13.00;

in the Ministry of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR Minister of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR Lieutenant General

t. Kovalchuk at 14.00."

First - to accumulate operational material

Now is the time to reveal the important details of that operation.

Since 1944, the NKGB of the Ukrainian SSR, in connection with the active counteraction of the OUN terrorists in the rear of the Red Army and in the liberated territory of Ukraine, began to conduct a centralized operational measure "Berloga" aimed at finding members of the OUN Central Wire (CP) in Ukraine and Shukhevych personally.

On October 31, 1945, a special search file "Wolf" was opened against him. The same search cases were opened against other members of the OUN CP: "Rat" (D. Klyachkivsky - "Klim Savur"), "Badger" (V. Cook - "Lemish"), "Begemota" (R. Kravchuk - "Peter ")," Jackal "(P. Fedun -" Poltava ")," Mole "(V. Galas -" Eagle ").

The most important materials of these cases were sent to the central office of the NKGB, and the UNKGB-UMGB of the western regions had their duplicates. In the search files, reports from operational sources, information and analytical materials were accumulated that covered the gangster tactics of the nationalist underground, details of the illegal activities and personal lives of the leaders of the OUN, planning and reporting documents on the progress of their search, detention or (in extreme cases) elimination.

Since January 1947, another copy of these cases was also held by the 2-N Directorate specially created in the Ministry of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR, formed as the main unit of the KGB bodies to combat nationalists.

The 2-N Department was headed by the Deputy Minister of State Security of the republic, and he also led the Operational Group in Lviv, a special coordination center for all anti-Bander activities in the region.

Directorate 2-N had a clear organizational structure, in which each body was responsible for a certain area: The first department searched for members of the OUN CP and the main regional wires; The second was in charge of the development of the lower wires and the "legal grid" of the OUN, the third was in charge of the whole range of measures to counter the OUN in the eastern regions of Ukraine; The fourth was engaged in OUN members from among the Melnikovites and other nationalist organizations that were not subordinate to Bandera and Shukhevych. In addition, there were communications, support and operational accounting subdivisions in the Directorate.

The search for Shukhevych, taking into account the large number of bandit caches and beds in the western regions, can be compared with the search for a needle in a haystack, about 700 - 800 operational workers were involved. Suffice it to say that the initial information about the liquidation of the "Wolf" was received by the 2-H Department three times, but each time it turned out to be erroneous, and therefore the search continued.

The search for Shukhevych, this hardened wolf of conspiracy, who had learned to leave the whole of the Polish defenses, was complicated by the fact that he very often changed "caches" and mistresses. With one of them, Galina Didyk, he even dared twice (in 1948 and 1949) with fake documents to ride to the resorts of Odessa. And while the Chekists literally got his accomplices out of the ground, the "unsecured Chief Commander" swam in the Black Sea and treated rheumatism …

Nationalist bandits and Greek Catholic "shepherds" - in one team

Here is what a prominent Chekist, Deputy Minister of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR, Major General Drozdov, wrote in the "Information on the elimination of the head of the OUN underground in the Western regions of the Ukrainian SSR - Shukhevych R. I." of March 17, 1950:

“During the activities carried out by the MGB bodies to search for the organizers and leaders of the gang-OUN underground in the western regions of Ukraine, it was found that they often keep in touch with the Greek Catholic clergy and receive material support from them. Regarding the priests on the territory of Stanislavskaya oblast, the Ministry of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR received specific data indicating that they are hiding connected gang leaders, provide a communication line and, on instructions from the underground, carry out a lot of nationalist work among the parishioners. In this regard, the intelligence development of the churchmen was intensified, as a result of which specific information was obtained about Shukhevych's contacts and their places of stay with accomplices …

Based on the data received at the direction of the Ministry of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR in January with. A simultaneous operation was carried out during which the most active accomplices of the gang-OUN underground, who remained in the Uniate positions, but formally converted to Orthodoxy, were arrested. These are such priests: Pasnak, Tchaikovsky, Vergun, Postrigach, Golovatsky and others …

The arrested Vergun, as Shukhevych's confidant, systematically hid Shukhevych's closest assistants - Didyk Galina (OUN nickname “Anna”), Gusyak Darina (OUN nickname “Nyusya”) and other contacts of the OUN Central Wire.

