Engineering troops and transport

Ural presented its cars at the Army-2018 forum

Ural presented its cars at the Army-2018 forum

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As part of the Army-2018 international military-technical forum held in Kubinka near Moscow at the end of August, the Ural automobile plant presented its new products, including the Ural-53099 protected frame vehicle with an armored single-volume body. About the new automotive equipment of the plant

Reactive mine clearance Conger device (UK)

Reactive mine clearance Conger device (UK)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Various mines designed to destroy enemy personnel and equipment were one of the main threats on the battlefields of World War II. The military and engineers of all countries were looking for effective ways to combat mines, and in some cases, such a search led to the emergence of a completely new

Motor Trends: How Humvee Compares To The New Oshkosh JLTV

Motor Trends: How Humvee Compares To The New Oshkosh JLTV

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Not so long ago, the US industry began mass production of the new Oshkosh JLTV multipurpose army vehicles. This technique is intended to replace existing HMMWV machines and is created based on the experience of their operation. It is expected that the new cars will be a full replacement for existing ones, but

Engineering vehicle "Object 153" UBIM. One instead of several

Engineering vehicle "Object 153" UBIM. One instead of several

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The engineering troops' fleet should have armored vehicles of various types capable of solving a wide range of tasks. Several years ago in our country the idea of creating a universal engineering armored vehicle capable of replacing several existing models at once appeared. By now it is

Isolating gas masks of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Part 2

Isolating gas masks of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Anticipating the story about the projects of military insulating gas masks, it is worth mentioning the unusual idea of the professor of Kazan University, the future head of the Imperial Military Medical Academy Viktor Vasilyevich Pashutin (1845-1901). The main field of activity of the scientist was associated with

The changing face, or the Evolutionary spurt of light versatile vehicles

The changing face, or the Evolutionary spurt of light versatile vehicles

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Military light utility vehicles have changed markedly over the past decade. Consider the pros and cons of traditional military and production civilian models: Approximately 40,000 Ford Rangers were delivered in 2005-2012 to the Afghan Army and Police, which is now the largest

"Wall" for the National Guard

"Wall" for the National Guard

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At last year's Army-2017 international military-technical forum, the Kalashnikov concern presented the Wall complex and the Shield special vehicle designed for use in suppressing riots. Later, an experimental technique of a new type was transferred for testing

Bridge support tank ILO

Bridge support tank ILO

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Due to certain circumstances, during the Great Patriotic War, the Red Army did not have serial tank bridgelayers, which could negatively affect the mobility of troops. The few attempts to create such a technique during that period did not lead to the desired results. New projects

Tracked all-terrain vehicles of the Ripsaw EV3 family (USA)

Tracked all-terrain vehicles of the Ripsaw EV3 family (USA)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In recent years, the Ripsaw family of military and civil all-terrain vehicles from the American company Howe & Howe Technologies has become widely known. Based on well-known and proven solutions, an interesting tracked chassis has been created that can be used in a wide variety of areas

Tank bridge TM-34

Tank bridge TM-34

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Preparing for a future war, the Red Army ordered a variety of combat and auxiliary vehicles, including those for the engineering troops. The rearmament has affected many areas, but in the field of tank bridges, the desired results have not been obtained. For this reason, the most important question had to

Articulated swamp vehicle BT361A-01 "Tyumen"

Articulated swamp vehicle BT361A-01 "Tyumen"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the seventies, the Soviet mining industry explored new remote deposits and laid numerous pipelines. The lack of a developed transport infrastructure led to well-known problems, which, in turn, stimulated the further development of automobile and

Isolating gas masks of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Part 1

Isolating gas masks of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

China is home to many discoveries. The case with chemical poisonous substances is no exception - du yao yan qiu, or "a ball of poisonous smoke", is mentioned in the treatise "Wu jing zong-yao". Even the recipe for one of the first chemical warfare agents has survived: Sulfur - 15 lians (559 g) Saltpeter - 1 jin 14

Articulated swamp vehicle SVG-701 "Yamal"

Articulated swamp vehicle SVG-701 "Yamal"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the early eighties, the serial production of multipurpose swamp-going vehicles BT361A-01 "Tyumen" was started, which were to participate in the construction of new objects of the oil and gas industry in remote areas. At the same time, the development of existing ideas did not stop, and in the near future a new one appeared

