
Artillery of Napoleon's Great Army

Artillery of Napoleon's Great Army

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Artillery under fire. Painting by Eugene Laliepvre. In the Napoleonic era, artillery became the main striking force of the French army and acquired an unprecedented prestige. Napoleon Bonaparte used to say that great battles are won by artillery. Being an artilleryman by training, he gave special

New Serbian modular MLRS "Shumadija"

New Serbian modular MLRS "Shumadija"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"Shumadija" at one of the foreign exhibitions In the product catalog of the company "Jugoimport SDPR" (Serbia) there is a wide range of modern multiple launch rocket systems with different features and characteristics. One of the latest developments in this area is the modular MLRS

Automation of towed artillery: a proposal from VNII "Signal"

Automation of towed artillery: a proposal from VNII "Signal"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Guns 2A65 "Msta-B" and their calculations from the 150th motorized rifle division of the Southern Military District, May 2019 The basis of the artillery of the Russian ground forces is a variety of self-propelled systems. At the same time, the troops retain thousands of towed guns, howitzers and mortars of various calibers. Towed

Guided missile ER GMLRS: early successes and the future of US rocket artillery

Guided missile ER GMLRS: early successes and the future of US rocket artillery

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

ER GMLRS missile design The ER GMLRS product is a further development of the existing GMLRS missile, featuring

"Penicillin" goes to the troops

"Penicillin" goes to the troops

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

1B75 "Penicillin" in position. Photo: © NII "Vector" But the armament of the Russian army is supplied with a promising automated sound-thermal complex (AZTK) of artillery reconnaissance 1B75 "Penicillin". One of the training centers already has such a technique, and now serial products go to

And is that "Neptune" so terrible?

And is that "Neptune" so terrible?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Okay, not an ordinary rocket. Anti-ship, let's say. Created in Ukraine by the brains of Ukrainian designers and assembled by the hands of Ukrainian workers. The sword of Ukraine in the fight against those wishing to encroach on the shores of the Square. Who can (and simply must) do it - it is understandable. Russia. More

From Lynx to Hawk. Domestic counter-battery radar

From Lynx to Hawk. Domestic counter-battery radar

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Self-propelled counter-battery radar 1RL239 "Lynx". Photo The artillery reconnaissance units of the Russian army are armed with several counter-battery radar systems. While on duty, they must detect flying projectiles and calculate the location

Prospects for the development of domestic heavy flamethrower systems

Prospects for the development of domestic heavy flamethrower systems

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The TOS-1A combat vehicle of the RKhBZ unit from the VVOV in the near future will be adopted by the Russian army the newest TOS-2 Tosochka heavy flamethrower system. In addition, the existing military vehicles TOS-1A "Solntsepek" will be modernized. These measures are expected to

Second chance for NEMO. Modernization of the mortar complex and possible orders

Second chance for NEMO. Modernization of the mortar complex and possible orders

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

For several years, the Finnish company Patria Oyj has been offering customers the NEMO (New Mortar) mortar complex. Combat modules of this type have been supplied to several countries, and new orders are expected in the future. In addition, the development company continues to develop the project and introduces new important

Shovel mortar VM-37. Reasons for failure

Shovel mortar VM-37. Reasons for failure

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Mortar shovel with a bipod (inserted incorrectly) and a separate bipod The idea of combining several radically different functions in one product has long attracted designers, but not all such projects end with success. An example of the problems of this approach can be considered the Soviet mortar shovel

US Army counter-battery radar

US Army counter-battery radar

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Antenna post of the AN / TPQ-36 Firefinder radar on alert. Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1996 The US Army is armed with several types of counter-battery radar. The main samples of this class are of considerable age, but there are also modern developments. With help

SAO 2S43 "Malva" goes for testing

SAO 2S43 "Malva" goes for testing

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The first published image of SAO 2S43. The three-dimensional model differs markedly from the real prototype. Currently, the Central Research Institute "Burevestnik" (part of the NPK "Uralvagonzavod") and a number of related organizations are engaged in development work with the code "Sketch". Its purpose is to create a number of

SPTP 2S25M Sprut-SDM1. Defense Ministry plans and expected results

SPTP 2S25M Sprut-SDM1. Defense Ministry plans and expected results

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Experienced SPTP "Sprut-SDM1" As part of the development of the fleet of armored combat vehicles of the airborne troops, a promising self-propelled anti-tank gun (SPTP) 2S25M "Sprut-SDM1" has been developed. By now, experienced equipment of this type has passed part of the tests, and now it is planned to launch

JSC "Lotos" in the break between tests

JSC "Lotos" in the break between tests

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The project of creating a promising self-propelled artillery gun (SAO) 2S42 "Lotos" has passed another important stage. Acceptance tests of the prototype were carried out and successfully completed. All the main characteristics and their compliance with the terms of reference have been confirmed. Now a prototype self-propelled gun