Testimonies from the arrested were obtained that in the village of Dugovaya, Rogatinsky district, an illegal immigrant was hiding with the priest Lopatinsky, the mother of Shukhevych's personal contact - "Nyusi" - Gusyak Maria.

Simultaneously with the use of agents, all the revealed secret apartments of "Nyusya" were taken under operational surveillance, and in some apartments ambushes were left in order to capture "Nyusya" if it appeared in Lvov …"

Shukhevych's messenger was handed over by "her own" …

On March 3, 1950, the UMGB in the Lviv region received important information from "Polina", an agent of the Lviv UMGB, formerly an active member of the nationalist underground, who realized the gravity of the crimes he was committing and voluntarily confessed. Having made it a condition to release her brother, who was also involved in the Bandera regime, she offered the Chekists assistance in arresting Shukhevych's confidant D. Gusyak (Nyusi, Darki).

"Polina" told the counterintelligence officers that soon Gusyak was to visit one of the fashionable houses on Lenin Street in Lviv. Employees of the operational group of the Ministry of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR in Lvov, the Office of 2-N and the intelligence department of the Fifth (operational) department of the UMGB immediately went to the house.

Opposite the house, at the campaign site, the operatives set up an impromptu observation post. A counterintelligence officer with the rank of lieutenant, who "worked" under an ordinary housewife, walked with a package in her hands in front of the front door. At about 3.40, a woman entered the house, signs of which pointed to Darina Gusyak. An hour later she went out with "Polina". They visited a knitwear shop on the central Lviv Mickiewicz Square, then said goodbye, and Gusyak took a tram to the station. At about 7 pm, four operatives intercepted her near the railway station …

Major General Drozdov in his same "Help" reported: "At the" Nyus "pistol" TT ", an ampoule with poison, which she tried to swallow, was revealed. During active interrogation on March 3 and 4, p. Nyusya refused to indicate the place where Shukhevych was hiding, and diverted the attention of the operatives to the territory where Shukhevych was not. In this regard, a complex intelligence combination was developed and carried out, as a result of which it became known that Shukhevych and his closest assistant Didyk Galina are hiding in the village of Belogorshcha, Bryukhovetsky district, located on the outskirts of Lviv …"

Not by torture, but by cunning

The "complex combination of agents" mentioned by Major General Drozdov is presented by the current defenders of Bandera as cruel torture, which the Chekists allegedly ruthlessly subjected Darina Gusyak - "Nyusya". At the same time, they base their conclusions on the statements of D. Gusyak herself. Having happily survived to our time, she, despite her advanced age, often flickers on the Ukrainian television screen. Television workers engaged in the Maidan willingly broadcast on the air her stories about the atrocities and tortures to which the “Muscovites” allegedly subjected her, seeking information about the place of Shukhevych's hiding place.

Meanwhile, if an unbiased study of the chronology of events related to the arrest of D. Gusyak, it will become clear that the Chekists simply did not need any torture. On March 3, at 6.30 pm, she was arrested, the first interrogation was conducted (rather cursory), and immediately sent to the infirmary.

The very combination is being carried out, which, according to the estimates of experts knowledgeable in detective affairs, is a classic example of intra-chamber development, talentedly carried out by UMGB operatives

Taking into account the fact that Gusyak immediately tried to lead the operatives by the nose and, instead of real information about the whereabouts of Shukhevych, named the addresses of the Lviv merchants she knew, in the evening of the same day, taking into account her health complaints, she was placed in the prison infirmary.

In the infirmary Gusyak - "Nyusya" met another arrested woman. This woman had the operational pseudonym "Rose" and was an experienced Soviet counterintelligence agent. During the war years, she collaborated with the Gestapo, for which she was subsequently arrested by the MGB. By agreeing to cooperate with the Chekists, she, in particular, helped to eliminate one of the major OUN leaders O. Dyakiv.

… Before meeting with Nyusya, “Rose” was generously smeared with greenery, allegedly “after the beatings”. “Recovering” in the infirmary, she began carefully tapping out “message to neighbors” in Morse code, and then began to write a note with the “hidden” stub of a pencil. Naturally, Gusyak was intrigued and tried to find out what the cellmate was writing. She denied it. In the end, Gusyak could not resist and asked bluntly if her “friend in misfortune” had any connection with the underground. “Rose” was silent for a long time, as if pondering whether it makes sense to open up, and then answered the question with a question: “Do you know“Moneta”?