Higgins Beachmaster. Large useless amphibian

Higgins Beachmaster. Large useless amphibian

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the Second World War, work was carried out in the United States to create various amphibians. Many of them never left the stage of prototypes, they came to us mainly thanks to photographs, which can be used to judge the unusual appearance and large size of some specimens. One of these amphibians

Arctic all-terrain vehicle KamAZ "Arctic"

Arctic all-terrain vehicle KamAZ "Arctic"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At the end of 2017, in Moscow, as part of the Vuzpromexpo-2017 exhibition, a new all-terrain vehicle on low-pressure tires with the working name KamAZ-Arctic was presented to the public. The vehicle is designed for the development of the Far North and is specially designed for efficient operation in

Multipurpose wheeled chassis "Object 560" and "Object 560U"

Multipurpose wheeled chassis "Object 560" and "Object 560U"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Until a certain time, the vast majority of Soviet armored vehicles had a tracked chassis. The active development of the wheel direction began only at the end of the fifties, and its first practical results were obtained at the beginning of the next decade. It was supposed to create

"Lord of the Mud". Part 2. Off-road combat equipment

"Lord of the Mud". Part 2. Off-road combat equipment

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In this part, we will consider the need to create special military augers and their competition with wheeled and tracked vehicles. On the very muddy mud Perhaps many will disagree with this, but the passability of existing types of wheeled and tracked vehicles is slightly exaggerated and in general

Large and floating. The history of the amphibious BAS. The ending

Large and floating. The history of the amphibious BAS. The ending

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Tests and the beginning of the series. In September 1950, after fine-tuning and maintenance, tests were organized by the mileage of two DAZ-485. For comparison, we took an American prototype with us on the run

Armored vehicles

Armored vehicles

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the characteristic features of military operations in local wars and armed conflicts is active armed confrontation in communications. To reliably ensure the safe passage of the columns along the routes of movement, a large and complex complex is organized and implemented

Military medical vehicles and transporters

Military medical vehicles and transporters

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Since today the armies of all countries of the world use cars and transporters to carry out their main tasks of transporting people and goods, this article will focus on them. More precisely, I want to talk a little about cars and transporters for military doctors. Wars are part and parcel

European equipment at the aerodromes of the Russian Aerospace Forces. Rosenbauer Panther 6x6

European equipment at the aerodromes of the Russian Aerospace Forces. Rosenbauer Panther 6x6

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The issue of import substitution in the segment of equipment used by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations remains open. At the same time, it can be stated that dependence on imports remains significant often not even in terms of a set of names of components, including electronics, but in terms of technology as a whole

Gantraki. Part 1

Gantraki. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The term "gun truck" first appeared during the Vietnam War, when the US Transport Corps faced heavy truck losses from ambushes by guerrillas operating in the jungle. In order to repel attacks on transport convoys, part

Gantraki. Part 2

Gantraki. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the 70s and 80s, practically no armed conflict was complete without the use by the opposing sides of all-wheel drive jeeps, pickup trucks and trucks as a platform for installing weapons. This was especially typical for conflicts where one of the parties was irregular

Let's remember a car like a unicycle

Let's remember a car like a unicycle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

1924 year. Motorway near the National Stadium in Rome. And what is it that is moving along it? A huge wheel driven by a motorcycle engine, and in it sits a driver who is clearly indifferent to the danger of flying out of it like a stone from a sling! In the hands of an ordinary car steering wheel (isn't it

Trucks of the First World War. USA

Trucks of the First World War. USA

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During World War I, one of the most widely used American-made cars was the famous Ford T, or Lizzie's Tin. It was the most massive, most popular car in the United States, and there is no wonder that when the war began, it was he who was in massive numbers

Trucks of the First World War. France and Italy (part two)

Trucks of the First World War. France and Italy (part two)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Everyone was happy with the French trucks produced during the First World War, but there was a problem that they could not solve. The point is that they were tied to roads. Meanwhile, the army needed a transporter capable of moving guns across the battlefield. And it was downright

Trucks of the First World War. France and Italy (part one)

Trucks of the First World War. France and Italy (part one)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It is now France in the world car market looks far from being a star, although Renault and Citroen are still being produced. It was not so before the First World War, when French cars were for many manufacturers the standard of quality and elegance. It is enough to re-read the novels of Alexei Tolstoy

