Medium tank Harimau. Foreign units for the Indonesian army

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Medium tank Harimau. Foreign units for the Indonesian army
Medium tank Harimau. Foreign units for the Indonesian army

Video: Medium tank Harimau. Foreign units for the Indonesian army

Video: Medium tank Harimau. Foreign units for the Indonesian army
Video: President Putin shown latest AK-12 rifle 2024, October

Indonesia strives to build a powerful and developed army, but its own industrial capabilities are insufficient to meet such challenges. For this reason, she has to turn to third countries for help. One of the main projects of recent times is being developed within the framework of cooperation between Indonesia and Turkey. The two countries are jointly creating a promising medium tank. The new armored vehicle was named Harimau, and by now two prototypes have been built and tested. Just the other day, another show of existing prototypes took place.

By the middle of this decade, the military and political leadership of Indonesia came to the conclusion about the need to create a new modern medium-weight tank. However, the country could not independently develop such a machine. This problem was solved through an agreement with foreign developers of armored vehicles. In 2015, a contract was signed, according to which Indonesia and Turkey were to develop a project and start production of a new armored vehicle.

Medium tank Harimau. Foreign units for the Indonesian army
Medium tank Harimau. Foreign units for the Indonesian army

The experienced Kaplan MT tank is the first prototype of the future Harimau. Photo FNSS /

According to the terms of the agreement, the Indonesian side in the project was represented by the state-owned company PT Pindad. The FNSS company became the participant of the works from Turkey. Subsequently, certain companies from different countries could be involved in the work, which were offered the role of subcontractors. As it turned out later, the functions of Turkish and Indonesian enterprises in the project were divided in a very interesting way. Most of the design work was carried out by FNSS. The Indonesian side, in turn, took over the financing of the project, and was also responsible for the assembly of some prototypes and their subsequent testing.

Since then, the promising tank has managed to change several names. Indonesia originally called it Modern Medium Weight Tank. The Turkish side offered the customer to use the developments on one of the existing projects, as a result of which the working title Kaplan MT ("Medium Tank on the Kaplan Platform") appeared. Recently, the Indonesian side has used the new name of the project - Harimau ("Tiger"). The name Harimau Hitam ("Black Tiger") is also found in the foreign press, but it is absent in official materials.

The development of a promising medium tank was carried out in the shortest possible time, which was facilitated by an original approach. In fact, the creators of the project refused to use completely new components and "assembled" the armored vehicle from already known components. The base for the tank was made on a redesigned chassis from the promising Turkish-developed FNSS Kaplan 30 platform. It was planned to install a ready-made tower from the Belgian company CMI Defense Cockerill on it. Thus, a significant part of the design work was carried out by foreign specialists, and the participation of Indonesia at this stage was minimal.

Last year there were several "premieres" of new armored vehicles. In May, at the IDEF-2017 exhibition in Turkey, FNSS demonstrated for the first time a prototype of the future medium tank. The modified Kaplan chassis was equipped with a mock turret with a cannon and machine gun armament. The sample was named Kaplan MT. Talking about the new car, representatives of the developer company pointed to the achievement of high performance and great success in international cooperation.


The prototype is being tested. Photo FNSS /

In September 2017, the FNSS company completed the assembly of another tank chassis, but did not mount the turret and some other units on it. The unfinished car was delivered to Indonesia at the PT Pindad plant. There, local specialists completed the assembly of an experienced tank, installing a standard combat compartment with weapons on it. Shortly after the completion of the assembly, the tank was shown to the public. On October 5, a festive parade was held in the city of Chilegon on the occasion of the Day of the Indonesian Armed Forces. Together with other modern and promising Indonesian armored vehicles, an experienced MMWT tank passed before the public.

According to the announced plans, another tank hull was to appear in the very near future. He was supposed to have all the required protective equipment, but it was not planned to equip it with various components and assemblies. This hull was intended for endurance tests involving firing from various weapons and detonating mines.

