The 1930s were marked by the rapid growth of the socialist industry, which made it possible for the Soviet Union to reach the level of world leaders in the production of civil and military aviation. This process, in turn, demanded broad agitation support through the powerful ideological apparatus available in the country.
A significant role in this work continued to be assigned to personalized aircraft, which acted as a kind of advertisement for the inextricable connection between the Red Army and Soviet society. As in the 1920s. throughout the country continued actions aimed at equipping the Air Force with new military equipment at the expense of people's funds collected on voluntary donations.
Despite the previously established rules, according to which aircraft could only receive the names of outstanding people who had passed away, in order to please the cult of “leaderism” being implanted in the country, the process of assigning the names of the living party and state elite, as well as the leaders of the Red Army, to planes (gliders) began. Among the first, such an honor was given to the I-5 fighter aircraft, decorated with the name Klim Voroshilov »1, at that time the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR and one of the closest associates of I. V. Stalin. On this plane, the chief of the Red Army Air Force (1931 - 1937) Ya. I. Alksnis2 periodically inspected aviation units near Moscow3… In honor of Alksnis himself, a single-seat experimental hydroplane "G-12" designed by V. K. Gribovsky, built in 1933.
The famous aircraft designer Alexander Yakovlev acted in a more original way.4, encrypting in the name of the aircraft under the abbreviation " AIR"The initials of his high patron - Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Alexei Ivanovich Rykov5… Later in the USSR, several series of aircraft of this type were put into production. But that followed in the mid-1930s. in the country, political processes against the so-called. "Enemies of the people", incl. and A. I. Rykov, they finally closed this project.

Single-seat fighter I-5 "Klim Voroshilov"

Hydroplane G-12 "Alksnis" 1933

"Executive Committee aircraft" AIR-6. 1932 g.

Double glider - tailless design by P. G. Bening “P. P. Postyshev . 1934 g.

Experienced glider RE-1 "Robert Eideman". 1933 g.
The same fate befell gliders " P. P. Postyshev »6 (designs by P. G. Bening, 1934), "ER" (Eideman Robert)7 (designs by O. K. Antonov (6 modifications), 1933 - 1937). The military and statesmen, after whom they were named, became victims of Stalin's tyranny. Meanwhile, gliders with the names “ Stalinist"(Various modifications, designed by PA Eremeev)," Sergo Ordzhonikidze »8 (designs by BV Belyanin) and others. The processes taking place in the country, associated with the rapid renewal of governing bodies in the upper echelon of power, were reflected in the name of the aircraft.
The tendency to assign the names of state and party leaders of the country to entire aviation units and units continued. In the 1930s. In the composition of the Red Army Air Force, the "Fighter Aviation Brigade named after S. S. Kamenev9»10, “Squadron named after M. I. Kalinin11 "," Light Aviation Squadron of the Aviation Brigade of the Research Institute of the Air Force of the Red Army named after N. V. Krylenko12»13, "3rd separate aviation squadron named after t. Ordzhonikidze"14, "201 light bomber aviation brigade named after t. K. E. Voroshilov "15 etc. This concerned not only the living and living representatives of the military-political leadership of the state, but also those who had already passed away. So, in connection with the tragic death of a prominent party leader of the country, the first secretary of the Leningrad regional committee of the CPSU (b) S. M. Kirov16 many military units and military educational institutions of the Red Army were named in his honor. As part of the Air Force, the 3rd Special Purpose Aviation Brigade was awarded this right.
People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR17
In the first half of the 1930s. a number of units and institutions of the Red Army Air Force were named after famous military pilots and military leaders who also tragically passed away: P. I. Baranov - Chief of the Red Army Air Force (1925 - 1931)18, P. Kh. Mezheraupa19 (inspector of the Red Army Air Force), V. I. Pisarenko (senior assistant inspector of the Red Army Air Force)20 and etc.
A special place in the history of Russian aviation of that time was occupied by a specially formed aviation propaganda squadron named after A. M. Gorky21… Almost all the aircraft that were part of it bore the names of the leading Soviet newspapers and magazines - Pravda (ANT-14), Iskra (Dn-9), Krestyanskaya Gazeta (ANT-9), Ogonyok (K -5), "Krasnaya Gazeta" (AIR-6), etc. Thus, the ANT-9 damaged during an emergency landing was repaired and given a new name - "Crocodile" (after the name of the satirical magazine popular in the USSR). For greater persuasiveness, the nose of the airship was depicted as the grin of a tropical reptile.

