Armored vehicles
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Finally, our eyes were opened to simple truths that for some reason had not been revealed before. And the eyes were not opened, and the truths were hidden in darkness. Maybe from a lack of education, or maybe from some unknown disease of these very eyes. It is not so important, in principle, it is important that among the Russian media
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Today, many "experts" (primarily foreign), and some real experts, call the medium tank "Sherman" the best combat vehicle of the Second World War, putting it ahead of the Soviet "thirty-four". This is, of course, a matter of taste, that is, absolutely controversial. Argue which tank was better
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The Russian-Italian joint venture (JV) plans to produce a pilot batch of light armored vehicles LMV M65 "Lynx" in 2011. This was announced on the air of the Vesti-24 TV channel by the head of KAMAZ, Sergei Kogogin. The armored vehicle will be created on a parity basis by the Russian
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Unfortunately, the last article did not "fit" material about the means of monitoring the situation, which provided the T-34, so let's start with it. I must say that the T-34 pre-war production and production of the first war years is often (and absolutely deservedly) reproached in the absence of a commander's cupola
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In previous articles, we examined in detail the pre-war history of the formation of large formations of tank forces of the Red Army, as well as the reasons why in August 1941 our army was forced to "roll back" to the brigade level
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In this article, we will consider some of the features of the organization of domestic tank forces in the pre-war period. Initially, this material was conceived as a continuation of the cycle "Why did the T-34 lose to the PzKpfw III, but beat the" Tigers "and" Panthers "", which would illustrate the changes
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Why did the T-34 lose to the PzKpfw III, but beat the Tigers and Panthers? So, we stopped at the fact that by the beginning of 1943: 1. The Soviet industry mastered the mass production of the T-34 - it began to be produced at all 5 factories, where it was produced during the war years. It
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Why did the T-34 lose to the PzKpfw III, but beat the Tigers and Panthers? Studying the statistics of losses of armored vehicles of Germany and the USSR in the Great Patriotic War, we see that it is absolutely impossible to compare it "head-on", since the concept of "irrecoverable losses" both the Red Army and the Wehrmacht understood
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Why did the T-34 lose to the PzKpfw III, but beat the Tigers and Panthers? In 1941, the "thirty-four" has an ultimatum-powerful armor and cannon in comparison with any armored vehicles of Nazi Germany. However, these advantages were largely counterbalanced by the well-known
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First, let's work on the mistakes of the previous article. In it, the author argued that before the war the USSR mastered the production of turning-boring machines capable of processing large-diameter tank shoulder straps, while the first machines with a faceplate diameter of 2000 mm were produced in 1937 Alas, this (at least
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
As you know, in the USSR, the T-34 was unambiguously considered the best tank of the Second World War. However, later, with the collapse of the Land of the Soviets, this point of view was revised, and the debate about what place the famous "thirty-fours" actually occupied in the tank hierarchy of the world of those years do not subside and
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In the previous article, we examined the general prerequisites for the defeats of the Red Army in the battles of 1941, and now we will try to assess the impact of the design, performance characteristics, and the production culture of the T-34 tank, which developed in the pre-war and early war years, on the unsuccessful actions of tank forces. , about what
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In the article "Pre-war structure of the Red Army armored forces" we stopped at the formation of pre-war tank corps, which before the start of the war were gigantic formations, the basis of which was 2 tank and motorized divisions, plus reinforcement and command units. Established
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In a previous article on the structure of the Red Army armored forces in the 30s and immediately before the war, the author, of course, could not omit one extremely controversial decision of the leadership of the Red Army and the country, which to this day causes a lot of negativity among history lovers discussing it
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Having considered the advantages and disadvantages of the T-34 pre-war production and the first war years, we expectedly came to the following: the "thirty-four" was a tank with a very powerful and effective for its time tank cannon and anti-cannon armor, which, although it did not guarantee absolute
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After the cancellation of the contract with Spain for 348 Piranha V vehicles, Denmark and Romania remain the only operators of this platform
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The main tank of the Chinese army ZTZ99A produced by the state concern Norinco The willingness to master solid budgets and the development of operational strategies, stimulated by global and regional geopolitical shifts, contribute to the formation of a thriving market for armored vehicles in
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While the basics of tank ammunition have been known and understood for many decades, the military is currently facing the challenge of improving and improving this technology in order to meet today's conditions of combat use
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The British BMP Warrior, equipped with Soucy rubber tracks, is undergoing intensive testing with the aim of confirming the concept of using them on armored vehicles of the middle category by mass
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The ground forces of European countries are constantly exploring new ways to improve their fleets of armored vehicles in order to ensure the ability of these platforms to withstand obvious threats across the continent, whether it is buying additional new vehicles, replacing existing fleets or
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The ability to maneuver and fight at night is one of the capabilities that distinguishes a truly modern army from a technically backward one. Equipping armored vehicles with night vision capabilities means that the most powerful mobile weapons systems can be used, maybe
