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For many people, the Russian navy is associated exclusively with the bulk of the hulls of nuclear missile cruisers and the sleek, streamlined silhouettes of submarines. In reality, the USSR Navy included thousands of different ships, many of which, despite the well-deserved
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PART 1. SHIP - ARSENAL Bloody oil On January 14, 1991, the US Navy strike force enters the Red Sea, which includes 2 newest battleships of the Arsenal class. The grouping takes a position abeam n.p. El Wajh (Saudi Arabia) 1000 km from the border with Iraq. January 17th, at midnight
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The Legend of the Burning Walls on a cloudy morning on May 4, 1982. South Atlantic. A pair of Argentine Air Force Super-Etandars sweep across the lead-gray ocean, nearly breaking the crests of the waves. A few minutes ago, the Neptune radar reconnaissance aircraft spotted two destroyer-class targets in this square
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The US Navy has adopted a new type of anti-submarine aircraft of the basic patrol aircraft. On March 4, 2012, the first production P-8A Poseidon arrived at the Seattle Air Force Base. The Boeing-737 civil airliner was selected as the base platform for the Poseidon. The fuselage is based on the model
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Due to the significant complexity and extremely high cost, nuclear cruisers were available only in the fleets of the two superpowers - the Soviet Union and the United States. And if, atomic submarines and aircraft carriers, no one doubts their combat effectiveness, then with atomic cruisers everything is much more complicated
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The US Navy is based on several "whales" - large series of ships of the same type (which, of course, does not exclude the appearance of experimental "white elephants" or making adjustments to the project, after the first units of the series were launched). For example, the only mass-produced aircraft carrier type is
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The wrecked Spitfire was dragging heavily over the English Channel to the West, and it seemed that the damaged vehicle and its pilot had no chance of reaching the coast of Britain. When he completely lost altitude and was already flying, almost clinging to the crests of the waves with the wing planes, the pilot suddenly felt that
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In 1974, the Iranian military became interested in the capabilities of the American Spruance-class destroyer. The result of joint negotiations was a contract with Litton Industries for the construction of 6 Kurush-class destroyers, which became another modification of the Spruence. Kurush-class destroyers
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Once I came across a rating of the 10 best ships of the twentieth century, compiled by the Military Channel. On many points, it is difficult to disagree with the conclusions of American experts, but what was unpleasantly surprising, there was not a single Russian (Soviet) ship in the rating
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Through the thorns to the stars By the mid-1960s, 4 squadrons of American nuclear submarines with ballistic missiles were deployed against the USSR in the World Ocean. The task of anti-submarine defense has become of paramount importance for the USSR Navy. "Singing frigates" pr. 61 were not able to withstand
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Reading articles about the State Defense Order, every time I am convinced that the Russian media work in the genre of "news in the future tense", telling about events and plans that are most likely never destined to come true, but today they have become news and are imposed on society as a subject for
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Progress is not an accident, but a necessity. The response to the development of air attack weapons was the emergence of specialized air defense ships. The first representative of this class was solemnly launched to the sound of bagpipes on February 1, 2006. It was a destroyer
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The nuclear-powered missile cruiser USS Long Beach (CGN-9) ushered in a new Era in naval history - the era of over-the-horizon, surgically accurate maritime warfare using missile weapons. The world's first missile cruiser. The world's first nuclear-powered cruiser, Long Beach was laid down on December 2, 1957 at Bethlehem Steel
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One gets the impression that the Soviet Navy unwittingly followed the rule "the smaller the ship, the more useful it is." Such was the patrol ship of Project 1135 under the code "Petrel". Modest patrol boats with a displacement of only 3000 tons more than once adequately defended the interests of the USSR at sea
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Which is heavier: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of lead? This material is a logical continuation of the recent discussion about the mystical "loss" of load articles on modern ships - http://topwar.ru/33625-pochemu-sovremennye-korabli-tak-slaby.html succeeded
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Citizens, be vigilant !!! Theft is the most common crime of the present time in investigative and judicial practice, the subject of which can be any property, even hidden under a multi-kilometer water column. Do not leave documents and valuables on the seabed, use
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Prologue On September 1, 1969, the green flame of the Jamahiriya flared up over Tripoli - a group of young officers led by Muammar Gaddafi managed to overthrow King Idris and take power into their own hands. The new government of Libya announced its readiness to embark on the socialist path of development - for the leadership of the USSR
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The average air pressure at sea level is 760 mm Hg. The average air pressure at an altitude of 11,000 meters is much lower - 170 mm Hg. The aircraft should have the most lightweight construction. The ship, on the contrary, should be strong and heavy to withstand the blows of the sea
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The zone of continuous control of the AUG is a cylinder with a radius of 300 miles and a height from the seabed to low Earth orbits. No enemy aircraft, surface warship or submarine has a chance to pass unnoticed inside the protected perimeter - in the case of real
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The snow-white superstructures of this liner will never be touched by the soot of the chimneys. Compact power plants of incredible power, previously unattainable speed, economy and unlimited cruising range. This is how the ideal ship was imagined in the middle of the 20th century. It seemed a little more, and
