In the military schools of the USSR Armed Forces, the "staff" was rarely fired, government money needed to be saved, and even now the staff is not made often (a couple of times a year) … and with practical shells, not combat.
A practical projectile is a blank in the exact size of a cumulative or high-explosive fragmentation projectile. They do not shoot the staff with combat for several reasons:
- cost savings;
- safety of the educational process;
-technical impossibility, which is, in principle, the most important reason.
To paraphrase:
… the target team gets worn out to level out huge pits with infantry shovels after "combat" shovels, and a complete hopeless kirdyk will come to the target field if a tank regiment is constantly poking at it in the PPD …
Even after shooting with "practical" shells, long and deep trenches are formed behind the targets, which are often buried by a sapper BAT or a couple of "random" bulldozers.
But what about the daily Combat Training ???
Yes, no way - as it should be according to the schedule, so it will go. Well this is the Army, everything is thought out.
How's that?
It's simple.
An inset barrel 14, 5X114mm, GRAU index: 2X15, 2X30 or 2X35 is inserted into the gun and fixed. These "barrels" with the help of a standard charge pallet simulator are fixed in the charging chamber and breech of the 2A46M tank gun. The inset barrel is locked by a bolt wedge. The ballistics of the 14.5mm BZT bullet is the same up to 1400m as that of the 125mm BKS, and the barrel bore wear is zero, and the practice skills are almost close to live firing.
This is how we often shot like that … we just lived on a tank director with this fucking … insert barrel.
Brief features:
2X15 - death to flies. The obturation bushings of the revolver magazine burned out and threatened the crew with fumes from the fouled air and burns to the face of the tank commander.
2X30 - when fired, a cartridge from a revolving six-round drum was sent to the chamber, after which a shot was fired, which improved the safety of firing for the crew. Feature: during the production of the "seventh shot" (sleeve), the weapon jammed (rammer in the drum) and it was necessary to remove and disassemble almost the entire built-in gun to remove the sleeve.
2X35 is the pinnacle of evolution, heh. A sliding bolt and a vertical magazine saved our Nature from many swearing words and made life easier for tankers.
The story is ahem … a little long. There is theory, methodology and … just memories. Such a specific story, for "their" ahem … for tankers, and for those who are "in the headset".
Put on your helmet and go down into the tank, And you will find yourself in your aura.
You are a tanker by vocation and spirit, And you feel the tank by the sound
Part I
Frost and Sun, wonderful day …
Winter. Evening. It is getting dark … But not yet very … So we are shooting from TPD-1K (just in the Curriculum “daytime shooting” is spelled out …, so we will still shoot from TPD-1K).
Tank director of the training center…. Well, not a damn thing is visible, only a couple of old lanterns, with reflectors "like a pancake", look and illuminate the small area we cleaned with our own hands between the "tower" and the ammunition point.
It's cold, b. I … Snowflakes, like quick pieces of sandpaper, dance tango on the cheeks, nose and freeze on the eyebrows … How can you shoot a test exercise? But the session must be closed: a short, like a sigh, a winter vacation, you still have to earn money … and the length of service in the troops has already loomed so much that he pinned himself in his impudent inevitability.
Come on, not in the first….
Before the shooting, we cleared the target field with snow shovels … the skids of the trolleys of the plywood shields of the tanks and the metal "grid" of the shields of the BZO. Warmed up a little …
We stew a little: we have a bubble of "Stolichnaya" and a jar of cucumbers in a bag with us … why the heck they took "this" with us … For years they shot both "vkadyshkom" and "shtatka" … During this time they had us from all poses to the most secret and unknown we place these teachers of the Department of Fire Training … But, they say, this is … "must" … we are, without 5 minutes, future ochwitzer … "experience" in the troops is still ahead …
- Duck for what are we “affixed? Per session? For "experience"? …
- Calm down, if you don’t understand something … why are you shaking a blizzard … we ourselves didn’t understand anything … We seem to know how to shoot, “they” taught us this … such … to be affixed to the "experience" …
- And … the tradition … of the tada is understandable.
- Tradition is Holy …
It's cold, b. I …
Stereo pipes, for observing the results of the shooting, stand as if they were "digging", they must have frozen, hearty … They themselves were buried in the snow, green and naughty in the cold …
- So. Who will carry the package from "stopudovo papadalovo" to the Tower of the Tankodrome ???
