Part III
Beware, the dog is angry …
B. I, as much as the blood in the body of the army body, remembered what it was supposed to be according to the blood charter - to run like a sidor's goat along a clear route of arteries and veins.
We run with Kolyan (if that is how we can call the transfer of boots in the snowdrifts) to the Power Supply Point … we squeeze between the sleeping, cursing bodies to "Bath". Dad - Sibiryak, both vertically and horizontally - one crap, everything is the same, the cartridge from the PKT into the tape for a "time" with his paw, you don't even need to check it (only if the "tape" - it can bend, it's just steel, not "Batina" fingers).
We each receive 3 "inserts" and a tape to the PCT with 35 oil, stuff this wealth into the patch pockets of the overalls trousers, spitting in the shower on the list in the statement - hands are frozen, and "Dad", understandingly, nods and signs for us, heartfelt, and we, then, for him, otherwise we will not have time (Dad by rank - ensign, by position - the same as we, cadet, in spirit - "cricket" and Our guy).
We run through the snowdrifts to the original line. Tanks stand with their asses on the "tracks", rumbling diesels, three red lights "blinking" … It seems somehow it's not cold already.
Those idiots who are "forbidden" to rest (we were just the same) crowded around the stereo pipes, laughing at us …
This is fine…
"Za-r.ya-zh.y." … a rusty matyugalnik sang the melody at Vyshka …
Emotions are over, the Work has gone … We act only on the "skills of habit" …
He jumped on the armor, threw back the gunner's hatch (not to the stopper …, only babies throw the hatch back to the “stopper” when the “turtles” dive inside), dipped the lower body into the mouth of the armor, grabbed the bracket on the hatch with one hand and … straightening his knees, fell into the belly of the tank (and closed the hatch and did not vomit the seat with snow from his boots). I chalked up the hatch (in the Czech Republic, we did not do that later …, the hatch was always kept open), connected the “mom and dad” - the TPU tangent and pulled it to the “button” of the overalls, tightening the “laryngas” to his throat … He turned to the right - Kolyan had already finished ancological "PROCEDURE" with a link …
- Loading?
… All expressions and phrases … without words - on understanding nods of the head and glances with the eyes … but how else, otherwise you will have time to fuck.
We are lucky, we have not a "revolving" insert, but a new one, convenient, like soldering butter under a knife: with vertical loading of six rounds! Lucky, that's not the right word …
Straightening my body in the tight stash of the gunner's place, I frantically try to get my three cartridges for the "insert" from the leg pocket of the tank suit …
Kolyan has already pulled the cartridge receptacle up and pushed it to the stopper …
I insert the "pigs" with stiff, frozen fingers into the vertical receiver, Kolka takes out his "pigs" from the pocket of his overalls …
With four frozen hands, they stuck these six "woodpeckers" into their workplaces …
They returned the bracket to its place, tightening the cold metal of the upper cartridge sleeve.
We also worked on the liners in full, distorting the bolt carrier.
- PCT !!! I scream with my lips to Kolyan …
Kolka nodded understandingly with his headset in his head, arched his back on the tank commander's seat (to make it more convenient to take the tape to the PKT out of the other leg pocket of the suit …).
… I am checking the "inserts" for now … So that the hell would lie flat and not let down, radishes … I sort through them with my fingers.
… Kolyan's left shoulder flashed over the pivot of the cannon … hehe … it means he has raised the PKT.
Kolka's silent look - I'm reporting?
Silent answer - report!
- "Tower, I am the second, the weapon is loaded", the "Cheburashka" ears rustled on the air (the new tank helmet, we also called it for the big ears as the "Cheberashka" of the TPD-1K sight on the T-72B).
