
Battle of Voronezh

Battle of Voronezh

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Red cavalry in the attack. 1919 (documentary frame) Troubles. 1919 year. In the new strategic offensive of the Red Southern Front, the main blow from both sides was inflicted on the Volunteer Army, which advanced towards Orel. The strike group of May-Mayevsky moved forward strongly, the flanks were

What prompted the USSR to start a war with Finland

What prompted the USSR to start a war with Finland

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Finnish soldier with Lahti-Saloranta M-26 machine gun in position in the forest Finland followed the principle formulated by the first Finnish President Svinhufvud: "Any enemy of Russia must always be Finland's friend." Finnish ruling circles made their plans for the future from the expectation of profit

Why the Finns were confident of victory over the USSR

Why the Finns were confident of victory over the USSR

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Winter War. The Finnish government underestimated the enemy. It was concluded that the USSR is a colossus with feet of clay. That even Finland alone can fight the USSR and win. In addition, there was confidence that the Finns would be supported by the world community

Oryol-Kromskoe battle

Oryol-Kromskoe battle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The entry of the Reds into Oryol. 1919. Oryol Museum of Local Lore 1919 year. During the counteroffensive of the Southern Front, the troops of the Red Army inflicted a heavy defeat on the main forces of the Volunteer Army, and finally buried the plans for a march of the All-Soviet Union against Moscow. The White Guards were pushed back 165 km

The myth of the aggression of the "criminal Stalinist regime" against the "peaceful" Finland

The myth of the aggression of the "criminal Stalinist regime" against the "peaceful" Finland

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Soviet tank T-26 overcomes virgin snow. The Karelian Isthmus 80 years ago, on November 30, 1939, the Soviet-Finnish war ("Winter War") began. Soviet troops launched an offensive on the Finnish border. The war was caused by objective reasons: the hostility of Finland, the inability

Siberian exodus

Siberian exodus

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The retreat of the Kolchak army. 1919 Troubles. 1919 year. Defeat at the front, loss of Omsk, flight and partisan war in the rear caused the complete decomposition of Kolchak's camp. The decayed garrisons of the cities raised uprisings and went over to the side of the Reds. Conspiracies ripened all around and

Fall of white Omsk. Great Siberian Ice Campaign

Fall of white Omsk. Great Siberian Ice Campaign

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Sergey Chudanov. The Great Siberian Ice Campaign 1919 year. 100 years ago, on November 14, 1919, the Red Army occupied Omsk. The remnants of Kolchak's defeated armies began a retreat to the east - the Great Siberian Ice Campaign. Omsk operation After the defeat on the Tobol River, the Kolchak army suffered

Makhno's blow to Denikin

Makhno's blow to Denikin

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Rebel leaders in 1919 (from left to right): S. Karetnik, N. Makhno, F. ShchusSmuta. 1919 year. Makhno's guerrilla war to destroy the rear of the White Army had a noticeable impact on the course of the war and helped the Red Army repel the offensive of Denikin's troops on Moscow

Top of the White Movement

Top of the White Movement

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Troubles. 1919 year. September-October 1919 was the time of maximum success for the anti-Soviet forces. The Red Army was defeated on most fronts and directions. The Reds were defeated on the Southern, Western, North-Western and Northern Fronts. On the Eastern Front, the last attack went

From a fake coin to a fake story. Who really liberated and created Ukraine

From a fake coin to a fake story. Who really liberated and created Ukraine

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In Ukraine, at the state level, the falsification of the history of Little Russia (part of a single Russian civilization) continues. The National Bank of Ukraine has issued a commemorative coin dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the country's liberation from Nazi invaders with the image of a soldier of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA

Arsa-Artania - the ancient state of the Rus

Arsa-Artania - the ancient state of the Rus

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Secrets of the ancient Rus. In medieval eastern sources, one of the three centers of the Rus is repeatedly mentioned, along with Kuyaba (Kiev) and Slavia (Novgorod), the state of the Rus - Arsa-Arta-Artania. Attempts to determine its location have been made several times. At the same time, the geography of search was wide

