
There have been many disputes for a long time and are still going on with us about who is Russian. Different answers were given to this question. And F. M. Dostoevsky, in the century before last, defined: "Russian means Orthodox." And indeed: people are selected into the people not by blood and place of birth, but by their soul. And the soul of the Russian people (even those people who do not yet know the Gospel and are not churchgoers, but sometimes for themselves unconsciously carry Christ in their hearts) is Orthodox.
Let us recall our Empresses, German by birth, but truly Russian, Orthodox to their liking. Let's remember the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. How many Russians could compare in Russianness with her, born of a German woman and on the Russian Land embodied the image of the noble Russian princesses who have long since sunk into oblivion?
For the past century of hard times, nothing has essentially changed. And today an example of true Russianness and faith is given to us by an amazing woman - Margarita Seidler.
She was born on August 15, 1971 in East Germany, in the city of Wittenberg-Lutherstadt. She graduated with honors from the gymnasium, studied English, French, Latin, a little worse and Spanish and Italian, and later Russian. She worked as a nurse in the field of traumatology, an ambulance driver, a rescuer … Both of her grandfathers fought in the Wehrmacht. Her parents, although they themselves were baptized in Protestantism, did not baptize their daughter. “My dad was baptized in Protestantism, although all his life he insisted that he did not believe in God,” said Margarita in an interview [1]. - He has seen enough of what is happening in the Protestant Church, where, among other things, you have to regularly pay something like a tax to be a member. And he gave up on this church. Mom, on the contrary, always insisted that she believed in God, but she never went to church, she didn’t tell me anything about God.
When I was 17-18 years old, I experienced the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain in general. Then I did not understand the essence of this event. She was young, had seen enough of Western TV channels and thought that there was almost heaven on earth: you can go on vacation where you want, to foreign countries, to explore them. I thought that there in the West it is very beautiful and, probably, they eat very tasty and there are good things there. I treated this event as a material person. But I soon found out that everything is by no means as good as it was thought. It turned out that everything had rotted under the beautiful packaging of the Western world. I was faced with unemployment, with a sharp increase in drug addiction and, of course, everything that we did not know rushed to us like a dirty wave. Where I grew up, there was a huge chemical plant that gave jobs to thousands of people, it closed, everyone lost their jobs, including my brother.
I decided to move to West Germany, got a job as a nurse, but even the medical staff was drastically reduced. She moved to a small picturesque town in the Alps, where she worked for eight years as a nurse, an ambulance driver, became interested in extreme sports, looking for the meaning of life in this. For several years I did this, but after these classes I always felt emptiness. The soul was thirsty for something, but did not know what else … And although I had a huge number of friends, but at some point I realized that in a spiritual sense I was standing in front of an abyss and did not know what to do. I felt that God exists, but I did not know how to come to Him. I decided to go to a Catholic church for Easter. I must say, I got out of it without consolation, something oppressed my soul, I decided not to go there anymore. I thought what to do. I found a Protestant church, went there, but I felt even worse, I felt that these people were even more distant from the true God, and decided not to go there either. In sects or Eastern religions, as it has become very fashionable in the West now, thank God, I was never drawn, the Lord kept me. At that time she knew nothing about Orthodoxy and began to pray at home in her own words: “Lord, help me find the right path, the true Church. How to go to You, I do not know."
I remember that in 1998 I went to Turkey and there I met Orthodox Ukrainians who had lived in Munich for 20 years. We became friends, and I complained: "I can't find a way to God, I don't know what to do." They began to tell me about the history of the Church, Orthodoxy, where Catholicism and Protestantism came from, and I became very interested. Upon my return to Germany, I begged them to take me with them to their church, but they dissuaded me, referring to the fact that it would be hard for me, that I did not know the language: fast".
