Engineering troops and transport

Man's best friend. K9, or Humanitarian sappers

Man's best friend. K9, or Humanitarian sappers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A mine detection dog from the Marshall Legacy Institute, together with his counselor, helps to clear the land of Azerbaijan from mines. More than 700 types of mines are known. They are made from various materials: wood, metal, plastic, bakelite and even glass. They are light and heavy, large and small

Demining installation AAVP7A1 CATFAE (USA)

Demining installation AAVP7A1 CATFAE (USA)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the ways to protect the coast from enemy amphibious assault is the organization of mine-explosive and engineering barriers. Accordingly, to overcome such obstacles, the advancing marines must use special demining installations and other engineering equipment. In past

Demining installation M130 SLUFAE (USA)

Demining installation M130 SLUFAE (USA)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the most popular and effective methods of deterring the enemy offensive is the organization of mine-explosive obstacles. The need to detect ammunition and make a passage in a minefield can dramatically reduce the rate of advance of enemy troops. To deal with such hardships

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIL-49042

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIL-49042

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the early seventies of the last century, the Special Design Bureau of the Plant. I.A. Likhachev began developing a new version of the search and evacuation complex, designed to provide assistance to the landed astronauts. In future projects, it was planned to implement new ideas

Road train tanker MZKT-74135 + 99942 + 83721 (Belarus)

Road train tanker MZKT-74135 + 99942 + 83721 (Belarus)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

So that the tracked armored combat vehicle does not waste its resource and does not spoil the road surface, it should be transported to the place of work using special vehicles. The transfer of armored vehicles on roads is carried out using special road trains-tank carriers with

Experienced search and evacuation unit PES-2

Experienced search and evacuation unit PES-2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the mid-sixties, the Special Design Bureau of the Plant. I.A. Likhachev received an order to create a promising all-terrain vehicle capable of searching for and evacuating landed cosmonauts. The first result of such an order was the PES-1 search and evacuation unit, which was soon accepted at

Search and evacuation all-terrain vehicles of the ZIL-4906 "Blue Bird" family

Search and evacuation all-terrain vehicles of the ZIL-4906 "Blue Bird" family

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Since the second half of the sixties, the search and rescue service of the USSR Air Force has operated all-terrain vehicles of the PES-1 family, designed to detect and evacuate cosmonauts along with their descent vehicle. At the beginning of the next decade, there was a need for new technology

Experienced all-terrain vehicle PES-1R

Experienced all-terrain vehicle PES-1R

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Since the mid-sixties, the search and evacuation of cosmonauts and descent vehicles has been carried out using ultra-high cross-country vehicles of the PES-1 family. In the early eighties, new equipment for a similar purpose appeared, as a result of which the existing all-terrain vehicles were gradually withdrawn from

Tactical chassis MZKT-600203 (Republic of Belarus)

Tactical chassis MZKT-600203 (Republic of Belarus)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Any army needs not only military equipment, but also vehicles of different classes. Not the last place in the fleet of the armed forces is occupied by trucks and tractors with high characteristics of carrying capacity and cross-country ability. Currently, many companies from different countries offer potential

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIL-135SH

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIL-135SH

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

For many years, the Special Design Bureau of the Plant. I.A. Likhachev developed projects for ultra-high cross-country vehicles. The main customer of such machines was the Ministry of Defense, but from a certain time other departments began to play such a role. So, at the beginning

All-terrain vehicle for astronauts

All-terrain vehicle for astronauts

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Special design bureau of the automobile plant named after I.A. Likhacheva initially developed a high cross-country vehicle only in the interests of the army. Later, other structures, including the space industry, became interested in similar projects. The management of the latter initiated the development of special

Road train tanker MZKT-742960 + 820400 (Republic of Belarus)

Road train tanker MZKT-742960 + 820400 (Republic of Belarus)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A significant part of army armored vehicles needs special means of transportation, which are necessary to transport them over long distances. Transportation of tanks and other combat vehicles is carried out using special tractors and semi-trailers with sufficient carrying capacity. Minsk Wheel Plant

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIL-157E

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIL-157E

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

By the beginning of the sixties, the Special Design Bureau of the Plant. I.A. Likhachev completed the main work on the ZIL-135 family of all-terrain vehicles. The finished equipment went into series and became the basis for several special army vehicles. Soon there was a proposal to create a new all-terrain vehicle that has