Hehe.. we are the first to report …
We exchanged glances with Kolyan …
- "Tower, I am the first, the weapon is loaded" rustled with interference in the "cheberashka" of the ears … We checked everything again with our hands and leaned back against the armor with our headsets …
We are waiting for the report of the "third" … Now the time does not matter until the report of the "third" …
- "Tower, I am the" third ", the weapon is loaded" …
Finally … They sprung up the legs …, one hand on the handle opening the hatch, the other on the "piping" buttons of the overalls … tearing off the TPU tangent …
We wait…
- Armor, I am HSE! - boomed in the headsets, - TO THE CAR !!!
Like a kick in the ass they flew out from under the Armor, unfastening the TPU tangent in flight …
We swallow fresh frosty air on the fly, while we descend with a rumble seventy-two diesel engine …
They were built by the "firing crew" behind the stern of the "turtles", looking with dull eyes at the iron supports under two-hundred-liter barrels … AND WAITING …
"P.o.p.a.di, P.o.p.a.di, P.o.a.di !!!" …
Emotions are over again, work has started …
He flew over the "Armor", fell into it …
The first action is to turn on the "Drive" toggle switch on the fly …
The second action - "to marry mom and dad" - connect the TPU and hook the overalls on the button (violated the order) …
Third action - check AZRs with your left hand !!! "All-Forward"!
We pull to the "right" two toggle switches for turning on the "sight-rangefinder" to "aut" …
… We act only on the “skills of habit”… But now you can rest for a minute… 60 seconds… this is VERY long and LOW for a gyroscope… it spins for two and a half minutes… You can also look “to the right” at Kolyan.
Kolka nodded understandingly down with a headset with a built-in brain under it, and threw up his left forearm … from the "swinging mechanisms of the cannon pins" … in the light of the tank's lighting shade. Means distorted the PKT frame.
This is good.
But the main thing still needs to be done …
……… We wait. I look at Kolyan, he nods with his headset …
Let's go further …
With my left hand I found the mirror release lever on the left side of the TPD-1K … I pushed it down.
I unfold the "pumpkin head" in the headset to "15-0", gazing at the smoke grenade firing remote that is not needed now, reach (with a mat) with my right hand, to the unlock handle of the "worm pair", again unfold the "pumpkin head" in the headset to "45-0" and yelling with my lips, looking at Kolyan:
- Worm !!!
Disconnected the worm pair, threw the lever to "pull-up-left" …
Kolyanovsky and my eyes - four eye sockets rested on the trunnion of a cannon with a built-in inset barrel …
It doesn't seem to "stagger" … (this is about the breech of the 2A46M cannon)
He leaned back on the chair, turned his eyes to 45-0, to Kolyan, pressed his index finger to the “stabil” switch and shouted with his lips:
- Stabilized !!!
Kolyan nodded in understanding, cringed his hands to his body and began to look at the axle of the tank gun …
The toggle switch "stable" up …
… Four eyes look at the pivot … The pivot twitched slightly and did not move on the semi-rusty marks of the paint on the fence that had broken off over time.
Zae..s !!
On the air of the tank helmet it rustled: "the first" is ready for battle, the supercharger is on!
I removed my hands on the Cheburashka, I look at the pivot … it is standing, the darling is in place … it means that the vertical is normal, I looked down-left at the azimuth index … it is standing, the darling arrow, is in place … it means that the horizontal does not lead to the right …
Zae..s !!!
Kolyan - report!
(Kolyanovsky's wheeze rustled on the air of the tank helmet: the "second" is ready for battle, the supercharger is on) …
Resting …
The tank helmet snapped into his ears the funeral music of the words of refusal to rest:
The "third" is ready for battle, the supercharger is on …
It's crappy … I can't get enough sleep … no one messed up, I have to shoot …
Eheh … Hurray. Point. We are working !!!
Pull up everything in all tanks, leaning your eyes to TPD-1K and TKN-3 (cadets), TNPO-168V (mechanics from BUP) …
- "Bronya" thundered in my ears, "I am the Tower" - FORWARD … FORWARD !!!