It so happened that on the eve of the Holy Week of Great Lent, I went to an Orthodox service for the first time. It was by no means a colorful Orthodox church, there were no golden domes, beautiful icons, the singing also did not attract anything special, there was not even an iconostasis. The fact is that in the city of Munich, the Orthodox community of the Resurrection of Christ, due to the lack of its own, rented an empty church from the Catholics, because they are leaving their church en masse. When the priest came out with the holy Life-giving Cross, everyone knelt down. I felt embarrassed and thought that, probably, I also need to kneel down, which I did. In that moment, something happened to me. I can only say that at that very moment the Lord showed me that He is, that He is right here, in this Church. Afterwards I felt great grace, I felt that the Lord loved me, was waiting for me and that I needed to radically change my way of life, I felt how dirty I am, how sinful I am, that I live completely wrong. I realized that I had finally found what I had been looking for for so long. Since then, I began to regularly go to this church, I begged the priest to baptize me. He said, "Wait, first make sure this is really what you want." So a whole year of testing passed.
When my father finally baptized me in 1999, I began to make pilgrimages across Holy Russia, I wanted to know the will of God. I saw that morally and morally Europe is falling lower and lower. I really did not like the regular gay pride parades that are held in major cities in Germany, including Munich. A crowd of thousands of people comes out, which greets them, sings and dances with them. It frightened me, I didn’t understand many things yet, but I understood it. I was not happy with euthanasia, which is actually murder and suicide at the same time. Not satisfied with juvenile justice, propaganda of perverts, and much of the like. This is the path further and further into the underworld. We got to same-sex marriages, adoption of children in such “marriages”. In Norway, we are talking about the legalization of pedophilia. Recently, a bill to legalize incest was filed in Germany. I think they will gradually reach even the point of cannibalism.
These are all very terrible things, so I could not find a place for myself, especially after pilgrimages in Holy Russia. I had the good fortune to meet the great elders, with Archpriest Nikolai Guryanov, whom I love and respect very much. We visited him on the Talabsk island. I asked: “What is the will of God? How can I be saved, stay in Germany or move to Holy Russia? " He clearly said, "Yes, move." He even blessed the monastery. Then I was in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, and Archimandrite Naum told me the same thing. A year later, I had the good fortune to get to the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra, met the elder Schema-Archimandrite Dimitri, he also blessed me to move.
Of course, it was hard to get out of there, because in the Western world a person is very attached, as if in claws. He pledges himself there with different insurances: for a car, for medicine, for absolutely everything. And, unfortunately, I am also tied up in the same insurance. This is a type of pension fund, a contract for 30 years. They didn’t want to let me out of this contract, I told them: “Sorry, I cannot wait 30 years to go to a monastery. I don't know if I will live or not. " They answer: "This is your problem, you signed up, then you are obliged, the only way out is death." This is how they detain and confuse a person, especially through loans."
The newly converted Christian went on a pilgrimage to Holy Russia, looking for an answer to the question of how to please God, how to live: found an Orthodox family or live a monastic way of life, repent. By that time, she had already learned the Church Slavonic language, which became her favorite. The Spiritual Motherland called its newfound daughter to itself. During the pilgrimage, Margarita discovered for herself the true sources of spirituality, real devotees of piety, holiness, which has long disappeared in Europe. This became a revelation and great happiness for her. After everything she saw and learned, it was boring and hard to stay in her native Germany, where there was no one to even talk to about spiritual topics, and all conversations were reduced to material - a career, money, cars, clothes …
Nevertheless, returning after the pilgrimage, Margarita lived there for another three years, wanted to learn to be a surgeon, but the Pochaev schema-archimandrite Dimitri warned that if she went to college, she would never come to Russia again. Seidler listened to the elder's advice. In 2002, she left Germany and moved to Ukraine, where she lived in a monastery for six years. She did not receive the blessing to be tonsured. Her confessor explained to her that it is possible to live in the world as a nun, and in the Kingdom of Heaven one can become worthy of tonsure. Thanks to him, Margarita realized that “tonsure is not the most important thing in life, but the most important thing is to live a decent Christian life, which is what I try to do” [2].
After leaving the monastery, Seidler settled in Kiev, where she was invited to work by the head of the "People's Council of Ukraine" Igor Druz, whom they met during the all-Ukrainian procession, which began in Pochaev. Igor Mikhailovich discerned the talent of a journalist in Margarita. Despite the fact that even at school she loved to write and constantly won literary competitions, after so many years, the advice to engage in journalism was unexpected for her. However, the confessor blessed Seidler on this path, which opened a new page in her destiny.
