Today, the anti-torpedoes of the Russian shipborne complex “Packet-NK” have the highest anti-torpedo potential in comparison with Western models, and thus ensure reliable defeat of attacking torpedoes.

Anti-torpedo AT complex "Packet-NK"

Anti-submarine small-sized torpedo MTT

Tests of a running counter-torpedo model at the Feodosiya training ground of the Navy, July 1998

Shot of the "Packet-NK" complex

Anti-torpedoes of foreign navies

Changing the appearance of the ship's anti-torpedo protection with the Sispider anti-torpedo in the process of development

Launching the anti-torpedo "Tripwire" from the aircraft carrier "George Bush"
Research into the possibility of effective destruction of attacking torpedoes by counter-torpedoes was launched at the State Scientific and Production Enterprise "Region" in the second half of the 80s of the last century. Their foundation was the vast experience in the development of high-precision, with high tactical and technical characteristics, homing systems (HSS) of high-speed aircraft anti-submarine missiles - APR-2, APR-3, which were highly appreciated not only in the naval aviation of the USSR Navy, but also abroad.
The development of digital technologies made it possible, in the second half of the 1980s, to raise the question of the possibility of high-precision guidance of a high-speed underwater weapon (anti-torpedo) at a high-speed small-sized object (attacking torpedo). At the same time, the customer set extremely stringent requirements for the reliability of solving the problem of anti-torpedo protection (PTZ). Fulfillment of these requirements (defeat of a torpedo by the criterion of "destruction of the hull") required a very high guidance accuracy and the use of a powerful warhead (warhead).
Initially, in the late 1980s, development was based on domestic digital microelectronics, and the first version of the anti-torpedo SSN was implemented on it with some restrictions that ensured a reliable solution to the problem of hitting a torpedo only from a submarine.
The development of microelectronics made it possible already in the early 1990s. to raise the question of the possibility of effective use of anti-torpedoes and for anti-torpedo protection of surface ships. Later it was implemented for the "Package-NK" complex (export version "Package-E").
Despite the difficult 1990s for Russia, the potential of the State Scientific and Production Enterprise "Region", under the leadership of General Director Shahidzhanov Y. S., was not only preserved, but also significantly developed. The world's first actual guidance of prototypes of anti-torpedoes at high-speed torpedo targets was made at the Feodosiya training ground of the Navy in 1998. It should be noted that these tests were carried out in extremely difficult hydrological conditions for the operation of anti-torpedo launchers. And nevertheless, the tests were successfully carried out with the provision of guidance to the torpedoes with high accuracy, which provided the requirement for TTZ "destruction of the hull" of the attacking torpedo.
Today, the "Package-NK" complex includes:
• small-sized anti-torpedo AT;
• small-sized torpedo to destroy MTT submarines;
• launcher;
• hydroacoustic station for detecting torpedoes and target designation;
• complex management system.
Complex "Packet-NK" has a modular design and great modernization potential. For several years now, the Russian Navy has included ships that have this unique weapon system.
It is of interest to compare the effectiveness of the "Package-NK" complex with similar products (complexes) from other countries. The development of active PTZ complexes with counter-torpedoes in the west was carried out in Germany - Sispider, USA - Tripwire, Italy and France - MU90HK.
The most successful were the developments of the US Navy, which ended in June 2014 with an impressive demonstration of the real solution to the PTZ problem of the newest aircraft carrier "George Bush" from the "Mk48" torpedoes.
Despite the fact that the real full tactical and technical characteristics of the US Navy's "Tripwire" counter-torpedo have not been disclosed, it should be assumed that the counter-torpedo will achieve high speed and range. The assumption is based on the fact that this counter-torpedo uses a unique and extremely complex power plant based on lithium fluoride with a closed-cycle turbine.
However, the main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the active PTZ complex is not the "tabular indicators" of products, but the reliability of solving the PTZ problem (destruction of the attacking torpedo). For all its excellent performance in terms of speed, range and compactness, "Tripwire" carries a very small warhead, and the layout chosen by the developers significantly limits the maneuverability of the torpedo.
Here it is necessary to emphasize once again, not only that from the very beginning of domestic development of counter-torpedoes, the customer rigidly raised the issue of ensuring a very high probability of damage to the attacking torpedo, but also that all the efforts of the developer (GNPP Region) were aimed at this, and ultimately these requirements were met.
The high complexity of solving the problem itself was most clearly manifested during the development of the active complex PTZ "Sispider" (Germany), when the developer, already at the final stage of development, during testing in real conditions and for real targets (torpedoes), faced the need to make very significant changes into the design of both the complex and the counter-torpedo itself (including those that deliberately limited the effectiveness from the originally planned level):
• the rejection of the “missile-type” launcher in favor of “firing under the side” from an inclined pneumatic launcher significantly limited the effective range (DEF) of destruction of torpedoes;
• the small (insufficient) mass of the warhead forced the developers to go for a solution that is unique for Western products - the use of a detonating rocket fuel engine (a similar solution was previously used on the Russian Igla missile defense system).
However, according to the information available in the media, the German developers did not manage to complete the development of the "Cispider" and bring the reliability of the solution of the PTZ problem to an acceptable level.
The statements of the Eurotorp consortium about solving the problem of the active PTZ with the MU90HK counter-torpedo at the moment seem to be more advertising, since there is no objective information about the actual tests. However, it should be noted that the weight and size indicators and tabular performance characteristics of the MU90HK are close to the MTT product of the “Packet-NK” complex, and with appropriate modifications, the MU90HK counter-torpedo can acquire its high anti-torpedo potential.
The development of means of active anti-torpedo protection at JSC "State Scientific and Production Enterprise" Region "continues, including along the path of creating small-sized products (ensuring their high efficiency) and in a number of other areas.
Thus, today the anti-torpedoes of the "Packet-NK" complex have the highest anti-torpedo potential in comparison with world analogues, ensuring reliable defeat of attacking torpedoes.
Anti-torpedo AT is designed to destroy torpedoes attacking the ship when the "Packet-NK" complex is operating in the anti-torpedo protection mode
324 mm
3108 mm
no more than 400 kg
Explosive mass in fuel cell
80 Kg
Travel speed
up to 25 m / s
Travel range
up to 1400 m
Homing system (SSN)
acoustic, active-passive
The range of the PRS
up to 400 m
Zone of destruction of the attacking torpedo
from 100 to 800 m
Conditions of combat use:
- minimum sea depth
40 m
- meteorological conditions
any (rain, snow, fog)
- sea agitation
6 points
- the speed of the carrier during the operation of the complex
up to 20 knots
- wind speed (from any direction)
up to 20 m / s
- outdoor temperature
from -40 ° С to + 45 ° С