Trucks of the First World War. Austria-Hungary and Germany

Trucks of the First World War. Austria-Hungary and Germany

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It would be wrong to call the Second World War a "war of motors", although they played a very important role both on land and on water and in the air. But before the Second World War there was also the First, and it was then that the motorization of the armies of the belligerent countries became a truly factor of victory. It is enough to remember

Trucks of the First World War. United Kingdom

Trucks of the First World War. United Kingdom

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In Great Britain and its colonies, the American Ford-T was also one of the most common cars. They were immediately mobilized for military service and turned … into patrol cars. They differed little from their civilian counterparts, except that they had a machine gun in the back

The V-2 engine is a winner and a long-liver

The V-2 engine is a winner and a long-liver

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The term "weapon of Victory" is usually understood to mean aircraft, tanks, artillery installations, and sometimes small arms that have reached Berlin. Less significant developments are mentioned less often, but they, too, went through the whole war and made an important contribution. For example, diesel V-2, without which a tank would be impossible

China has completed the localization of the production of armored cars "Tiger"

China has completed the localization of the production of armored cars "Tiger"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Beijing hosted the China Military and Civilian Integration Expo 2016, dedicated to new developments in military and civilian use. During this event, a large number of Chinese enterprises showcased their latest achievements in the form of promotional materials and real

Ukrainian Opening: secret all-terrain vehicles KrAZ of the times of the USSR

Ukrainian Opening: secret all-terrain vehicles KrAZ of the times of the USSR

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In Soviet times, for a common man in the street, the Kremenchug Automobile Plant was a small manufacturer of heavy trucks and dump trucks, but in fact, from the moment of its formation, on the orders of the Ministry of Defense, they secretly carried out secret developments of promising army all-wheel drive

Typhoon-U near and inside

Typhoon-U near and inside

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

And who can you not meet on the forest paths near Moscow! Here, for example, is a new armored truck that has not even been adopted yet. This is Ural-63095, aka Typhoon. Its pre-production samples are being tested and are preparing to appear before the state commission. What is this Typhoon? "

Bitter "Voshchina": Bryansk four-wheel drive vehicles that did not go into series

Bitter "Voshchina": Bryansk four-wheel drive vehicles that did not go into series

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

From the beginning of the 1970s to the end of the 90s, the special design bureau of the Bryansk Automobile Plant developed several families of land four-axle multi-purpose vehicles with high cross-country ability. They were also created within the framework of the experimental design theme "Basis", but gradually they were extended

Weapon stories. Artillery tractor T-20 "Komsomolets"

Weapon stories. Artillery tractor T-20 "Komsomolets"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Some lovers of speculation from history say a lot about the fact that the Red Army did not pay attention to the mechanization of troops, they relied on horses. One can only agree on the part where it says that the dominant attention was paid to tanks. Nevertheless, the work was carried out, and the results were. About one of

All-terrain vehicle "Sherpa"

All-terrain vehicle "Sherpa"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Special equipment with high cross-country characteristics is of great interest not only for the military and security officials, but also for civilian structures, tourists, etc. Such machines allow you to get to remote corners inaccessible to other equipment. Manufacturers of special equipment

American special forces will receive an ultralight combat vehicle DAGOR

American special forces will receive an ultralight combat vehicle DAGOR

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The division of the company Polaris, engaged in the production of military products, presented a new model of military equipment. It is reported that the company's new product is an ultralight combat vehicle called DAGOR. The official presentation of the novelty will take place on October 13-15, 2014 in Washington in

Armored car project Protolab PMPV 6x6 MiSu (Finland)

Armored car project Protolab PMPV 6x6 MiSu (Finland)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Not so long ago, the Finnish defense industry showed its new development. One of the relatively young companies completed the development of a promising armored car, built a prototype and began testing it. It is reported that the new armored vehicle belongs to the class of equipment MRAP and

Blocking the path of the enemy. Mine spreaders and minelayers. Part one

Blocking the path of the enemy. Mine spreaders and minelayers. Part one

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the most important tasks of the engineering troops in engineering support of the battle is the device of mine and explosive barriers, which allow inflicting losses on the enemy, delaying his advance, and complicating the maneuver of forces and means. In the offensive, mining is done to cover the flanks

Minelayers today

Minelayers today

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

World experts are unanimous in the opinion that the role of mine weapons used both in the offensive and in defense depends on the qualitative development of equipment and devices for installing mines, as well as on the improvement of the mines themselves. Military designers and engineers are constantly improving systems