Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
This is my 700th article on the VO site. I thought, let it be devoted to a topic that, in general, is interesting to everyone, namely, omens. But not ours, of course, which Pavel Globa interprets to us, but those that were once upon a time, but were, and people, just like today, turned to them
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
“Go all over the world and preach the gospel of all creation.” (Mark 16:15) It is unlikely that anyone would deny the enormous influence of religion on society. And the fact that some places on our planet turned out to be more "regigious" than others is well known to everyone, including even non-believers. According to different
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Many VO readers liked the story about ancient Crete and its history. “But what about Cyprus? - they began to ask questions. "After all, they are close to each other, so it is not difficult to get to Cyprus by sea from Crete … And … how did the culture develop there?" Well - everything is so, so today our story is dedicated to
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The instigator's trumpet sends an arrogant challenge, And the trumpet sings in response to the knight, The glade echoes them and the firmament, The riders lowered them, And the shafts were attached to the shells; Here the horses rushed, and finally the fighter came close to the fighter. ("Palamon and Arsit") Helmet jewelry (see photo
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Probably, many still remember a drawing from a textbook on the history of the Middle Ages for the 6th grade of a Soviet high school, where the knight's castle was depicted standing on a high cliff with steep slopes. Of course, not all castles stood on such rocks, but this was not something exceptional either. On the contrary, in that
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The third parent of Cronidus created a generation of people who spoke Copper, in no way similar to the previous generation with spears. Those people were powerful and terrible. They loved the formidable cause of Ares, violence. They did not eat bread; their mighty spirit was stronger than iron. No one dared to approach them: they possessed great power, and
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Here, on VO, the generally banal truth has been emphasized more than once that thinking without knowledge is completely useless, and, above all, for those who comment on someone's materials only on the basis of only what he thinks. That is, the key to success in any business is knowledge. The latter, however
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Recently, several people have sent me personal messages at once asking about the best way to write articles for the press. Like, you write one article a day for sure, and for many years. And you don't get bored, and your materials don't get worse. I want it myself
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"The sleep of reason gives birth to monsters" (Francisco Goya, 1797) The great Confucius once said that teaching without reflection is useless, but thinking without teaching is dangerous. And it's clear why. A collection of information without thinking about it has no value. But it is also stupid to think if you do not have information on the problem
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Let VO readers not be surprised by the design of this material. This is an example of how it is customary today to design articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, so that - why not? - Some of the authors and even readers of our site would have decided to try himself in the field of science creation. How
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Here at VO, debates are constantly flaring up regarding the "eternal questions" of our time: who are we, where are we from, where are we going, and most importantly why? Dr. Emmett Brown from Back to the Future 2 wanted to know all this, but in the end he was almost completely lost in time. Naturally, there are people, apparently, for life
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Each aspired to be in a new one In clean clothes to go out into battle. There is a tower on a shield shining with gold. There is a lion, there is a leopard and a fish in a battle coat of arms. A peacock's tail serves as an ornament for another. And someone decorated a helmet with a flower as a consolation … There is black the rider's mourning is crowned with a flag, while the other has white, blue and green
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We have been considering the ancient Cretan civilization for quite a long time, and we only have a cursory (and it will not work in detail, it is necessary to translate the monograph of Arthur Evans!) To consider it from the point of view of everyday life. That is, what they ate, how they slept, what they wore, what social position who occupied. AND
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And now, dear visitors of the VO website, we will offer you a story about what Crete is today. It is clear that only the ruins of ancient palaces and museums remain on it from the ancient Minoans. However, if you are seduced by stories about Crete's past, decide to go there
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
"From now on .. I will live forever! Hey, Devil, follow me! And my strength is endless! And let the world know that my name is EDWARD HYDE!" (Good Doctor Henry Jekyll, after the first taking of a miraculous drug) Are there processes that absorb a person in his thoughts and activities in which a person lives
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So, the most important conclusion regarding the emergence of the Minoan civilization is this: the early Minoan culture is not directly related to the Neolithic culture of Crete, but was brought by newcomers from Asia, from the east, through the lands of Anatolia. In Mesopotamia, for example, there are numerous analogues of the Minoan
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“… As I have thought, so it will be; as I have determined, so it will take place”(Book of the Prophet Isaiah 14: 24-32) And it so happened that on October 18, on their next birthday here on VO, many of his regulars began to congratulate me and I thought how good it is that there is a feeling of gratitude human property
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Last time we only slightly touched the ancient Minoan civilization. Today we will consider it in more detail and, of course, we will start with the chronology, which was proposed by Arthur Evans at the beginning of the 20th century, and then was repeatedly refined. In his opinion, there were early-, middle- and
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Some time ago, several articles about the cultures of the Copperstone and Bronze Age were published here on VO, but then the informational "feeding" of the topic came to an end, and the publication of articles on this topic was suspended. We talked about the Copperstone and Bronze Age on the island of Cyprus and the grave
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Life in the castle However, isn't it interesting to continue acquaintance with it and find out how people lived in it, let's say, at the end of the same XIX
