Artificial intelligence recruits young scientists
It is no secret that for a long time we lagged behind the advanced Western countries in the development of robotics for defense needs. But in recent years, a serious breakthrough has been made. Today, the troops operate hundreds of different robotic devices capable of performing a wide variety of work - from aerial reconnaissance to making passes through minefields. Have all the problems been solved, what are the prospects? The head of the Main Research and Testing Center for Robotics of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Sergei Popov, answered these questions.
- Sergey Anatolyevich, how has the situation changed with the development of robotics in the defense department? There is a single body that is responsible for this direction?
- The situation has changed dramatically. If earlier this issue was dealt with separately by various departments and organizations, and without a single clear plan, now the Main Research and Testing Center for Robotics of the Ministry of Defense has been created. It was formed on the basis of a government order dated February 15, 2014.
- What caused it?
- The armies of foreign states are betting on promising means of armed struggle, including military robotics. The geography of its application is already quite extensive. These are Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria … Unmanned aircraft are used in all modern armed conflicts. This makes it necessary to build up our combat potential through the creation of qualitatively new means. One of the promising areas is automation based on military robotics technologies.
The main goal of our center is to conduct applied research and testing related to the development of military-purpose robotic systems (RTK). That is, we have been assigned the functions of the head research organization of the Ministry of Defense in this area.
- Perhaps the answer is on the surface, but why do we need military robotics if no one is better than a soldier and an officer to complete a combat mission?
- It all depends on the specific situation. Agree: why risk your lives when clearing minefields in a combat situation under enemy fire, if a robot is successfully coping with this. I'm not talking about reconnaissance and observation of the terrain over the territory of the enemy.
The practical need for equipping the Armed Forces with robotics is determined based on the predictable nature of prospective wars and armed conflicts, taking into account the specific tasks being solved, which are characterized by the following main features:
-high risk to human life and health;
-significant complexity and laboriousness of implementation;
-great responsibility for the results.
Simply put, robots can reduce combat losses and maximize the efficiency of completing missions as intended.
- You said that the situation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with robotization has changed dramatically, the Main Research and Testing Center for Robotics has been created. And what other measures are being held in the Ministry of Defense for the robotization of the army?
- Much had to start almost from scratch. But at the moment in our department:
-developed a concept for the use of military-grade RTK;
-developed a comprehensive target program "Creation of promising military robotics until 2025";
-under the leadership of the minister, the Commission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the development of such complexes is working;
-the state military standards are being developed that establish uniform requirements for military robotics and regulatory and technical documents;
-organized work to equip landfills and test centers;
-training of specialists on new and promising models of military robotics in the vocational education system of the Ministry of Defense and at industrial enterprises that develop and manufacture RTC.
As you can see, the foundation is good.
- What exactly is meant by robotization of the Armed Forces?

- It is an integral part of the overall process of improving the quality level of weapons and military equipment that meet the requirements of the information age. This direction is regarded as one of the most important in improving and qualitatively updating the forms and methods of solving combat missions, technical and logistical support, including medical support.
In scientific terms, the robotization of the Armed Forces is understood as a complex of interrelated organizational and military-technical measures aimed at mastering deserted or sparsely populated military technologies that ensure the complete or partial exclusion of personnel when solving combat and other tasks associated with danger to life and health. … I repeat: one of the main goals is to reduce combat losses, the level of injury and occupational diseases of servicemen.
As for other tasks, these are:
- imparting a new quality to the armament and advanced weapons and military equipment;
-expansion of the functionality of the soldier;
-reduction of the negative influence of the human factor on the effectiveness of the confrontation by automating the most responsible, labor-intensive and dangerous operations.
Thanks to the implementation of the state defense order and the State Armament Program, it is now possible to master and actively apply a wide range of ground, sea and air military robots.
Since 2011, the number of unmanned aerial vehicles alone in the Armed Forces has increased ninefold, ground robots - threefold, and naval robots - fourfold. The participation of UAVs in the anti-terrorist operation of the Aerospace Forces in the Syrian Arab Republic can be cited as successful examples of the use of robotics. UAVs are actively involved in the search for illegal gangs. Ground-based RTKs are used for demining in the North Caucasus.