The diesel engine roared quietly under the mechanic's boot and the tank's body swayed completely indistinctly … in the stabilized sight … although the combat vehicle had already taken off … I don't feel anything, I can only see the burning ring of the laser rangefinder …
15 seconds for the first shot …………………………………………………………………………
Time ceased to coexist, seconds spread out in indistinct jelly, flowing down a clear sight scale …
I don't see anything with my eyes … as long as there are no targets on the target field of the tank director …
The picture in the sight blurred and flew off to the left (Kolyankina was the work of TKN-3), Kolyan yelled: Tanks! Tanks !!, took his eyes away from the TKN eyepieces, looked at me and again yelled with his lips: Tanks !!!
Time returned again, bzdanuv over the ears through the headset with the roar of the diesel engine and Kolka's obscenities …
I see … Three plywood pedestals, with an iron mesh, amicably pearling on trolleys along the target field railroad we have just cleared at an "angle" (from left to right) …
With a Cheburashka we aim the “ring” at our target, with the thumb of our right hand we “stop” … the aiming bar moved … green light above the eyes in the sight (as on a staff), point the head “arrow” of the aiming mark on our target … press with the index finger of the right hand on the button "Cheburashka" …
Shot. The tracer of a large-caliber cartridge pierced the center of the target … SUCCEED in ten seconds, heh, yeptyt.
- Come on, shouted Kolyan without TPU (like: you hit, shoot further "there")!
Correction for "movement" and "angle" … shot …
Correction for "movement" and "angle" … shot … (we shoot without the included "delta D" and without measuring the "target speed" …).
- A-ah-ah !!! Oral Kolyan - for. Beat, hit !!!
- Look to the right of the RPG "track", I'll watch BZO !!! - shouted Kolyan without TPU, twirling the "turret" from TKN-3 in all directions …
I stick out with a tower at 34-0, pass the target field … having made a "reset" of the rangefinder with the thumb of my left hand …
And then, out of nowhere, appeared "za.is" in the form of an RPG target in the sight … In the "pump" - stood up like Vanka-Vstanka … And we were looking for and waiting for you … all the waiting girls ate … goodies "? Shcha, we will organize …
I pointed the marker of the machine gun sight reticle "by distance" … you-dyt (short), the tracers went to the right of the target …
Kolyan, tracking BZO in TKN-3, jumped on a harness, turned around and yelled - RPG?!?!?!
… I am making an amendment to the trays …
… A long line … right at the target …. Get a village tractor - all four wheels.
* The car was driving, The harp was rubbing
And you weren't expecting us
And we got stuck *
- Hammer !!! Kolyan yelled, turn the tower to 35-0 !!! BZO will go from right to left !!!
No sooner said than done … We monitor the white snow in the winter white snow in the scope …
First, the trolleys moved, then, slowly, the targets on electric drives began to rise … It is interesting to look at THIS "leisurely" in the sight, and not frantically look for them, twirling the "Cheburashka" …
Short burst: "you-dyt" … the tracer went above the second target … "Cheburashka" slightly down and to the left with an amendment … a long line of the entire tape.
A bunch of tracers from all tanks on three targets … My, the second target, fell immediately from the first, then the third …
Zaebisya smells like p.sya, if a.sya zaeisya !!! - performed by UKS !!!
Kolyan did not tear himself away from the TKN with his eyes, twirling his "turret", and simply grinned with a wide, satisfied smile.
The tank froze in place (I felt this with my right eye in the "eyecup" of the sight), the end of the "track" …
Tore off his head from the sight, turned off the rangefinder, "stabilized", stopped the "worm" (glancing briefly that Kolyan was concentrating on the tape from the PKT in the bag (just not to be full of holes) … but most importantly - "his elbows-claws" are far from the swinging mechanisms of the tank guns … Pushed up the lever "mirror" of the sight.
Kolyan stuffed the smoking tape into the side pocket of his overalls trousers, looked at me:
- ?
