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The submariner, a moment has come, take the Gifts. Everything in life will be fine, My friend, do not forget! The Rubin Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering (CDB MT) has decided to competently celebrate the Day of the Submariner (traditionally celebrated on March 19) - application for the start of work on the creation
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The modern navy is designed to perform three main tasks: providing strategic deterrence in the form of one of the components of the "nuclear triad", supporting ground forces in local conflicts, and performing "decorative" functions, otherwise known as "displaying the flag." V
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The passenger Boeing soars into the gloomy sky of London, neat British mansions, green squares, streets with left-hand traffic float under the wing. Swaying gently in the Atlantic wind, the plane heads for the open ocean … "Ladies and gentlemen," says captain Steve
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To date, only four ships of the Russian Navy are capable of providing tactical (zonal) air defense of the squadron in open sea areas. Their names are well known to you: the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Peter the Great" and three missile cruisers of Project 1164 - "Moscow", "Varyag" and
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“When unidentified underwater objects are discovered near units of US Navy warships, force them to surface. Otherwise, use weapons to kill "from the directive of the US Navy Rendezvous with Mr. Eisenhower The Mediterranean Sea was saturated with death
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Is it worth taking on ships that will not enter service very soon and will be insanely expensive? - President F.D. Roosevelt's opinion on the construction of large aircraft carriers The 45,000-ton ship will be unreasonably large and uncontrollable - Admiral Chester Nimitz, Commander-in-Chief of the US Pacific Fleet in
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The attack nuclear aircraft carrier "John C. Stennis" together with the warships sent to the Persian Gulf … The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier "George Bush" has been deployed to the shores of Syria. … The third US aircraft carrier has arrived in the Middle East. According to news reports over the past year
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The main headquarters of the USSR Navy was pierced with slippery tentacles of terror: the commander-in-chief saw the nuclear aircraft carrier "Enterprise" everywhere, officers threw themselves out of the windows in panic shouting "Aircraft carriers are coming!" A pistol shot clicked - the deputy chief of the General Staff shot himself in his office, information about
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The history of atomic killers of the Los Angeles type began in 1906, when a family of emigrants from the Russian Empire - Abraham, Rachel and their six-year-old son Haim - entered the hall of the Immigration Service of Ellis Island (New Jersey). The boy was not a miss - when he grew up, he entered the Naval Academy and
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The title illustration depicts the unloading process of the US military Shewhart transports used to deliver US Army, Navy, and Marine Corps equipment around the world. The trick is that the original name of this ship sounded very different - before becoming
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In the second half of the twentieth century, 180 independent states appeared on the world map, but from this wild variety of countries and peoples, only two superpowers had a powerful ocean fleet - the Soviet Union and the United States. For example, no one except us and the Americans massively built missile cruisers. Yet
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As in Russia it has been going on for a long time: So that the enemies and thieves do not attack, the Bogatyrs are entrusted with patrols … Today "Kirov" took over the patrol! - the newspaper "On guard of the Arctic", issue of April 19, 1981. "You look nice "- semaphore from the British destroyer" Newcastle ", watching the transition
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History knows many fantastic projects, surprising with their courage and complete isolation from reality. Submarine aircraft carriers (submarines with a seaplane - used by Japan for symbolic "bombing" of the forests of Oregon). Vertically taking off amphibian VVA-14. Amazing beauty
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Early morning of an unkind day, Her Majesty's ship Conqueror is moving in the thick of the cold waters of the South Atlantic. For 30 hours, the British submarine has been continuously monitoring the Argentine formation led by the cruiser General Belgrano. Here it is - 7 miles straight ahead, swaying in foam on the ocean
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On the stocks, from the echoing void, through lines no thicker than a spider web, smooth lines suddenly appear, as if on a decal … swaying on the waves Military shipbuilding is one
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On December 1, 2012, a ceremony was held at the Norfolk Naval Base (Virginia) to deactivate the "nuclear heart" of the mighty aircraft carrier Enterprise. Fifty years of service in the name of democracy flew by as one day - and now, the 340-meter ship stood forever at the quay wall. From March to November
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Many ship modelers, or just those people who are interested in naval topics, probably know about the existence of destroyers such as "Mechanical Engineer Zverev". Built (who would have thought!) In Germany, ten ships of this type for a quarter of a century served at first as part of the Russian
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Three billion dollars! " - the speaker finished his speech. - an excited hum rolled through the hall. Military officials, industrialists and members of the public began to actively discuss something among themselves. - Mr. Rear Admiral! - there was an exclamation from somewhere in the gallery - let me introduce myself
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The nuclear tests at Bikini Atoll have clearly demonstrated the importance of the fleet in modern nuclear war. A huge squadron of 95 ships was completely destroyed by two explosions of plutonium bombs, similar to the ammunition dropped on Nagasaki. Despite the "sensational" statements by reporters that many
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Some time ago, an article was published on the Voennoye Obozreniye website about the obvious problems and technical difficulties that arise when creating devices using the screen effect. In the heated discussion that broke out, the name "Pelican" was again voiced - an unfulfilled project