As an assistant to I. M. Druzya, Margarita participated in the organization of religious processions, worked in the office of the "People's Cathedral", wrote articles. This continued until February 2014 …
“All the events of the Maidan took place in front of my eyes,” Seidler said in an interview with RIA Ivan-Chai. - It was very scary, sad. Our organization then actively supported the Berkut people. We collected donations, humanitarian aid, fire extinguishers, because they were attacked, they were pelted with Molotov cocktails. People died en masse, but, thank God, we still managed to call the respected priest, who gave them communion before the bloodiest event. About 150 people from Berkut received communion then. Of course, Father also supported them morally, saying that "you are standing here for the people, not for some president, you are protecting the people from the raging crowd."
Unfortunately, later we were forced to leave Kiev, when Bandera's forces were already seizing power in a violent, bloody way. By the way, the office of our organization was located in the city center, not far from the government quarter. And Bandera violently seized our office. It is great happiness that I was not there that day. I can say that several times there were such cases that this raging crowd - about a thousand people, the so-called protesters - walked right under the office windows, shouted (I was so embarrassed then, of course, frightened, looked at them): in helmets, with sticks and shields in their hands, with terrible black and red flags, with fascist symbols. They shouted their famous slogans "death to the Muscovites!" etc. I thought, "Lord have mercy," if they now storm the building, what will happen. I relied on the will of God, and, thank God, they passed by. But we still had to leave there”[3].
According to Margarita, the sight of the Maidan reminded her of “a horror movie - burnt facades of houses, rubbish, a terrible atmosphere. The holy city of Kiev, the mother of Russian cities and Orthodoxy, was turned into a trash heap and a breeding ground for fascism …”. In the seized office of the "People's Council" was placed the women's hundred of the Maidan. The employees of the organization, who harshly criticized the ongoing rage, faced a real threat of arrest, and, perhaps, physical harm. The Maidanites, like their spiritual predecessors in 1917, did not stand on ceremony with the "enemies of the revolution". Suffice it to recall how a crowd with bats that descended on the office of the Party of Regions lynched an ordinary clerk who had entered into negotiations on its steps, and then burned down the building itself.
Together with her comrades-in-arms in the "People's Council" Margarita Seidler went to Sevastopol, which they all considered the last border protecting from fascism, and joined the ranks of self-defense of the Crimea under the leadership of Igor Strelkov. “In Sevastopol, I saw believers and militant people who would never surrender,” she recalled in an interview with Elena Tyulkina. - In Crimea, the people's militias, the people's detachments, were very quickly formed, which protected the Russian people from the attack of the Banderevites. Under the leadership of a public figure and editor-in-chief of the Orthodox newspaper Rusichi, Pavel Butsai, we traveled all over Crimea and all checkpoints with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Sovereign” [4].
Since I. M. Druz foresaw the impending civil war ahead of time, then both he and his comrades-in-arms had time to undergo training with firearms. Margarita was no exception. She was ready to defend her new homeland with arms in hand. “When the Orthodox faith and the Fatherland are in danger. Then I even consider it a sin to simply fold my hands and say: “Well, I am a believer, a pacifist, I cannot take up arms,” explained yesterday's German woman in an interview with RIA-Novosti. - And history teaches us that our Orthodox ancestors have always defended their families, the Russian people from enemies - from external and internal.
We see that there are such saints as the Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, who won by faith, prayer and arms. If he had not taken up arms, I don’t know if Russia would have existed now. Or the holy Reverend Sergius of Radonezh, before the battle on the Kulikovo field, even blessed two of his monarchs for the battle. According to the charter, of course, a monk - what right does he have to take up arms? But Russia, the Orthodox faith could perish once and for all at the hands of Mamai and his horde. And we see what a feat then Schema-monk Peresvet performed with the blessing of Sergius of Radonezh: he knew that he would die in this battle, but sacrificed himself to save the Fatherland”[5].
It was this understanding of the duty of an Orthodox person and love for the Russian land and its people that did not allow Margarita to stay in the cozy and already Russian Sevastopol at the moment when blood was poured in the Donbass and rushed to Slavyansk.
“I am not attached, and that is probably why I decided to take this step,” she explained in an interview with RIA Ivan-Chai. - If I had children, I would not undertake this, because the first duty of a woman is, of course, to raise and educate her children. And I am free, I have no family, I am only responsible for myself if I die, for example, in battle, or a shell just falls on my head, and I will no longer be in this world … It's not so scary. I always think that my feat is much less than the feat of those men who left their families with several children and went to defend their homeland. Much higher is their feat, because they have something to lose, but I do not.