I do, I nodded to him without a word (control shot).
The index finger of the left hand found the button on the Cheburashka, the PKT bolt carrier clicked dryly.
Report - nodded to him.
Kolka's dirty index finger of his right hand turned on the upper TPU tangent, and his left hand pressed the "laryngas" to his throat …
A hoarse voice in Kolyanovsky's voice "banged out" in the headset: "Tower, I am SECOND, the weapon is unloaded!"
Hehe … We were the first to report …
"Tower, I am the third, the weapon is unloaded."
"Tower, I am the first, the weapon is unloaded"
Hehe … Beauty begins - we will "ride" … and we will not get anything for it (there is no credit for the trip to the "initial").
Bronya, I am HSE … there was a sound in my ears … silence … TO THE ORIGINAL !!!
The diesel engine rumbled and the back of my head felt that we were moving (I’m now not looking at the sight, but sitting relaxed on the gunner’s throne, leaning my head back, and looking at the target field through the “prism” … controlling the Cheburashka through the “drive” with one hand: the barrel should looking at the center of the target field is the law of shooting practice for tankers …
I twist the Cheburashka with one hand, relax on the harness, stare at the triplex …
THE BEAUTY !!! The rest is real! …
Booms, the head bobbed with the tank stopping, they were waiting for this (so it was already clear: the turret turned to "30-0" went through the prism into the target field), look at the "azimuth", set 32-0, and then suddenly a flood on The Urals and the mechanic will want to get out and look at this outlandish spectacle …
Left hand on the TPU "button", the right hand on the hatch opening lever … We are waiting.
"Bronya, I am Tower … GO TO THE CAR !!!!" roared in his ears.
We rolled peas off the Turtle, swapped places with Kolka …
How cool it is outside in winter - just grace !!! Beautiful snowflakes sparkle and smile, with their coolness … Helmet: a good thing - it absorbs sweat and does not flow to the eyes … great … It's good in winter - it's not hot …
Kolyan yells over his ear in front of the rotating fan of the roaring diesel engine: - The targets will now take a different path, the targets will be castled, look after the "tanks"! …
Yeah, I nod with my headset, and I myself look at the moisture separator … his bolt is rusted, it's a mess …
They took off over the "armor" like rooks over their nests … closed the hatches (idiots) …
Let's go "stick mom into dad" and check AZRs … that's how they taught …
I sighed the air of the "supercharger" and straightened my legs (this way it is faster to get the PKT tape out of the jumpsuit's leg pocket) …
I inserted a cartridge into the "teeth" of the bolt carrier, slammed the lid, twitched the handle and … returned it (the handle) to its place … forward.
He turned the headset with a brain of the head to 15-0 … I saw Kolyan …, three cartridges "insert" in the magazine of the inset barrel fingering with his fingers … we have already stuck in when I was shooting, right? Kolyan nodded, yes. Conversation with glances only.
Clearly …
- Report? - Question with eyes.
- Report. - Blinking eyelashes.
"Upper tangent" and "lagging to the throat":
- Tower, I am the second, the weapon is loaded. Released the PTT key.
… "… the live is charged" - echoed over the air. It is clear, that means, together with me, someone also reported at the same time … a simplex connection, her mother by the leg.
Kolyan yelled with his entire muzzle, leaning over the AZ receiver:
- Report again !!!
- Tower, I am the second, the weapon is loaded.
- Tower, I am the "first", the weapon is loaded, a double report rustled.
Silence on the air …
- Vishka, I am "trety", the weapon is loaded … the familiar voice of Said sounded in my ears (sawing …, my soul shuddered, since Said is in the race - it means that there will be a mandatory "concert" and all the participants will get from the "spectators" at the very least … a classic of the genre, eheh).
They picked up the legs in a "pile", one hand on the "button", the other for the hatch opening lever …
- "Bronya", I am HSE … GO TO THE MACHINE !!!