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIL-135E "Electrokhod"

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIL-135E "Electrokhod"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

By the beginning of the sixties, the Special Design Bureau of the Plant. Likhachev completed the main work on the promising four-axle chassis ZIL-135. Soon, several modifications of this machine went into series and became the basis for a number of samples of military equipment for various purposes. Development

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIL-136

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIL-136

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Since the mid-fifties, the Special Design Bureau of the Moscow Plant im. Likhachev dealt with the subject of ultra-high cross-country vehicles. Various new ideas and solutions were worked out and studied, for which special experimental samples were created and tested with different

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIS-E134 "Model No. 3"

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIS-E134 "Model No. 3"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the mid-fifties, the Special Design Bureau of the Moscow Automobile Plant im. Stalin took up the subject of ultra-high cross-country vehicles. Within the framework of the first such project, called ZIS-E134, new samples of special equipment were developed that had one or another

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIS-E134 "Model No. 0"

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIS-E134 "Model No. 0"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In 1954, the Soviet army ordered the automotive industry to develop a promising ultra-high cross-country vehicle suitable for use in the army as a multi-purpose vehicle. Having received such an order, the Moscow Automobile Plant im. Stalin began work and

Nuttall Flamethrower towed flamethrower (UK)

Nuttall Flamethrower towed flamethrower (UK)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In May 1940, Great Britain, fearing a possible attack by Nazi Germany, created a civilian self-defense squad, later collectively known as the Home Guard. For obvious reasons, this structure for a long time could not count on receiving full-fledged weapons

Multipurpose all-terrain vehicle NORINCO CS / VP4 (China)

Multipurpose all-terrain vehicle NORINCO CS / VP4 (China)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the recent past, NORINCO Corporation, one of the largest Chinese manufacturers of military equipment, presented a whole family of combat and auxiliary vehicles of all kinds. She developed a new multi-purpose lightweight chassis, which later became the basis for a number of

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIL-134

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIL-134

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the mid-fifties of the last century, the Special Design Bureau of the Moscow Plant im. Stalin (later the Likhachev Plant) dealt with the subject of ultra-high cross-country vehicles, suitable for use in the army in various roles. For several years, have been developed, built and

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIL-E167

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIL-E167

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

By the end of the fifties of the last century, the Special Design Bureau of the I.A. Likhachev, headed by V.A. Grachev completed tests of several prototype ultra-high cross-country vehicles. A number of experimental all-terrain vehicles made it possible to study the features of the operation of equipment on difficult landscapes, and

The big races of 1956: the cooler the jeep

The big races of 1956: the cooler the jeep

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The time from the late 1940s to the late 1950s is the period when almost all car factories in our country were actively working on cross-country vehicles. Direct descendants of some all-terrain vehicles designed at that time are still being produced - enough

Armored car Marauder / "Arlan" (South Africa / Kazakhstan)

Armored car Marauder / "Arlan" (South Africa / Kazakhstan)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At the moment, Kazakhstan cannot boast of a developed defense industry, and besides, it does not have its own design school. Nevertheless, the army of the state still needs different equipment, and therefore is forced to turn to third countries for help. Some years ago

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIS-E134 "Model No. 1"

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIS-E134 "Model No. 1"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the early fifties of the last century, the Soviet army, busy with its development and increasing its defense capability, faced a number of characteristic problems. Among other things, it was found that not all available vehicles meet the requirements. To provide

Airfield refueller ATZ-90-8685c

Airfield refueller ATZ-90-8685c

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

To fly several thousand kilometers and deliver a payload to the drop area, a long-range bomber must have huge fuel tanks. Thus, aircraft of the Tu-95 family take on board up to 80 tons of fuel, and the capacity of the fuel system of the supersonic Tu-160 exceeds 170 thousand liters. For

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIS-E134 "Model No. 2"

Experienced all-terrain vehicle ZIS-E134 "Model No. 2"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the middle of 1954, the leading enterprises of the Soviet automobile industry were assigned the task of developing a promising ultra-high cross-country wheeled vehicle suitable for use in the army. Special design bureau of the Moscow Plant named after Stalin worked out the appearance

The project of the super-heavy armored vehicle Holt 150 ton Field Monitor (USA)