Well, of course, it would be very sorry for my mother, she remained in Germany. She never wanted to move here. Although even in times of peace, I invited her many times. But, of course, it is clear from the Western media that they tried to present Russia and Ukraine in a terrible way, that not people live there, that it is impossible to live there. She had seen enough of all this, believed, and therefore did not want to come here. And it would be hard for her to know that I was dead. All the will of God. And I think that the most important thing is to fulfill your duty and get into the Kingdom of Heaven”[6].
Seidler said nothing to her mother about her decision, not wanting to worry her. She went to Slavyansk alone with a girl from Kiev. Upon arrival in the city, she was most struck by the attitude of the civilian population towards the militias. People treated their defenders with sincere love and respect. A woman approached Margarita on the street, thanked her with tears in her eyes, hugging and kissing. “Win, win!” She said. Others were encouraging. By the time Seidler arrived, there was no more water in Sloviansk, and two days later the electricity also disappeared, part of the residential quarters had already been partially destroyed by incessant shelling, the number of casualties multiplied every day. I had to sleep on the floor, on mattresses, and spend the night in bomb shelters.
“There were cases,” she recalled, “when shells exploded next to me, glass vibrated in the windows,“and I simply prayed: Lord, may your will be done and everything is in your hands. I thought maybe the next shell would hit the building where I am. But I was confident that without the will of God, a hair would not fall from my head. Well, if it's already time - God knows better than me … I always tried to pray in my own words. The situation was such that there was no time to pray for a long time, read akathists, of course. In Slavyansk, where we often spent nights in a bomb shelter, we could not sleep peacefully. But it was there that I felt that we became like one big family. It was very comforting. We helped each other, there was no suspicion or alienation between us”[7].
Upon arrival in the city, Margarita wrote a short note about her impressions:
“I am in Slavyansk, at the headquarters of Igor Strelkov, Minister of Defense of the DPR. Thank God, they accepted me as a militia. I thought well about my act, and simply could not sit still and watch as the Ukrainian fascists destroy the civilian population of Donbass just because people do not want to live under the fascist yoke! My friends tried to dissuade me, but my soul felt - no, no need to give in, you need to go and help, not sparing yourself. Moreover, the respected Orthodox elder blessed me.
I come from Germany - from a country that itself was under the fascist yoke and itself suffered from it, and caused such great grief to other peoples! We must clearly understand that the current outbreak of fascism has its roots not in Ukraine, but again in Germany, in Western Europe, in the United States. Ukrfascism was cultivated artificially, deliberately and diligently! And they financed it. Suffice it to recall the policy of the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel, about her support for the fascist coup in Kiev.
Almost 150 years ago, Prince Otto von Bismarck argued that Russia is virtually invincible, but he developed a way to defeat Russia: it is necessary to divide the single great Russian people, separate the Little Russians from the Great Russians, create the myth of "Ukrainians", tear these people from their roots, from their history, and sow hatred between them. Over the past hundred years, Western governments have been very diligent in carrying out this special task, and, unfortunately, very successfully. Now we are seeing the sad fruits of these efforts …
Back in Germany, I was categorically against fascism, grieving that some of my ancestors fought against the Russians. After my baptism into Orthodoxy, I often went to the Orthodox Church in honor of the Resurrection of Christ, which is located on the territory of the former Munich concentration camp - Dachau. There one of the greatest saints of our time languished in prison: St. Nicholas of Serbia. It was there that he wrote his great work against fascism: "Through the window of the dungeon." I could not have thought then that history would repeat itself, that again the snake of fascism would raise its vile head! But, I am sure, with God's help, we will step on this head and trample it!
It is also necessary to understand that here the struggle is against Orthodoxy, and not simply against its own people. Therefore, the head of the SBU Nalyvaichenko said that Orthodox fanatics and extremists are fighting here, who must be destroyed. The sworn "friend" of Russia Brzezinski made about the same statement. And now our Orthodox churches are being purposefully fired upon. In Slavyansk, you can see a ruined chapel near the church of St. St. Seraphim of Sarov … My soul bleeds!
