Many years of practical experience in the use of special non-lethal means in counter-terrorism operations in hot spots, as well as in operations to maintain public order, which have been carried out recently, has visibly proved that the simultaneous use of several non-lethal means of various physical and biological effects ensures the necessary effectiveness of their impact. virtually eliminating the possibility of offenders taking retaliatory measures. When arresting armed criminals and releasing hostages, fighters of special police and internal troops have to pay special attention not only to ensuring the safety of civilians and their employees, but also to minimizing serious consequences for the life and health of offenders, which, in particular, is facilitated by the use of special grenade launcher systems, for example: 33 mm RGS-33; 43-mm GM-94 or 50-mm RGS-50 with ammunition of irritating, light and sound and shock-shock action. These special-purpose weapons are constantly being improved and refined as part of the program for the development of non-lethal weapons.
Work on the creation and adoption of new models of special weapons for armament in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is carried out within the framework of the Comprehensive Plan for the Development of Non-Lethal Types of Weapons for the units of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The plan provides for a comprehensive solution to the tasks of equipping the units of the internal affairs bodies and the internal troops with non-lethal weapons, which would allow them to effectively perform the functions assigned to them, while acting in full compliance with international norms and Russian legislation, as well as using force taking into account the prevailing circumstances, only in proportion to the existing real danger.
To equip special units of internal troops and law enforcement agencies, various combined non-lethal weapons have recently been developed, among them - multipurpose hand-held grenade launchers, container-type launchers and stationary installations, as well as ammunition for them. At present, intensive work is underway in the interests of various law enforcement agencies to develop new types of weapons and ammunition, which use several basic options for combining various non-lethal factors. At the same time, most of the proposals are made up of a variety of attempts to implement new approaches to the creation of more advanced kinetic means of non-lethal action, including ensuring the combined effect of the kinetic factor simultaneously with other factors of non-lethal effect, since it is assumed that the combined effect of several factors makes it possible to multiply the total effect …
Such combined means of non-lethal action include:
- pneumatically fired spheres filled with irritants, malodorants or marking substances, with a range of up to 4 m;
- special grenades for hand-held grenade launchers of 30-50 mm caliber, as well as shots that ensure the simultaneous effect of light, sound and flying elastic spherical elements, for which it is possible to use various light and sound (noise) compositions that cause a temporary loss of human capacity (with an effective range of action up to 100 m);
- distracting shots, including - EG-50 M for the special grenade launcher RGS-50, which provide temporary neutralization of offenders and terrorists through the combined psychological effects of sound, shot flame and shock-shock effects of single elastic spherical elements (with an effective firing range of up to 15 m);
- water cannons (wearable or transportable), having the ability to add irritants to the water stream, which is supposed to provide a simultaneous kinetic and irritating effect on offenders.
Along with this, combined means were created with a deafening-blinding effect, the duration of exposure to an object is determined by the distance from the epicenter of the explosion: the effect of disorienting offenders when using such devices can last from several seconds to several minutes, depending on the characteristics of the charge. The effectiveness of such special equipment has a significant time frame, so the maximum time of blinding can reach 20-30 seconds, and the maximum time of hearing loss - from 4 to 6 hours. Such light and sound means of distracting and psychophysiological influence, used for carrying out operations to free hostages, law enforcement operations and to suppress riots, can be produced both in the form of cassette devices, grenades, shots, and stationary installations. Such means of combined light and sound action, approved for use by units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, also include a shot of light and sound action GZS-50 for a special grenade launcher RGS-50, the conditions of which require that the distance from the point of aiming (actuation) to the nearest person be at least 1 m.
The practice of using in recent years special means of combined action by special forces of the police and internal troops for solving specific tasks has in fact proved their high efficiency in ousting criminals from the occupied territory, buildings and other engineering structures. In carrying out a number of counter-terrorist operations, these special equipment are widely used by the internal troops, along with military weapons. In these cases, they are used as an aid in order to create favorable conditions for the further use of firearms.
Currently, in the Russian Federation, in order to counteract riots, research and development work is being actively carried out on the creation of a new small-sized grenade launcher system, which makes it possible to consistently fire off special means of shock-shock action at a distance of up to 50 m, and light-sound and tear-irritating ammunition on range from 50 to 150 m. This complex should allow flexible variation in the tactics of subunits in countering mass riots. As for the grenade launcher shots for various throwing installations, including multi-barreled ones, they should provide the operator with the choice of the type of grenade fired. Also, a small-sized combined complex for shooting rubber bullets with nodes of blinding and electroshock effects is being developed, intended for use by police officers when performing official tasks to suppress riots, group and individual illegal actions,including in places of mass gathering of citizens and in other cases provided for by Article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Police". It is assumed that in such a complex will be used well-proven ammunition for the domestic barrelless self-defense weapon "Wasp", but with higher accuracy and significantly increased distance of impact - up to 25 m. Such a lightweight and compact complex will allow a police officer to influence offenders in the context of group riots at the stadium or in transport.
For all newly developed special tools, effective and permissible levels of concentration of irritants of various types have been determined, as well as permissible calibers, materials and energy levels for rubber non-penetrating elements. All this allows, when creating new special means of combined action, to set such tactical and technical characteristics that guarantee maximum efficiency and injury safety of these means of non-lethal action.
Grenade launcher "Vitrina"
One of the earliest domestic special grenade launchers for special purposes are the Vitrina bulk grenade launcher-mortar and the Vitrina-G grenade. The tragic events at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, when several Israeli athletes were killed at the hands of Palestinian terrorists from the Black September group, greatly stimulated the creation of illegal weapons in the Soviet Union for the special forces of the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Therefore, in preparation for the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow, it became necessary to equip the USSR KGB group "Alpha" with technical means of delivering grenades with irritating elements at a distance of at least 100 m, ensuring the creation of an aerosol cloud of irritating substances during special operations. The tight deadlines set for the designers-gunsmiths determined the choice of the simplest design - similar to the Dyakonov-type rifle grenade launcher-mortar "D" that was in service with the Red Army in the 1930s-1940s. It was the simplicity of the proposed design that allowed one of the divisions of the technical management of the KGB of the USSR to create a new automatic mortar grenade launcher within three months. After state tests on July 6, 1980, the 50-mm mortar grenade launcher was adopted by the KGB under the code "Showcase".