The project of the super-heavy armored vehicle Holt 150 ton Field Monitor (USA)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The First World War gave impetus to the development of a significant number of areas in the field of weapons and military equipment. However, not all of the original designs of that time were created in connection with the outbreak of the war in Europe. Local conflicts in other regions could also have an impact on development

Chemical reconnaissance vehicle RHM-VV "Razrukha-1"

Chemical reconnaissance vehicle RHM-VV "Razrukha-1"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Rosgvardia units are entrusted with the solution of a variety of tasks related to ensuring order and the safety of the civilian population. Some of these tasks, due to their specificity, require the use of special equipment and technology. One example of the latter is intelligence

Wheeled road armored vehicle KDMB

Wheeled road armored vehicle KDMB

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

For obvious reasons, the army needs not only military equipment, but also construction or engineering vehicles. For the construction of various objects, cleaning of obstacles, etc. the engineering troops need specialized samples, including those created on the basis of commercial equipment. An example of such

Special wheeled chassis BAZ-69092

Special wheeled chassis BAZ-69092

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In order to simplify the operation of numerous equipment, the army orders the assembly of the required samples on the basis of a unified chassis. Currently, the troops have a fleet of various combat and special vehicles built using several main special wheeled chassis. Noticeable

River walking

River walking

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the civil war in Syria, there were no serviceable engineering equipment and specialists, therefore, when the need arose, the ferry fleet had to be transferred from Russia. Establishing a ferry across the Euphrates in the Deir ez-Zor region took only three days, taking into account the delivery of equipment for several thousand

Tank on rails

Tank on rails

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In 1930, at the S.M. Kirov Plant in Leningrad, the idea of a motor armored car was born, which would not be inferior in firepower to light armored trains, and surpassed them in maneuverability and security. The design used the nodes of the medium tank T-28. In three towers located in two

Squirrel Cage flotation system (USA)

Squirrel Cage flotation system (USA)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the Second World War, the basis of the fleet of vehicles of the American armed forces was made up of Willys MB cars, various trucks, DUKW amphibians and other vehicles on wheeled chassis. It quickly became clear that the wheels do not show themselves in the best way on sandy beaches

LMV IVECO, Tiger, Wolf and everything, everything, everything

LMV IVECO, Tiger, Wolf and everything, everything, everything

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the past few weeks, there has been seething on the Internet about possible purchases of armored vehicles by the RF Ministry of Defense abroad. There are many controversies, discussions, arguments for and against. A lot of hats were thrown on, spears were broken and checkers were blunt in dashing "horse attacks". We are absolutely not specialists

From a steam wagon to an armored car

From a steam wagon to an armored car

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Russian Automobile Troops celebrate 100 years 1916 FORWARDING STEAM LOCKS The ancestor of the car - a steam carriage was first manufactured in 1769 by order of the French military department

Among the heavy transport helicopters of all countries of the world, no competitor to the Russian machine has appeared

Among the heavy transport helicopters of all countries of the world, no competitor to the Russian machine has appeared

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Last month, Russian helicopter builders celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first flight of the unique Mi-10 helicopter, which gave a new impetus to the development of heavy helicopters - both in our country and in the world as a whole. Subsequently, on its basis, a variant of the Mi-10K was created, and then a heavy

Boom! Drilling and percussion machine BUM-2: tests are nearing completion

Boom! Drilling and percussion machine BUM-2: tests are nearing completion

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Engineering troops, called upon to solve special tasks, need special equipment with certain capabilities. The Russian defense industry offers the army various promising developments of all types. One of the newest samples is currently completing tests

Military cargo taxi

Military cargo taxi

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A century ago, many military experts thought that during a war it was enough to requisition civilian transport for military needs. However, over time it became obvious that the tank could not be put on a "civilian" truck. In addition, civilian vehicles turned out to be too variegated and therefore

Followers of Kegress

Followers of Kegress

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Off-road capability is very important, sometimes of decisive importance for army transport and special vehicles. This quality is primarily due to the passability on various types of soil and the ability to overcome all kinds of obstacles - ditches, walls, slopes, fords. Caterpillar in these

Rocket mine clearance Giant Viper (UK)

Rocket mine clearance Giant Viper (UK)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the Second World War, the British Corps of Royal Engineers acquired new means of dealing with enemy mines - the Conger device. This device cleared the area with the explosion of a special elongated charge