Silence … In the country of frozen lambs with drooping ears, there are no blockheads, they have already been frozen out for a long time, only the smartest remained - we are, and no one has any desire to substitute themselves, even theoretically.
- Castle, you and "go, stoll", you care: "dirty shoulder straps" there … or an unenviable position … it doesn't matter that you choose their two evils … just go, you are appointed to be a hero.
The "castle" grabbed the entire package with "compromising evidence" with one "fur coat" and …
- S.ki all of you …
- Yes, we know!
- Sorry!
- We love you too, Castle!
The door to the tower of the tank dericistress opened, releasing a beam of light, and closed, letting in an awkward lock with a package of "popalov" …
We stand, we look at the tower without light … It's cold, b. I, the bullfinches do not reach the eyelashes, they freeze in flight, poor fellows.
Dark, cold … Ural. The supporting edge of the state, b. I … We freeze like a cloth under a horse.
From the distant chill of frost, the sound of a door opening was heard, with a sheaf of bright light the door on the tower of the tank director opened and from there … our official zakomplatoon flew head over heels …
And a wild cry, with a flickering chrome boot in the opening of the door, yelled:
- Fuck you, not a Tankman !!! Even in Winter … you can't pour !!!
The door closed, absorbing the light.
The castle continued to tumble along the iron steps in a wadded winter overalls …
The crowd of humanoid stood at the "tower" of the tank dericistress, on the heel cleared of snow for "their own kind" … And they were crazy from the flight of the "castle" tumbling on the iron steps of the tower in a whirlpool of frozen snowflakes …
Everyone understood that the theatrical performance did not go according to our script. The people, sensing that the uterus sank below the soles of their boots, ran and fussed … then you want to live … but only Adyn remained more than life interest - how to hand over the UKS now ???
- Alive, b. I … He even moves his hooves …
- Why where can he go - in a winter suit, after all …
- Let's help the suicide bomber …
The Panzer Nation began to feverishly help Xena.
- I went to the bathhouse, this is not his leg and not my leg … you just prevent me from reaching the radiant light of the plafond shining on the platform in front of the stereoscopic trumpets …
They reported the "castle", examined …
- Alive ? If not, say so.
- Yes, I'm like “somewhere here”, the “castle” spat out from the snow, which we friendlyly stuffed him with all the claws of our fur coats while saving him from this very snow …
- What is there and how, how is our "package"? … the training platoon got into a conversation, huddled up next to the "castle" sticking out in a snowdrift with its ass in a snowdrift …
For some reason, Xena was offended, jumped up, straightened the ties of his lowered ears and said …
- Build !!!, and-and-and … flopped down again with the ass of his overalls into the snow-white cracker.
Yes, a hrendel in your snipe with all the makhorka in your brain, it's good to make fun of, people made a noise, - Come on, tell me what was there, Seryoga?
- Yes, I myself did not understand what happened, guys …
- Well ?
- Well …, I climbed the "tower", I stand, I am silent, with this evil package of yours … And they are warm …
- Well ?
- Yes, fuck you., With your "well" …
- Sorry, "Gray" … well, then what?
- They asked me:
- Is the platoon ready for battle?
- And you ?
- What am I?, Answered - Ready, dragging the colonel.
- And they ?
- What are they? They … the castle spat out the remnants of snow from their teeth, they …
- Achiret …
- Well, what are you?
- Yes, no matter, let me wipe my eyes from the snow, right now I'll tell you what happened next …
The compassionate platoon immediately handed several handfuls of soft, prickly and fresh (just from the sky) snowflakes in canvas fur coats to Sergei, so that he would rub his "eyes" and …
- He said that the platoon was ready for battle, repeated the castle like an echo …
- The approving mooing of a herd of winter hats … you've already spoken about that …
- He said that … in the package … the tank "prize" … from the tankers …
The hats froze for a moment … and breathed out freezing air on the Castle from all sides …
- And Sho …?
- Yes, not "Sho"!