They flew out from under the warm armor and rolled down the hull like peas onto the frozen ground, I envy the mechanics of the BOUP, the Kemar are there now behind the clutches and laugh over our dances with a tambourine at the tank …
“Papa.di-Pappa.di-Pappa.di” … The swearing man from the tank-training tower melodiously swore … how did you get it … melodic swearing words … I’m on this “music”, 20 years later, even in the opera, a sleepy shout: “TO BATTLE !!!” … It's a pity for the gray-haired opera lovers, hell I'll go to the opera - it's a pity, after all, for the music lovers …
They flew over the armor, fell into it …
Tangenta on the "button", the right hand feels the AZRs … already a habit, to eat …
The stabilizer howled … Kolyan is working, the OMS turns on …
I hold the index finger of my right hand at the top key of the TPU tangent and … I rest, leaning back with the back of the head of a soft headset in … empty shell niches …
Kolyan pulls the Cheburashka in all directions, looks through the sight and at the cannon pin … freezes, looks at the "device" … freezes …
Smiled … Kharya, of course, you are still the same, but ours … he has a tank smile (dirty, muddy … but happy) … So the stabilizer is working …
- Report?
- Report. (all eyes)
- Tower, I am "Second", ready for battle, the supercharger is on.
It seems the "First" has already reported in "ears", I don't remember … Oru Kolyan, bending over the AZ mechanisms:
- "First" reported?!?!?!
Kolka's helmet nods for a long time in the affirmative … B. I, it means I "slept" - a radish … I can't eat through it.
- Vishka, I am "traty", to the battle of the gats, the blower is on! I tried the air again with Said's words …
Silence. They stopped breathing.
- Kolka, 15 seconds !!! I'm watching the tanks !!!
Kolyan's eye nod.
- "Bronya", I am "Tower" !!! … FORWARD !!!
The body swayed along with the "armor" … how I love this moment: all the instructions and the whole theory faded and flew away into the unknown into the darkness, the end of Saturn, when it came … Work … We were taught this way.
TKN in hand, what the hell you can see in it … I turn the turret in all directions faster than a ruff in a frying pan bounces.
I saw the rising plywood targets (no target castling?), Which were slapped from right to left into the depth of the target field, found the central target, pressed the buttons of the TKN levers with my thumbs to pain in the knuckles … felt the turret turn and yelled, turning at Kolyan:
- Tanks !!!
Turned, for a second, the headset at 15-0, and saw that Kolyan was "working" with concentration, burying himself in the TPD-1K eyepiece …
He himself also dipped his face into the TKN-3 (this is not a "shtatka", eyepieces in the eyes are not "ebn.t when rolling back) …
Shot! The tracer has pierced the middle of the moving plywood target … less than 10 seconds have passed !!!
- Let's !!! Oru voice …
Shot! The tracer stitched the target.
- Let's !!!
The third shot with the fabulous sparkling light of the traisser pierced the side of the target … The targets fell, the trolleys disappeared behind a snowy hill and stood up … Until we dig them out (there is no one else to dig them but us, heh).
- Make a "dump" !!!
- Did it, shouted Kolyan, without looking up from the TPD-1K eyepiece.
- Look for the BZO at 28-0 !!! They will go from the left !!! I will be an RPG with the right from the "track" to watch !!! - I shouted to Kolka.
I pressed the bottom tangent:
- Kolyan, they (from HSE) know that we will wait for the BZO (castling of raising targets in the UKS), they can raise the RPG again !!!
Kolyanovsky's headset nod.
Everyone understood each other … but what about without this in the tank?
He turned the commander's cupola to 34-0 and stared into the clear snowy field …
The RPG target stood in front of my eyes, like a scarecrow … that's what we were looking for … Two thumbs again pressed the TKN-3 handles with a crunch …
-RPG !!! Yelled at the whole rumbling diesel tower …
You are dying. Sighting.
You-dyt … the target fell …
A-ah-ah !!!
