To date, only four ships of the Russian Navy are capable of providing tactical (zonal) air defense of the squadron in open sea areas. Their names are well known to you: the heavy nuclear missile cruiser Peter the Great and three Project 1164 missile cruisers - Moscow, Varyag and Marshal Ustinov.
The rest of the anti-submarine, patrol and landing ships of the Navy, despite the presence of a wide range of anti-aircraft weapons - from the naval air defense systems "Dagger", "Uragan" and "Osa-MA" to the deadly automatic anti-aircraft guns AK-630, are able to provide only air defense in the near zone in the interests of own self-defense. In fact, the capabilities of their anti-aircraft weapons are reduced to the fight against launched cruise missiles and guided bombs of the enemy - they are no longer able to "get" the carriers themselves.
For an unbiased comparison: the US Navy has 84 missile cruisers and destroyers armed with long-range air defense systems. Rockets of the "Standard" family are capable of shooting down air targets at ranges of hundreds of kilometers, and the height of application of the newest "Standard-3" is not at all limited by the limits of the earth's atmosphere - shooting at targets in space orbits brings American naval air defense systems to the rank of missile defense.
The current unsightly situation is a natural result of a long-term crisis in the domestic military shipbuilding. Three of the four existing cruisers with long-range air defense systems were inherited by the Russian Navy from the Soviet Union. At one time, the USSR was so cool that it allowed itself to build ships of the same class according to several projects at once - as a result, similar ships appeared, but with different, highly specialized functions: BOD (anti-submarine cruisers and destroyers), missile and artillery destroyers, missile cruisers with the poetic name "grin of socialism" … In accordance with this concept, heavy and bulky long-range air defense systems were installed exclusively on large missile cruisers, of which very few were built.

As a result, we have what we have: four missile cruisers equipped with the S-300F Rif air defense system. Three more Orlans are in sludge and, at best, can be returned to service no earlier than the end of this decade. The promising super-helicopter carrier of the Mistral-a la-rus type will not be able to please with anything in terms of air defense: on board only self-defense systems (according to the latest data, it is planned to equip the ship with a short-range anti-aircraft complex "Gibka" based on Igla MANPADS).
The situation when one opponent has a shield, and the other has a sword - sooner or later leads to the defeat of the defending side. Automatic anti-aircraft guns and short-range missiles are only the last line of the ship's air defense. It is much more important to try to destroy the enemy aircraft before it launches cruise missiles. As soon as the fire-tail "Harpoons", HARMs, "Exocets" break loose from the suspension nodes of the attacking bomber, the task of repelling the attack will turn into a complex system of equations with many unknowns. And with every second the chance to save the ship is rapidly approaching zero - the ship's self-defense facilities are unlikely to be able to repel such a massive missile attack.

The squadron's zonal air defense is an indispensable attribute of modern warfare at sea. Those who dare to enter a war zone without a zonal air defense system face grim prospects for the Tsushima pogrom. Delivering military aid to the allies, preventing provocations, escorting ships in areas of military conflicts - it is much safer and more enjoyable to carry out all these operations under the cover of a powerful air defense system with the characteristics of the S-300, or even better the S-400. The Russian Navy is facing an acute problem of early saturation with ships capable of providing the squadron's zonal air defense with sufficient efficiency. But what kind of ship should it be?