Aerobatic - training glider "Stalinets-4"

Squadron named after M. I. Kalinin. 1936 year

Plane ANT-14 "Pravda". 1931 g.

Plane U-2 "Krestyanskaya Gazeta". 1930 H

Airplane AIR-6 "Krasnaya Gazeta". 1935 H
The leader of the agitation squadron was the eight-engine giant aircraft "Maxim Gorky" (ANT-20)22, created under the general guidance of the famous Soviet aircraft designer A. N. Tupolev23 and named in connection with the 40th anniversary of the literary and social activities of the great Russian writer A. M. Gorky. Unfortunately, the fate of the plane was tragic. On May 17, 1935, in the skies over Moscow, an air giant, making a pleasure flight, collided with one of the accompanying I-15 fighter aircraft (No. 4304). TsAGI military test pilot N. P. Blagin24, while performing an unplanned aerobatics near "Maxim Gorky", unintentionally crashed into it. The plane crash killed 47 people, including test pilots, the crew (11 people), TsAGI employees and their families. The country has lost the one and only aircraft of its kind.
From the materials of the newspaper "Pravda" May 20, 193525
On the second lap, "Maxim Gorky" made a left turn and went towards the airfield …. Blagin, being on the right wing, despite the ban, made a right "barrel" (one of the complex aerobatics) and moved away by inertia to the right of the aircraft. Then he switched to the left wing … put on the gas, pulled ahead and suddenly began to do a new aerobatics. It was very dangerous, because by inertia he could be dragged to "Maxim Gorky". He didn’t get a figure, he lost speed and crashed into the right wing of “Maxim Gorky”, near the middle engine. … The blow was of monstrous force. “Maksim Gorky” banked to the right, a black hood and pieces of a training plane flew off from it [erroneous estimate: the “I-5” was a fighter]. "Maxim Gorky" flew by inertia for another 10-15 seconds, the roll was increasing, and he began to fall on the nose. Then a part of the fuselage with a tail came off, the plane went into a steep dive and rolled over onto its back. The car hit the pines, began to demolish the trees and finally crumbled to the ground.
According to some experts, this tragedy was the result of the popularization of aerobatics in the country. Russia experienced its first boom in dizzying demonstration flights on the eve of World War I, when outstanding Russian and French aviators demonstrated their skills in the country's skies. As in the 1910s. air festivals with virtuoso acrobatic figures again gathered tens of thousands of spectators, which significantly expanded the interest in aerobatics in society.

Aviation rally with the participation of the K-5 "Ogonyok" aircraft. 1935 H

Airplane ANT-9 "Crocodile" in flight

Eight-engine giant aircraft ANT-20 "Maxim Gorky"