It never ceases to amaze me that, despite the daily shelling of the city, life here goes on as usual, shops, a market are open, people are walking calmly along the streets. Of course, the population has become smaller than it was, but still there are a lot of people who remain. Especially pleasing to the eye was the banner with the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands on the roof of the city administration building. As Schema-Archimandrite Raphael (Berestov) said: The DPR militias are fighting for Christ and with Christ, and whoever gives his life in this struggle will reach the Kingdom of Heaven even without the ordeal!
There are certain problems with the water supply. Water is brought from wells, the water pipes are cut off. Electricity is periodically cut off. But, all this is tolerable. And the Slavic people generously endure, many do not want to leave here, they are already accustomed to the military situation.
The militias told me that despite the so-called. truce from the side of the Ukrainian authorities every day, especially at night, shelling the city. I was personally convinced of this: I spent my first night in Slavyansk in a bomb shelter, almost all night long "dill" fired at the city with heavy artillery. And today, in broad daylight, the explosions seemed to sound very close. But, I'm not afraid of anything, because God is with us!
Today, important information has been received that a large-scale attack on the city with heavy artillery is planned, and in the area of Krasny Liman, punishers will unload a large amount of chemical ammunition. We must prepare, gas masks have been distributed to everyone. T. N. The "truce" by the dill was constantly violated, and now they do not intend to observe it.
The forces of the militias are limited, and urgent assistance from the Russian Federation is needed, assistance with armored vehicles, weapons, and best of all, urgently bring in an armed peacekeeping contingent. We hope for God's help and the prudence of Vladimir Putin!"
A German volunteer in besieged Slavyansk immediately became a kind of sensation for the media. Many newspapers and Internet portals wrote about her, and there were also stories on television. Seidler, who was going to devote herself to helping the wounded in accordance with her first profession, was left at the headquarters by the decision of her superiors - to engage in information work.
The militias accepted the volunteer as a sister and treated her with great respect. Talking about them in an interview with the Internet portal Svobodnaya Pressa, Margarita testified: “The backbone of the militia is still Orthodox people, with clear, firm, moral, moral foundations, like the Minister of Defense himself, Igor Strelkov. There are atheists, there are people who belong to different confessions. We all fought together for one thing: against fascism. There weren't just arguments or quarrels over religions or anything else. Basically, the militias, the composition of the militia consists of local residents, not only from the Donetsk region, no, but from all over Ukraine: from Western Ukraine, from Kiev, from Zhytomyr and Mariupol regions, Odessa, from all sides. There are also Russians who come. There are many people from Crimea. And very few, somehow I just don't know where this information comes from, they say that there are many Chechens there. Well, there are very few of them. In Slavyansk, to be honest, I haven't even seen a single one. And there is also such a myth, unfortunately, that it is mainly Russian mercenaries who are fighting there. I have not seen any of the mercenaries. I mean, all the militias, what they have, they provide everything for themselves: uniforms and shoes, and so on. I saw the militias standing in the trenches in shoes because they don't even have ankle boots. Salaries still do not receive a penny, they stand there all day for their Motherland, to defend their Motherland, their family and the Orthodox faith, among other things, too. Because here is the head of Nalyvaichenko, he clearly stated that there are Orthodox fanatics in the trenches, and therefore it is necessary to fight the Orthodox Church and destroy churches, which, unfortunately, they are doing diligently. In Slavyansk, I myself had to see a destroyed church, a chapel in honor of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. This is of course very scary.
Among the militias, I want to say, there are real heroes who stand high in human measures and in spiritual ones, of course. I have a familiar commander, I have known him since the Kiev times, we worked together in a public organization, he established himself, he became a wonderful, even more wonderful person, and became a very good commander. He told me some cases. From the very beginning he fought in Semyonovka, on the front line. The case that the militias, mainly Orthodox militias, with great dedication, on pain of their own death, cover up their fellows and prefer to die themselves rather than substitute their fighter. I spoke with one militia also from Semyonovka, who told me that he used to be a sectarian, even a pastor of the called Seventh-day Adventist sect. And he says: “I decided to convert to Orthodoxy. Nobody preached me, but I looked at the exploits of Orthodox fighters. They are always in the forefront, fearless, they do not spare themselves. They cover others with themselves. " And he looked at this for a long time and decided to convert to Orthodoxy and even proudly showed me his Orthodox cross and said that he would no longer be an Adventist pastor”[8].