Kolyan is a great machine gunner.
- We graze BZO !!! - yelling into space (there are no other targets).
The tower, under the influence of the omnipotent "Cheberashka", jerked to 28-0 and froze in one place, hypnotizing a snowy hill with its trunk, from where trolleys with BZO targets should have fun, jumping out … Everything is calculated, hehe … (we would "so "Then, THERE … in the near future …).
How difficult it is to wait for “that”, that it’s stopood to appear “from there”, from where you are expecting … I don’t envy the snipers … it is difficult THIS … (we wait seconds and burn with impatience, and they spend hours)
At first, trolleys appeared from behind a hillock, radishes were rolling, wheels sparkle … It can be seen even in the fucking TKN, I can imagine how Kolyan counts snowflakes on the platforms from tension, so as not to burst in a line … puts forward a lead …
Seconds ticking for a long time … time slowed down like in jelly …
Targets began to rise … Well, hello, brothers-rabbits, we are very surprised by your appearance, sorry, we did not expect, but we are good-natured hosts and will "treat" you from the bottom of our hearts to the tonsils: welcome to the hospitable target field …
Everything: the "jelly" broke through in time … now every moment is dear and there is very little of it … this "this" is normal, this "this" - we understand … hehe.
Kolyan's forearms moved imperceptibly, measuring the range with a laser mark and directing the desired "corner" on the machine-gun scale, adjusted for target movement …
You are dying. Sighting.
Damn … there was no tracer in the two fired cartridges … nichrome it is not visible where the bullets went … the targets of the BZO stand rooted to the spot and roll, bouncing with the wheels of trolleys on snow-covered rails.
Straight through the handles of the TKN I feel what Kolyan is doing now: anticipation without changing the firing parameters …
Short queue …
Merry sparks, joyfully taking off from our eyes, clinging to the optics, sniffed to the attraction called BZO …
I understand them, sparks: what for is it to look for entertainment somewhere on the side, when it's so much fun on the current attraction … After all, ALL the sparks around the targets of the BZO are dancing …
Our target fell (Kolyan is a cool machine gunner!).
The third tank unsuccessfully sent fiery jets to its target, driving bullets behind the target…. Too many "jets", obviously there are no more cartridges.
The first target fell …
The turret of the tank went slightly to the left …
- Kolyan, we are finishing …?!?!?!
And the PCT at my feet just went mad like a gray gelding … it smelled deliciously of gunpowder.
The lightning of fiery streams from our tank lit up the scanty, frozen bushes on the target field littered with snow …
It became quite light in the TKN sight (like during the day), when the jets of tracers from the PKT of the first tank entered the target field and dug into the third target, ruining it along with Kolka's burst …
The scribe … hit.
Not … along the way - finally … "hit".
The third target, torn at all the seams, fell. The trolleys, slowly, drove off over the snowy hill …
Hmm …
We went too far, however …
Now we have to swing sexually with an ax and a hammer in the cold, restoring this "third" target … Said (the gunner of the third tank) definitely … hit like chickens in the cabbage soup … in front of us (we will still restore the target).
With him, at least, an organized trip to the chipok.
The rumble of the diesel in my ears died down. It is clear - the end of the "track" …
Once again I breathed in the sweet smell of gunpowder, removed my muzzle from the TKN, bent into three deaths and groped in the bag for a warm tape from the PKT, pulled it out, trying not to touch the hot casings. I opened the receiver cover, felt the "teeth" with my fingers - there was no cartridge. He closed the lid, stuffed the empty machine-gun tape into the pocket of his overalls trousers (hand over it nadot), distorted the bolt carrier and returned the dog to its place.
He nodded to Kolya …
An empty shot snapped metallicly. Wonderful.
Kolka something to fiddle with at the inset barrel … Hrendel is THERE to fiddle with, and so it is clear that there were only six shots for two, but the barrel is new, not a "revolver!" … There is no "seventh" shot, at least kill yourself against the wall.
