
Knights in rich armor Continuation of the "tournament theme" (part five)

Knights in rich armor Continuation of the "tournament theme" (part five)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Once in the Dresden Armory, I naturally first turned my attention to the knights in the richest and most magnificent armor. Truly, you can look at them from different angles for a very long time. The skill of their creators was very high, so sometimes you just wonder - how it was

How King Karl Robert saved Hungary

How King Karl Robert saved Hungary

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

680 years ago, on November 12, 1335, in Visegrad, the residence of King Charles I Robert of Hungary, a meeting of the rulers of the three powers - Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic took place, which laid the foundation for a military-political alliance, the first in Central Europe. Karl Robert with Casimir III of Poland and Jan Luxemburg

Knights in rich armor Continuation of the "tournament theme" (part six)

Knights in rich armor Continuation of the "tournament theme" (part six)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

When you look at the ceremonial armor, you involuntarily think - how much did it all cost? After all, they are based on the same steel, not tin and cardboard. That is, they performed their protective function. But further on … there is chasing, here bluing, then carving and etching, and, of course, gilding, where

The Legend of Tsuba Tsuba (Part 3)

The Legend of Tsuba Tsuba (Part 3)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Geese: ha-ha-ha! - The first I, the first I will tell about what I know! Issa So, our last material ended with the fact that the tsuba is part of the sword headset, and as such it should fit and mate with the details of the sword frame, called kosirae by the Japanese. Well, today we will meet

The Legend of Tsuba Tsuba (Part 2)

The Legend of Tsuba Tsuba (Part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The peasant sleeps in the mountains -Under the head of the hoe. The lark sings. Issa The hoe, of course, is simpler and cheaper than a sword. But the principle is the same: the working part can be replaced with a handle, the handle can be replaced with a working part. It's comfortable. Therefore, the Japanese mounts on the blade were also removable. The blade has broken

The Legend of Tsuba Tsuba (Part 1)

The Legend of Tsuba Tsuba (Part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A plum branch in my hand - Happy New Year I'm going to congratulate my old acquaintances … SikiThis epigraph to the fact that this is the first material that I wrote in the new 2019 … beautiful! And the beautiful is always happy and pleasant

Land beyond the ocean. Mississippi culture (part 3)

Land beyond the ocean. Mississippi culture (part 3)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Past material on America's pre-Columbian cultures ended with the Hopewell culture circa 500 AD. NS. how the system of trade exchanges, for some unknown reason, fell into decay, the burial mounds ceased to be poured, and works of art related to this culture ceased to be found among the finds. War

Tokugawa Ieyasu: Hostage, Shogun, God (Part 3)

Tokugawa Ieyasu: Hostage, Shogun, God (Part 3)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

We continue our story about the activities of the greatest of Japan's unifiers, Tokugawa Ieyasu. Last time we left him the winner on the Sekigahara field, but what did he do after destroying his main enemy Ishida Mitsunari? First of all, Ieyasu took care of the economy and redistributed the land (and income) again

Land overseas. Hopewell: A Copper-Stone Age Trader Civilization (Part 2)

Land overseas. Hopewell: A Copper-Stone Age Trader Civilization (Part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Clovis culture "made us live for a long time." The reason could be the fall of a huge asteroid or some other reason, but the result is important - it disappeared. And this is known for sure, because in the upper, that is, in the early layers of the soil, spearheads of a completely different shape and a mass of bones are already found

Hallstatt are Iron Age Europeans. Ancient graves tell (part 2)

Hallstatt are Iron Age Europeans. Ancient graves tell (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

So, we began our acquaintance with the culture of the Europeans of the Iron Age, which was called Hallstatt - after the name of the area where many burials of this culture were discovered. But it is by no means limited to this place. The burials of Hallstatt and, in particular, the Celts who belonged to it

Soviet village from 1977 to 1980 Village teacher's notes (part 2)

Soviet village from 1977 to 1980 Village teacher's notes (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The first material of the "notes", as it was supposed, caused a real storm of emotions. What, in fact, was the calculation. Some of the comments made me especially … moved. "You were paid a salary …". Well, you can't measure everything with money. Or in some cases it is possible, but in others it is impossible? Oh, how is it … "in Russian"

Yakov Blumkin and Nicholas Roerich in search of Shambhala (part four)

Yakov Blumkin and Nicholas Roerich in search of Shambhala (part four)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Aren't we ashamed to deal with us "For so long a hat, a beard, entrusting Ruslana to destinies? Having fought a fierce battle with Rogdai, He rode through a dense forest; A wide valley opened before him With the glitter of the morning skies. The knight trembles against his will: He sees the old battlefield … "(A.S. Pushkin. Ruslan and Lyudmila) Back to previous materials

Land beyond the ocean. Clovis: the oldest culture of primitive America (part 1)

Land beyond the ocean. Clovis: the oldest culture of primitive America (part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the problems that has existed, by the way, at all times is the problem of obtaining information. A person does not know what is happening in a neighboring apartment, on a neighboring street, in a neighboring city, and he can enter an apartment with neighbors, it is only 200 meters to the neighboring street, and the city is two hours away

