Preparing for a new world war
The first reason for Hitler's success is the support of the so-called "world behind the scenes", the financial international, the masters of France, England and the United States.
The First World War did not solve the main task - the destruction of Russian civilization. And the construction of a "new world order" on the rubble of the old world - a stable new slave-owning civilization. It was not possible to crush Russia, and a new Russian statehood - the USSR - emerged. Moreover, the Russians offer humanity an alternative concept of development and life. Based on social justice, ethics of conscience. Creation of a society of knowledge, service and creation. Full disclosure of the spiritual, intellectual and physical potential of the person-creator. It was a terrible threat to the Western world, its masters. The Russian (Soviet) world was attractive, beautiful, and attracted the best people of mankind.
On the other hand, the development of the capitalist world is cyclical. The rise is followed by stagnation and crisis. Having plundered the German, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman and Russian empires, as well as many small countries, the West prospered for a while. But the loot was quickly "eaten away". A new stage in the crisis of capitalism. Big business first robs its "fellow countrymen". Hundreds of thousands, millions of small and medium entrepreneurs, farmers and workers are being ruined. Millions of unemployed, poor and hungry. Terrible crime, segregation and racism. Cities are ruled by criminals and bankers.
The plutocrats themselves (the power of the rich) do not become poorer, on the contrary. But they do not even think to pull out people and countries at their own expense. They are frantically preparing new hotbeds of war, knowing that a new world war will create jobs, revive economies and, most importantly, increase their capital and power. The Great Depression pushes the United States and England to organize the Second World War. In the Far East, Japan is pushed to this, which attacks China and threatens Russia-USSR war. In Europe, first they support the fascists in Italy. However, the more powerful Germany is again the main hotbed of war there.
Already in 1922, Captain T. Smith, the assistant to the American military attaché in Germany, arrived from Berlin to the main city of Bavaria, Munich. Here he met with Adolf Hitler. After a long and thorough conversation, he drew up a detailed report for his superiors. In it he noted:
“Parliament and parliamentarism must be eliminated. He cannot rule Germany. Only a dictatorship can put Germany on its feet … It will be better for America and England if the decisive struggle between our civilization and Marxism takes place on German soil, and not on American or English."
This meeting did not go unnoticed.
Former German Chancellor Brüning, in his memoirs, which he allowed to publish only after his death, noted:
"One of the main factors in the rise of Hitler … was the fact that since 1923 he received large sums of money from abroad."
Hitler and German Nazis were financed by Anglo-American capital. Thus, a hotbed of a great war in Europe was created, aimed at the East.
World War II - the blow of the USA and England to Russia and Germany
They help Hitler create a powerful party, storm trooper detachments, and take power in Germany.
The Fuhrer is given the opportunity to break the Versailles agreements without consequences, create and develop full-fledged armed forces and the military-industrial complex. The Third Reich is allowed to swallow Austria. Hitler demands to give him the Sudetes. The German generals are terrified! Logic suggests that Germany is not ready for war, even with Czechoslovakia. And behind it are powerful allies - France and England. The USSR offers its help to the Czechs. The German military even wants to overthrow the "demoniac".
However, a "miracle" occurs. Munich Agreement. Hitler is given to understand that Europe is his, so that he begins a "crusade" to the East.
Germany absorbs the Sudetenland, and then Czechoslovakia, completely psychologically crushed by the behavior of its Western "partners".
This is followed by the Polish campaign and the "strange war". The German generals are panicking again. While the German divisions in the east are fighting the Poles, the rear is practically defenseless. French and British divisions would have easily defeated the Third Reich if they had launched an offensive. But the allies do everything except war. They play football and drink wine while Poland is being wiped off the face of the earth. Hitler was allowed to crush Poland.
Then Hitler begins his game.
After Poland, he had to attack Russia. But he turned out to be smarter and tried to dodge, to become the "king of the mountain." Germany turns west, capturing Denmark, Norway, Belgium and Holland. Smashes France. The British flee to their islands.
True, this scenario suits the owners of England and the United States. France is "drained". The Third Reich receives military, economic, human and raw materials from almost all of Europe.
It was reasonable after the occupation of the Balkans to establish control over the entire Mediterranean (Malta, Gibraltar, Egypt, Palestine and Syria), North Africa. Force England to surrender. But the Fuhrer turns to the East, leaving Britain not finished off.
Apparently Hitler knew that there would be no second front.
Germany will be allowed to calmly resolve the "Russian question", that is, to destroy the Russian (Soviet) civilization and the Russian people. It was a civilization war, an all-out war of annihilation. Russians were viewed as "subhumans" who needed to be exterminated, some to be deported even further east, to Asia. To deprive Russians of education, history, culture, science and industry. Those who remained would be turned into slaves. Therefore, while England and the United States were confident that the Fuhrer would cope with the assigned task, they did not climb into Europe. They only got worried when the Russians began to beat the Teutons.
The secret of Hitler's "magic"
However, the secret of Hitler's victories is not only in the steel rear and the support of the "world community".