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I bring to the attention of all fans of military history the next series of the detective "Sea Battle: Aviation against battleships." The previous story about the sinking of the battleship Yamato caused a lot of criticism: readers questioned the possibility of destroying such a large and well-protected
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One of the shortcomings of the domestic fleet is sometimes called the original system for replenishing the ship's composition, according to which the lead ship of each series is a test platform for testing and updating new weapons and radio electronics systems. Even after successful tests and mass
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Damn, how I like this car! Supersonic winged ship with a predatory, oblong fuselage and sharp triangles of planes. Inside, in the cramped cockpit, the gaze is lost among dozens of dials, toggle switches and switches. Here is the plane control stick, comfortable, ribbed
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"There will be sea vessels!" - said Tsar Peter and went to Europe to study shipbuilding. Russian sailors carefully copied the technologies, knowledge and traditions of the Dutch fleet, and after 100 years they already dashingly walked in unknown latitudes, discovering a new continent Antarctica (751 days
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In 1962, there was a high-profile emergency on the cruiser Long Beach. During a firing practice in the presence of high-ranking officials of the state, among whom was President Kennedy himself, the latest nuclear-powered missile cruiser was unable to intercept the air target. Annoyed Kennedy inquired about the composition
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It has been repeatedly noted that there was an amazing dependence in the Soviet Navy: the smaller the warship was, the more benefit it was. It is still not clear what the heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers of the USSR Navy were. Huge ships with a displacement of 50 thousand tons
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The officer bent over the mortally wounded Nelson, and at that moment from the lips of the dying admiral flew a faint groan of "Kiss me" (kiss me). Vice Admiral Hardy was surprised and kissed Nelson twice. Historians are still arguing about the meaning of this episode, according to one version, the dying Nelson is most likely
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In the world market of civil freight and military transport, a significant share is occupied by equipment of Soviet and Russian production. Regularly, there is news related to incidents with An-12 or Mi-8 somewhere in the impenetrable jungle of the Republic of Congo. The Soviet Union disappeared for 20 years
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On October 25, 1944, Japanese sabotage unit No. 1 secretly reached the approaches to Leyte Gulf, where hundreds of American transports with troops were unloaded. The main forces of the US Navy fought against Japanese aircraft carriers far in the North, no one expected the appearance of a new Japanese armada
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Two-level secured parking with an area of 25,000 sq. m. Lighting, filling stations, compressed air, nitrogen - all the necessary infrastructure is available! 4 vertical lifts with a lifting capacity of 49 tons. There is a sprinkler and foam fire extinguishing system with a developed network of smoke detectors
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The dispute between two bald men over a comb Among the navies of all countries of the world, Her Majesty's fleet occupies a special place, because British sailors are the only ones who have experience in modern warfare at sea 1. The chain of naval battles during the Falklands conflict became the main test for new ideas
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Israeli sailors are always overshadowed by their more successful Air Force and Army counterparts. A tiny country smaller than the Moscow region, by definition, cannot have a strong ocean-going fleet, and the main event that made the Israeli Navy famous throughout the world - the sinking of the destroyer Eilat - is not
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This story began a year ago, when at a press conference held as part of the V International Maritime Defense Show (IMDS 2011) Roman Trotsenko, President of United Shipbuilding Corporation, made an intriguing statement: according to Trotsenko, the corporation is designing a ship
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He struck with a spear at the precious aegis of the many-leaved, Terrible, before which the fiery thunder of the Lightning Thunder ("Iliad", Homer) is powerless, too. In the center of the shield is the head of Medusa the Gorgon, which turns
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The northernmost state of the European Union, a country of fjords, mountains and glaciers. One of the main contenders for the natural resources of the Arctic. Meet the beautiful Norway. Since you and I are not ordinary tourists, but lovers of naval stories, I suggest readers today to make a small review of modern
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General: … a nuclear device with a capacity of 5 to 50 megatons was successfully tested. Reporter: Why such a large range? You couldn't count exactly? Well, - says the general - we counted on 5, but it will explode. According to the website of the Lokheed Martin Space Systems company, 14 and 16
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"Even the largest poisonous snake will die from a horde of ants" - the opinion of Iroku Yamamoto about the prospects of the ship in a battle with deck aircraft The trap was placed in the most insidious way. Two aircraft carriers launched a surprise attack on the US Navy base Dutch Harbor on Umaknak Island (Aleutian Ridge), and in the same
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In the 70s of the twentieth century, at the height of the Cold War, the American fleet was faced with the urgent task of ensuring the safety of transoceanic convoys on the way from the New World to Europe. In the event of an armed conflict with the Soviet Union, this route was especially vulnerable. Due to the successful actions of the marine
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Submarine - sea thunderstorm Under the black cap of steel eyes 100 years ago, submarines proved their combat effectiveness, confidently occupying their niche in the field of naval weapons. It was the nuclear submarine missile carriers that were entrusted with the honorable role of "gravediggers of mankind."
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"Today is the happiest day in my life!" - were the words of the commander of the Pacific Fleet Chester W. Nimitz, who received a report on the death of the Japanese heavy aircraft carrier "Zuikaku" on October 25, 1944