It is obvious that at the moment Russia is not in a position to massively build nuclear-powered cruisers "Orlan" or analogs of Aegis destroyers of the "Orly Burke" type. Prohibitively complex and expensive "toys", the creation of which requires outstanding progress in all related fields: engine building, electronics, electrical engineering, precision engineering, physics of composites, etc.
The experience of Great Britain is also hardly applicable to modern Russian realities: the world's best air defense destroyers of the Daring type are excessively expensive and difficult for mass construction, Her Majesty's fleet was limited to the purchase of only six ships at a price of 1.5 billion pounds each!
In my opinion, the best option for the Russian Navy could be the construction of a modest warship, the size of a large frigate or a medium-sized destroyer. Simple, relatively cheap, with the maximum possible use of all known, already "tested" technologies. You should not fall into "technological glamor" and try to create a super-destroyer - the situation clearly does not favor such daring excesses. Let's leave fantasies about nuclear power plants on the conscience of incorrigible romantics. We will abandon the complex and, as yet, insufficiently completed missile systems and vertical launchers of the UKSK. Down with any talk about the super-versatility of the ship. Remember, we need the most simple and effective ships with zonal air defense systems, for the soonest saturation of the Russian Navy with them.
But what does such a ship look like? What are its real characteristics and capabilities?
China will tell us the answer.
Type 051C "Liuzhou" - modern destroyers of the Naval Forces of the People's Republic of China. Two ships of this type, Shenyang and Shijiazhuang, joined the fleet in 2006 and 2007, marking the next stage in the development of Chinese military shipbuilding. The total displacement of each is within 7000 tons. Boiler and turbine power plant. Full speed - about 30 knots.

Why was it not the newest Type 051C "Liuzhou", and not the much more technically interesting destroyer Type 052C "Liuyang", was chosen from the whole multitude of Chinese destroyers? Or the formidable Type 052D under construction - a symbiosis of all the latest technologies and global trends in the field of military shipbuilding?
The answer is simple, and to some extent shocking - structurally, the Type 051C destroyer is very close to the traditions of our domestic shipbuilding. There is not a single element in the design of the destroyer that would be beyond the power of the Russian industry - weapons and electronic systems are export models of Russian weapons. Even in the external forms of Type 051C, the features of Soviet BODs and destroyers slip through, the bow with a noble forecastle line with the head gives out the Soviet BOD of Project 1155 Udaloy, and the boiler-turbine installation, perhaps, indicates a relationship with the missile-artillery destroyer of Project 956 Sarych (four ships of this type fell into the hands of the Chinese just before the start of the design of Type 051C).
This is one design school and, it must be admitted, the Chinese turned out to be extremely capable and talented students.
Our eastern friends managed to install in the hull of a small 7000-ton destroyer … 48 long-range 48N6 anti-aircraft missiles (S-300 family) in under-deck drum-type launchers. Structurally, the SAM of the Chinese destroyer is identical to the S-300FM "Fort" anti-aircraft system installed on the nuclear-powered cruiser "Peter the Great". Like the Russian ship, the Type 051S destroyer uses 48N6 semi-active guided missiles. The maximum firing range is 150 km. Height range: 10 meters - 27 kilometers. Anti-aircraft missile speed - up to 8 speeds of sound!

As a result, the small ship received solid opportunities for airspace control - 48 missiles (half of the anti-aircraft ammunition of the Russian nuclear cruiser!) With no less sophisticated fire control systems: a multifunctional radar antenna with a phased active array (PAR) with electronic beam stabilization - according to external features, this is F1M, which is also identical to that installed on "Peter the Great".

The Russian S-300FM is the basis of the Type 051C armament, it is in this complex that the raison d'être of the Chinese destroyer lies. Realizing how great the air defense capabilities of the new ship are and what the main tasks of the Type 051C will be, the Chinese honestly classified Liuzhou into an “air defense destroyer”. Cool ship!
At the same time, the Type 051C has moderate versatility: in addition to anti-aircraft missiles, the destroyer has a whole arsenal of anti-ship weapons on board. Eight S-803 cruise missiles - solid anti-ship munitions with a starting mass within one ton (depending on modification). According to official Chinese data, the firing range can reach 300 km, while the subsonic missile accelerates in the final section of the trajectory to a speed of 2M, while the anti-ship missile rushes above the water itself at a height of 5 meters. The missile is equipped with a semi-armor-piercing warhead weighing 165 kg.
By the way, the Chinese have extensive experience in the development and modernization of anti-ship cruise missiles - the aforementioned C-803 was created on the basis of the Chinese subsonic anti-ship missile C-802, adopted by 9 countries of the world.
Also, on board the Type 051C destroyer there is:
- artillery system with a caliber of 100 mm. It is a clone of the 100mm French naval cannon. A versatile weapon for firing at air, surface and coastal targets. The small high-explosive effect of the projectile is to some extent compensated for by the high rate of fire - up to 80 rds / min.