Probably, even before the demonstration of the MMWT tank at the parade, the first prototype Kaplan MT was delivered to Indonesia for testing at local proving grounds. Last fall, a second prototype was supposed to join it. A prototype without a full-fledged turret and a fully loaded medium tank in 2017 and 2018 passed all the necessary tests, which made it possible to establish their real characteristics and capabilities.

From November 7 to 10, the next Indo Defense military-technical exhibition was held in Jakarta, which is the main platform for demonstrating the achievements of the Indonesian defense industry and the army. Together with other modern models, both existing prototypes of a promising medium tank were shown at the exhibition. One machine was displayed in the exhibition hall at the PT Pindad stand. The second tank was in an open area and left it to participate in a dynamic display.


The chassis for the second prototype in the process of transportation, autumn 2017 Photo

It is curious that shortly before the next exhibition, the project changed its name again. Now it is called Harinau - "Tiger". In some publications a “color” epithet is added to such a name, but in official communications this designation option is absent. It can be assumed that this name will be retained in the future, and it is under this name that tanks will begin service.

During the recent Indo Defense 2018 exhibition, the current plans of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense regarding advanced technology were announced. By the end of this year, it is planned to sign the first contract for Tigers. It will provide for the delivery of up to 25 machines of the initial batch. Then the total number of vehicles will be increased to 44 units. In the near future, it is planned to build and transfer to the army a hundred promising tanks. The purchase of 400 vehicles is planned for the medium and long-term prospects.

According to the terms of cooperation, the Indonesian company PT Pindad will have to master the production of hulls and turrets for promising tanks. A significant number of the main components of the vehicle, from the engine to the weapons, will be supplied by foreign manufacturers. Indonesian specialists will also have to carry out the final assembly of the equipment. It should be borne in mind that the PT Pindad enterprise has so far managed to assemble only one experimental Harinau tank, moreover, from ready-made components. It consists of a Turkish-made chassis and a Belgian turret. Thus, Indonesia has yet to establish its own production of new units.

In the future, after the launch of serial production, contracts may appear for the supply of armored vehicles to third countries. For example, a delegation from the Malaysian Ministry of Defense was present at a recent exhibition in Jakarta. According to press reports, the head of the military department and his colleagues arrived in Indonesia specifically to study the new medium tank. In the future, this may lead to the purchase of equipment. There is also information about the interest in the "Tiger" from the Philippines.


The second prototype in the parade. Photo PT Pindad /


The new Turkish-Indonesian joint medium tank is being built on the basis of the modified FNSS Kaplan multipurpose chassis. A characteristic feature of the Harinau tank is its reduced combat weight. To get it, the authors of the project donated some other characteristics, first of all, protection. However, the finished tank meets the customer's requirements and has sufficient characteristics.

The tank is built on the chassis with an armored hull. The details of the latter provide all-round protection of the 4th level of the STANAG 4569 standard (armor-piercing bullet 14.5 mm). At last year's parade and at the recent show, the experienced Tiger was fitted with hinged panels that increase protection to level 5. Due to this, the frontal projection protects against 30-mm projectiles, all other parts of the body - from weapons of 25 mm caliber. The project used a V-shaped bottom and other measures aimed at increasing explosion resistance. Mine protection has been brought to levels 3b and 4a. Protection of the crew is provided when 10 kg of TNT are detonated under the track or the bottom.

The body of the tank has a frontal protection formed by a pair of inclined sheets. In this case, the upper one is located at a large angle to the vertical. On the horizontal roof is the Belgian-designed CMI-3105HP tower. This product has a main canopy covered with hinged armor, and is also equipped with a developed aft niche to accommodate ammunition. The tank has a classic layout with a front-mounted driver, a central fighting compartment and an aft engine compartment.