Yeah, of course, he collects the "liner" sleeves in the pocket of the overalls … and shoves me my three …
Now everything is clear …
Uf-f-f … We worked it out. Now you just need to add the harp to the original one.
Kolyan nodded (he collected the sleeves) … and I report by pressing the upper tangent of the TPU:
- Tower, I am the second, the weapon is unloaded!
He let go of the lower key of the tangent with his finger … this is not a girl to constantly "press" her … hehe … (that's how they taught).
- Tower, I am the first, the weapon is unloaded! - rustled in the headphones …
Silent waiting …
The back is numb. He bent his body back, straightening his shoulders … b. I, before my eyes again the hated TKN eyepieces … Well, to hell with them, with the "eyepieces", the main thing - "bent" … Beauty … Bliss … it can only be disturbed by the rustle in the headphones or the roar of the engine …
- Vishka, I am "trety", weapons are unloaded, "seventh" shot "… - this news crawled into my ears from the headphones of the headset …
Scribe "Check in" …
They will definitely "have" in every way I do not want with a slap (as usual), but I just can't …
This is our tanker's share.
"Chic" - the simplex in the headset turned on and turned off …
"Shik" - the simplex connection turned on again for a split second … and it was disconnected.
Obviously, it means that "HSE" is swearing to itself and cannot give out frank obscenities on the air …, pulling the switch of simplex communication …
It happens … It's the same shooting at the Tank Headmistress …
- "Third", I am "HSE" !!! - a dry sound in the Tank helmet's ears - the PCT is discharged?!?!?! …
Silence in the headphones … Only the roar of the diesel engine lulls the body, but the plafond of illumination somehow shines brightly …
In headphones:
- Yes, the PCT is discharged…. Uh-uh … "The weapon is discharged! …" The seventh shot, Vishka "….
Kolyan laughs like a moron, burying his head in the sight with his headset, I also laugh with him, like the same moron, lounging on the commander's seat … (this happens after shooting).
Well done, Said, grin….
But the "Report" is the main thing !!! Hammer !!! The main thing in "this" business … simple - "Report" !!!
…That is…
Everything is clear … (for HSE), and …
The end of the "exercise" by this "Race".
Along the way, now everyone's ass will be lovingly lubricated with lithol-24 for … as it should be according to the "Instruction" … and they will "tear" us off into all the "yak" cracks that they find …
"The seventh shot" (!!!), however, buried its sleeve into the barrel receiver …
The scribe is an animal …
Laughter - laughter, and a tank - a tank….
- Bronya, I am HSE … ON THE ORIGINAL !!! - screamed in my ears …
He sprung his ass …, glanced at Kolyan, who was grabbing the Cheberashka with both hands, staring at the triplex: at the "main direction of shooting" ….
I felt with "fibers" that the mechanic gave "revolutions" …
(then (at the school), I did not even think that the sound of "revolutions" … - it means that the mechanic is LIVING … it just comes … ahem … with a little bitter experience).
We drove to the "original" !!! …
Sprawled in the commander's seat … "I don't look anywhere, nothing" - after all, the headmistress.
I'm tired of looking at TKN …
Kolyan looks intently at the triplex and moves the Cheburashka, directing the barrel to the center of the target field.
… Bliss.
Bliss is a few seconds in a shooting practice, when you are not responsible for anything …
The armor roars with a diesel engine and is looking for familiar gusts on the "return" strip …
A few seconds of "mass" …
We went to the "initial" … felt it with the fibers of a cursed tank soul …
Kolyan looked up from the sight eyepiece, looked at me with the eyes of a happy idiot and yelled with his eyes and throat:
- A-ah-ah !!!
Happiness. Completed the "check-in" … Stupid happy and tired happiness … And we do not need more, we just serve, and nothing more.
- Ah-ah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Swinging the body … We got up.