Like for other militias, the decision to leave Slavyansk for Margarita Seidler was absolutely unexpected. Already from Donetsk, she wrote: “Before our departure, the" dill "purposefully and systematically destroyed the civilian population, street after street was leveled, there were a lot of dead and wounded. The exact number is unknown, but more than 60 were reported, and the death toll is unclear. The photos we took that day speak for themselves …
In addition, it makes no sense to sacrifice the most combat-ready part of the militia, to fight against the Nazis, otherwise there would soon be no one else. There are some angry and unreasonable people, such as Sergei Kurginyan, who claim that we should have died there. Well, excuse me, Mr. Kurginyan, that we are still alive and will continue to fight against fascism !!!
Unfortunately, there is another reason why we were forced to leave Slavyansk. Unworthy people, some militia commanders betrayed. And now it is necessary to restore order in Donetsk itself, in order to end betrayal and self-righteousness, in order to unite the entire militia into a single force, under a single command. This is the only way we can successfully resist the fascists and defeat them. I talked with many residents of Donetsk, who thanked us for coming, for the fact that I. Strelkov would put things in order here in Donetsk and strengthen the city's defenses.
We quickly collected the necessary things, settled in the cars, and a long column was formed. At night, the headlights are a convenient target for enemy artillery, so we tried to drive without light on bad roads, although this is quite dangerous. Several cars remained stuck in the field.
Suddenly I see flares. One, the other … And we drove through an open field! We were at the head of the column, and further behind the "dill" fired at us. There are dead and wounded. There was no “corridor”, no “agreement” with P. Poroshenko, as the false “patriots” of Russia assert, there was and could not be!
The fact that we got to Donetsk with insignificant losses is a real miracle of God! God save all the fighters who distracted the "dill" from our column with the small forces that were available. They heroically covered us with fire, several tankers were killed. Kingdom of Heaven to them!
Other heroic deeds were accomplished by Semyonov's fighters. Many had to go on foot and under shelling to Donetsk, they were forced to leave the wrecked cars …”.
In Donetsk, Margarita saw a completely different picture of the one she got used to during the defense of Slavyansk. A completely peaceful city, peaceful people going about their business, water, electricity … The attitude towards the militias was at first wary. The reason for this was that in Donetsk there was no strict discipline established by Strelkov in Slavyansk. And if in Slavyansk there were practically no cases of looting, apart from a few, the perpetrators of which were punished according to the laws of wartime, the dry law was observed, then in Donetsk there was nothing of the kind, and all sorts of outrages perpetrated by groups not subject to anyone posing as militias had a sad regularity. After the arrival of the "Slavs" in Donetsk, the attitude of civilians, however, gradually changed, thanks to the efforts made by the Strelkovs and his associates to restore order in the city.
Soon Margarita was sent on a business trip to Russia in order to testify about what was happening in Novorossiya and seek any possible support. From Donetsk, she left along the only remaining corridor, shot from all sides. The journalist of "Argument and Facts" Maria Pozdnyakova, who met with her in Moscow, wrote in her material: “Margarita is lighting candles for the repose. Then he kneels at the relics of the saint of God and prays for a long time, bowing his head. “Physically I'm here, but my soul is in Donetsk.”
In Germany, Margarita, according to her, has already been classified as a terrorist, and she faces up to 10 years in prison. And she does not lose hope of breaking through the wall of lies that were erected by most of the Western media about Novorossiya. “A German journalist I know gets drunk because she is not allowed to publish the truth. The interviews that take from me are misleading. And yet Europe is waking up - in Germany there have been several thousands-strong rallies in support of Novorossiya."
We have already descended into the noisy Moscow metro, and my dictaphone is still working and recording Margarita's words: “I hope everyone here understands that in Donbass we are also protecting Russia. If Donetsk falls, the ukrofashists will move on at the behest of the western masters. Ukrofashism was cultivated artificially and diligently! And financed by both the United States and my country - Germany. Almost 150 years ago, Prince Otto von Bismarck argued that Russia is invincible, unless you divide the single great Russian people - separate the Little Russians from the Great Russians, create the myth of "Ukrainians", tear these people away from their roots, their history and sow, sow hatred between them ".