Hallstatt are Iron Age Europeans. Ancient graves tell (part 1)

Hallstatt are Iron Age Europeans. Ancient graves tell (part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In a number of previous materials, we talked about how iron "came to Europe" and settled on the Hallstatt culture that existed in Central Europe, as well as in the Balkans from about 900 to 400 BC, and the field culture preceded it burial urns

Soviet village from 1977 to 1980 Village teacher's notes (part 1)

Soviet village from 1977 to 1980 Village teacher's notes (part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

For the first time in an abridged version, this text appeared back in the same 1980. I wrote it for the Uchitelskaya Gazeta. I sent and received the answer: “The first impression is very strong. The story is life itself. But it is not only the village teacher who travels to the city for groceries. And a number of other points … So think and

Japanese musketeers

Japanese musketeers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I don’t remember who I promised, but I do remember exactly that I promised material about Japanese firearms of the Sengoku era. And since he promised something, then the promised should be fulfilled. Moreover, it should immediately be said (and this is unlikely to be an exaggeration) that this era just became a kind of reaction of the Japanese

Where did the first Scandinavians come from?

Where did the first Scandinavians come from?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Throughout a number of materials published on "VO", their readers had the opportunity to get acquainted with the most varied aspects of the life of the Vikings (sailors, pirates, merchants), inhabitants of Scandinavia of a certain era, which, by the way, historians call it: the era of the Vikings. But what came before

Tokugawa Ieyasu: Hostage, Shogun, God (Part 2)

Tokugawa Ieyasu: Hostage, Shogun, God (Part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Having got acquainted with the armor of the Sengoku era, we again return to the personalities. And again, the life and fate of Tokugawa Ieyasu, who eventually became … a deity, passes before us. But in life it so happens that happiness and unhappiness constantly go hand in hand. In 1579, by order of Oda

Khalibs and iron in the "Greek tradition" (part 2)

Khalibs and iron in the "Greek tradition" (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Lord was with Judas, and he took possession of the mountain; but the inhabitants of the valley could not drive out, because they had iron chariots. (Judges 1:19) As already noted, pieces of blast iron in Crete date back to the 19th century. BC. However, Greek tradition points to a different place from where iron came to Greece. it

Iron of the Khalib Kovacs (part 1)

Iron of the Khalib Kovacs (part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

They live on the left hand of these places Iron Khalibs. Fear them! They are fierce and unkind to guests … (Aeschylus. Prometheus chained. Translated by A. Piotrovsky) Some time ago, "VO" published an article about the "collapse of the Bronze Age." It said that "the bronze suddenly ended", and

The first metal in South America. "Kulturtragers in the Name of the Sun" (part 2)

The first metal in South America. "Kulturtragers in the Name of the Sun" (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Queen and mother Moon, Give us your water as a gift, And give us the love of your rains. Hear how we cry out to you … (Miloslav Stingle. State of the Incas. Glory and death of the sons of the sun) So, the Incas knew gold and silver, but they also knew how to alloy copper and tin and obtain bronze. Moreover, it is paradoxical that

Yakov Blumkin: provocateur, editor, spy (part three)

Yakov Blumkin: provocateur, editor, spy (part three)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

However, even before graduation, Blumkin had many different interesting adventures - both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad! For example, Blumkin for some reason tried to get into the Union of anarchists-maximalists. But before he was admitted there, he was required to acquit himself before the party court

Dagger from the tomb of Tutankhamun

Dagger from the tomb of Tutankhamun

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Can iron crush the iron of the north and copper? (Jeremiah 15:12) Recently, people here have got into the habit of doubting the obvious things. And immediately in response to this, theories appeared, pleasing him. Well, for example, that "Priam's treasure" was made by Schliemann himself and declared his find, or that Howard Carter

Warriors of the Tahuantinsuyu State (part 3)

Warriors of the Tahuantinsuyu State (part 3)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Last time we got acquainted with the military organization of the Inca state. Today we continue this story. Commanders and teams All the highest military leaders belonged exclusively to the Incas. The Inca Supreme Son of the Sun was both the supreme commander in chief, and often personally commanded the army on

Conquistadors against the Aztecs. Part 7. Brigantines of Cortez

Conquistadors against the Aztecs. Part 7. Brigantines of Cortez

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Christopher Columbus is one, And the other is Fernando Cortez. He, like Columbus, is a titan In the pantheon of a new era. Such is the fate of heroes, Such is her deceit Combines our name With the low name of the villain. Heinrich Heine. "Witzliputsli" So, last time we left Cortez for a pleasant occupation - he received gifts from allies

Yakov Blumkin: poet-Socialist-Revolutionary, Chekist-terrorist (part two)

Yakov Blumkin: poet-Socialist-Revolutionary, Chekist-terrorist (part two)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

After the terrorist attack, Blumkin and his comrades decided to hide in a special detachment of the Moscow Cheka, commanded for some reason by the left SR sailor Popov. And in the detachment there were also mainly sailors who condemned the Brest-Litovsk Peace and were dissatisfied with the destruction of the fleet. Now let's see. You are the boss