Denikin's army victories in Novorossiya and Little Russia

Denikin's army victories in Novorossiya and Little Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On August 18, 1919, the Red front collapsed in Novorossiya, parts of the 12th Soviet army in this area were surrounded. On August 23-24, Denikin's troops took Odessa, on August 31 - Kiev. In many ways, the relatively easy victories of the Denikinites in Novorossiya and Little Russia were associated with internal problems

Denikin's last major victories

Denikin's last major victories

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Troubles. 1919 year. On September 20, 1919, Denikin's army took Kursk, on October 1 - Voronezh, on October 13 - Oryol. This was the peak of the White Army's successes. The entire Denikin front ran along the lower part of the Volga from Astrakhan to Tsaritsyn and further along the line Voronezh - Oryol - Chernigov - Kiev - Odessa. White Guards

"Russia needs to finally admit its crimes." Finnish genocide myth

"Russia needs to finally admit its crimes." Finnish genocide myth

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Russia needs to finally admit its crimes,” demand in Finland. In Finnish society, a myth has been created about the genocide of the Finns in the Stalinist Soviet Union. The goal is to denigrate the USSR-Russia. They say that the Russians will repent, and then they can demand compensation, reparations and the return of the "occupied territories."

Rus campaign to Berdaa

Rus campaign to Berdaa

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Rus, greedy for battles … set out to sea and made an invasion on the decks of his ships … This people devastated the entire territory of Berdaa … They seize countries and conquer cities. Fragment from the poem "Iskander-name" After the tragic battle on Itil in 912, the onslaught of the Rus to the East did not stop. Next

The myth of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

The myth of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The storming of Vladimir by the Horde. Miniature from the Russian chronicle Secrets of the ancient Rus. The term "Tatar-Mongols" is not in Russian chronicles, neither VN Tatishchev, nor NM Karamzin and other historians, founding fathers of the Russian historical school, have it. "Mongols" are the Rus of the Scythian world, the most

The defeat of Kolchak's armies in the second battle on Tobol

The defeat of Kolchak's armies in the second battle on Tobol

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Troubles. 1919 year. 100 years ago, in October 1919, Kolchak's armies suffered a heavy defeat in the second battle on Tobol. After the loss of Petropavlovsk and Ishim, the White Guards retreated to Omsk. Red armored train "Avenger" General situation on the Eastern Front September Kolchak offensive

Campaign of Avalov's army to Riga

Campaign of Avalov's army to Riga

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Troubles. 1919 year. Simultaneously with the campaign against Petrograd of the North-Western army of Yudenich, the offensive of the Western Volunteer Army of Bermondt-Avalov began on Riga. The hype was terrible. The Baltic limitrophes accused the Russians of all sins and pulled all combat-ready forces to the city. British arrived

Mystery of Russian Khazaria

Mystery of Russian Khazaria

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Secrets of the ancient Rus. One of the secrets of the history of Rus is the Khazar question. Was there Russian Khazaria or was the Khazar Kagan the ruler of the Rus? According to Russian sources ("The Word of Law and Grace" by Metropolitan Hilarion), the title of the ruler of the Rus is known: Vladimir and his son Yaroslav the Wise are named in this

Why the White Army lost

Why the White Army lost

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Troubles. 1919 year. Why did the White Guards lose? Some researchers point out that there were too few whites. The Reds simply “filled up with corpses”. Other historians look deeper and note that the white project was a pro-Western, liberal-democratic project, that is, it turned out to be unacceptable for

Rus in the Caspian. The death of the Russian army on the Volga

Rus in the Caspian. The death of the Russian army on the Volga

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Russian campaigns to the Caspian were associated with the economic and trade interests of Russia. The striving of the warriors to take rich booty, to cut the road to the East. Also, the campaigns were associated with the alliance of Russia and Byzantium, directed against the Arabs. Warriors of the North. Artist I. Ye. Ozhiganov

