20 questions to the experts of the departments determining the strategy for the development of small arms
The reason for asking questions is the lack of answers about the reasons for the destruction of the AK-47, the characteristics of which are given in the Brief Service Manual (edition 1949): "The 7.62 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle is a powerful automatic individual small arms."
As you know, the power of fire (weapon) is determined by the formula: M = E * n * p, where E is the energy of the bullet at the target, n is the rate of fire and p is the probability of hitting the target; in this case, the dimension (energy of the bullet impact on the target / time) indicates the amount of muzzle energy useful per unit of time.
In addition, muzzle energy is related to the probability of hitting through the ballistic coefficient (BC), which characterizes the ability of the bullet to maintain the direction of movement towards the target and depends on the combination of caliber, bullet weight and its initial velocity.

Question 1. Can it be denied that the probability of hitting a bullet depends on the quality of bringing the weapon to normal combat, that is, on the normal position of the front sight on the barrel?
Question 2. Can it be denied that as a result of bringing to a normal battle, the effect of the recoil of the weapon on the angle of departure and, consequently, on the dispersion of bullets is eliminated?
Question 3. Can it be denied that the parameters of accuracy and accuracy when firing single-handedly from machine guns of caliber 7, 62 and 5, 45 correspond to the uniform standards specified in the Manuals on Small Arms (NSD)?
Question 4. Can it be denied that the parameters of accuracy and accuracy of fire bursts from light machine guns of caliber 7, 62 and 5, 45 correspond to the uniform standards specified in the NSD?
Question 5. If the standards for the accuracy and accuracy of firing in bursts have not been established for machine guns, then why is the unknown of these parameters used to promote both the lack of advantages in the AK-12 and nonexistent disadvantages of the AK-47?
Question 6. Can it be denied that the BC of a bullet 7, 62 is higher than that of a bullet 5, 45, and that the low stability of the latter on the trajectory according to the report on state tests of the AK-74 leads to the possibility of ricochets even from light obstacles?
Question 7. How could a decrease in the BC of a bullet 5, 45 lead to smaller - in comparison with a bullet 7, 62 - probable deviations indicated in the firing tables?
Question 8. Why is the "Warrior", caught under bullets 7, 62, retaining lethal force at a distance of up to 1500 meters, is forced to return fire from AK-12 bullets 5, 45, retaining lethal force at a range of up to 1350 meters?
Question 9. If the AK-47 Quick Start Guide indicates the rate of fire of 600 rounds per minute, then why is the same rate indicated in the NSD on the AKM, which is equipped with a trigger retarder?
Question 10. Can it be denied that replacing the AK-47 with an AKM with a lower rate of fire is a clear neglect of such characteristics as the firing power and, therefore, the design principles laid down by V. G. Fedorov and A. A. Blagonravov?
Question 11. If GOST 28653-90 “Small arms. Terms and definitions "does not allow the substitution of the concept of" practical rate of fire "with the concept of" combat rate of fire ", then why is the meaningless term used in the NSD, lexicon and in correspondence?
Question 12. What is taught by the NSD, according to which the combat rate of fire when firing single shots from the RPK-74 can reach 50 rounds per minute, and from the AK-74 - only 40, despite the fact that the cycle time of the automation is the same?
Question 13. Can it be denied that the main reason for the emergence of automatic weapons was the desire to increase its power by increasing the rate of fire included in the formula, which depends on the reload time?
Question 14. Is it possible to deny the objectivity of the definition of the terms: "loading is bringing all the mechanisms of the weapon to the initial position before firing, and reloading is the restoration of the initial position of all mechanisms after the shot"?
Question 15. Can it be denied that the reloading of modern weapons is not fully automated, since the restoration of the initial position of the trigger mechanism (USM) provides the shooter when the trigger is released from the pressure?
Question 16. Why at the level of GOST 28653-90 creates the appearance of the existence of small arms with full automation of reloading (term 7)?
Question 17. What prevents the issuance and implementation of a tactical and technical requirement such as "Automate the process of preparing USM for a second shot" or "Ensure full automation of reloading of small arms"?
Question 18. Can it be denied that the restoration of the initial position of the trigger provides full automation of reloading according to V. G. Fedorov's definition: namely: for opening the bolt, ejecting the spent cartridge case, cocking the mainspring of the hammer or striker, introducing a new cartridge into the barrel chamber and locking the bolt; the shooter has only the job of aiming, pulling the trigger and changing the magazine or tape after using up the cartridges”?
Question 19. Can it be denied that reloading according to Fedorov opens an era of transition to small arms of a new type, capable of single fire with an extremely high rate of fire, which will depend only on pressing the cyclically returned trigger?
Question 20. Can Fedorov's idea be implemented by a potential adversary or any of our competitors in the arms market, if the intellectual property of the Russian Federation in this area does not have international legal protection?