Sengoku Age Armor (Part 2)

Sengoku Age Armor (Part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

By chance you drop into a shack on the side of a mountain - and there they dress up dolls … Kyoshi One of the features of the Japanese name of armor was an indication of certain characteristic details. On old o-yoroi armor, the name contained, for example, the color of the cords and even the type of weaving. For example, one could

Sengoku Age Armor (Part 1)

Sengoku Age Armor (Part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The dogs bark - the peddler has come to the village. The peaches are in bloom … Buson Here we finally come to perhaps the most interesting era in the history of Japan - the "era of fighting provinces", the era of the war of all against all, the result of which was the unification of the country under the rule of the clan Tokugawa. How it happened

Yakov Blumkin: poet-Socialist-Revolutionary, Chekist-terrorist (part one)

Yakov Blumkin: poet-Socialist-Revolutionary, Chekist-terrorist (part one)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Imagine that you are transported to 1921. The same autumn outside, but much colder than now. People on the streets, if not armed, then … somehow shy. And no wonder! Here famine, typhus, total unemployment, devastation, newspapers report on peasant uprisings … In Ukraine, Makhno, ataman Antonov takes

Tokugawa Ieyasu: Hostage, Shogun, God (Part 1)

Tokugawa Ieyasu: Hostage, Shogun, God (Part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Nobunaga Oda: "If he does not sing, I will kill the nightingale!" Hijoshi Toyotomi: "We must make him sing!" nightingale) So we finally come to the story

Conquistadors against the Aztecs. Part 6. Battle of Otumba: there are more questions than answers

Conquistadors against the Aztecs. Part 6. Battle of Otumba: there are more questions than answers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Spanish people are dear to her, We are destined to perish, To me, that all the gods are unfortunate, My poor Mexico. (G. Heine. Witzliputsli. Translation by N. Gumilyov) right / right "Night of sorrow", in the most distressing situation. Yes

Ishida Mitsunari. An Honest Man Who Was Just Unlucky (Part 2)

Ishida Mitsunari. An Honest Man Who Was Just Unlucky (Part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Do not think with contempt: “What small seeds!” It's red pepper. Matsuo Munefusa (1644-1694) How did people come to the idea of supporting one or another of the leaders of these two groups? First, many were vassals of both and simply had to follow their will. But

About knightly tournaments in detail (part one)

About knightly tournaments in detail (part one)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The heralds no longer ride back and forth, The trumpet rumbles, and the horn calls to the battle. Here in the western squad and in the east The shafts are stuck in the stops firmly, A sharp thorn is pierced into the horse's side. You can see who is a fighter and who is a rider. About a thick shield the spear breaks , The fighter can smell the edge under his chest. Debris hits twenty feet

Austria-Hungary in World War I

Austria-Hungary in World War I

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was Germany's main ally. Formally, the all-European war was started by two countries - Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia over the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo, organized by

About knightly tournaments in detail (part four)

About knightly tournaments in detail (part four)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The herald will also say the singer: “She is the mistress of the heart, In tournaments the invincible spear fought for her. And the sword was inspired by her, That slain the husband of so many wives: The hour of death came to the Sultan - He and Mohammed did not save him. A golden strand shines. The number of hairs cannot be counted, - So no

Ishida Mitsunari. An Honest Man Who Was Just Unlucky (Part 1)

Ishida Mitsunari. An Honest Man Who Was Just Unlucky (Part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Like a flame From Asima Mountain, Crazy on the banks of the Tsukuma, And I will fade away, Body and soul. Isida Mitsunari. Death verses. 1560-1600. (Translated by O. Chigirinskaya) How sweet! Two awakenings - And one dream! Above the swell of this world - Dawn sky. Tokugawa Ieyasu. Death verses. 1543-1616. (Translation O

"Tick for the revolution": Chekist bandit Leva Zadov

"Tick for the revolution": Chekist bandit Leva Zadov

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Come on, marvel at me,” said the man in a jersey, “I’m Leva Zadov, you don’t need to talk nonsense with me, I’ll torture you, you’ll answer …” (Alexei Tolstoy. Walking in agony) As you know, Buratino could not drown because it was made of wood. The products of human life do not sink, but

A sailor who did not become an admiral

A sailor who did not become an admiral

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the steppe near Kherson - tall grasses, In the steppe near Kherson - a mound. Lies under a mound overgrown with weeds, Sailor Zheleznyak, a partisan. (Music by M. Blanter, words by M. Golodny)

School textbooks about knights and their armor

School textbooks about knights and their armor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

We all learned a little, Something and somehow, So by education, thank God, It's no wonder we shine. (A.S. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin) Recently one of the visitors to "VO" decided to show off his erudition in the comments and wrote that " at school in history he had a solid four ", so where is it that

Japanese samurai phantom masks

Japanese samurai phantom masks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It can be seen that little of you Mama pulled by the nose as a child, Snub-nosed doll! … Buson At all times, people used masks to hide and thereby avoid identifying their identity. There is an episode in the satirical novel by Mark Twain "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" where the crowd is going to lynch the ex