About "Russian aggression" in Norway

About "Russian aggression" in Norway

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

75 years ago, in October 1944, the Red Army carried out the Petsamo-Kirkenes operation. As a result, the Soviet Arctic and Northern Norway were liberated from the German invaders. In modern Norway, a myth is being created about the “Soviet occupation” and the “Russian threat.” “The Russian threat” Past “grievances”

"Slavic Atlantis" in Central Europe

"Slavic Atlantis" in Central Europe

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I returned from Arkona, Where the fields are red with blood, But the German banners Under the walls do not blow anymore. Having torn that shreds to burst, We paid the debt to the Germans, And now we have come to slap you on the shaved Humens! K. Tolstoy. Borivaya (1870) On the foundation of the Slavic civilization Secrets of the ancient Rus. In the II millennium BC. NS

How the Russians accepted Islam

How the Russians accepted Islam

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

According to Arab sources, it is known that in the 10th century some part of the Rus converted to Islam. The then ruler of the Rus bore the name or title Buladmir, consonant with the name of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. At the same time, Prince Vladimir is called a kagan, as the rulers of the Turks. "The Grand Duke Vladimir chooses faith", 1822. And

"Don't surrender Petrograd!" Fierce battle for the cradle of revolution

"Don't surrender Petrograd!" Fierce battle for the cradle of revolution

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Troubles. 1919 year. On September 28, 1919, unexpectedly for the Reds, Yudenich's army launched an offensive. The units of the two red armies defending the Petrograd direction were defeated and thrown back in different directions, the 7th army to the northeast, the 15th army to the southeast. White Guards broke through the front, 11

What kind of society did Stalin create

What kind of society did Stalin create

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin kisses the "Sword of Stalingrad" at the presentation ceremony in the conference hall of the Soviet embassy during the Tehran conference. Before I.V. Stalin is British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. To the right of Stalin is People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M

Operation White Sword. A blow to the heart of the revolution

Operation White Sword. A blow to the heart of the revolution

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Troubles. 1919 year. 100 years ago, in the fall of 1919, Operation White Sword began. The White Northwestern Army under the command of Yudenich, with the support of Estonian troops and the British fleet, tried to take red Petrograd. At the end of September - October, the White Guards broke through the defenses of the Red Army and

General battle for Russia

General battle for Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Troubles. 1919 year. 100 years ago, on October 11-13, 1919, the Red Army launched a counteroffensive on the Southern Front. The Reds struck in the Oryol and Voronezh directions. In the decisive battle of the Civil War, a radical change took place in favor of the Reds. Moscow campaign of Denikin's army on

Cahul. How Rumyantsev destroyed the army of the Ottoman Empire

Cahul. How Rumyantsev destroyed the army of the Ottoman Empire

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

D. Chodovetsky. "The Battle of Cahul" 250 years ago, the Russian commander Rumyantsev defeated the six times superior Turkish army on the Cahul River. Russia regained the left bank of the Danube

The defeat of the Turkish fleet in the Battle of Kerch

The defeat of the Turkish fleet in the Battle of Kerch

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Painting "Sea Battle in the Kerch Strait". Artist I.I. Rodinov 230 years ago, the Black Sea Fleet under the command of Ushakov defeated the Turkish Navy near the Kerch Strait. The victory of the Russian fleet thwarted the plans of the Ottoman command to land troops in the Crimea. Creation of the Black Sea Fleet

Pyrrhic victory of the Kolchak armies on Tobol

Pyrrhic victory of the Kolchak armies on Tobol

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Troubles. 1919 year. Kolchak's army completed only the first stage of the planned operation. The Kolchakites defeated the 5th Red Army, the enemy offensive to Petropavlovsk and further Omsk was thwarted. However, the success of the Kolchakites was partial and the victory, in fact, was a Pyrrhic one. She was worth such sacrifices that