Wheeled SPG for the US Army. On the eve of tests

Wheeled SPG for the US Army. On the eve of tests

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The XM1299 is the future of the US tracked self-propelled artillery. Photo by the US Army The US Army has decided to purchase 155 mm self-propelled howitzers on wheeled chassis. Right now, the Pentagon is accepting and reviewing applications from potential contractors and identifying applicants for the contract. At the beginning of next 2021

Multiple launch rocket system "Bureviy" - "Hurricane" in Ukrainian

Multiple launch rocket system "Bureviy" - "Hurricane" in Ukrainian

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Ukraine has developed and tested a new multiple launch rocket system. The Bureviy complex is intended to replace obsolete rocket artillery models without losses in combat qualities. It is expected that after all the tests, the new MLRS will enter service and allow

Air Force and Aerospace Forces of Iran. Development problems

Air Force and Aerospace Forces of Iran. Development problems

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

F-4 fighters are among the oldest aircraft of the Iranian Air Force. Photo The Islamic Republic of Iran has a distinctive structure of the armed forces. At the same time, the Army and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are serving with different functions and tasks. At the same time, both structures include all

Developments of the past for the gun of the future: the SLRC project and predecessors

Developments of the past for the gun of the future: the SLRC project and predecessors

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Information on the SLRC project. Photo In the United States, a promising artillery complex SLRC (Strategic Long Range Cannon) is being developed. In 2023, the Pentagon plans to test a cannon with a firing range of at least 1,000 nautical miles (over 1,800 km). Reportedly in

Range 70 km. New record for ERCA program

Range 70 km. New record for ERCA program

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the test shots, December 19, 2020, the American program for the creation of a self-propelled artillery installation with an extended range of fire ERCA shows new successes. Recently, an experienced self-propelled gun XM1299 with a promising gun was able to send a guided M982 Excalibur projectile to a distance of 70 km and

Ultra-Long Range and Ultra-Long Optimism: The Strategic Long Range Cannon Project

Ultra-Long Range and Ultra-Long Optimism: The Strategic Long Range Cannon Project

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

ACS XM1299 - at the moment the most long-range in its class Now in the United States are developing several promising models of missile and artillery weapons. One of these projects involves the creation of an ultra-long-range cannon capable of solving strategic tasks. Expected that

OTRK Precision Strike Missile. New features and old limitations

OTRK Precision Strike Missile. New features and old limitations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The general appearance of the PrSM missile from Lockheed Martin Since 2016, in the interests of the US ground forces, a promising operational-tactical missile system Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) is being developed. Its first modification will go into trial operation in 2023 and will be able to hit stationary ground targets

Demonstration of barrels and desires: an overview of the market for self-propelled artillery systems

Demonstration of barrels and desires: an overview of the market for self-propelled artillery systems

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At DSEI 2019, BAE Systems presented a new version of the Archer self-propelled howitzer, mounted on the HX44 8x8 chassis of the Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles

Early Krupp cannons: ideas for the future

Early Krupp cannons: ideas for the future

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Reconstructed cannon 6-Pfünder-Feldkanone C / 61 new artillery systems, created on the basis of the most modern technical solutions, began to enter the armament of the European powers. Thus, the Prussian army received several field guns, collectively known as "cannons

120 mm mortars in motion

120 mm mortars in motion

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Swedish army has ordered 40 Mjolner mortar complexes with a 120 mm twin tower mortar, which are planned to be delivered by the end of 2020 The growing popularity of 120-mm self-propelled mortars contributes to their rapid spread not only in Europe, but also in other regions

Mortars "Dictator" in the battles of the North against the South

Mortars "Dictator" in the battles of the North against the South

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Mortar rafts are firing at the positions of the southerners First, ignite a bomb in the mortar, and then ignite behind. From the decree of Peter I to Russian gunners Weapons from museums. We continue the story about the artillery pieces of the North and South that took part in the internecine war of 1861-1865. Today our story will be dedicated to

Artillery of the conqueror of Europe

Artillery of the conqueror of Europe

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Russian mounted artillery prepares to open fire on a French infantry square. Oh, now it will not seem enough for them! Rice. A. N. Yezhov And the volleys of thousands of guns merged into a drawn-out howl … Yu. Lermontov. Borodino Weapons from museums. Date August 26 (September 7) 1812 in the history of Russia has a special meaning

Shuvalov's "Secret Howitzer"

Shuvalov's "Secret Howitzer"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“A secret howitzer of the 1753 model of the PI Shuvalov system. Military-Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering Troops and Signal Corps, St. Petersburg Weapons from museums. While studying at the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers, I lived in a student hostel on the Petrogradskaya side

Year twelve artillery

Year twelve artillery

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

F. Roubaud. "Borodino panorama" Fragment: "The French attack the Russian positions at the Semyonovsky brook." In the foreground, a scenic view of French horse artillerymen with a cannon is galloping across the stream. Behind them, close ranks of Saxon cuirassiers are marching into battle. On the subject level, broken Russian unicorns. Though

