Information war brought trillions of dollars to the United States with minimal losses
Analysis of events in the world over the past 25 years allows us to conclude that information wars are inevitable. Moreover, an escalation of such confrontations is observed and predicted.
The First World War was attended by 25 countries with a population of the opposing states of 1 billion 474 million. All of humanity in 1914 numbered 1 billion 700 million. In four years, 21.5 million people have been killed - 1.46 percent of the belligerent countries or 1.3 percent of the world's population. The Second World War involved 55 countries with a population of 1 billion 892 million. In total, 2 billion 200 million lived on Earth. In six years, 71 million people have been killed - 3.71 percent of the population of the belligerent countries, or 3.2 percent of humanity. That is, population losses have more than doubled. In our time, this factor is even more important. The first reason for information wars is the need to continue the fight for world leadership without the massive use of conventional weapons and minimizing the likelihood that the enemy will resort to weapons of mass destruction.
Gop-stop across Europe
Beginning in the 15th century, the enrichment of the West took place at the expense of the colonies. Internal contradictions were smoothed out by the cheap raw materials and free labor that came from there. Today the West faces a choice: to solve the problem of a shortage of hydrocarbons, forests, drinking water, etc. at the expense of other states or for its own, limiting itself. This creates aggressiveness and unpredictability. The opinion is imposed on the world community that natural resources are divided unfairly. But as the West understands perfectly well, it will be necessary to redistribute or, more precisely, “squeeze out” these riches in a peaceful way, so as not to harm them, not to destroy them.
"In the near future, controlled chaos, under certain conditions, may cover Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan."
Growing competition puts transnational corporations in front of the need to oust adversaries from the countries where the largest investments have been made, in order to nullify these investments, but without major destruction of infrastructure. The oligarchic business, which belongs to about one percent of the world's population, is especially interested in eliminating competitors and capturing new markets. As you know, only 80 families control more than half of the world's wealth.
Information wars are necessary to cover up the uncontrolled printing of money and, above all, the US currency in the required volume in order to maintain the exchange rate ("weight") in order to ensure the possibility of buying up enterprises in any state without the use of violence. The cost of producing a $ 100 bill is 12 cents. Thus, the seigniorage for the issue of one such banknote is 99 dollars 88 cents. It is appropriate to recall the common American aphorism: "The dollar is our currency and your problems."
The West needs to constantly create hotbeds of instability in various parts of the world to meet the needs of the military-industrial complex. The sale of weapons is carried out at low prices, and then there is dependence on the supply of ammunition to it, spare parts, on repair, maintenance and disposal, on training. States and populations in areas of instability are excluded from international politics and cooperation. Regions of instability (controlled chaos) have been created over the past two decades, in which about 500 million people live. These are the majority of the CIS countries, North Africa, Central Europe, and the Middle East. Ukraine has become a zone of instability. In the near future, controlled chaos, under certain conditions, may engulf Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.
Mitigation of crises, ensuring a way out of them with the least losses, and sometimes with great profits, especially for the United States and other NATO countries, has always occurred due to the outbreak of wars, including information wars. During the First World War, the value of US exports more than tripled - from $ 2.4 billion in 1914 to $ 7.9 billion in 1919. The total net profit of the American monopolies during this period was more than 34 billion. World War II helped the United States cope with the Great Depression and seize economic leadership. At a time when Europe and Asia were ravaged by war, the United States, on the other hand, had economic growth - GDP more than doubled. The number of industrial enterprises built during this period amounted to more than 12,600, the share of the United States in the world manufacturing industry increased by 4, 3 times. In six years, the profits of overseas corporations reached $ 116.8 billion. Therefore, American historians consider the First and Second World Wars in Europe to be good for the United States. The Third World War and the collapse of the socialist system, as a result, provided the United States with an inflow of more than a trillion dollars, hundreds of thousands of highly qualified specialists, over 500 tons of highly enriched uranium, and other valuable materials and technologies.

The consistent movement of the United States towards sole global domination requires the constant creation of controlled chaos (revolutionary situation) around the world. The foundations of the hegemony of the United States are laid in the doctrine proclaimed by the fifth American President, James Monroe, on December 2, 1823, in his annual message to Congress. Proceeding from this, the interests of the United States are global and therefore they will interfere in the events taking place everywhere, anywhere, by any means.