Kolyan set the turret to 32-0 and turned off the "drive", the howl of the gyroscope stopped.
We sprung up our boots and took up the "button" … We are waiting.
"Bronya", I am "Tower" … silence … "TO THE CAR"!.
They flew out of the hatches, like corks from a bottle, rolled like peas onto the land …
AIR !!! The beauty !!!
“O.t-b.o-y” - melodiously sounded the matyugalnik at HSE …
Part IV
All is well, beautiful marquise …
Let's run.
Winter … How hot it is … Sweat runs like a stream over the face and all over the body …
Ahead, six idols of the next "race" are lined up in a row of two and look at us with frozen eyes glazed with cold …
No matter, guys, you will keep warm, schA … hehe.
And this will be the third pair run, the last one for today.
It feels good…
It was our turn to take care of it at the ammunition point …
They fell side by side, like bags in wadded winter suits - there are no more emotions. They put their wild winter hats in their heads in all directions: on cartridge boxes, on a fellow's soft and cozy quilted jacket in a lithium aroma, on boots it is not clear who (yes, we are without boots, because … yes because)
All huddled together in a glorious warm flock …
A beautiful and sweet-warm dream began to push the smell of powder aside and comfortably creep into the very center of the soul …
- Zamkomvzvoda, command!
B. I …
So it's time to sum up the results of the UKS of our glorious dolt-bai training platoon …
And then everything was as usual:
We were "ripped out" as befits the letter of the Charter. Yes, with the formation of the entire training platoon (winter with a snowstorm is not described in the Manual of Shooting Rules) …, with Said's indicative individual "shuffling" for the "seventh" shot in front of the formation of the entire frozen platoon, as well as for creepy shooting at BZO, but the hit was counted, the target is hit, and this is the main thing. And it doesn't matter that the whole platoon … Our commanders are correct.
It's okay too. The army is to move.
Finished shooting on the Headmistress …
Urya, said the right hemisphere of the freezing brain to the left brother …
No- no Urya … the left answered - we still need to service the equipment and clean the machine guns …
Crap. Eheh …
They took off the PKT and the "inserts", the armor snarled into the park to sleep, guided by the glass mechanics of BOPA from fatigue.
We go single file into the gun shop, clean the machine guns. We were lucky - we will not clean the "inserts", this is not our concern (there is a destined flyer in the person of the glorious Said).
Snow crunches under the boots. It's a little bit very cool again. Winter however.
Kolyan walks in front of me and drags the PKT on his right shoulder, holding him by the barrel at the flame arrester. The electric trigger wire dangles behind his back: left-right, left-right, left-right …
I caught up with him, stepping on a leather boot, and tucked a wire with a plug under his shoulder.
- It's good to trample my ballroom shoes, snapped Kolyan, - what do you want?
- I don't need anything from you, stomp forward, like birds fly, to the barracks of the training ground …
- Your piston, grumbled Kolyan, - I won't clean it.
- This is how the "wax" is waiting for you, yeah … he took the old file himself, or did he rely on me?
Snow creak under the boots. The toes are already stiffened in the tarpaulin, we warm our fingers with fur coats on the trunks of the PKT. We wander along the path.
We got there.
We opened the door to the BOUP facility and the familiar and familiar smell of KAZARMA hit the nose - it means we are at home … eheh.
We went up to the second floor and settled down on the floor in front of the armory - we clean, b.ya, the trunks …
We clean.
We clean again.
We preserve …
B. I, we clean again …
Finally we handed over the PKT to the gunsmith … phew.
Beauty … I already wanted to live. (Sayid, meanwhile, continued to scrub and play ALL THREE "insert", muttering something about "seventh shot" under his breath.)
They wiped their hands with an old hem, wiping off the gun grease.
And… eat ??? …………………………………………….
p.s. The story is over. But the army routine is not over … because the Army always lives its own life.
The army is a LIVING organism.
May it be so…