US Civil War ammunition

US Civil War ammunition

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Parrott's cannons and shells but as soon as these traitors from the North encroached on the sacred, on our rights, we proudly raised our dear blue flag with a single star: Harry McCarthy. The blue flag, sweetheart, is a weapon from the museums. Related Articles

Artillery innovations of the civil war between North and South

Artillery innovations of the civil war between North and South

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Gilland's double-barreled cannon, Athens, Georgia, USA Oh, how many wonderful discoveries are prepared for us by the spirit of enlightenment, And experience, the son of difficult mistakes, And a genius, friend of paradoxes, And chance, God is an inventor. S. Pushkin Weapons from museums. In front of the mayor's office of the city of Athens in the state of Georgia, USA, there is an unusual cannon of the times

North and South: smooth-bore and rifled cannons

North and South: smooth-bore and rifled cannons

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Shot at the enemy's infantry … Fire! The Lord commanded: "Go, Moses, Into the land of Egypt. Tell the Pharaohs to release my people! Oh! Let My People Go: The Song of the Contrabands, 1862 Weapons from the Museums. We continue our story about the artillery weapons of the northern and southern states that fought during

Cannons Tredegar and the Noble brothers

Cannons Tredegar and the Noble brothers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

2.9-inch Parrott cannon manufactured by Tredegar's factory We are marching on Richmond with a dark blue wall, We carry stripes and stars in front of us, John Brown's body lies damp in the ground, But his soul calls us into battle! Battle Anthem of the Republic, USA, 1861 . Weapons from museums. It is generally accepted in our country that the southern states in the years

James and Sawyer cannons: rifled versus smoothbore

James and Sawyer cannons: rifled versus smoothbore

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The 12-pound "Napoleon" of the Confederates is streaming in the greenery, And next to a monument to heroes. Let the glory weaves a wreath, Sons take pride in their peace. May the spirit of the fighters be eternal, Freedom bequeathed to us. Let the brazen banner of fathers Spare both time and nature. Ralph Waldo Emerson … Concord Anthem, sung on 4 July 1837

Brook and Wiard Cannons

Brook and Wiard Cannons

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

7-inch (178-mm) Brook cannon from the battleship Atlanta Oh, I would like to be in the land of cotton, Where the old days are not forgotten, Turn around! Turn around! Turn around! Dixieland In the land of Dixie, where I was born, on an early frosty morning, Turn around! Turn around! Turn around! Dixieland I would like to be in Dixie! Hooray! Hurray! "Dixie"

Anti-tank self-propelled gun "Object 416": why the project was closed

Anti-tank self-propelled gun "Object 416": why the project was closed

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Model self-propelled gun "416", 1950 At the turn of the forties and fifties, the Soviet command took up the issue of replacing outdated self-propelled artillery installations SU-76M and SU-100. Several new projects were launched, but not all of them gave real results. One of these projects resulted in

Guerrilla missiles: light rocket system "Grad-P"

Guerrilla missiles: light rocket system "Grad-P"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Launcher 9P132 in one of the Vietnamese museums. Photo by Wikimedia Commons The USSR actively supported North Vietnam with the supply of materiel. Among other samples supplied to the ally, there was a light rocket system "Grad-P", created at his request. This product combines small

"Bars-8MMK": mortar without mortar

"Bars-8MMK": mortar without mortar

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Self-propelled mortar "Bars-8MMK" in the stowed position Since 2016, the Ukrainian industry has shown at exhibitions a promising self-propelled mortar "Bars-8MMK". In the future, this project was brought to the assembly of the first batch of small sizes and even to acceptance tests. However, that's all

"Battering ram" against "Dragon". Why the Soviet Army did not receive a 152-mm anti-tank self-propelled gun

"Battering ram" against "Dragon". Why the Soviet Army did not receive a 152-mm anti-tank self-propelled gun

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Experienced "Object 120" in the museum, tower and building close-up. Photo Wikimedia Commons In 1957, work began in our country to create several promising armored vehicles designed to combat enemy tanks. "Topic number 9", set by the resolution of the Council of Ministers, provided

The most popular North and South caliber

The most popular North and South caliber

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Grown-up guys "play with a cannon" … So what? When you have everything, why not play?”I saw how the Lord Himself appeared to us in glory, How He scattered the grapes of anger with a mighty foot, How He drew the metal with a terrible lightning bolt. He keeps pace with the truth. Battle Anthem of the Republic Weapons from the museums. Among

"Parrot Cannon". Man and his weapon

"Parrot Cannon". Man and his weapon

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

100-pound Parrott cannon on one of the forts of the American Civil War. Photo from the archives of the US Library of Congress But flares and explosions are getting closer and closer, Neither there is salvation, nor here, There are walls, settling roar, Here - a furious howl of flame, And the city, block by block, Forever overgrown with grass