"Coin" was the nickname of E. Zaritskaya, another mistress of Shukhevych, whom he entrusted after the war to coordinate the actions of his personal contacts.

However, E. Zaritskaya - "Coin" of the MGB was arrested back in 1947, during the arrest she killed an operative. And it is not for nothing that the mention of "Coin" made a strong impression on Gusyak …

"Coin" - in the next cell ", - apparently, having decided something to herself, said" Rose ". And in an ominous tone she warned: “Keep your mouth shut. If you betray me, I'll strangle you at night!

And Gusyak, completely forgetting all the OUN instructions on conspiracy, immediately "floated" …

And the next day, March 4, "Rose" informed Gusyak that the investigation allegedly had no evidence against her, and she should be released, and in her own way suggested to her friend to give the note "free" …

It turns out that it is not at all the "tortures" and other "harassment" of the Chekists, and certainly not the mythical agent "Maria", allegedly introduced, according to Ukrainian "historians", into Shukhevych's entourage back in 1944, but only credulity and, directly for example, the obvious stupidity of D. Gusyak herself - “Nyusi” became the main reason for establishing the exact location of the “commander-in-chief” R. Shukhevych.

Carry out the operation using the blocking method …

Immediately after receiving information about General Chuprynka's bedding from D. Gusyak, Lieutenant Colonel Shorubalka, Lieutenant Colonel Shorubalka, Head of the UMGB of the Lviv Region, and Major General Fadeev, Head of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of State Security of the Ukrainian District, jointly developed the "Plan of the Chekist-military operation." to capture or eliminate the Wolf."

The plan of the operation, printed in a single copy, was approved by Lieutenant General P. A. Sudoplatov (Moscow curator of the most important operations to defeat Bandera and the head of illegal special operations of Soviet intelligence, who was irreplaceable until Stalin's death) and Deputy Minister of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR, Major General V. A. Drozdov. The plan was as follows: “For the implementation of the received data with the aim of capturing or eliminating the Wolf at dawn on March 5 of this year. to carry out a Chekist-military operation in the village of Belogorshcha and the adjacent forest area, as well as on the western outskirts of the village of Levanduvka …

a) Collect all the operational reserves of the 62nd Rifle Division of the Internal Troops of the MGB, the headquarters of the Ukrainian border district and the Lvov Police Department in Lvov.

b) To remove on alarm the military forces that are taking part in the operation at the junction of the administrative borders of Glinyansky, Peremyshlyansky and Bobrkovsky districts of the Lviv region in the amount of 600 people and concentrate by five o'clock on March 5 of this year. in the courtyard of the UMGB Lviv region.

c) The operation should be carried out by blocking the village of Belogorshcha, the neighboring farmsteads, the western outskirts of the village of Levanduvka and the forest.

In total, as evidenced by the map-diagram attached to the plan, 60 operatives, 376 soldiers of the internal and border troops of the Ministry of State Security were involved in the operation to cordon off the area of active operations in four problem areas of the terrain, 170 to inspect facilities, and 320 were in reserve.

Moreover, according to the plan, one company of the 10th Infantry Regiment of the 62nd Division of Internal Troops under the command of an experienced "bandol" Captain Pickman was supposed to blockade not only the house pointed out by Gusyak-"Nyusya", but several houses in which could be Shukhevych, as an experienced conspirator, of course, every now and then changing his "prisons".

When everything was already ready to capture the hardened "Wolf", her son Danil suddenly left the house of Natalya Khrobak. The operatives called him, and he said that in the center of the village, in the house of his mother's sister, Anna Konyushek, some kind of housekeeper had appeared. The lad was asked to describe her appearance, and this description coincided with the signs of Shukhevych's accomplice Galina Didyk …

Alone, and not guarded?

And what was happening at that moment in the lair of Shukhevych himself? This (with a certain stretch) can be judged by the "memoirs" of Mrs Didyk herself, who after her release settled in the Chernihiv region. Before her death in 1979, her relatives recorded her narration on tape. Here is what she said: “In 1950, Odarka (that is, Daria Gusyak) was arrested. And since before the aresht, I am a little star with her. We were seized, because I was staring at Odarka at Friday (tobto 3 birch trees), and on Saturday we saw a message about aresht. Visited in Monday morning to play a hut. In the week at Bіlogorschі mali we see a vibori. The comic has arrived in the sylrada, wonder how it will pass and vibori … ".