50-mm grenade launcher "Vitrina", consisting of a mortar grenade launcher mounted on the muzzle of the barrel 5, 45-mm Kalashnikov AKS-74 U assault rifle and tear-irritating grenades "Vitrina-G"
The mortar grenade launcher was mounted on the thread of the muzzle of the barrel 5, 45-mm Kalashnikov AKS-74 U - instead of the reinforced flame arrester. A folding sight stand with three slots for firing at a distance of 50, 75 and 100 m was mounted on the grenade launcher coupling as sighting devices for shooting grenades. 37 kg, which was fired back with a standard 5, 45-mm blank cartridge. The grenade in the barrel was held by a special stopper. The mass of the equipped grenade launcher was 4, 1 kg.
The Vitrina-G grenade had a fluoroplastic body equipped with a liquid solution of the irritant (chloroacetophenone CN) “Bird cherry”, a metal shank and a plastic cylindrical stabilizer. The initial speed of the grenade was 65 m / s. Upon meeting with an obstacle, an expelling charge was triggered with an instantaneous formation of an aerosol cloud of "Bird cherry". This tear-irritating substance, when evaporated or in an aerosol state, affected the sensitive nerve endings of the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract, causing burning and pain in the eyes and chest, lacrimation, runny nose and cough. To mitigate the impact of recoil on the shooter, when firing from the Vitrina grenade launcher, a rubber shock absorber was put on the butt of the AKS-74 U assault rifle, which was used when firing from the 40-mm GP-25 Koster grenade launcher.
The Vitrina grenade launcher has been in service with the KGB special forces for a long time and was used by the Alpha group during various operations. However, this weapon had some disadvantages. So, the significant caliber of the grenade led to the fact that the recoil impulse from the grenade launcher was large even for a trained shooter, and claims were made to the insufficient effective firing range, limited to only 100 meters.
Multipurpose grenade launcher complex for special purposes RGS-50/50 M
Work to eliminate shortcomings in the Vitrina grenade launcher system (which used only one type of ammunition - the Vitrina-G grenade and which had a large recoil force), as well as to expand the types of ammunition used led to the creation in the technical management of the KGB of the USSR and the adoption of the late 1980s of a new promising special-purpose grenade launcher, which consisted of the RGS-50 multipurpose special-purpose hand grenade launcher (special hand grenade launcher, 50 mm) and shots to it, with tear-irritating GS-50 grenades; light and sound GZS-50, as well as shock-shock action - EG-50 (traumatic - with an elastic striking element) and - EG-50 M (with rubber buckshot). In the future, the complex was supplemented with a whole range of various shots with grenades: fragmentation action - GO-50 and cumulative action - GK-50; a grenade for knocking out GV-50 door locks; a grenade for instant smoke screening GD-50 (smoke-generating action); a grenade for breaking glass BK-50 and a grenade for training firing GS-50 PM. The modernization of the GS-50 M tear-irritating grenade was also carried out.

