Armored vehicles
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Under the Ajax program, a family of modern combat vehicles is being developed Considering that firing tests with crew participation are scheduled for early 2017, and the first battalion equipped with Ajax vehicles is to be formed in mid-2019, the British army is quite close to full
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The appearance of the armored personnel carrier class technology was formed many years ago. All models in recent years can be called modernizations, more or less deep, of old technology. Basically, only engines, weapons and equipment are changed. Body, wheel arrangement and layout of the armored personnel carrier of one developer
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The newest Challenger 2 MBT has a significant number of survivability improvements, including lattice armor in the stern. The traditional scope of main battle tanks (MBTs) is open terrain, and while this is still relevant, however, recent operations have shown that tanks
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Everyone knows the Kharkiv Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering named after V.I. Morozov as a design bureau with a long history in the production of tanks, everyone is also well aware of the new design bureaus - these are combat units like the Oplot tank, the Yatagan tank, the T-80UD tank, the repair and recovery vehicle
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The new amphibious vehicle VBA (Veicolo Blindato Anfibio) is currently undergoing qualification tests in Italy The mission in Afghanistan is coming to an end, and therefore the demand for machines of the Mrap class is steadily declining. Where the Western troops will be called up next time, one can only guess, but outside
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The commander's version of the SU-76I self-propelled gun, equipped with a turret from a PzKpfw III tank, in the courtyard of factory # 37. Sverdlovsk, July 1943. The first experiments on re-equipping captured self-propelled guns with domestic guns were carried out at Moscow enterprises in late 1941 - early 1942. According to the memoirs of A. Klubnev, in
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According to Western data, the BTR-60 of all modifications was made about 25 thousand pieces. BTR-60 were actively exported abroad. In addition, the BTR-60PB was produced under a Soviet license in Romania under the designation TAV-71, these vehicles, in addition to the armed forces of Romania itself, were also supplied to the Yugoslav army
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
New models of military equipment and weapons are often developed taking into account foreign successes in the relevant field. In fact, new samples are becoming a response to the threat in the form of foreign counterparts. For example, the latest American program for the development of a multipurpose land-based platform Mobile
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Just a few years ago, NPK Uralvagonzavod presented a new version of the modernization of the T-90A main battle tank called the T-90M. In the future, the new technology was tested, interested the army and became the subject of a real contract. Recently it became known about the completion of the modernization of the first
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One of the promising projects for the creation of military equipment for the armed forces has entered a new stage. According to the domestic press, the next stage of testing of a promising armored personnel carrier, built on the basis of the unified wheeled platform "Boomerang", has begun. After completing all
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Tests of a promising self-propelled anti-tank gun (SPTP) 2S25M "Sprut-SDM1" are underway. After completing several stages of checks, the newest model of armored vehicles can be adopted and put into production. So far this work has not been completed, but the industry and the military department have already
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
During the recent exhibition "Army-2019", it was announced that the K-16 armored personnel carrier based on the promising unified wheeled platform "Boomerang" will go for state tests in July. Based on the results of these measures, the issue of adopting equipment for service will be resolved. Thus, in
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About a year ago, it became known that in anticipation of new models of armored personnel carriers, the domestic Ministry of Defense intends to modernize the existing equipment. A little later, the first details appeared: during the first stage of this work, domestic repair enterprises had to update
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In the foreseeable future, the Russian armed forces will continue to operate the BTR-80 armored personnel carriers and other equipment based on them. At the same time, the military department intends to update the fleet of such armored vehicles by building new armored personnel carriers and modernizing existing ones. As part of the renewal program
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
On May 20, 1952, a special meeting of chief designers of tank and diesel plants was held at the Ministry of Transport Engineering with the participation of the commander of the BT and MB SA Marshal of the Armored Forces S.I. Bogdanov, where the prospects for further development and improvement were discussed
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
As it became known, the command of the ground forces of the Indian army by the end of this year plans to place an order for 248 modernized tanks - Arjun Mark II. A decision on this issue has already been made at the state defense ministry. The new contract, which many call revolutionary, will allow
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Currently, the Indian army has nearly 3,500 tanks and several thousand infantry fighting vehicles of various brands. Most of this equipment, as well as special vehicles created on its basis, were built at local enterprises that produce armored vehicles for more than one
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Boxer CRV and AMV-35 armored vehicles are undergoing evaluation tests as part of the LAND 400 program Currently, in Asia and Europe, many programs are being implemented for the purchase and adoption of modern wheeled armored vehicles 8x8 in different versions, including ambulances, armored personnel carriers, combat vehicles
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Piranha 8x8 By the end of the seventies, the Piranha family was replenished with another project, this time an eight-wheeled vehicle. The Piranha 8x8 armored car was supposed to expand the family and thereby attract new customers who, for one reason or another, did not fit the 4x4 and 6x6 options. It is noteworthy that