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Demand for transportable and portable anti-tank systems grew last year and continued to grow in 2019, with many countries ordering a wide variety of systems. Among the highest priority areas of development are ammunition and reducing the mass of launchers, since the efforts of the developers
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The design and manufacture of armored combat vehicles is challenging. The world knows many examples of unrealized and closed programs, when countries bite off more than they can swallow. Many countries are striving to produce their own platforms, and there is significant
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It would be interesting to go back almost 40 years ago, to understand how our technology was assessed then and to compare the attitude of the West towards the Soviet Union with its attitude towards modern Russia, at least on the example of discussing Soviet tanks. test drive
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The super-heavy tank "Mouse" was a tracked combat vehicle with powerful artillery weapons. The crew consisted of six people - a tank commander, a gun commander, two loaders, a driver and a radio operator. The body of the vehicle was divided by transverse partitions into four compartments: control
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Mobile and inexpensive In 1957, the General Staff of the French Army (l'Etat-Major de l'Armée, EMA) expressed a desire to purchase a wheeled armored personnel carrier with protection against nuclear weapons, which has the mobility of a GBC truck and is inexpensive. his
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Dear Readers! This is the sixth part of the review devoted to the civilian versions of the BRDM-2. The previous parts are here: BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part one; BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part two; BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part three; BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Dear Readers! This is the fifth part of the review devoted to the civilian versions of the BRDM-2. The previous parts are here: BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part one; BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part two; BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part three; BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Dear Readers! This is the seventh and final part of the review devoted to the civilian versions of the BRDM-2. The previous parts are here: BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part one; BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part two; BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part three; BRDM. Scouts on
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Dear Readers! This is the fourth part of the review devoted to the civilian versions of the BRDM-2. The previous parts are located here: BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part one; BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part two; BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part Three Tuning BRDM-a. Project "Armor". author
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Dear Readers! This is the third part of the review devoted to the civilian versions of the BRDM-2. The first parts are here: Second life of the BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part one; Second life of the BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part Two: As I promised, in this article I will post a description of the second car
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Dear Readers! This is the second part of the review devoted to the civilian versions of the BRDM-2. The first part is located here: The second life of the BRDM. Scouts in civilian life. Part one. A Dream Dressed in Armor Oleg Makarov. Weapon shop of the "Trunk" chain, Kiev. Oleg Makarov from Kiev has always dreamed of a device
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
I believe that the Austrian Pinzgauer SUV and the armored reconnaissance and patrol vehicle (BRDM) are especially popular in the sales market for conversion special and automotive equipment that was stored in the armed forces. For its exceptional qualities
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According to the British command, the existing Challenger Mk 2 main battle tanks have ceased to meet modern requirements for army armored vehicles. In this regard, several years ago, a tender was launched to create a promising modernization project, according to which they will be rebuilt in the future
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At present, the Type 96 wheeled armored personnel carrier is in service with the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Forces. This combat vehicle was created in the first half of the nineties of the last century and has been used by troops over the past two decades. Since then, this technique has managed to
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General Dynamics UK's latest computer image of a member of the Scout SV family - Protected Mobility Recce Support (PMRS) reconnaissance vehicles with attachment and lattice armor and roof-mounted remotely controlled weapons
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On the basis of the tracked chassis of a serial tank, you can build vehicles of one class or another. Usually, tank chassis are used in the military sphere, but they can be useful for the civilian sector as well. There are various cases of rebuilding armored vehicles into tractors, tractors, etc. samples of non-military
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By the fall of 1942, British designers had developed a second version of their CDL searchlight tank, based on the chassis of the M3 Grant combat vehicle. Soon this technique was shown to representatives of the United States, and they showed interest in such a development. At the beginning of next year, work began to create
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An important element of the appearance of a promising tank is currently considered an active protection complex (KAZ). To increase the survivability of an armored vehicle on the battlefield, special systems are required that can detect and intercept incoming anti-tank ammunition in a timely manner. Creation
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
German tanks "Panther" and "Tiger" rolled off the assembly line in the courtyard of the plant of the company "Henschel" Towers of tanks "Panther" in carriages at the railway station in Aschaffenburg, broken by bombing In 1937, several companies were instructed to design another, but heavier model