But here's the bad luck: every more or less significant "conductor" of the OUN CP necessarily had a personal guard of several people. What, then, can be said about the leader himself, the "head commander" of the UPA? After all, he had to be guarded especially carefully. Meanwhile, on March 5 in Belogorsh, according to the testimony of Shukhevych's mistress G. Didyk, for some reason the "head commander" was left alone with her.

What was it: a simple coincidence, the desire of a hungry for carnal pleasures, not yet old, executioner to be alone with the "lady of the heart", or the result of yet another clever combination of the Chekists, who pursued the goal of taking the leader of the Bandera underground by all means alive?

Alas, the original documents shedding light on this have not yet been made public …

Be that as it may, but at about 8 o'clock in the morning on March 5, the head of the UMGB of the Lviv region, Colonel Maystruk and his deputy, Colonel Fokin, accompanied by a group of operatives and soldiers of the internal troops approached house 76-A of the village of Belogorshch, which was indicated by the son of Natalia Khrobak, and in which most likely, the "sweet couple" Shukhevych and Didyk were hiding.

The house where the bandit ringleader, hiding from justice, arranged his lying down, was a two-story building, on the first floor of which the chairman of the village council lived, and the side room was occupied by a cooperative shop. On the second floor there were two rooms and a kitchen, as well as a staircase that led to a large attic.

Then it makes sense to listen to Galina Didyk again: “Rapidly, there was a lot of knocking to the door. The provider (that is, R. Shukhevych. - A. P.) immediately jumped to the curve, and I went to see the door. She beat me to see that there were people standing there, one - from instructing to the door with a muzzle. It became zrozumіlo, scho nasty on the right. We have an agreement with the Provider: as long as the situation is unclear, I go to see the door, and in a whole hour there can be a lot of visibility. I thought: if їkh one or two, then leave the stench go away, leave the stench obshukuvati hut, then the Provider can know chi get caught. They immediately took me by the hands. If they were driving me up the hill, I started to say in a voice at once: "What do you want here, why are you whispering?" I specifically shouted to the best of my ability to give the nobility of Providnikov, who was uvirvavsya here. They zaphali me into the room, put me on a stool and told me, hto shche є at the hut. A sprinkle of bulo їkh only two. Ale, I can sense that it’s more like a gathering - the rotten on the right! …”.

Shukhevych's accomplice first introduced herself as “Stephanie Kulik, a displaced person from Poland,” but the operatives instantly identified her.

As the Deputy Minister of the State Security of the Ukrainian SSR, Major General Drozdov, wrote in the aforementioned certificate, then Didyk was “categorically suggested that Roman Shukhevych, who was hiding with her, surrender, and that she would help this, then their lives would be spared”.

Didyk's quote again: “And I shout, I don’t know anybody, I don’t know anybody here more dumb. Bezsumnivno, the Provider of the mind, so go …"

Making sure that this lady would not surrender her lover of her own free will, the MGB officers began a search …

The leader himself did not want to surrender and save his life …

Then Didyk said: “I felt one whistle. She whirled from her hands, threw herself at a friend's room with a shout: "Oh, lyagaymo!.. The infection will shoot!.." doors. I didn’t see it… I’ve built one, the other, the third… We built the bullets here on the streets. I am zealous, but still the end."

At that moment, as it became clear later, Shukhevych was hiding in a specially equipped "kryivka" - a small room fenced off by a wooden partition in the corridor of the second floor, which had two sliding walls and a special exit to the stairs, covered with a carpet …

Events developed rapidly. Major General Drozdov describes them in his document as follows: “During the search, shots were fired from behind a wooden partition on the landing. At that time, the head of the department of the 2-N Department of the MGB of the Ukrainian SSR, Major Revenko, and the deputy head of the UMGB of the Lviv region, Colonel Fokin, were climbing the stairs. In the resulting skirmish comrade. Revenko was killed on the landing. During the shooting, a bandit jumped out of cover with a pistol and a grenade in his hand and rushed down the steps, where he bumped into Colonel Fokin, who was going down. At this time, Sergeant Polishchuk, who was standing in the yard, ran up and killed the bandit with a machine gun. In the killed was identified the ringleader of the OUN underground in the western regions of the Ukrainian SSR Shukhevych Roman Iosifovich, known under the nicknames "General Taras Chuprinka", "Tur", "Bely", "Old" and others."