The mechanical sighting device of the RGS-50 M hand grenade launcher consists of a folding rack-mount sight with three slots for shooting at 50, 100 and 150 m and a front sight fixed on a high base
The RGS-50 grenade launcher among the special equipment of this class belongs to the class of heavy grenade launchers, which are used from distant approaches to the captured object (up to 150 m). It is designed to solve tasks by anti-terrorist units of law enforcement agencies of a wide range of combat missions during various special operations, including for the temporary incapacitation of living targets or for emergency opening of doors during the assault on buildings captured by terrorists, or the incapacitation of vehicles (aircraft, buses). Neutralization of the enemy with special ammunition provides the fighters of special units with the possibility of rapprochement with the target of the attack and the effective use of their standard weapons, and the presence of a grenade launcher system in the ammunition system of grenades of various damaging effects allows them to successfully solve them. It was the presence of a large selection of ammunition for various purposes that played an important role in the fact that the RGS-50 complex became a genuine multi-purpose weapon.

50-mm rounds for the RGS-50 M multipurpose grenade launcher with grenades
RGS-50 is a single-shot rifle-type grenade launcher and has a smooth barrel with a breech and an upper rotary locking lever; shoulder rest with hydro-spring recoil pad and rubber butt pad; firing mechanism with pistol grip for fire control and forend. For loading, the barrel is tilted down on the axis, like a hunting rifle, while the internal hammer is cocked. One of the design features of the grenade launcher is that when the barrel is opened through the cocking device, the force is transmitted to the trigger mounted inside the body. At the same time, the mainspring is compressed, and the hammer is fixed in the cocked state. When the trigger is pulled, this force is transmitted to the sear, which, in turn, rotating on the axis, disengages from the trigger. The hammer under the action of the mainspring rotates on its axis, striking the ammunition capsule - a shot occurs. The hammer after striking, due to the rebound spring, returns back so that the firing pin can move away from the primer to open the barrel after firing. In this case, the grenade launcher rolls back, squeezing the hydraulic brake. The removable hydro-spring recoil brake is a single unit with a tubular-type shoulder stop located on the line of the barrel bore axis and equipped with a rubber shock absorber head. Such a design to reduce the recoil momentum provides for throwing grenades weighing about 0.4 kg without painful sensations for the grenade launcher. The trigger mechanism is a hammer type, with a non-automatic flag safety catch, its flag is mounted on the left above the trigger. The barrel locking lever is mounted on top. The firing sleeve is removed from the chamber by an extractor. A pistol grip and a removable forend mounted under the barrel are used to control the weapon. The mechanical sighting device consists of a folding rack-mount sight with three slots for shooting at 50, 100 and 150 m and a front sight mounted on a high base. The scattering diameter of hits on a vertical target at a distance of 100 m is 150 mm. The low muzzle velocity of the grenade and the barrel design provide a low sound level when fired, comparable to the clap produced by the palms of the hands. The mass of the grenade launcher is 6, 8 kg, the total length is 890 mm. The simplicity of the design of the grenade launcher ensures high reliability of its operation in any operating conditions. The rate of fire from the RGS-50 grenade launcher is 2-3 rounds per minute.