Glider "Krasnaya Zvezda" designed by S. P. Queen
Representatives of non-motorized aviation did not stand aside either. One of the best glider pilots in the USSR at the turn of the 1920/1 930s. Vasily Andreevich Stepanchonok on October 28, 1930, for the first time in the world on a single-seat aerobatic glider "Krasnaya Zvezda" SK-3 (designed by SP Korolev, 1930) performed a "loopback" aerobatics figure (3 times).
According to the glider designer
Later, on the G-9 glider (designed by V. K. Gribovsky) V. A. Stepanchonok was able to repeatedly execute the "loop" (115 times), and in the next flight the number of loops reached 184. Vasily Andreyevich's gliding aerobatics served as the beginning of mastering aerobatics in our country and in the world. At the VI 11th meeting of glider pilots (Koktebel, 1930) V. A. Stepanchonok, on the same G-9 glider, was the first in the world to master such aerobatics as wing flips, corkscrews, and flying on his back. Here he began teaching others aerobatics. Soon, his students demonstrated these figures at aviation holidays in Tushino.
It is necessary to indicate that the above-mentioned glider “P. P. Postyshev "was also able to perform aerobatics. So at the 10th aeronautical rally, the pilot L. S. Ryzhkov successfully completed the "Nesterov loop" and other aerobatics, and S. N. Anokhin made a parachute jump from an ultra-low altitude with a stall method. According to its flight characteristics, the glider was recognized as one of the best aerobatic vehicles.
Solving propaganda tasks, inscriptions on the sides of aircraft and gliders sometimes reflected the current history of the country. Thus, the emerging Soviet-Chinese armed conflict (1929) was immediately reflected in the form "Our response to the White Chinese bandits", and the complex relationship of the Soviet leadership with the Vatican - "Our response to the Pope." Sometimes the names of the aircraft had a curious origin. So, created in 1932 by the designer V. K. Gribovsky, a single training glider was sent by rail to the city of Koktebel to the Higher Flight and Glider School. On the way, the carriage with the glider was lost somewhere and arrived at the school only six months later, already in 1933. In connection with such a long delay, sharp-tongued school instructors, believing that the glider wandered along the country's railways like a homeless child, named it "Homeless". Later, the glider took part in the IX-th and X-th aeronautical rallies of the country.
With the establishment in the USSR of the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union (1934), individual aircraft were soon adorned with this inscription. In addition to the title itself, the first pilots awarded this honorary title also gained particular popularity in the country. The names of some of them were soon captured on aircraft. The first such honor were given to the pilots M. M. Gromov and M. V. Vodopyanov. So, on the initiative of the Azov-Black Sea flying club, the glider of the "monoplane-parasol" type received the name of the chief of this club - "Mikhail Vodopyanov"27.

Airplane R-5 "Hero of the Soviet Union"

The crew and mechanics of the aircraft of the factory flying club, named after the chairman of the OGPU USSR Menzhinsky
In the meantime, the action of people building and equipping Soviet aviation with new military equipment continued in the country. By orders issued by the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR (later the NKO of the USSR), it was included in the composition of aviation units and subunits.
The representatives of the army and navy did not lag behind the labor collectives. Thus, the soldiers of the Moscow Military District, using their own savings, built aircraft "In the name of the 81st rifle division" and "In the name of the military school named after the All-Russian Central Executive Committee." In June 1930, the personnel of this school came up with an initiative to build a squadron of aircraft "Named after the 16th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)" and made an initial contribution of 5 thousand rubles to the State Bank for this purpose.
The people's contribution to the common cause of the development of Soviet military aviation was invariably reflected in the new names of aviation formations, which were officially approved in high-level governing documents. In the period 1932 - 1934.many nominal units and units appeared as part of the Red Army Air Force, including: "54 separate aviation detachment named after" Oilmen of Transcaucasia "29, "Aviation Squadron named after the 5th All-Union Congress of Engineers"30, "11 military school of pilots named after the proletariat of Donbass"31, "255 Aviation Brigade named after the Kiev proletariat"32 and etc.

Single soar of record type design by G. F. Groshev "Central Committee of the Komsomol" G # 2. 1933 year

Fighter aircraft I-5 with a dedication of A. Kosarev, General Secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee
The Lenin Komsomol also made a significant contribution to the development of the Red Army Air Force. On January 25, 1931, the XI Congress of the Komsomol addressed all the Komsomol members of the Soviet Union, the soldiers and commanders of the Red Army Air Force with the words:
Taking patronage of the Air Force, the Komsomol threw a cry: "Komsomolets - on the plane!". Following this call, Soviet youth on Komsomol vouchers in the coming years significantly expanded the aviation industry, flight and technical military schools, as well as numerous flying clubs of the country. Appreciating the help and support from the Central Committee of the Komsomol, the leadership of the RKKA officially consolidated its close cooperation with the Komsomol by issuing a number of relevant orders on this matter.
In the coming years, many military aircraft were adorned with inscriptions that clearly confirmed the inextricable connection of the Komsomol with Soviet aviation.
Continuing in the 1930s. ultra-long-range flights of Soviet aviators also found their reflection in the textual visual arts cultivated on board aircraft. In order to promote the achievements of Soviet aviation, aircraft that took a direct part in flights were given specific names. Among the first can be called the plane "Land of Soviets" (ANT-6), which made the first intercontinental flight in the history of Russian aviation. In the fall of 1929, the aircraft's crew consisting of: S. A. Shestakov (commander), F. E. Bolotova (second pilot), D. V. Fufaeva (mechanic) and B. V. Sterligov (navigator) established an "air bridge" between the cities of Moscow and New York (USA). At the same time, Soviet pilots spent 1,37 flight hours in the air and covered 21,242 km during this time (of which 8,000 km are above the water). Earlier, in 1927, an experienced pilot Semyon Shestakov, together with his permanent mechanic Dmitry Fufaev, had already had the experience of an ultra-long-distance flight, performed on the route Moscow - Tokyo - Moscow.
The flight, performed by the crew of the Land of Soviets, was of great national importance. During the Great Patriotic War, an air route was laid along this route, along which American aircraft such as Boston, Airacobra, and others, which were so necessary for the needs of the front, came to the Soviet Union from the United States.