At the present stage of technical development, the engineering troops are using the latest robotic systems. For example, "Uran-6", designed to clean the area from antipersonnel mines and explosive objects, "Uran-14" - to extinguish fires. These RTKs were also used in the Center-2015 strategic command and staff exercise: they took part in practical demining at the Donguz and Ashuluk ranges.
After the completion of military tests of robotic demining and fire-extinguishing systems, all formations and training centers of the engineering troops will be equipped with them.
Development work is currently underway, new generation RTKs are being tested. Already this year, a number of them will go to the troops.
Thus, military robots are intended primarily for solving tasks of combat (operational), technical and logistic support of troops' actions in conditions when the use of crew, manned and manned vehicles is impossible or impractical. High automation of control, the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies make it possible to achieve fundamentally new tactical and technical characteristics that are inaccessible to manned (crew) means,to minimize the loss of personnel and to remove the associated restrictions on the forms and methods of using traditional forces.
- And yet a robot is still an exotic thing in the mass understanding. Let's explain what the RTK consists of. What other examples can you give as an example?
- A military robot is a collection of functionally related elements. In particular:
base media - this can be any chassis configuration designed for use in various environments;
specialized attachment (built-in) equipment in the form of a set of removable payload (target) load modules;
means of support and maintenance used in preparation for use and technical operation of the robot.
The composition of specialized equipment is established based on the functional purpose of the robot and may include:
- intelligence equipment;
-navigation devices;
-special technological equipment;
-means of telecommunications;
-specialized computers with software and algorithmic support;
-means of radio electronic warfare;
- protective equipment.
In addition, as you understand, any robot requires provision and maintenance. That is, you need:
-dispatching office for management, control and information processing;
-means of delivery, transportation, launch (start);
-means of equipment, refueling, charging;
-complex for training specialists;
-set of guidance documents;
- a set of spare parts.
No matter how smart and autonomous the robot is, it cannot do without human participation.

"Uran-6" is designed to clean the area from antipersonnel mines and explosives
At a military scientific conference on robotics in Patriot Park, held on February 10 by the Ministry of Defense, samples used in the Armed Forces were presented and initiative developments were shown for the first time. In addition to the aforementioned "Uranus", unmanned aerial vehicles "Eleron" and "Orlan-10" were demonstrated there. Of the dozens of models developed by the defense industry enterprises on an initiative basis, it is worth mentioning the mobile autonomous robotic all-terrain system for escorting infantry "MARS A-800". Among the exhibits were new UAVs, including ultralight tactical echelons, mobile robotic platforms with high cross-country ability. Many have unique performance characteristics. In total, more than 150 samples and technologies were exhibited, over 950 participating specialists took part. And the number of visitors to the event almost doubled expectations. The conference was conceived as a specialized discussion platform for discussing robotization issues and became the first large-scale event on this topic, which brought together the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, representatives of law enforcement agencies, the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation, research organizations, and defense industry enterprises in one hall.
As for the problems, a systematic approach to the robotization of the Armed Forces will bring the capabilities of the military-industrial complex into line with the requirements of the Ministry of Defense for military-purpose RTKs. The issue is being successfully resolved. There is a comprehensive target program "Robotization-2025", approved by the Minister of Defense in October 2014. It facilitates effective coordination of research in our field.
- In your opinion, what areas of scientific research are most relevant for robotics?
- At this stage, it is of particular importance to conduct comprehensive large-scale studies to determine the place and role of robotics in the future weapons system of the army. It is important to develop promising forms and methods of combat use, the composition of robotic formations.
- Do you control this process?
- Visits of the working groups of our center to industrial enterprises for the selection of proposals and the implementation of projects will have a planned and regular character. For this, a register of manufacturers specializing in the creation of samples and technologies of military robotics is being developed.
As for the consideration and examination of initiative projects, a scientific and technical council was created in the Main Center, which included leading experts in the field of military robotics, including 15 doctors and 18 candidates of science.
- What is the Main Center for Military Robotics to work on in the near future?
- The work front is quite extensive. The most in demand is the creation of a scientific and methodological apparatus for substantiating tasks for the solution of which it is advisable to involve robots. The formation of a multipurpose integrated system for modeling the appearance and virtual testing of promising RTKs and military systems, the construction of a methodological apparatus for substantiating a rational nomenclature and the required number of robots, the formation of a life cycle management concept, in particular a system of technical operation based on integrated logistic support, is urgent. A separate big issue is the creation of a system of education and training of specialists in military robots.
To implement these areas, the Main Center has, I emphasize once again, a highly professional scientific potential of military personnel and civilian personnel. A close-knit team of young scientists dedicated to the military robotics business has been formed. All this allows us to solve the assigned tasks and look with confidence in the future.