Inflation device for hand grenade launcher RGS-50 M
In the late 1990s, the RGS-50 grenade launcher was modernized and named "RGS-50 M". For more comfortable holding under the barrel of the improved model of the grenade launcher, a folding handle was mounted. The hydraulic spring recoil brake has been replaced with a spring brake and the firing mechanism has been improved. At present, the RGS-50 M grenade launcher, together with the RGS-33 grenade launcher, is a grenade launcher system for the anti-terrorist units of the FSB.
The 50-mm round (weight 0, 39–0, 42 kg) for the RGS-50/50 M grenade launcher is a cylindrical grenade assembled with a flanged plastic sleeve. A 5, 45-mm blow-out grenade launcher cartridge PKhS is pressed into the liner tray, the charge of which provides the initial speed of the grenade - 90 m / s.
A shot with a light and sound action grenade GSZ-50 provides a significant psychophysiological effect on terrorists in the room with the aim of temporarily disrupting the functions of the body. The defeat of offenders is carried out by creating a light and sound effect - a bright flash of light (not less than 2,000,000 kJ) and sound pressure on the hearing organs (not less than 135 dB). When a grenade explodes, there are no mechanical damaging elements.
The EG-50 round with an elastic striking element of shock-shock action weighing about 85 grams ensures effective defeat of a single live target. It reliably neutralizes an unprotected person for a short time at distances of up to 40 m. At the same time, the maximum safety of the offender is ensured, even if a striking element accidentally hits the head.

Hand-held grenade launcher RGS-50 M with dismantled hydraulic spring recoil brake, making up a single unit with a tubular shoulder stop; muzzle device and GS-50 PM round
Shot EG-50 M with rubber buckshot is also intended for temporary neutralization, but already a group target at a distance of up to 10 m or an unobserved target in an enclosed space. The defeat of living targets in it is ensured through the combined psychological effects of sound and flame of a shot and shock-shock defeat with rubber buckshot. The total mass of 56 elements of rubber buckshot is about 140 grams, and the diameter of the spreading circle at a distance of 5 m is not less than 1.5 m. The EG-50 M can be fired not only from the RGS-50 grenade launcher, but from the US- portable firing device. 50, which provides one-handed shooting. The mass of the US-50 device is only 1.5 kg, and its dimensions are 406 x84 x64 mm, while the effective firing range is up to 10 m.
A shot with a tear-irritating grenade GS-50 M (with a mass of 400 grams) is also designed to temporarily neutralize a group of terrorists or an individual criminal in a room by instantly spraying tear-irritating gas. Neutralization of offenders with this grenade is achieved due to the explosively dispersed tear-action powder composition (chloroacetophenone (CN). A highly sensitive contact mechanical fuse ensures guaranteed operation of the grenade after meeting it with a target and instant creation of an intolerable concentration of tear substance. When the ammunition explodes, no mechanical damaging elements are formed.

50-mm multi-purpose grenade launcher complex for special purposes RGS-50 M (right side)
The GD-50 round with a smoke-generating grenade is used to provide a hidden maneuver of the special forces by instantly setting up a smoke screen.
A shot with a BK-50 grenade is used to break window and display glass, in order to ensure the penetration of special forces soldiers into the attacked buildings through the window openings.
The ammunition load of the RGS-50 M grenade launcher for destruction of living targets and equipment also includes fragmentation and cumulative combat grenades. So, to hit living targets at a distance of about 100 m in open areas, as well as in open-type shelters, in unarmored vehicles or in rooms with window openings, a shot with a GO-50 fragmentation grenade is used. The fragmentation zone of the grenade is up to 7 m from the point of detonation in the radial direction and up to 20 m in the direction of the shot with an angle of spread of 20 °. The grenade can be equipped with a contact-distance or contact fuse.
Partial destruction of units and assemblies of vehicles with their subsequent stop is carried out by a shot with a GK-50 cumulative grenade. A damaging element of a cumulative grenade is capable of piercing a 20-mm aluminum plate, while at a distance of more than 7 m in the radial direction, there are no damaging elements.

50-mm multi-purpose grenade launcher complex for special purposes RGS-50 M (left view)
Together with the set of technical means "Vyrub DP-1", the RGS-50 M grenade launcher can be used for emergency opening of doors by dismantling the door lock. The kit includes GV-50 shots with a special drummer and muzzle brakes. The set "Vyrub DP-1" also provides opening of wooden doors: when the muzzle brake device is installed on the grenade launcher, point-blank to the door, excluding the possibility of the striker penetrating the obstacle, when firing without installing the muzzle device, from a distance of 3-10 m with the possibility of striker penetration beyond obstruction.
A shot with a practical grenade GS-50 PM is used to train shooters during training firing. The mass-dimensional and ballistic characteristics of the training round correspond to the GS-50 M round. The grenade has inert warhead equipment.
For more than twenty-five years of operation, the RGS-50 (RGS-50 M) grenade launcher has established itself as an exceptionally effective weapon of anti-terrorist units of state security agencies and special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and internal troops.