Airplane ANT-6 "Land of the Soviets" in flight. 1929 H

ANT-25 aircraft at the XV Paris Air Show. 1936 year

Plane ANT-37bis "Rodina" before takeoff

Participants of the ultra-long-distance flight on the ANT-37bis "Rodina" aircraft (from left to right): P. D. Osipenko, B. C. Grizodubova and M. M. Raskova. 1938 H
Soon the names of the country's outstanding pilots who participated in ultra-long-range flights appeared on the sides of the aircraft. So, in 1934, the ANT-25RD aircraft was decorated with the inscription “Years. Gromov-Filin-Spirin , dedicated to the famous flight of Soviet pilots in the history of Russian aviation. Gromova34A. I. Filina and I. T. Spirina35, which have established a world achievement in terms of range and duration of flight. The Soviet press of that time noted about this unparalleled event in the history of Russian aviation:
The transarctic flight from Moscow to the Far East, called the "Stalin Route", received a wide worldwide response. The ANT-25-2 crew that took part in it, consisting of pilots: Valery Chkalova37, Georgy Baidukova38 and Alexandra Belyakov39 managed to lay a new air route through the Arctic. In total, the brave pilots covered 9374 km in 56 hours and 20 minutes of flight. For a long-distance flight on the route Moscow - about. Udd made in 1936, the aforementioned pilots were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
They did not lag behind the aviators and female pilots. On the plane "Rodina" (ANT-37 bis, DB-2B) in the period from September 24-25, 1938, the crew consisting of: Valentina Grizodubova40, Polina Osipenko41 and Marina Raskova42 flew in 26, 5 hours 5908 km from Moscow to the Far East village of Kerby. The flight took place in difficult meteorological conditions, with severe frost overboard and in the cockpit, and ended with an emergency landing. For this feat, the courageous pilots were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Meanwhile, the world smelled of the threat of a new world war, which significantly changed the way of life of the country and its armed forces in the future. World records in the air were replaced by a fierce confrontation for it.
1 Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich [23.01. (4.02). 1881 - 2.12.1969] - Soviet party, statesman and military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1935), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1956, 1968), Hero of Socialist Labor (1960). In military service since 1918. During the Civil War: Commander of the 1st Lugansk Detachment (1918), Commander of the Tsaritsyn Group of Forces (1918), Deputy Commander and member of the Military Council of the 10th Army, Commander of the Kharkiv Military District (1919), Commander of the 14th Army (1919), member of the Military Council of the First Cavalry Army (1919-1921). In 1921 -1924. commander of the North Caucasian, then Moscow military districts. From November 1925 to 1934, People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. In 1934 - 1940. People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR; since 1938, chairman of the Main Military Council. In 1940-1941. Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and Chairman of the Defense Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War, a member of the State Defense Committee and Headquarters of the Supreme Command, commander-in-chief of the North-Western direction (1941), commander of the Leningrad Front (1941), commander of the partisan movement (1942). In 1946-1953. Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. From March 1953 to May 1960, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
2 Alksnis (Astrov) Yakov Ivanovich [14 (26).1.1897 - 1937-29-07] - Soviet military leader, commander of the 2nd rank (1936). In military service since 1917. Graduated from the Odessa military school of warrant officers (1917), the Military Academy of the Red Army (1924), the Kachin military aviation school (1929). He served in the following positions: regiment officer, military commissar of the Oryol province, commissar of the 55th rifle division. From the spring of 1920 to August 1921, he was assistant to the commander of the Oryol military district. In the period 1924 - 1926. Assistant to the Chief of the Organizational and Mobilization Directorate, Chief and Commissar of the Troops Arrangement Department of the Red Army Headquarters, Head of the Troops Arrangement Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Red Army. Since August 1926, Deputy Head of the Air Force Directorate, since June 1931, Head of the Red Army Air Force and member of the Military Council of the NKO of the USSR. Since January 1937, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR for the Air Force - Chief of the Air Force of the Red Army. He did a lot of work on improving the organizational structure of the Air Force, equipping them with new military equipment. One of the initiators of the development of OSOAVIAKHIM's activities in training pilots and parachutists. Unreasonably repressed (1937). Rehabilitated in 1956 (posthumously).