Margarita's last words before we parted and she went to the office of kind people, where they will put a folding bed for her: “If necessary, I am ready to give my life for my precious Holy Russia. And, I hope, with a clear conscience, go to the Kingdom of Heaven”[9].
This simple truth, for which Donbass is fighting, a Russian German woman tried with all her might to convey to the heart of Russia: “It is wrong to think that our fighters, militias stand only on guard of Donbass or just want to free their land from the Nazis, no, this is not so. We must clearly understand that the political situation is such that the regime, the fascist regime in Kiev is a puppet regime. They carry out the will of the US Pentagon. This is clearly seen, for example, immediately after the Maidan, when they were already seizing power by force. The US flag hung next to the Ukrainian flag. And they shout about the independence, "independence" of Ukraine, but in fact, Ukraine has long lost its independence. They made it an instrument of the Pentagon and the United States and the European Union. An onerous association agreement with the European Union has been signed. And all this, of course, is very scary. We must clearly understand that we are guarding not only Donbass, but Russia. Because if the Donbass does not resist, they will encroach on Russia in the following way. And this is their ultimate goal. Viktor Yanukovych tried to negotiate with the "junta", and we know how it ended, he had to flee. Before that, Milosevic tried to come to an agreement with the West, and Kadaffi tried to come to an agreement with the West, and they ended very sadly. And for their own people, it also ended very sadly. And we need to think very well and watch so that something like this does not happen to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and the Russian people. This is a great danger, and one must understand that now there is an intensified introduction of their agents on the territory of the Russian Federation, who will try to unleash again the "swamp" movements in order to destabilize the country from within. These are 2 factors, another provocation with Boeing, in which immediately, without the results of the study, some people accused us, the militias, of allegedly shooting down a plane. And the most part, the official version, is that the Russian Federation is supposedly to blame for shooting down this plane. Both versions are, of course, lies, they are blatant lies. The militias have no funds, no installations that can shoot down a plane flying at an altitude of 10 kilometers. The representative of the Ukrainian troops, Savchenko, who was taken prisoner, said this on TV that it was simply impossible. Right now it is necessary to bring in peacekeeping troops and save Donbass. These are our people - these are Russian people who are dying there. I consider it a crime to watch how they are being killed and to accept the position of expectations or even try to agree”[10].
In an interview with Svobodnaya Pressa, Margarita testified that the militias are also waiting for a cry for help: “Of course, help is coming, help is coming, for which we are very grateful, mainly informational assistance, humanitarian assistance. But help is not enough. Until now, the militias do not have a salary, they just need uniforms. I said when I left Donetsk with the militia, they showed me homemade hand grenades. We are fighting there with outdated Kalashnikov assault rifles, 50 years old. Thank God they are still shooting, they were well cleaned. In Slavyansk there was a situation that we had 2 tanks against it is not known how many, but the ratio was 1 tank for 500 enemy, and so on. For example, we have no aviation at all. And if large, powerful, assistance from the Russian Federation does not come, specifically with regard to armored vehicles and manpower, then I am afraid that our days are numbered there. Although I want to believe that the militias will win, that we will win. we have one advantage - it is fighting spirit. Fighting spirit, surpasses the spirit of the enemy many times. They are there and do not know what they are fighting for. Many are at a loss, they are already thinking of going over to our side or are going over to the territory of the Russian Federation, because they are already beginning to understand that they cannot kill their own people and that the idea of fascism is a godly idea. And so they are now beginning to go over to our side en masse. But we must also see the other side, now there is a powerful aid to the Ukrainian troops from NATO. Yesterday, in my opinion, a transport Boeing (military aircraft) landed in Kharkov, the content of which is unclear. Probably, it is assumed that they were transporting weapons. NATO instructors help them: they supply them with armored vehicles, modern machine guns, and so on. We just don't have enough help. It is necessary to increase assistance tenfold so that the soldiers could cope with such an advantage of the enemy”[11].