… The platoon commander all this time tried to get up, slipping his boots in the snow, four-wheezing, and grabbing onto our winter overalls with his fur coats …
- Yes, no "Sho" …, repeated the Castle, finding a frozen solid under frozen feet in boots, and shaking off the frost from the eyelashes with a mat …
- They said that "schA", i.e. before the "experience", we … alcohol … we can supply …
- Abaldet … Well … This is awesome !!! The frozen tank training platoon rejoiced slightly, until blue in the face, jumping on one boot to keep warm.
- So what is next ?!
- Further? … the castle was embarrassed, - everything was fast …
- Tell me, Gray …
A circle of winter army hats, with "ears" tied under their throats, tried to desperately protect the castle from the oncoming winter wind "with evil, thorny snowflakes" …
The castle finally coped with the "snow foote" on its eyelashes, looked at us and tragically said: yes, I didn't understand anything myself …
"Let's hang ourselves … on the barrel of a tank gun" - it was in everyone's minds, just in case - flashed for a moment in the frozen brains of tankers …. And the cases in the Army … are different, and all sorts.
- Tell me, but hurry up, it's cold, because winter from nature blows into the very hollow of the soul …
- Yes, there is nothing to tell … they laughed, the teachers of Fire Training, like a stunned GTE and asked: do you know how to pour?
- Well, sho …? Sorry for the "sho"
- Well, I said that I “already poured” … And I’ll pour you all …
- So what is next ?
- And "further" me with humor, they explained … that pour, tanker, but 3 mm from the edge of the glasses, as expected …
- Well, "sho"?
- Well, I poured each one … 3 mm from the edge of the glasses …
- Well, "sho"?
- Yes, no "sho" …, wiped the castle with snow in an instant the sweaty face of his face … and looked at the target field … They said that 3 mm should be poured for tankers "from above the edge", not "from below" …
- So I kicked in the ass from the Tankodromnaya Tower …
- Evil you, radishes, sent me to the mazut wolves in the mouth, there is no mat on you …
In, a pump for thought … either they did the right thing, or they didn't …
Part II
And then out of nowhere …
The door on the tank training director opened open later than we saw the light, from the opening of this very door …
The Shooting Director Himself came down the iron steps to us: a senior teacher, a colonel, a gray-haired combatant at all sorts of incomprehensible points (two Orders of the Red Star on the "slats" of an everyday tunic and a yellow "stripe" for a serious wound).
- Zamkomvzvoda, command!
- Platoon, Attention!
- At ease!
It was interesting, creepy to look at this whole circus:
We - walled up with clothes of winter tank overalls at the very least, with raised collars, tied with "ears" of caps under the chin (yes, yes … it's cold, b.ya) and wrapped in "mufflers" on all crevices of the neck (the privilege of cadets is to wrap up in muffler) …
HE - The old and laughing at us Tank Wolf … the tie on the uniform shirt protruded over the ironed muffler …, exposing the throat, on which all, without exception, snowflakes melted …
He was dressed in the same winter tank suit as we were, only even dirtier than ours, but on him this tank "dregs" looked better than the hussar uniform on the brilliant lieutenant Rzhevsky, dancing at the Emperor's reception …
- So, comrades cadets, today we have a test shooting for six months in Fire Training, with an insert barrel!
- Let's imagine that you are: cranes that do not understand anything, who are trying to flap their wings, but do not understand how to “do it”: flap their wings and fly away … and stay alive …
- Not understood?
- Not at all, dragging half-k! - we all barked in chorus.
That's right, this is an army, you need to understand what and when to "bark".
- It’s good that they didn’t understand, because you are Tankers !!! You don’t know and live, you must be able to fight and die. But you should die only where the Motherland ordered!
- It's clear ?!
- Yes sir ! the frozen platoon barked in hoarse voices.
- Yes, nifiga you do not understand …
- The fact that you, untrained syavki, "died" is a "flight"! Do you understand that ?!
- Yes sir ! - the platoon barked more cheerfully and with understanding.
- It's good that you understand that you are just death row … BUT (the lieutenant colonel raised the index finger of his right hand up) … real tankers !!!
The platoon took cold frosty air into their lungs to bark another "so sure" …
… The firing director lowered his right hand and thrust it into the pocket of the tank suit …
- Leave yelling at Nature! She is YOUR MOTHER !!!