3 G. Baidukov. Winged Commander. M.: Publishing house. House. "Belfry", 2002. - S. 121.
4 Information about A. S. Yakovlev in the second part of the article.
5 Rykov Alexey Ivanovich [1881 - 1938] - Soviet party and statesman. Member of the revolution in Russia 1905-1907. Member of the Presidium of the Moscow City Council (1917), member of the Moscow Military Revolutionary Committee. People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Russian Republic (1917 1-1918). In 1918 - 1920, 1923 - 1924 Chairman of the Supreme Council of the National Economy. During the Civil War, he was an extraordinary authorized representative of the Council of Labor and Defense (STO) for the supply of the Red Army. Gathering in 1921, Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars and STO. In February 1924, the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (until 1930) and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (until 1929). In 1931 -1936. People's Commissar of Communications of the USSR. Member of the Central Executive Committee and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. Unreasonably repressed (1938).
Postyshev Pavel Petrovich [1887-1939] - Soviet party leader. In 1917 g. Deputy Chairman of the Irkutsk Council, Chairman of the Central Bureau of Trade Unions, member of the All-Russian Revolutionary Committee, organizer of the Red Guard. Since 1918, the chairman of the Revolutionary Tribunal, a member of Tsentrosibir and its representative in the Far Eastern Council of People's Commissars. Since July 1918, he was in clandestine work in the Far East, led the partisan detachments of the Amur region. In 1920, authorized by the Central Committee of the RCP (b) for the Khabarovsk region, head of the political department of the 1st (Amur) rifle division. In 1921 - 1922. Commissioner of the DRV government in the Baikal region, member of the Military Council of the Amur Military District (October - December 1921), member of the Military Council of the Eastern Front of the DRV (December 1921 - February 1922), chairman of the Baikal Provincial Executive Committee. Since 1923 in party work. Since 1927, a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), in 1930 - 1933. Secretary of the Central Committee, in 1934 - 1938. candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). Unreasonably repressed (1939).
7 Eideman Robert Petrovich [1895 - 1937] - Soviet military leader, corps commander. Graduated from a military school (1916), ensign. In 1917, the chairman of the Horse Council of Soldiers' Deputies, in October - Deputy Chairman of Tsentrosibir. In May-July 1918, as part of the West Siberian headquarters for the fight against White Czechs, military commissar of the detachments of the Omsk direction and commander of the 1st Siberian (partisan) army. In August-October - chief of the 2nd Ural (middle), in October-November - of the 3rd Ural infantry division, in November - of the Special division of the 3rd army. In March - July 1919, the chief of the 16th, in October - November - the 41st, in November 1919 - April 1920 - the 46th rifle division. In April - May 1920, the chief of the rear services of the Southwestern Front, in June-July - the commander of the 13th Army, in August - September - the Right Bank Group of Forces of the 13th Army in the area of the Kakhovsky bridgehead. In September 1920, he was the chief of the rear services of the Southern Front and, at the same time, since October, the commander of the internal troops of the Southern and Southwestern Fronts. From January 1921 he was the commander of the troops of the internal service of Ukraine, from March - the troops of the Kharkov Military District, from June - the assistant to the commander of the armed forces of Ukraine and Crimea. Later on in command positions in the Red Army. Unreasonably repressed (1937).