Speculation and facts

At 8 o'clock. 30 minutes. the operation was completed, and it took no more than half an hour. And it turns out that there was not even a trace of "until the last patron from a few divisions of the Red Army", which was "recreated" by modern Ukrainian engaged "researchers", just as there was no mysterious "special group of MDB" created in Lvov.

Although a large-scale, but quite common (for the post-war years in Western Ukraine) Chekist-military operation took place, as a result of which the leader of the gangster underground, who did not want to surrender, was destroyed.

Some authors draw attention to the fact that in the corpse of Shukhevych, in addition to three bullet holes from a machine gun fire in the chest area, another bullet hole in the temporal region on the right was recorded, as well as a hemorrhage from the left ear. From this, other experts, especially interested in the maximum heroization of their "hero", conclude that Sergeant Polishchuk could not inflict such wounds on Shukhevych with one burst, and, most likely, the mortally wounded Shukhevych himself put a bullet in his temple.

What do you say here? Does it really matter whether Shukhevych died from Polishchuk's bullets, or, already pierced with a burst of machine guns, finished off himself on his own? In addition, in the dump between Shukhevych and Colonel Fokin on the stairs, after Polishchuk's shots and Shukhevych's fall down the stairs along with Fokin, some other operative could well have inflicted a wound on Shukhevych's right temple. By the way, an indirect proof of this version is the fact that in some reports on the operation in Belogorsh, instead of Polishchuk, the surname of Sergeant Petrov appears …

Other historians consider the very outcome of the Chekist-military operation to be unsuccessful, citing the fact that Shukhevych was required to be captured alive, but it was not possible. Of course, it was desirable to end the operation in this way, however, the elimination of Shukhevych was an important victory for the state security organs, since with his death the bandit underground in Ukraine was beheaded.

By the way, the very name of the operation, approved by Sudoplatov and Drozdov, testifies that the elimination of the bandit "commander-in-chief" was by no means excluded

By the way, this case in the post-war years was not at all an isolated one. In the same way, in the course of the KGB-military operations, it was possible to destroy the "conductors" of the OUN Central Wire D. Klyachkivsky ("Klim Savur") and R. Kravchuk ("Petro").

But the "last love" of R. Shukhevych Galina Didyk, as the reader has already understood, managed to capture alive. After trying to poison herself, she swallowed an ampoule with strychnine (and not cyanide at all, as they sometimes say for the greater "glorification"), she was immediately taken to intensive care. Soviet doctors managed to save her, and she, together with her companions E. Zaritskaya (“Moneta”) and D. Gusyak (“Nyusya”), gave the Chekists the addresses of a total of 105 safe houses, three dozen of which were in Lvov.

Based on the testimony of these witnesses, as is clear from the documents of the MGB, by August 1950, 93 were arrested, 14 were recruited and 39 members of the nationalist underground were in development.

The connections of the bandit field stretched to the West …

Finally, we note that during the search in the rural house where Shukhevych and Didyk were hiding, according to the same MGB documents, a complete spyware-terrorist set was found: personal weapons, a radio receiver, a camera with photographic devices, fictitious documents of Shukhevych (in the name of Polevoy) and Didyk (in the name of Kulik), tools for making fictitious seals and stamps and a large number of these special equipment already made; ciphers and codes, OUN literature, records of the points and times of secret meetings, all kinds of medical instruments, as well as over 16,000 rubles. In addition, the operatives were interested in the secret OUN instruction "Osa-1" discovered during the search, instructions for legalized members of the OUN underground, instructions on organizing an information service in Ukrainian cities, and even Shukhevych's personal notes, which dealt with serious discrepancies between foreign The wire (then headed by S. Bandera) and the leadership of the underground in Western Ukraine (that is, by Shukhevych himself).

On top of that, the Chekists seized the parachutes of one of the courier groups that arrived to Shukhevych from abroad, which indicated an irrefutable connection between the Ukrainian gangster underground and Western intelligence services.

By the way, the Soviet special services would have been able to eradicate Banderaism in Ukraine much faster and much more radically if the bloody OUN terrorists had not been supported by all possible means by the "democratic" America and certain circles in West Germany, who in the 50s of the last century still dreamed of military revenge against the USSR

As you can see, history repeats itself. And the current last survivors of Bandera and Shukhevych could not have created their bloody Maidan in Kiev and carried out an armed coup if they had not relied on the support of the creators of Western, frankly, criminal geopolitics.