Building a global liberal society subordinate to the interests of the United States and the West denies the existence of sovereignties. The task is to divide large states into smaller ones by conducting "soft (velvet, colored) revolutions", since it is much easier and simpler to manage the limitrophes in their own interests. As a result of the collapse of the USSR, 15 new states were formed, as a result of the collapse of Yugoslavia - six. Three or four of them may appear on the territory of Libya, similarly - in Syria and Ukraine.
Without traditional wars with the use of conventional means of destruction, the seizure of huge amounts of money and other funds, exported by the leaders of a number of states abroad, can take place. So, after the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, a wave of robberies of Libya's bank assets swept across all Western countries at the signal of Barack Obama. The total amount of assets arrested in March 2011 approached 170 billion dollars. Although Gaddafi owned less than 20 percent of these funds, the rest was owned by various Libyan organizations. A similar decision was made by the United States in April 2014 with regard to Viktor Yanukovych. For the search and seizure of the assets of the fourth president of Ukraine, the US government has allocated a million dollars.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, a former national security adviser in the administration of US President James Carter, said: “I don't see a single situation in which Russia will use its nuclear potential. She can have as many nuclear suitcases as she wants. But since $ 500 billion of the Russian elite lies in our banks, you still have to figure it out: is it your elite or already ours? According to expert estimates, over the post-Soviet period, about two trillion dollars have been accumulated under foreign jurisdictions in Russia. Creation of conditions for the outflow of capital from the zones of controlled chaos to the “safe haven” is one of the goals of the information war. It is clear that only the United States can be a “safe haven”. The American economy is designed to collect tribute from all over the world.
Progress in the service of the aggressor
Today we are witnessing a rapid increase in the number of means of influencing the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person in order to control his behavior. More than 560 years have passed since the first such tool, the book, appeared. During this period, the corresponding arsenal has expanded significantly. Before the First World War, there were a little more than 10 means of influencing a person. Leaflets and a telegraph were the main ones. During the Second World War, radio and sound broadcasting was added to them. During the operation of the multinational forces against Iraq to liberate Kuwait in January-February 1991, 25 means and technologies of information-psychological impacts on the enemy army and the population of the country were used. This made it possible to solve the set task with minimal losses - less than a thousand people (148 of them were Americans). For every member of the multinational force killed, one hundred Iraqis were killed. In 2003, the losses of the coalition in the same theater of operations amounted to 172 people, in the war against Yugoslavia in 1999 there were practically none. The current psychological attitudes that exist in the United States and Europe exclude great casualties in the conduct of hostilities.

The hegemony of the West in the field of nano-, bio-, information and telecommunication technologies, science in general creates even more favorable conditions for waging information wars. Any state is vulnerable to them. It does not matter whether it is economically strong or not very strong, large or small, democratic or dictatorial, has nuclear weapons or not. In a “victim” state, you can quickly create a revolutionary situation through the complex use of a variety of information tools and impact technologies.
The reluctance of the majority of the US and NATO military personnel to die for someone else's interests, since the results of wars go to completely different persons, most often big business, as well as the growth of anti-militarist sentiments in the United States, Europe, Japan lead, as the Americans say, to a lack of boots in infantry. Therefore, the West is trying to form international coalitions. A striking example is the actions of the United States in Afghanistan in the period from March 2002 to the present. The Americans and their allies are keen to avoid casualties. Therefore, they did not conduct offensive operations, did not block the Pakistani border through which the supply of the Taliban went, and did not actually defend the territory of Afghanistan from them. Who will go on the attack is the most important question in the United States and NATO in modern conditions. Unsurprisingly, the United States dumped Georgia in 2008. The same can be done with Ukraine. And in the long term, this will be one of the characteristic features of American politics.
At present, the level of development of intelligence, information-technical and information-psychological means and technologies of influence, methods and forms of their use, makes it possible to wage wars without mass destruction of the population, state infrastructure facilities, the death of US and Western military personnel in order to achieve the set goals - political, economic, territorial, military.
That is, initially there was an orator (agitator, preacher), then - a book, leaflet, newspaper, magazine, telegraph, telephone, sound broadcasting, cinema, then radio, television, now - the Internet, satellite and cellular communications, computer games, electronic money and dr. It became possible to fully manipulate the consciousness and subconsciousness of both a person and society as a whole in real time, anywhere on the Earth. As a result - millions of zombies, with whom you can do whatever you want. Sculpt his behavior like dough, on this basis, rule society in the right direction, and therefore the state or even the whole world.