8 Ordzhonikidze Grigory Konstantinovich (Sergo) [12 (24).10.1886 - 1937-18-02] - Soviet statesman, political worker of the Red Army. Professional revolutionary. In 1917 he was a member of the city committee of the RSDLP (b) and the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet. He took an active part in the October armed uprising (1917) and the defeat of the troops of Kerensky - Krasnov (1917). In December 1917, the extraordinary commissioner of Ukraine. Since April 1918 he was the extraordinary commissar of the South of Russia, a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Don Soviet Republic, in December 1918 the head of the Defense Council of the North Caucasus. One of the organizers of the defense of Tsaritsyn (Volgograd) in the summer - autumn of 1918. In July - September 1919, a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the 16th Army, then of the 14th Army (October 1919 - January 1920) and a representative of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Southern Front at shock group of troops. In February 1920 - May 1921, a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Caucasian Front, at the same time in February - April 1920, chairman of the Bureau for the Restoration of Soviet Power in the North Caucasus, since April 1920, a member of the Caucasian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). In 1921 - 1926. Chairman of the Caucasian Bureau of the Central Committee, since 1922 simultaneously 1st secretary of the Transcaucasian, North Caucasian regional party committees. Since 1926, the chairman of the Central Control Commission of the CPSU (b) and the People's Commissar of the Workers 'and Peasants' Inspection. In 1924 - 1927. member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (since 1926), Chairman of the Council of National Economy (since 1930), People's Commissar of Heavy Industry (since 1932). Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks since 1930. Committed suicide (1937).
9 Information about S. S. Kamenev in the second part of the article.
10 Order of the NKO of the USSR No. 157 of August 29, 1936.
11 Kalinin Mikhail Ivanovich [1875-19-11 - 1946-06-03] - a prominent Soviet party and statesman, Hero of Socialist Labor (1944). Professional revolutionary. Member of the October armed uprising in Petrograd (1917), since 1919, chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Since 1922, Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, since 1938, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Since 1926, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
12 Krylenko Nikolai Vasilievich [2 (14). O5.1885 - 07.29.1938] - Soviet statesman and military leader, publicist, doctor of state and legal sciences (1934). Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philosophy of St. Petersburg University (1909) and the Faculty of Law of Kharkov University (1914). Member of three revolutions. In 1913 he served his military service and received the rank of ensign. In 1914 - 1915 in emigration. In 1916 he was mobilized into the army. After the February Revolution of 1917, he was chairman of the regimental, divisional and army committees of the 11th Army. An active participant in the October Revolution, a member of the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee. He joined the Council of People's Commissars as a member of the Committee on Military and Naval Affairs. November 9, 1917 Supreme Commander-in-Chief and People's Commissar for Military Affairs. Since March 1918 in the organs of Soviet justice. In 1922-1931. Chairman of the Supreme Tribunal at the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, Prosecutor of the RSFSR, since 1931, People's Commissar of Justice of the RSFSR, since 1936, People's Commissar of Justice of the USSR. Unreasonably repressed (1938). Rehabilitated in 1955
13 Order of the NKO of the USSR No. 01 17 of July 7, 1935.
18 Order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR No. 28 of February 15, 1934.
19 Mezheraup Petr Khristoforovich [1895 - 1931] - Soviet military leader, military pilot. He graduated from the aviation school (1919). In 1917, he was a member of the executive committee of the aviation units of the 12th Army, a participant in the October armed uprising in Moscow (1917). During the Civil War: commander of the 1st squadron of the Smolensk air group, military commissar of aviation and aeronautics of the 8th army, commander of an air squadron. In 1923 - 1926. Air Force Chief of the Turkestan Front. Since 1927 he was the head of the Air Force directorate of the military district. Since 1930 he was an inspector of the Red Army Air Force. Died tragically in a plane crash (1931).
20 Order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR No. 159 of September 12, 1931
21 Gorky (Peshkov) Alexey Maksimovich [1868 - 1936] - Russian and Soviet literary figure. The founder of Soviet realism in literature. He made a great contribution to the development of the country's cultural heritage.
22 ANT-20 "Maxim Gorky" in the 1930s. the largest plane in the world. Its wing area is 486 m2, empty weight - 28.5 tons, normal takeoff - 42 tons. Eight M-34 engines with 900 hp each. each allowed him to fly at speeds up to 220 km / h. The range of non-stop flight is 2 thousand km. Ceiling - 4500 m.