Set aside, so set aside … the warm air was slowly exhaled from the lungs onto the icy snowflakes flickering before our eyes …
The colonel narrowed his eyes and looked at all of us, frozen idols in two ranks … He squared his shoulders, looked at the target field, from where the icy snow flew like a shaft of assault aircraft, turned back to us and said:
- For the "tank treat": thanks. BUT:
- We, the teachers of Fire Training, accept "this" as a present of your future !!! Those. that EVER, in the very distant future … ANYTHING … you will finally become REAL TANKISTS !!!
- Yes, and hell we would have accepted this "tank" treat, if we had not been fighting for a fuyu cloud of years with your civil soul, shoveling it (soul) into Tankovaya!
- Are you tankers? … I'm not sure … Today we'll see! All clear ?!?!?!…
- Yes sir !!! - the frozen platoon barked at the end of the snipe.
A colonel in a black Soviet (with a yellow diamond) winter suit, spat on the snow and raised his head:
- And now let's talk like Tankers, I'm tired of warming you up … I'm not a zappolit.
- We will take apart all your actions … shall we repeat? Who doesn’t like it, then…, the same…, repeat !!!
The shoulders under the tank suit straightened, exposing the neck even more, not giving a damn about the frost …
And then, in the speeches of the head of the shooting, the algorithm of our actions passed through 1000 times woke up …
100 sayings and one:
- They puffed into the tank - "turn mom into dad", stupid!
100 sayings and one:
- "The seventh shot" who will make - personally I will tear off the eggs and make them gobble up!
100 sayings and one:
- If someone confuses the lights of the "Tankodromnaya Tower" with the lights of the "direction of fire" - they will clean the ALL target field with a snow shovel … from today until spring, until the rails at the targets turn green !!! It's clear ?!?!?!…
- Yes sir !!!
- You are tankers, after all, not cotton wool … in some women's places … What year have you been shooting here? And how many "staffs" were there? … Here, here … here is this and remember, you still have green fighters, like the tops of a carrot, to train … you can't screw up, fucking future officers, but they are not yet …
- Zamkomvzvoda, command!
- Attention!
- B. I … Yes, it is clear to the taiga hedgehog that "Attention"! At ease! Command the Shooting!
- First Run Crews: Get Ammo! Crews of the second race: take the observation points at the stereoscopic tubes!
Fuh, work has finally started … the freezing training platoon breathed out, scattering along the training points. Only the rest of the crews had to be sent to the ammunition point, so that they would not freeze in advance, than necessary. Cannon fodder is poorly aware when frozen.
Kolyan and I got into the second race …
While the gray geldings “free” from shooting and observation, smiling happily, tried to get a “snuggle on the ground” in the Ammunition Point, and the first “approach” was formed by six of us (the mechanics-soldiers are already kemar in the body of the armor), we salivate chemical pencils on the non-melting snowflakes adhered to the tongue to "scratch" the report on the "first run" … through observation in the "stereoscopic tubes" …
To each his own.
Passed "Work" throughout the cycle.
The matjugalnik on the tower yelled a command and the armor moved forward.
The stern of the combat vehicles was already faintly visible in the approaching twilight, but three marker lights in a dotted "triangle" drew the silhouette of each tank.
Trying not to breathe on the eyepieces of the stereo tubes, we look at the results of the fire and mercilessly stain the tablets with our scribbles.
The red side lights flashed … it means the platoon has reached the ceasefire line …
The armor lined up in one column and went along the side road to the "Initial" …
This is one of the best art pictures that can be in the world:
… Three tanks marching in a convoy along the dirty snow "side track" of the tank headmistress …
… Three silhouettes of huge turtles, dissolving in the approaching twilight from all directions …
… Three pairs of green eyes of parking lights diving on the ruts of the "track" and inevitably approaching …
… How BEAUTIFUL these BEASTS with green eyes are … The most magnificent PICTURE OF THE BEAUTY OF POWER moving in grace harmonious with Nature …
Pise …, ugh, damn it … The end of the "lyrics".
Tanks rumbled over the ear, fired diesel exhaust in the nose and lined up on the "original".
They fired, we reported on the tablets on the results of observations.
The crew changed in pairs.
The same song again.
“They fired, we reported”….
They built us up and … tore off everyone with a "slap": both who shot (there are more of them), and who watched … Well, it's just the way it should be - the Army.
Changing places …
FINALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!