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When you travel in a foreign country by bus, and the guide tells the group something about the places that you pass, it is very important to have time to connect what is at stake with the views outside the window. Or it may be like this: “Here is Mount Tabor in front of you, on which there was a fortified camp of the Hussites of Jan ižka
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People and a castle Any castle is … an "artificial cave" for more or less civilized people, since the uncivilized lived in natural caves. But any house is, first of all, people living in it. These are their characters, their actions, their history. For example, balconies always catch my eye
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
On the pages of VO, we have already written more than once about what a powerful weapon PR is when used skillfully. And who, if not us, should write about it, since we have been teaching it since 1995, and not only teach it, but also practically apply it in life and work at the Department of Philosophy and Social
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The castle outside, the castle inside No one knows what the Hluboká castle was like in the 13th century, when it had a tower surrounded by a wall. It is only known that it stood on the site of the modern main tower of the castle with a clock. Then in the XV century. it was rebuilt in the late Gothic style. Its defenses have improved
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“Therefore, brethren, be zealous to prophesy, but do not forbid speaking in tongues; only everything should be decent and decorous”(First Corinthians 14:40) Optimism in articles about life in the USSR reached its peak in the pre-war 1940, when the main word in all materials about
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Duel of female gladiators of Achilia and the Amazon. Bas-relief from Halicarnassus. (British Museum, London) It just so happened, purely biologically, that the main goal of human life on planet Earth is … no, just do not tell me that this is labor for the good of the Fatherland. No, there is a more important thing and that is … reproduction. That
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A variety of "things" are a source of information for the historian. These are artifacts that have come down to us from time immemorial and preserved in private collections and museum collections, finds of archaeologists obtained by them in the dust and dirt of excavations, these are ancient manuscripts - torn papyri from Egypt, silk scrolls from
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An old castle passing from hand to hand If we follow the example of the American writer Mary Dodge, who called Holland the "Land of Oddities" in her novel "Silver Skates", then everyone, probably, will be able to give his equally capacious characterization to any other country. That's just how much she
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“On the first road to go - to be married; On the second road to go - to be rich; On the third road to go - to be killed!”(Russian folk tale) We continue to publish chapters from the monograph“The Poisoned Pen”and, judging by the responses, these materials arouse keen interest in the VO audience. On
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We will destroy the whole world of violence to its foundations, and then … ("Internationale", A.Ya. Kots) We continue to publish materials of Ph.D., associate professor O.V. Milaeva, dedicated to the theme of the upcoming anniversary of the October Revolution. The principle is this: she writes, I edit her materials. Accordingly, it is published “at
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“… Seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, and they do not understand; and the prophecy of Isaiah is coming true over them, which says: hear with your ear, and you will not understand, and you will see with your eyes, and you will not see”(Gospel of Matthew 13: 13,14) As already noted, an important role in the training of propaganda cadres was assigned
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“Whatever you bind on earth will be tied up in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven” (Matthew 16:19). I’ll say straight out that I am not a religious person. And it would be strange for someone who has been teaching cultural studies for many years to get carried away with religion (and before that he taught history for ten years
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"If there is among you … a man or a woman who … will go and serve other gods, and worship them, or the sun, or the moon, or all the heavenly host … then stone them to death" (Deuteronomy 17: 2-5). Earthly life was full of worries, Let now, at the first abusive call, give Himself for
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I personally have always disliked that information of generally useful value is in one place, and people who may be interested in it are in another. The people themselves are partly to blame for this. For example, they talk (and write!) About the ancient history of Russia, but they did not open the "Archeology of Russia" in 20 volumes
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“Since they sowed the wind, they will also reap the tempest; he will have no bread in the stump; grain will not give flour; and if it does, strangers will swallow it "(Book of the Prophet Hosea: 8: 7) The color revolution is by no means" soft power ", as it is often said about it. Not at all. Rather, it is a set of tools for
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"… for sinning deliberately and by simplicity," (Book of Ezra 45:20) Anti-communism and anti-Sovietism, as systems of views aimed at condemning the communist and Soviet ideology, its political goals and statements, were formed not spontaneously, but purposefully, starting with 1920s. In our
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War at all times has been a difficult, bloody and dirty business, that is, it was the legalized murder of one's neighbors, covered with a veil of various verbal nonsense, arising from the inability to solve the matter peacefully. However, then, during the Thirty Years' War, things worsened by the fact that the war
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As you know, in a war, a lot is decided by chance. After all, it so happened that a German observer officer, while the German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee was parked in the port of Montevideo, looking through the rangefinder, mistook the English heavy cruiser Cumberland for the battle cruiser Renaun! But how is he
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"… and they will burn their skins and their flesh and their filth in the fire …" (Leviticus 16:27) pyramids, which would be very problematic. The enemy had to be defeated in
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“We were already like you. And you will also be like us.” (Inscription on the tombstone) When you travel in a foreign country or countries on a comfortable tourist bus, you don't need to write about a light breeze blowing pleasantly at you at a good speed because in the cabin it