23 Tupolev Andrey Nikolaevich [29.10 (10.11) 1888 - 23.12.1972] - Soviet aircraft designer, three times Hero of Socialist Labor (1945, 1957, 1972), Colonel-General-Engineer (1967), Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1953), Honored Scientist and technology (1939). In the Soviet Army since 1944. Graduated from the Tver Gymnasium (1908), the Moscow Higher Technical School (1918). Together with academician N. E. Zhukovsky took an active part in organizing the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI). In 1918-1935. deputy head of this institute. In 1924-1925. created ANT-2 and ANT-3 - the first Soviet all-metal aircraft. 78 world records were set on its aircraft, 28 unique flights were performed.
24 Test pilot N. P. Blagin had 15 years of experience flying various types of aircraft.
25 See: D. Sobolev. The tragedy of "Maxim Gorky". Rodina, 2004. No. 8. - S.52-53.
26 Airplane. No. 1, 1931. - P. 14.
27 Vodopyanov Mikhail Vasilievich [1899 -1980] - Soviet military pilot, one of the first Heroes of the Soviet Union (1934), Major General of Aviation (1943). In military service since 1919. Graduated from the military aviation school (1929). Participated in the rescue of the Chelyuskinites. In 1937, a detachment of heavy air ships under his command for the first time in the world made a draft at the North Pole, delivered there an expedition (SP-1). During the Great Patriotic War, as part of the aviation of the active army, division commander.
28 Collection of orders of the RVSR, RVS of the USSR and NKO on the assignment of names to units, formations and institutions of the Armed Forces of the USSR. 4.1. 1918-1937 - M., 1967.-P.305.
29 Order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR No. 45 of March 17, 1932.
30 Order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR No. 29 of March 3, 1933.
31 Order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR No. 08 dated January 16, 1934.
32 Order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR No. 062 dated May 31, 1934.
33 Collection of orders of the RVSR, RVS of the USSR and NKO on the assignment of names to units, formations and institutions of the Armed Forces of the USSR. 4.1. 1918 - 1937 - M., 1967.-- p. 309.
34 Gromov Mikhail Mikhailovich [22 (24).02.1899 - 01.22.1985] - Soviet military leader, Colonel General of Aviation (1944), Hero of the Soviet Union (1934), Honored Pilot of the USSR, Professor (1937). In the Soviet Army since 1918. Graduated from the Central Moscow School of Aviation (1918). During the Civil War: a pilot on the Eastern Front. After the war, an instructor-pilot and test pilot of a scientific test airfield. Participant of the first long-distance flight in the USSR (1925). From 1930 he was a test pilot, then commander of the TsAGI flight test detachment. In the 1930s. made a number of ultra-long-distance flights and set a world record for the flight range on an ANT-25 aircraft along a closed curve at a distance of over 12 thousand km. During the Great Patriotic War: Commander of the 31st Air Division, Commander of the Air Force of the Kalinin Front (1942), Commander of the 3rd Air Force (1942-1943) and the 1st Air Force (1943-1944). From June 1944 he was the head of the Combat Training Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Air Force of the Red Army. Since 1946, Deputy Commander of Long-Range Aviation, in 1949-1955. in leadership positions at the Ministry of Aviation Industry. In stock since 1955.
35 Spirin Ivan Timofeevich [1898 - 1960] - Soviet military pilot-navigator, lieutenant general of aviation, Hero of the Soviet Union (1937), doctor of geographical sciences. He participated as a navigator in a number of record flights to the North, to China, to Europe. In 1937, the head of the air navigation sector of the Air Force Research Institute, participated in the crew of M. V. Vodopyanova during the landing on a drifting ice floe near the North Pole of the first polar expedition led by I. D. Papanin. Later, the head of the Ivanovo school of navigators. Member of the Great Patriotic War. Retired since 1955.
36 VC. Muravyov. Air Force testers. - M.: Military Publishing, 1990. - P.26-27.