Meanwhile, in Donetsk and Moscow, there was already a vile intrigue around Strelkov, the result of which was his forced resignation from the post of defense minister and the abandonment of Donbass. After that, Margarita, like her comrades-in-arms, could no longer return to Donetsk, where the strelkovtsy found themselves in a very difficult and vulnerable position and at any moment could expect a blow in the back, which, however, overtook some of them. But this is a different story …
Remaining in Russia, Seidler settled in Sevastopol and devoted herself to helping the wounded, refugees, Orthodox parishes in Novorossiya, entered the presidium of the Commonwealth of Veterans of the Donbass Militia (SVOD). She received refugee status in the Russian Federation and hopes to obtain Russian citizenship. “It doesn't matter to me how I live, I can live modestly. I just want to continue to work for the glory of God, for the glory of Russia. And where the Lord puts me, there I will be”[12], - says Margarita.
She continues to work on the information field of battle, trying to convey the truth in her public speeches and articles. Like many, she is seriously worried about the situation that is developing in Russia today. “We are living in an extremely anxious time,” she writes in one of her articles. - The so-called "ATO" in the territories of Novorossiya takes away dozens of lives of civilians every day - children, women, the elderly. They die as a result of hostilities by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO, and often die at the hands of the executioners of the "right sector" …
Or … from hunger.
The war there is waged not so much against Novorossiya, as against the Crimea and Great Russia.
God forbid, Donbass will not resist, the war will certainly spread to the Crimea and to Russia, this is logical and consistent, because the Western curators of the Kiev fascist junta are by no means interested in conquering only Novorossia, they need to destroy Russia!
Quite recently we rejoiced and celebrated the victory of the Crimean Russian Spring. But this joy can very easily turn into bitter lamentation when the Ukrainian Armed Forces, together with NATO forces, launch an attack on what they believe to be Crimea "annexed by Russia". This scenario is likely to become a dire reality. And the position of Crimea is virtually hopeless, it is cut off from the big Russia, therefore, the peninsula may turn out to be a real "mousetrap" for all of us. We have already been cut off from the mainland, and transport is being blocked and controlled. The situation would have been completely different if the "peace treaties" had not suspended the offensive of the armies of Novorossia on Mariupol last autumn. We would have a land connection with the mainland, which is a decisive factor for the security of Crimea:
The recent "agreements" of the Russian government with the Kiev junta on the seizure of the Chongar and Ada peninsulas and part of the Arabat arrow caused bewilderment. All these places are of great strategic importance, and their surrender to enemies without a fight is simply amazing … "All around there is treason, and cowardice, and deceit!" - so relevant are these bitter words of St. Tsar - Martyr Nicholas II!
Even on the eve of the Crimean referendum, on March 15, on the day of the celebration of the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God, we also traveled around the whole Crimea with the procession of the Cross, served prayers at the Chongar and Turetsky Val checkpoints, which has now become impossible …
With great sorrow I see that our government repeats the mistakes of Viktor Yanukovych, who also tried to come to an agreement with the Maidan rebels and their Western curators, which almost cost him his life and plunged the whole country into bloody chaos! The most favorable moments for resolving the conflict and liberating Ukraine from the Nazis have long been missed. But it is not too late yet, you can still save the situation and the lives of tens of thousands of people! It is necessary to intensify prayers, among other things, for the enlightenment of our government."
About Margarita Seidler, a German woman with a truly Russian soul, you can, slightly paraphrasing Pushkin, say: "She is Russian, Russian from Pre-Russian!" She herself says about herself as follows:
“In spirit I have been Russian for a long time, since I became an Orthodox person. When I say "we", "us" are being fired upon - it's you Russians. I think there are many Germans in history who faithfully served the Russian Empire, for example, during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II, there was one general who remained faithful to the end and did not renounce his oath. Who accepted a martyr's death and was even shot near the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev. Between St. Sophia Cathedral and the monument to Bohdan Khmelnitsky. There are a lot of Germans who loved Russia. By the way, the Tsarina, Martyr Alexandra Feodorovna is also known, she was the princess of Hesse of Darmstadt, and even when the situation was extremely critical and people were offered to emigrate, she said: “No, I love Russia so much, and I'd rather work as a scrubber until the end of my days, rather than leave Moscow. " She wholeheartedly fell in love with Orthodoxy and accepted Russia as her homeland. Of course, I have nothing to compare with her, I am far from her, but I want to say that I also wholeheartedly fell in love with Russia, and I look at Russia as my spiritual homeland and real homeland. And I'm ready to protect her."