Peace of Constantinople. Russia's victory in the Azov region

Peace of Constantinople. Russia's victory in the Azov region

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The ship "Fortress" on the engraving of Adrian Shkhonebek 320 years ago, on July 14, 1700, the Peace of Constantinople was concluded. Victory in the Russian-Turkish War. The return of Russia to Azov and the Azov region. Crimean campaigns The government of Princess Sophia (ruled Russia in 1682-1689)

Minsk is ours! The defeat of the Polish army in Belarus

Minsk is ours! The defeat of the Polish army in Belarus

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Polish soldiers in position 100 years ago, the Red Army conducted the July Operation. Soviet troops inflicted a heavy defeat on the Polish North-Eastern Front and liberated a significant part of Belarus and part of Lithuania, including Minsk and Vilno

Battle of Grunwald. How the army of the Teutonic Order was destroyed

Battle of Grunwald. How the army of the Teutonic Order was destroyed

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Grunwald. Hood. Wojciech Kossak 610 years ago, Polish, Lithuanian and Russian troops defeated the army of the Teutonic Order in the Battle of Grunwald. Allied forces stopped the expansion of the crusaders to the east and marked the beginning of the military-economic decline of the Order. Onslaught on the East in the 13th century Teutonic

Battle of Rivne. How Budennovtsy smashed the Polish defense

Battle of Rivne. How Budennovtsy smashed the Polish defense

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Revolutionary Military Council of the 1st Cavalry Army: K. E. Voroshilov, S. M. Budyonny, E. A. Shchadenko 100 years ago, the Red Army defeated the 2nd Polish Army and liberated Rovno. Budyonny's cavalry in mid-July 1920 broke through into the territory of Western Ukraine. The success of the armies of the Southwestern Front created profitable

How the Russian army led by Rumyantsev defeated the Turks at the Battle of Larga

How the Russian army led by Rumyantsev defeated the Turks at the Battle of Larga

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Rumyantsev in a battle with the Turks 250 years ago, on July 7 (18), 1770, on the Larga River, a battle took place between the Russian army of General Rumyantsev and the Ottoman troops of the Crimean Khan Kaplan-Girey. Despite the numerical superiority, the Turks and Crimean Tatars were defeated and fled

Japanese "truth" about the war with Russia. How the Japanese repulsed the "Russian aggression" in Manchuria

Japanese "truth" about the war with Russia. How the Japanese repulsed the "Russian aggression" in Manchuria

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In Soviet historiography, it was believed that the war with Japan was a disgrace for tsarist Russia and a prerequisite for the first Russian revolution. That the Japanese Empire defeated the huge Russian Empire because of the incompetent Russian military-political elite and the superiority of the Japanese in the military

How the Russians "attacked the Turkish fleet, smashed it, broke it, burned it, let it into the sky, drowned it, turned it into ashes "

How the Russians "attacked the Turkish fleet, smashed it, broke it, burned it, let it into the sky, drowned it, turned it into ashes "

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The defeat of the Turkish fleet at Chesma. Painting by Jacob Phillip Gackert 250 years ago, a Russian squadron in the Chesme Bay of the Aegean Sea completely destroyed the Turkish fleet. Russian sailors sank and burned the entire enemy fleet: 16 ships of the line (1 ship was captured) and 6 frigates

"God is not able, but in truth!" How Alexander Yaroslavich defeated the Swedish crusaders

"God is not able, but in truth!" How Alexander Yaroslavich defeated the Swedish crusaders

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

N.K. Roerich. Alexander Nevsky defeats Jarl Birger. 1904780 years ago, on July 15, 1240, Alexander Yaroslavich with his squad utterly defeated the Swedish knights invading our lands. Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword

The defeat of the Russian fleet in the Second Battle of Rochensalm

The defeat of the Russian fleet in the Second Battle of Rochensalm

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Battle of Rochensalm. Johan Titrich Schulz 230 years ago, the Second Battle of Rochensalm took place. The Swedish fleet inflicted a heavy defeat on the Russian rowing flotilla under the command of Prince Nassau-Siegen. This allowed Sweden to conclude an honorable peace with Russia