- two seven-barreled anti-aircraft machine guns Type 730 caliber 30 mm. In terms of its characteristics and appearance, it is a clone of the Goalkeeper anti-aircraft artillery complex (Netherlands). Well, the Chinese have once again shown prudence by copying one of the world's best shipborne self-defense systems. The Dutch "Goalkeeper" is an accurate and effective weapon with a huge ammunition power - after all, the artillery part of the complex is nothing more than a seven-barreled aircraft cannon of the American A-10 Thunderbolt attack aircraft.
- anti-submarine weapons - two three-tube torpedo tubes for firing 324 mm torpedoes Yu-7. Something very familiar … sure, this is just a clone of the American Mk.32 ASW system and 324 mm Mk.46 anti-submarine torpedoes. It is considered an effective weapon for ASW in the close range. The Americans themselves doubt that the small Mk.46 torpedo is powerful enough to seriously damage a modern nuclear-powered ship. The warhead is "only" 45 kilograms.
- aircraft armament of the Type 051S destroyer. And here is the disappointment! (mixed with relief - at least somewhere the Chinese gave slack)
At the stern of the Type 051C there is a small platform for the Ka-28 anti-submarine helicopter (an export version of the Soviet Ka-27 naval helicopter). Surely there is a supply of aviation kerosene on board and a certain amount of aviation ammunition. But the main thing is that the destroyer does not have a helicopter hangar, i.e. permanent basing of the helicopter is not provided.
An unforgivable oversight for a 21st century ship! Still, the helicopter is a useful system that significantly expands the anti-submarine, search and rescue, and special capabilities of the ship. However, the first Orly Burke-class destroyers also did not have helicopter hangars …
Having got acquainted with the Chinese destroyer Type 051C "Liuzhou", we can conclude that the presence of a dozen such ships in the Russian Navy could significantly increase the combat potential of the surface component of the domestic fleet.
The capabilities of the Chinese destroyer to detect and destroy air targets practically correspond to the heavy nuclear cruiser "Peter the Great" and significantly exceed the air defense capabilities of the missile cruiser "Moskva" …

The Chinese S-803 anti-ship missiles are still a "dark horse". According to the declared performance characteristics, they are worthy representatives of the anti-ship missile class. What they are in reality is unknown. But the main thing is that 8 missile launchers in the middle of the ship give every reason to believe that on the domestic analogue of the Chinese destroyer there would be enough space to accommodate launch containers with Russian cruise missiles of the Caliber family or, as an option, the Kh-55 Uranus anti-ship missiles. …
The bow gun mount is a matter of taste. You can keep the original 100 mm version. Better yet, replace it with the Russian AK-192 130mm automated artillery system.
Anti-aircraft guns - there are excellent Russian designs "Kortik" and "Broadsword" - melee anti-aircraft missiles will significantly enhance the air defense potential of the ship.
Anti-submarine weapon - a domestic small-sized missile system "Medvedka" with a 324 mm homing torpedo as a warhead. The maximum firing range is 20 km. Not a bad result.
After all, no one calls for a complete copy of a Chinese destroyer - are we really not able to design our own ship of this level? Taking into account all your own wishes and needs.
The main power plant? Its type does not matter. The Chinese use the good old fuel oil boilers. Gas turbines can be installed. You can try a combined diesel-gas turbine unit of the CODAG type. What will be cheaper, easier and more profitable. The main thing is not to have a nuclear reactor - otherwise the whole idea of a simple and effective "budget" destroyer "will be covered with a copper basin." But how will the ships of the Northern Fleet go to Nagasaki without a nuclear reactor? I answer: the ships of the Northern Fleet will not go to Nagasaki. The ships of the Pacific Fleet will go to Nagasaki. After all, all the simplifications in the design of the destroyer serve the only purpose - as quickly as possible to saturate the ship composition of the Russian Navy with new ships with a solid combat potential.