
Battleship in the Falklands War. Dreams of the past

Battleship in the Falklands War. Dreams of the past

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"Vanguard" ripped open the ocean, leaving behind thousands of fiery miles of military campaign. The battleship did not rise on the wave, as ordinary ships do. He, like a knight's sword, cut the water shafts, filling the air with an impenetrable curtain of spray and shreds of sea foam

The quieter the harbor, the more submarines around

The quieter the harbor, the more submarines around

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Russia's naval strategy, as shown by the activities of the Russian Navy, statements by specialists and budgetary funds allocated for the development of the fleet, aligns exactly with the national security strategy of Russia - perhaps as its main military tool

Narco sumbarino senora Escobar

Narco sumbarino senora Escobar

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Senor Escobar has shown you great confidence. This cargo is more expensive than you, your house and your family put together. "Oh, be sure, be sure," Señor Garcia muttered in dismay, "preparations for the operation took long twenty months, but the transition itself will take less than twenty days. We have everything

Lead and cotton wool. About the confrontation between electronics and armor

Lead and cotton wool. About the confrontation between electronics and armor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

They say the truth lies between two opposing opinions. Wrong! There is a problem between them. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe) At the beginning of the year, the portal topwar.ru published an interesting article by Vladimir Meilitsev "Explosion on Armor". The article caused a heated discussion and received a lot from readers

Europe is great, but there is nowhere to retreat in front of Asia: behind the Atlantic

Europe is great, but there is nowhere to retreat in front of Asia: behind the Atlantic

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Of the two hundred countries in the world, only two were able to organize the mass construction of URO destroyers. For various reasons, the rest of modern fleets have to find compromises and be content with ships of a lower rank

The battleship is the weapon of the victors

The battleship is the weapon of the victors

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

After the battle, the sailors calculated: they needed to fire 2,876 rounds of main, medium and universal caliber before the Bismarck turned into flaming ruins and completely lost its combat effectiveness. Seeing his condition, the British cruisers approached and fired a torpedo salvo. From now on

Anti-aircraft missile - at the ships

Anti-aircraft missile - at the ships

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On August 10, 2008, a grouping of ships of the Black Sea Fleet consisting of two large landing ships (flagship Caesar Kunikov and Saratov) and two escort ships (MRK Mirage and MPK Suzdalets) was off the coast of Abkhazia. five going to the big

Submarine aircraft carriers: everyday life, romance, exploits

Submarine aircraft carriers: everyday life, romance, exploits

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Bushido Path Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto bent over the map, and an ominous silence fell in the Nagato's wardroom. At this point, three Sentoku-class submarines I-400, I-401 and I-402 were already approaching the US coast. Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night has begun! At sunset, from each submarine aircraft carrier

How many submarines did the Yankees have?

How many submarines did the Yankees have?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

America was ahead of the USSR by three years. In July 1958, when the first domestic K-3 atomic made the first movement towards the sea, the American Nautilus was already racing at full speed to the North Pole. But our apparent lag was in fact an advantage. Unlike USS Nautilus

Shipbuilding. Plans for 2014

Shipbuilding. Plans for 2014

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The outgoing year - even though 2013 - turned out to be extremely successful in terms of the implementation of the shipbuilding programs of the Russian Navy. The total displacement of all warships handed over to the fleet almost doubled the same figure for 2012. And this is without taking into account the laid and launched

Under the sign of the North Star. Combat ships in the Arctic

Under the sign of the North Star. Combat ships in the Arctic

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A place where a person without special protective equipment dies in a few minutes. This is not the surface of the Moon or distant Mars. This is the beloved Arctic - an area that extends above 66 ° 33 ′ N. NS. (Arctic Circle) and compares favorably with the rest of the Earth's negative average annual

Why aren't cruisers being built?

Why aren't cruisers being built?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At the military registration and enlistment office: “I want to serve in the Navy!” “Do you at least know how to sail?" This is followed by groans that all shipyards, primarily for large-tonnage

Is there armor against the blows of fate?

