The US Army and its main battle tank. M1A2C Abrams Program Successes

The US Army and its main battle tank. M1A2C Abrams Program Successes
The US Army and its main battle tank. M1A2C Abrams Program Successes

Currently, the US defense industry is preparing for the serial modernization of the Abrams main battle tanks according to the latest project M1A2C (previously the designation M1A2 SEP v.3 was used). The first tanks, which were upgraded on a serial basis, have already entered the troops, and work continues. In recent days, there have been several interesting reports about the progress of the modernization program and its results.

According to the manufacturer

On May 21, the American media published curious data from the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center (Lima Army Tank Plant, LATP), which is responsible for the modernization of the Abrams MBT. The management of the company announced that the production of the first brigade set of M1A2C tanks will be completed this summer.

The US Army and its main battle tank. M1A2C Abrams Program Successes
The US Army and its main battle tank. M1A2C Abrams Program Successes

Tank M1A2 SEP v.3. Photo

The completion of the production of tanks for the rearmament of an entire brigade is considered an important milestone in the history of the project. One of the formations of the army will be able to begin to fully master the latest technology, which will have a beneficial effect on its combat effectiveness and the potential of the army as a whole.

To fulfill the current order for M1A2C tanks, the plant in Lima has to expand its staff. In 2016, JSMC employed less than 500 people. By the end of last year, the number of employees exceeded 600. By the end of this year, the company will have at least 700 jobs. In 2020, it is planned to recruit another hundred employees. Thus, in less than five years, the number of workers should almost double with a corresponding increase in productivity.

However, the plant faces some difficulties. When looking for employees, he has to compete with other large enterprises in the region. The JSMC management considers such circumstances to be beneficial for the economy, but problematic for specific organizations. In addition, the state tank-building enterprise has to screen candidates before hiring. Depending on the position, checks take up to four months.

The opinion of the tankers

On May 23, the Defense Blog published new data on the progress of the test and verification program of the upgraded MBT. It managed to communicate with the participants in the military tests of the M1A2C / M1A2 SEP v.3 tank and published the most remarkable details.

According to the Defense Blog, the inspection of tanks in real military operation was carried out by the personnel of the 2nd battalion of the 8th cavalry regiment of the 1st tank brigade. This unit has extensive experience in the operation of armored vehicles and took part in several local conflicts in recent decades. In addition, it is armed with the newest versions of the M1 Abrams tanks.

Now the main armored vehicle of the 2nd battalion is the M1A2 SEP v.2 tank. For military tests, he was given one of the experimental vehicles of the SEP v.3 version. The battalion recently returned from Europe, where it took part in Operation Atlantic Resolve. As part of this deployment, the unit's personnel performed many different exercises using two MBT models, including the latest M1A2C vehicle. The inspection of the received tank lasted about 9 months.


Modernized tank in the JSMC workshop, February 2019 Photo

It was the operating experience of the M1A2 SEP v.2 tanks that made it possible to carry out full-fledged military tests of new equipment. Tankers familiar with the previous modification were able to better understand the differences between the new M1A2C and more fully appreciate its advantages. The upgraded tanks were used in various combat training activities, and in all cases, the collection of the necessary data was ensured.

Military tests confirmed the correctness of the applied design solutions and showed the advantages of the upgraded MBT over previous modifications. In addition, the vehicle received good marks in terms of the comfort of the crew and technical personnel.

The completion of military tests is an important step towards the future full-scale modernization and operation of the updated tanks. Already this year, the US Army will receive the first brigade set of M1A2C tanks, and when mastering this technique, tankers will benefit from the experience of the 2nd battalion of the 8th regiment, which recently studied a pre-production model.

Production successes

It should be noted that the latest news about the M1A2C project looks extremely interesting. Messages about the successful conduct of military tests were expected and obvious. News from the JSMC plant in Lima is also cause for optimism. The latest successes of this enterprise are in line with the customer's expectations, and he does not have to worry about fulfilling the terms of the current contract.

In February, the first photographs of the upgraded M1A2C / SEP v.3 tanks appeared in the public domain. It was argued that no more than 6-10 armored vehicles were already ready. According to the announced plans, by the end of the year the industry should renew and transfer up to 135 tanks to the army. Recent reports show a sharp rise in production rates.

No later than this summer, the JSMC plant undertakes to supply the troops with the first brigade set of new tanks. To equip one tank brigade, 87 tanks are needed. Until the end of February, they managed to rebuild no more than a dozen cars. Thus, in about six months, the Lima plant should modernize about 80 tanks. The release of the first brigade kit is spoken of almost as a fait accompli. Apparently, the recruitment of new employees made it possible to bring the production capacity to the required level and ensure the renewal of 13-15 Abrams per month. This is not an absolute record, but against the background of the previous activities of JSMC / LATP it looks very worthy.


Prototype at the test site. Photo Leonardo DRS /

While maintaining the same production rates, in the fall and early winter, by the end of the current calendar year, the plant in Lima will have time to produce another fifty modernized M1A2Cs. Thus, the order for this year in the size of 135 MBT will be successfully completed and, possibly, overfulfilled.

Over 160 tanks are planned for the next year. Thus, the JSMC plant will again have to increase the pace of work. However, apparently, this will not be a problem. By recruiting new employees and using the existing production capacity, the company will be able to increase the pace of work with an understandable result.

Plans for the distant future have not yet been published. The US Armed Forces have approximately 1500-1600 M1A2 tanks of several modifications, and a significant number of these machines can go for modernization under the SEP v.3 / M1A2C project. This means that over the next few years, the plant in Lima will have to produce at least 130-150 upgraded MBTs annually.

Optimistic estimates

The latest news suggests that the US Army has no cause for concern in the context of the modernization program for the M1A2 Abrams main battle tanks. The equipment has passed all the necessary stages of testing and entered the series. The contractor has already reached the desired pace of work. The first set of equipment for the rearmament of one of the brigades will be ready in the coming months. Nothing threatens the further execution of contracts.

In the medium term, the US Army will receive the desired number of upgraded MBT M1A2C / M1A2 SEP v. 3, sufficient to update the vehicle fleet of several armored formations. Simultaneously with the upgrade of combat vehicles to the M1A2C version, a new modernization project will be developed - M1A2D or M1A2 SEP v.4. Some features of this improvement of technology are already known, but it is still far from its implementation. In the coming years, the focus will be on the current M1A2C project.