The fact is that the Fuhrer and his associates really built the country of the future. Only if the Soviet Union was a stranger from a wonderful future, where good and justice won, then the Reich - from the future world of inferno, the "black sun".
Hitler was allowed to use the organizational, psychic technologies of the future. What the Fuhrer got was ahead of his modern era by whole generations. Actually, the innovative breakthroughs in social engineering, organization, science and technology, which were made by the Third Reich and the USSR during the World War (and partly by the USA), created a new era in the history of mankind.
So, Hitler built Germany as a corporation country, as a corporate society and opposed it to an individualistic Western society. In such a society, the corporation country was simply super efficient. She walked through the western world like a knife through butter. The Third Reich easily beat its opponents in Europe, as it was ahead of them in organizing its society. Germany under the Fuhrer became unified. From workers, housewives, soldiers to generals and representatives of big business. Virtually no resistance to Nazism until the fall of the Reich. The Russians are already going to storm Berlin, and all the Germans, as obedient parts of a single mechanism, are doing their job. Generals are in command, soldiers are fighting, and workers are producing tanks and rifles.
The Hitler Corporation made it possible to identify and use the innovative finds of Guderian, Manstein, Goering, Goebbels and others. Show the most amazing combinations of forces and means. Squeeze the maximum of opportunities out of people and weapons. To achieve superiority in the collective psyche, to be able to reveal the creativity, enterprise and energy of their adherents. Find yourself on the verge of creating a "miracle weapon" - jet planes, ballistic missiles, space, "flying saucers" and nuclear weapons.
Return of corporations
It should be noted that already at the beginning of the 20th century, corporations were already considered completely outdated. They were a symbol of social and professional associations of people in the Middle Ages. For example, such corporations were knightly and monastic orders, cities that consisted of corporations - guilds, workshops. Even beggars and criminals had their own corporations. Corporations had their own governing bodies, acting on behalf of all members, treasury, courts, churches, a system of mutual assistance and social support. Man was a part of such corporations. There was no competition within them, and the “man to man is a wolf” rule did not work. There they were all "one for all and all for one."
In the 19th century, the West won the belief in the unlimited development of liberalism, freedom and democracy. In the further liberation of the individual, her rights. Capitalism has mercilessly destroyed medieval corporations. He even stole the name "corporation" for his associations. The personality was autonomous and responsible only for itself, competing in the market with others. The remnants of the former corporate concepts remained only in the aristocratic peoples' monarchies - Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia.
Moreover, in Russia, these beginnings have been preserved most of all. It was a society of the traditional type, where "I" and "we" were not separated. Russian is a part of the people, the Motherland. If he separates from Russia, he quickly loses his "Russianness" and becomes an American, a German, an Australian, and so on.
It is not surprising that the first breakthrough of ideocratic corporations into a bourgeois-capitalist society that was completely unprepared for them took place in Russia. These were the Russian Bolsheviks with their idea of social justice, the elimination of the exploitation of man by man. Thanks to a big idea, for which people were ready to die, iron will, discipline, organization and solidarity, the Russian communists managed to perform a miracle: defeat the superior forces of the West and the East, nationalists and White Guards who fought for bourgeois, liberal Russia. They were able to restore Russian statehood in the form of the USSR, give a second wind to Russian civilization and build a new power-empire. Under Stalin, the Communist Party will become a kind of order - an ideological order-corporation.
Others followed the Russians. In Italy, the fascist corporate regime of Mussolini was created, in Germany - the Nazi one. Hitler himself noted that he learned a lot from the Bolsheviks.
True, there was also a big difference. Russian communism proposed building a bright future for all people who would abandon social parasitism. That is, if you take the concept of the Star Wars saga, it was the bright side of power. Fascists and Nazis were building a "new brave world" only for the elite, but expanded its scope to cover almost the entire nation. It was created at the expense of people of the second or third class, "subhuman". Thus, it was also a kind of slave-owning world, with masters and slaves. It was dominated not by the thickest purses - the plutocrats, but by the ideological party functionaries, the higher bureaucracy, the military and scientific and technical elite. At the same time, the common people received their share through the exploitation of the conquered peoples, colonies, the development of someone else's living space.
In some respects, it was a revenge from the Middle Ages, but on a new level. The idea of a corporation and corporatism are becoming the basis for the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind. Breaking into the capitalist, bourgeois, individualistic and sick Western society, corporations have spawned a collective mind and have managed to hit the enemy with a series of "miracles." An unprecedented speed of decision-making, unpredictability, the combination of information, mental, organizational and technological methods of struggle.
It was the futurism of Hitler's Third Reich that allowed the Germans to win magnificent victories in 1940-1941, and then also fiercely fight until May 1945, although the country was not ready for total war.
As a result, it was not classical capitalism (“democracy”) that could end the German inferno world, an alien from the “dark ages”, but another guest from the future - a Soviet corporation.
If Hitler had not been stopped by the Soviet Union, then he had every chance to subjugate England, occupy the Middle East and establish direct contact with Japan. The United States locked itself in the Western Hemisphere.