37 Chkalov Valery Pavlovich [20.1. (2.2). 1904 - 1938-15-12] - Soviet pilot, brigade commander (1938), Hero of the Soviet Union (1936). He studied at the Yegoryevsk Military Theoretical School of Pilots (1921-1922), graduated from the Borisoglebsk Aviation School (1923), studied at the Moscow School of Aerobatics and the Serpukhov Higher School of Aerial Shooting and Bombing. From June 1924 he served in the Red Banner Fighter Squadron, became famous as a skilled fighter pilot. In 1927-1928. flight commander in the fighter squadron of the Bryansk air brigade. In 1928-1930. pilot-instructor of the Leningrad Society of Friends of the Air Fleet. From November 1930 he was a test pilot at the Air Force Scientific Testing Institute, and from 1933 he was a test pilot of an aircraft plant. Tested over 70 types of various aircraft, incl. I-15, I-16, I-17. He made a great contribution to the development of flying skills, developed and implemented new aerobatics (ascending spin and slow roll). He made several long-distance non-stop flights (1936, 1937). Killed while testing a new fighter.
38 Baidukov Georgy Filippovich [13 (26) 05.1907 - 28.12.1994] - Soviet military leader, Colonel General of Aviation (1961), Hero of the Soviet Union (1936). In military service since 1926. Graduated from the Leningrad Military-Theoretical Pilot School (1926), the 1st Military Pilot School (1928), the Higher Military Academy (1951). C - 1931 test pilot. In the 1930s. participant of several ultra-long flights. During the Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940) he commanded an air group and an air regiment, during the Great Patriotic War: an air division, an air corps and an air force of the 4th shock army. Since 1946, deputy commander of the VA, in 1947-1949. Deputy Head of the Air Force State Scientific Testing Institute for Flight Operations, since 1949, Head of the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet. Since 1952, Deputy, 1st Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Air Defense Forces of the country for special equipment, and in 1957-1972. Head of the 4th Main Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Since 1972 he has been a scientific advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Defense Forces of the country.
39 Belyakov Alexander Vasilievich [9 (21). 12.1897 - 28.11.1982] - Soviet military navigator, scientist in the field of air navigation, lieutenant general of aviation (1943), Hero of the Soviet Union (1936). In military service since 1916, in the Red Army since 1919. Graduated from the Aleksandrovskoe Military Infantry School (1917), the Moscow Photogrammetric School (1921), and the Military Pilot School (1936). Since 1921 he has been teaching at the Moscow Photogrammetric School. In 1930-1935. teacher and head of the department of the VVA them. NOT. Zhukovsky. In the second half of the 30s, he made several ultra-long-distance flights. In 1936-1939. flag navigator of the compound, then flag navigator of the Red Army Air Force. Since 1940, he was deputy head of the Military Academy of the command and navigational staff of the Air Force of the spacecraft, then head of the Ryazan Higher School of Navigators of the Air Force. In the position of acting the chief navigator of the VA participated in the Berlin operation (1945). 1945-1960head of the navigational faculty of the BBA. After his dismissal, he was a professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
40 Grizodubova Valentina Stepanovna [18 (31) 01 1910 - 28.04.1993] - Soviet pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (1938), Hero of Socialist Labor (1986), colonel (1943). In the Soviet army since 1936. The daughter of one of the first Russian aircraft designers and pilots S. V. Grizodubova. Graduated from the Penza Aero Club (1929). She went in for gliding. She worked as an instructor pilot at the Tula Aviation School, then in the propaganda squadron named after V. I. M. Gorky, was the head of the department of international air lines of the USSR. As part of the crew, she set the women's world record for the range of flight on the Rodina aircraft (1938). During the Great Patriotic War, she commanded the 101st Long-Range Aviation Regiment (1942) (later the 31st Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment). In 1942-1945. Member of the Extraordinary State Commission for the Establishment and Investigation of the Atrocities of the German Fascist Invaders. Retired from 1946. She worked in civil aviation: head of the flight test station, director of the research institute.
41 Osipenko Polina Denisovna [25.9. (8.10). 1907 - 11.5.1939] - Soviet military pilot, major (1939). She graduated from the Kachin Aviation School (1932), served in fighter aviation as a pilot and commander of an air link. Set 5 international women's records. She died in the line of duty (1939).
42 Raskova Marina Mikhailovna \.15 £ 8 ^. (1912 - 4.01.1943] - Soviet pilot-navigator, Hero of the Soviet Union (1938), major (1942) In the Soviet Army since 1942 Graduated from the pilot school of the Osoaviakhim flying club Center (1935 She took part in the first female group flight Leningrad-Moscow (1935), as well as in several long-distance non-stop flights (1937). on duty (1943).