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A number of foreign tanks of the latest models are quite old. The newest models appeared in the eighties, and since then they have only been modernized. The creation of a completely new combat vehicle is associated with well-known difficulties, and not all countries can develop such a project
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The appearance of the newest Russian tank T-14 "Armata", which has a number of characteristic features and serious advantages over existing equipment, could not but disturb the foreign military. The armies of European countries do not intend to allow a lag in the field of armored forces, and therefore initiated
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The twenties and thirties of the last century became a period of active development of armored vehicles. Engineers from different countries studied different layouts and applied different technical solutions, which led to the emergence of original and sometimes even strange designs. However, it is the experimental
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In the thirties, Soviet tank builders were actively involved in the development of wheeled-tracked tanks. In view of certain problems with the resource of the tracked propeller, it was necessary to look for an alternative solution, which ultimately became the use of a combined chassis. Further problems with
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ADKZ During the development of the ADGK project, Austro-Daimler engineers identified the prospects for three-axle armored vehicles. Such a technique looked interesting and promising, but its full potential could only be achieved with the help of an all-wheel drive chassis. This is how a new project ADKZ appeared, development
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Škoda PA-II ZelvaAfter testing the PA-I armored car, the Czechoslovak military issued Škoda an extensive list of claims. The military was not satisfied with the layout of the armored vehicle, its characteristics and weapons. In this regard, the developer had to deal with the revisions of the project. Number of identified
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In 1914-16, the French engineer Louis Boirot worked on projects of original engineering vehicles capable of making passages in non-explosive obstacles of the enemy. The result of these projects was the construction of two prototypes of equipment used in the tests. Due to low
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
BAE Systems-Iveco Defense offers a modified version of the SuperAV 8x8 combat vehicle for the ACV 1.1 program In the long and costly process of replacing the US Marine Corps Amphibious Assault Vehicle, there are finally signs of progress. Let's remember the history
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The combat module Hitrole Light from the Oto Melara company on the Lince vehicle in Afghanistan. The Italian army ordered 81 Hitrole Light combat module The need for enhanced protection and all-round observation played a major role in the development of a light remotely controlled combat module (DUBM) (English acronym
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The final assembly of the Kongsberg CROWS M153 combat module is underway. Remotely controlled combat modules are an integral component of army armored vehicles, and recent design developments ensure their sustainable dominance in the theater of war. Consider the state of affairs
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Test firing from a 30 mm ATK MK44 cannon mounted in the AEL Sistemas UT30 BR turret of the Guarani machine
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
At the recent IDEX-2019 exhibition in the United Arab Emirates, several samples of military equipment of all kinds were shown for the first time, including promising unmanned aerial vehicles. An interesting development in this area was demonstrated by the European companies MBDA and Milrem Robotics. Based
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
One of the earliest versions of the DUBM AU-220M. Photo by NPK "Uralvagonzavod" / uvz.ruSince 2015, the remotely controlled combat module (DUBM) AU-220M "Baikal" has been regularly demonstrated at exhibitions. This product is equipped with a 57-mm 2A91 automatic cannon of increased power, which should provide it
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
A month before the end of the First World War, Great Britain began development of the promising Medium Tank Mark D. This project reached the stage of construction and testing of a prototype, but in the end did not receive military approval. Subsequently, British engineers undertook several
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In 1915, the American company Holt Manufacturing proposed the original project of a super-heavy armored combat vehicle with powerful cannon and machine gun armament. Self-propelled wheeled vehicle 150 ton Field Monitor was intended for use in the southern borders of the country to protect against attacks
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What sample of Spanish armored vehicles was the most widespread in those years? This is the armored car "Bilbao", which was named after the city in the Basque Country, where the plant that produced it was located. It entered service with the Carabinieri in 1932, but the Spaniards managed to produce only 48 vehicles in four years. For the whole
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In recent years, Germany has reduced the number of BMPs Rita planned to buy, but geopolitical tensions could change these plans upward The British, French and German armies are modernizing their combat vehicles and changing the structure of the armed forces so that they can do better
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
We all know what a classic tank looks like: a tracked armored hull, a rotating turret mounted on it, armed with either a cannon or a howitzer and one or more machine guns. But there were other, not similar and not falling under this definition, tanks
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Currently, the US defense industry is preparing for the serial modernization of the Abrams main battle tanks according to the latest project M1A2C (previously the designation M1A2 SEP v.3 was used). The first tanks that have been upgraded on a serial basis have already entered the troops, and work
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Since last year, American enterprises have been engaged in the serial modernization of the existing Abrams main battle tanks under the M1A2C project. A few days ago, the first photo of a modernized tank with a full set of new equipment for various purposes appeared in the public domain. This sample
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In recent years, the tank support combat vehicle (BMPT) has received exceptional attention at various exhibitions and shows. A high level of protection is combined in it with serious fire capabilities to defeat or suppress enemy manpower and other, mainly ground targets. But her