Is there armor against the blows of fate?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Discussions on the topic of "projectile versus armor" often bypass a number of important points, and as a result, the conclusions of the participants are misinterpreted. A new round of discussion aims to dispel some of the existing myths about the security of ships and find a connection between an interesting theory and

San Antonio-class amphibious dock transports

San Antonio-class amphibious dock transports

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the 1990s, the American fleet underwent a monstrous looting and reduction: over 400 warships were sent for scrap. The process of the global reduction of the Navy has even affected the holy of holies - amphibious forces. In less than a decade, the fleet has lost 20 tank-landing ships of the "Newport" class

The rebel island fleet

The rebel island fleet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The ROC navy is the sixth largest in the Asia-Pacific region. The honorable sixth place is not very popular in our world, nevertheless, this is a good result for a small island off the coast of China. The armed forces of the Republic of China have long been no guarantor

A world without heroes. Submarine missile carriers pr. 955 "Borey"

A world without heroes. Submarine missile carriers pr. 955 "Borey"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The boats with the name "Borey" became known in Russia and abroad long before they entered service - all thanks to the expected successes and high-profile failures in the launch of the Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). Every opinion should strive for objectivity. Convulsive raptures ("does not have

Clash of the Titans. Gerald Ford vs. Zamwalt

Clash of the Titans. Gerald Ford vs. Zamwalt

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As you know, being rich and healthy is better than being poor and sick. The existing order of things, in which the fleet of one state in terms of quantity and quality is an order of magnitude ahead of the fleet of the other side, has generated a distorted understanding of the strength and weakness of the naval forces. It has become habitual to admire all

Anti-submarine missiles: demons of the two elements

Anti-submarine missiles: demons of the two elements

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Delay in the fight against submarines is like death. In combat conditions, as soon as the boat is discovered, it is necessary to immediately take measures to destroy it. With difficulty established contact can be lost at any second, and then expect trouble: the submarine will have time to discharge its ammunition in the cities

Soviet aircraft carrier cruisers in China

Soviet aircraft carrier cruisers in China

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Like two pieces of granite rock - the great legacy of the Soviet Union. The heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers "Kiev" and "Minsk", sold abroad at the price of scrap metal, now adorn amusement parks in the People's Republic of China. "Kiev" props up the quay wall in Tianjin. His twin became

Free submarines for the Israeli Navy

Free submarines for the Israeli Navy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Monya, let's say you have six apples, half you gave to Abram. How many apples do you have left? - Five and a half. To paraphrase the ancient Jewish wisdom (“To buy a watch for a million is not a feat, a feat to be able to sell them”), we note that purchasing military equipment abroad is not considered great

Aircraft Carrier Museum "Intrepid"

Aircraft Carrier Museum "Intrepid"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Intrepid Naval and Aerospace Museum is located right in the heart of New York City, Manhattan. West Side, Pier 86. The museum complex was founded in 1982 at the initiative of the millionaire philanthropist Zakaria Fischer and has become world famous for its rich collection of technology from all

The best fleet. Only forward?

The best fleet. Only forward?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The previous series of the short story about the "best fleet" caused a mixed reaction among topwar.ru visitors. Many of the commentators warned the author about the inadmissibility of excessive self-confidence and "shapkozakidatstva" in relation to the "potential enemy", especially when it comes to such a formidable

A ship without a homeland. Who is building the Russian Mistral?

A ship without a homeland. Who is building the Russian Mistral?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The origin of the Mistrals is known in great detail. Universal amphibious helicopter carriers-docks, adopted by the French Navy in the amount of three units. Large ships with a total displacement of over 20 thousand tons with a continuous flight deck, a hangar for placing aircraft and

The best fleet. Will not let you down?

The best fleet. Will not let you down?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Oh, tell me, do you see in the first rays of the sun that in the middle of the battle we walked in the evening lightning. Our blue striped flag with a scattering of stars, red-white fire from the barricades will reappear! Like a thunderous roll that cuts the sky into thousands of mirror shards. Like a hammer striking a hot nail

New ships of the American fleet. year 2013

New ships of the American fleet. year 2013

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This year turned out to be extremely full of high-profile events in the field of shipbuilding: it is important to sway on the wave, several large combat units set foot on the sea surface at once. Each of these ships has its own scandalous story. They all mark the next generation of the fleet

7 best WWII submarines

7 best WWII submarines

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Submarines dictate the rules in naval war and force everyone to resignedly follow the established order. Those stubborn who dare to disregard the rules of the game will face a quick and painful death in cold water, amid floating debris and oil spills. Boats, regardless of the flag, remain

Shock from under the water. How strong are American AUGs?

