For several decades, Soviet and Russian military aircraft have been actively using unguided missiles of the C-13 Tulumbas family. At the same time, the development of the family does not stop, and in recent years several new products have been created. For example, at the recent MAKS-2021 aerospace show, the S-13B Tulumbas-3 missile, featuring enhanced combat capabilities, was publicly shown for the first time.
Family update
Within the framework of the military-technical forum "Army-2019", the Novosibirsk JSC "Institute of Applied Physics" for the first time disclosed information about several new modifications of the NAR S-13. The main innovations of these projects consisted in the use of new combat units of different types, due to which the growth of characteristics and an increase in efficiency were ensured. Together with other missiles, they showed the new S-13B.
New messages about the S-13B appeared on the eve of the MAKS-2021 aerospace show. Concern "Techmash", holding "Technodinamika" and the Novosibirsk artificial fiber plant (NZIV) announced the first public display of a promising NAR. They also clarified the characteristics and capabilities of such a rocket. In particular, it was argued that the S-13B combines the combat qualities of two other products of the family - the S-13OF high-explosive fragmentation missile and the S-13T penetrating missile.
As planned, on the opening day of MAKS-2021, a number of aviation weapons were demonstrated at the Techmash stand, incl. rocket "Tulumbas-3". Within the framework of the salon, a meeting was held on the development of aircraft weapons. At this event, Tekhmash showed the capabilities of the new rocket.

S-13B is positioned as a multifunctional ASP, suitable for engaging a wide range of targets. The developers assume that weapons with such a combination of characteristics and capabilities will attract the attention of the Russian army, as well as find foreign customers. However, the presence of interest from buyers has not yet been reported.
Technical Advantages
The S-13B product was developed on the basis of existing units and elements borrowed from the previous NAR family. A new composition of key components has been selected, giving a new combination of characteristics. First of all, we paid attention to improving the combat characteristics.
S-13B is made in a standard cylindrical case with a caliber of 122 mm. The total length of the rocket is 2.85 m. In the tail, the standard empennage of the C-13 is preserved, which is deployed after exiting the launch rail. The layout of the rocket is standard: the nose contains a warhead, and the tail contains a solid-propellant engine. Starting weight - 77 kg.
The missile carries a high-power concrete-piercing warhead. The warhead weighing 41 kg has a thickened strong head fairing, providing penetration of soil or reinforced concrete. Inside there is an explosive charge weighing 5.6 kg with a bottom fuse. The demolition is controlled by the so-called. initiation unit with three operating modes. The warhead is triggered upon contact with the target, as well as with a small or large deceleration after penetration. The choice of the mode is carried out in accordance with the nature of the target before departure.

The parameters of the warhead have not yet been specified. At the same time, it is known that the S-13T missile with similar capabilities is capable of penetrating up to 1 m of concrete or 6 m of soil. Under blasting, destruction of 20 square meters of concrete surface is ensured. Apparently, the new NAR C-13B has the same or better characteristics.
The solid-propellant engine used provides a flight range of 1 to 4 km. Thus, in terms of maximum range, the S-13B surpasses the S-13 missile and is at the level of the S-13T. Precision parameters are not disclosed.
The promising Tulumbas-3 can be used with standard B-13L launchers. Accordingly, the carriers of such weapons can be a wide range of existing and future domestic aircraft and helicopters. Apparently, modifications to the design of the unit or the carrier are not required, but a minor update of the weapon control systems is required.
Specialization and versatility
The basic missile of the family, the S-13, was once created as a means of dealing with runways, concrete shelters and other structures of the enemy. Its penetrating warhead weighing 33 kg was supposed to penetrate reinforced concrete and soil, and then hit the internal volumes of the building. Later, this NAR was modernized: the C-13T product received a heavier and more effective warhead with improved penetration characteristics.

In addition, using a housing and an engine, incl. their modified versions, new modifications of the rocket for various purposes were created. Several variants of high-explosive fragmentation and space-detonating missiles have appeared. Due to this, it became possible to effectively defeat a wider range of ground targets - from manpower to armored vehicles.
The NAR line, presented in 2019, continues this logic of the family's development. In fact, it was about a new generation of missiles with old missions and improved tactical and technical characteristics. In particular, in one of the later projects, the firing range was brought to 5-6 km.
In the last C-13B project, it was decided to abandon specialization, and the rocket was made universal. Due to the different modes of the initiation unit, it retains all the capabilities of a concrete-piercing ammunition, but at the same time acquires the functions of a high-explosive fragmentation and can hit a wider range of targets. In addition, a new engine was used to improve flight performance, and compatibility with existing aircraft and helicopters was retained.
Thus, the S-13B missile combines the strong qualities of several previous products of the family at once. This is expected to attract customers' attention and ensure commercial success for the new NAR. According to some sources, the first results of this kind have already been obtained - after the tests, Tulumbas-3 was put into service. Export prospects are not yet clear, although there is every reason for optimistic estimates.

Promising direction
Despite the active development of the direction of guided weapons, unguided missiles retain a significant role in the range of aviation ammunition and are widely used in exercises and real combat work. As a result, the development of the NAR does not stop in our country. New samples of such weapons appear regularly, with some differences from previous developments.
In parallel with the work on the S-13B, the development of the 80-mm NAR S-8OFP "Armored fighter" with a penetrating high-explosive fragmentation warhead is being carried out. These products will enter the arsenals of military aviation no earlier than 2023. Due to this, new weapons with improved characteristics and wider capabilities will appear in two NAR classes at once.
It is possible that the potential of the S-8 and S-13 missiles is still not fully utilized, which is why Tulumbas-3 and Armored-fighter will not become the last models in their families. Time will show how the capabilities of unguided missiles will change as a result of future upgrades. And for the near future, the main task in this context will be the refinement of the S-8OFP and S-13B.