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Mr. President, we will have to rename the 6th Fleet 5th.”“Yes, yes. I understand. Another urgent call. - Sorry, Mr. President. Now in 4th, wherever they go, they are being followed. Destroyers Gravely, Barry, Mahan, Ramage and Stout
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Help! Call the police! We were tricked and stolen from our reserve load! And so began a normal working day at the Bath Iron Works (Maine), when the documentation of the Soviet project 26-bis fell into the hands of engineers. The amazement of the Yankees knew no bounds - the cruiser "Maxim Gorky", launched in
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When it was time to say goodbye, not a single tear fell down the sailors' cheeks. The cruiser "Texas" was thrown into a landfill without regret, despite its young 15 years and a quarter of a century of remaining resource. 11 thousand tons of steel structures, Tomahawk cruise missiles and plans for further modernization
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By the time the Second World class of fast battleships ended, reached the limit in its development, advantageously combining the destructive power and protection of dreadnoughts with the high speed of battle cruisers, these samples of naval weapons performed many amazing feats under the flags of all
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An adventure thriller about the Soviet naval expedition to the Falkland Islands, based on real events. Lovers of naval history can't wait to find out: was the Soviet sailors capable of an operation similar to the one that took place in the spring of 1982 in the open spaces of the South Atlantic? For two months of combat
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Submariners in trouble around the world On August 6, 2013, the US Navy announced a decision to dispose of the Miami nuclear submarine, which was badly damaged in a fire last year during a scheduled repair at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. USS Miami (SSN-755) will become
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Sixty years ago, when the American national debt did not yet take on such threatening values, and the United States' spending on everything, including defense, was quite reasonable - in those distant times, the US Navy looked very different than it does now. At the turn of the 1940-50s
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What a ridiculous question? "How to contact a submarine" Get a satellite phone and make a call. Commercial satellite communication systems such as INMARSAT or Iridium allow you to dial Antarctica without leaving your Moscow office. The only drawback is the high cost of the call, however
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The legendary British pirate Sir Francis Drake argued that the best emblem for a warship is an enemy corpse nailed to the stem. The bow of the new British ship HMS Dragon is decorated with an equally symbolic sign - a red Welsh dragon. National coat of arms of Wales. The symbol of immunity and
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Foreword Corruption in the department of Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich, brother of Alexander III, reached such astronomical proportions that the armor plates of ships were fastened with wooden bushings. Non-exploding shells and the Tsushima pogrom - these are, in short, the results of the work of the Marine
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Dear connoisseurs of the naval theme, those who are not indifferent to the fresh breeze and smoke of naval battles; those who managed to stand on the ship's deck out from under their feet or hear amazing stories about service in the Navy - for all of you, on the eve of the upcoming Navy Day, I hasten to present a short
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The Nobel Committee noted that Barack Obama fired more cruise missiles than all other Nobel Peace Prize winners put together The orange solar disk rolled into the waves of the Libyan Sea, and the night haze thickened over the silent water. Midnight GMT, at USS Florida Headquarters
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The following story happened to the cruising forces in the Pacific Ocean - they were undeservedly forgotten and buried under the ashes of time. Who is interested in the pogrom at Savo Island, artillery duels in the Java Sea and at Cape Esperance now? After all, everyone is already convinced that the naval battles in the Pacific
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“You are a liar, Nam-Bok, for everyone knows that iron cannot float” / Jack London / Dear comrades, for sure, many of you have visited naval salons, climbed uncomfortable shaking gangways to the decks of huge ships. We roamed the upper deck, looking at the missile launch pods
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This happened in an era of great achievements and tremendous breakthroughs in all spheres of human existence. Faster, higher, stronger! On the ground, under water and in the air. On February 16, 1960, the nuclear submarine Triton left the pier of the naval base of New London (Connecticut). The ship went to sea with
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At the turn of the 1960s and 70s, experimental developments on the topic of heavy torpedoes, aimed at the wake of enemy ships, appeared in the Soviet Union. Around the same time, when a war correspondent asked: "How are you going to protect aircraft carriers from Russian super-torpedoes?" one of
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You strive so hard to judge the sins of others, start with your own and you won't get to strangers. - W. Shakespeare The Iron Curtain collapsed, and the established Era of Glasnost allowed millions of Soviet citizens to learn many new and shocking secrets associated with the history of their former country. For example, free press
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The revival of the USSR Navy is directly related to the events of the winter of 1955-1956. - the rapid resignation of Admiral N.G. Kuznetsov, with the subsequent assumption of the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Sergei Georgievich Gorshkov. The new commander-in-chief has chosen a firm course towards the creation of an ocean
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The project of the atomic strike cruiser CSGN appeared in response to the construction in the USSR of heavy nuclear cruisers pr. 1144 "Orlan". There is no exact evidence on this score, but the principles laid down in both ships, as well as the chronology of events, completely coincide (1973 - the laying of the lead "Kirov", 1974
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Cabinet of the President of the Russian Federation. - One second. Commander of the Navy to me! Were there any losses in the fleet today? - No way! - Hello, George? A-4, past The service of the Russian admirals is difficult and dangerous. Heavy attacks by media representatives, accompanied by daily press conferences and reports in the offices