Shock from under the water. How strong are American AUGs?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This week a popular article by shipbuilding engineer A. Nikolsky appeared on the Internet, "The Russian fleet goes under water", in which the author diligently explained why an aircraft carrier strike group is the most effective form of organizing a modern fleet and

Nuclear cruiser "Peter the Great" against the "Aegis" system

Nuclear cruiser "Peter the Great" against the "Aegis" system

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The strengthening of the presence of the Russian Navy in the World Ocean responded with a stream of high-profile messages in the media: interviews, questions, forecasts, comments and assessments of domestic and foreign experts. The main "star" of the events taking place, as usual, is the nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Peter the Great" - the largest

Shock from under the water. Continuation of the disaster

Shock from under the water. Continuation of the disaster

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This material is the final part of the discussion of A. Nikolsky's article "The Russian fleet goes under water." In his quest to prove that AUG is the best and most effective form of fleet organization, A. Nikolsky raised a number of interesting questions, but, alas, gave rather strange answers to them

The price of perfection: Seawolf multipurpose nuclear submarines

The price of perfection: Seawolf multipurpose nuclear submarines

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The lead boat of the USS Seawolf project (SSN-21) during construction, June 24, 1995. On-board GAC antennas are visible. Lovely

"Varshavyanka" for the Pacific Fleet. Plans and successes

"Varshavyanka" for the Pacific Fleet. Plans and successes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At present, our country is implementing a program for the construction of diesel-electric submarines, project 636.3 "Varshavyanka". Six of these ships are already serving in the Black Sea Fleet; the construction of the same series for the Pacific is underway. Some of the information about the construction is already known, but

When will the Russian Navy receive modern torpedoes?

When will the Russian Navy receive modern torpedoes?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

UGST "Physicist" - the main hope of the Russian Navy The problem of torpedo weapons is probably the most acute and painful of all the problems that the Russian Navy is facing today. On Voennoye Obozreniye, this problem has been raised for nearly ten years. For everyone interested in deeply familiarizing themselves with

New warheads for Ohio: how the United States wants to contain the Russian Federation

New warheads for Ohio: how the United States wants to contain the Russian Federation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Photo: U.S. Navy/Wikimedia.org USN against the Strategic Missile Forces Both the modern American and Russian nuclear triads originate during the Cold War, when the goal and task were extremely simple and clear: to completely wipe the enemy from the face of the planet. And yet there are differences. Basis of American

Destroyers Zumwalt: The Greatest Failure in US Navy History?

Destroyers Zumwalt: The Greatest Failure in US Navy History?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Today, the United States has the most powerful and most efficient naval forces in the world. Maybe the Chinese Navy will be able to compete with them in the future. However, taking into account the engineering and technical difficulties and the huge costs of building aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, real

Aircraft carrier for Russia: faster than you expect

Aircraft carrier for Russia: faster than you expect

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The light aircraft carrier "Vikrant" may well serve as a model for Russia. According to some indirect indications, the top political leadership of the state has moved from dreams of a hypothetical aircraft carrier to specifics. There is still no talk of any design of a new ship, but now it is possible

Corrosion: the main enemy of the fleet

Corrosion: the main enemy of the fleet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

TARKR "Admiral Lazarev" after several years without proper maintenance. All major structural elements were covered with rust. Photo Forums.airbase.ru The transition from wooden shipbuilding to metal shipbuilding gave well-known advantages, but led to new problems. Sea water in the form

Memories of "Pueblo"

Memories of "Pueblo"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Ships of the US 6th Fleet patrol the Black Sea almost continuously. American Poseidon aircraft and Global Hawk high-altitude reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles based at Sigonella airbase (Sicily) fly up to 10-15 km to the coast of Crimea and even to Kerch

At an angle to the horizon. "Caliber" needs installation for inclined launch

At an angle to the horizon. "Caliber" needs installation for inclined launch

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"Caliber" quite start on an inclined trajectory, but so far only from submarines

"Syrian Express" and its ships and vessels

"Syrian Express" and its ships and vessels

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the most unique Russian highways built over the past 5 years is the Novorossiysk-Sevastopol-Port of Tartus (Syria) track. It is along this route that the so-called "Syrian Express" runs, which has already made several hundred flights. Largely thanks to him

Reconnaissance ships and special ships of the Navy. Photo review

Reconnaissance ships and special ships of the Navy. Photo review

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I was interested in a question on the topic: how powerful is the reconnaissance fleet of the Russian Navy today? I asked a little about this situation from open sources. Not to say that I was very impressed. And nevertheless, I bring to your attention a photo review on the topic “What is the richness of the reconnaissance fleet?