The mobility of the machine is provided by a 711 hp Caterpillar C13 diesel engine mated to an Alisson / Caterpillar X300 automatic transmission. The torque is delivered to the aft drive wheels. To save fuel and engine life, an auxiliary power unit with a generator is provided. The machine has a chassis with six road wheels per side, using individual torsion bar suspension. The side projection of the tracked propeller is partially covered by side screens.


One of the experienced "Tigers" in the pavilion of the Indo Defense 2018. Photo by

The Harimau tank is equipped with a CMI Cockerill 3105 fighting compartment, built on the basis of a turret with a large aft niche. The turret contains all the weapons and fire controls that meet modern requirements. The main weapon of the "Tiger" is the 105-mm high-pressure tank gun from Cockerill. The gun is equipped with a muzzle brake and an ejection device. Guidance means allow you to fire in any direction with vertical guidance from -10 ° to + 42 °. In the aft niche of the tower there is an automatic loader drum with 12 unitary shots. Another 30 shells are transported in hull stowage.

A machine gun of caliber 7, 62 mm is paired with the cannon. The samples shown did not have a machine gun mount or a combat module on the turret roof. On the cheekbones of the hull are a pair of installations with four smoke grenade launchers each.

The standard "3105" turret fire control system includes all the necessary devices. At the same time, it is connected to a new information management system that collects and processes various data and ensures the efficient operation of equipment. The turret has fixed and panoramic sights for the gunner and commander. These devices have a stabilizer, day and night channels, and their own rangefinders. The data from the scopes are processed by the available computer systems. The commander and gunner use automated workstations with the necessary controls. Situational awareness is also enhanced by a suite of video cameras that provide a 360-degree view.

The length of the MMWT / Harimau tank in the hull does not exceed 7 m, taking into account the gun - more than 9.1 m. Width - 3.35 m, height - 2.5 m. The combat weight has not yet been officially announced. According to various estimates, this parameter should be in the range of 32-35 tons, which gives a specific power of at least 20 hp. per ton. During the tests, experienced tanks showed a maximum speed of 76 km / h. The power reserve is 450 km. The armored vehicle is capable of crossing a 2 m wide trench and climbing a 90 cm wall. Water obstacles up to 1, 2 m deep are crossed along fords without special preparation.


Another prototype in an open area. Photo


In recent years, an interesting trend has emerged in the field of armored vehicles. Modern, high-performance main battle tanks are priced accordingly. They find themselves beyond the capabilities of poor countries, which, nevertheless, need new combat vehicles. The way out of this situation is new tanks with lower performance. In different countries, medium-sized armored vehicles are being developed, which differ in their characteristic appearance. They are inferior to MBTs in terms of protection and weapons, but at the same time they have serious advantages over outdated armored vehicles, usually in service with a potential enemy. Such a "medium tank" shows limited performance, but at the same time has an acceptable cost. The new Turkish-Indonesian tank Harimau belongs to this category.

Indonesia does not have the ability to independently create modern tanks, and besides, it cannot purchase such equipment abroad. The way out of this situation was the joint development of a new model according to their own requirements. Technically, the new project looks interesting and promising. Such medium tanks have good potential in the context of rearmament of poor countries without a developed industry, and may well find their place not only in Indonesia, but also in other countries of Southeast Asia.

However, there are reasons for concern. As follows from the available data, the Turkish side was mainly involved in the design, while the Indonesian side took on only funding and supervision. Now Indonesia has to master a number of "foreign" technologies and establish the production of equipment for its own army, as well as, possibly, for some foreign countries. After signing the contract for the supply of equipment, the future of the project depends entirely on the capabilities and production potential of PT Pindad. If it can master the production of new units, the army will receive the desired equipment.

According to the latest news, the contract for the first batch of Harimau medium tanks should appear before the end of the year. This means that already in 2019, we should expect the first news about the successes or failures of mass production. Based on this information, it will be possible to make more accurate predictions about the development of the Indonesian armored forces. So far, only one thing is clear: Indonesia and Turkey by joint efforts were able to develop a project of a promising armored vehicle of the current class.
