40 years ago, on August 7, 1973, object 172M was adopted.
The beginning of the process of creating the T-72 tank was laid by the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 15, 1967 "On equipping the Soviet Army with new T-64 medium tanks and the development of capacities for their production", in accordance with which it was envisaged to organize the serial production of T-64 tanks not only at the Malyshev Kharkiv Transport Engineering Plant (KhZTM), but also at other enterprises of the industry, including Uralvagonzavod (UVZ)
The T-64 was at that time a truly revolutionary vehicle in the field of world tank construction. The development of objects 430, 432 and 434 was not easy, and the T-64A was born, armed with a 125-mm D-81 cannon. It entered service in May 1968.
In the decree of the USSR Council of Ministers of August 15, 1967, the issue of a "reserve" version of the T-64 tank was also discussed. There was also an order of the Minister of Defense Industry of January 5, 1968 on the creation of a tank of a "special" period.
UVZ (Nizhny Tagil) and LKZ (Leningrad), based on technological solutions of the T-64 and based on their own experience in creating combat vehicles, began designing promising models.
Under the leadership of Leonid Nikolaevich Kartsev and his deputy Valery Nikolaevich Venediktov, a mobilization version of the T-64A was developed.
By the end of 1965, UVZ already had developments on a modified automatic loading system based on the T-62, tested on experimental tanks "object 167", "object 167M (a variant of modernizing the T-62). It was a rotating conveyor with a two-row shot positioned completely under the polykom of the fighting compartment on electric traction.

Object 167, a promising modernization of the T-62
And also the new Chelyabinsk diesel engine V-45K, which develops a power of 730 hp. with fan cooling system.
Basically, these changes were introduced into the machine being created. Other developments for objects 166, 167, 167m were rejected by the Ministry of Defense Industry, as well as the idea of installing a hydromechanical transmission (hydromechanical transmission).
The first vehicles were created by a simple alteration of the serial T-64A. Two prototypes were ready in 1968. In the same year, they were tested in the Turkestan military district. The main design flaws were chassis defects. In total until 1970. According to various sources, about 17-20 tanks were built, participating in factory and army tests, which indicated the seriousness of the approach to this vehicle.
The car was assigned the index "Object 172".

Object 172

Drawings of the tank "Object 172" Archive UKBTM
(based on the materials of the report on the topic 70055. military unit 68054, 1970)
• -Installation in object 172 of the V-45K engine and automatic loader provided, in comparison with object 434:
- improving the combat work of the crew;
- reducing the time for maintenance and preparation of the tank to overcome water obstacles;
- the ability to operate the engine on various grades of fuel.
The rest of the main parameters of performance characteristics remained practically the same, with the exception of combat weight and power reserve.
• -The reliability of object 172 within the warranty period (3000 km of run) is still insufficient for the following reasons:
- in the objects 172 presented at the field tests, not all the developed design measures for the V-45K engine, the engine air supply system, the engine cooling system connections and the tank's power supply system were introduced, which caused failures and malfunctions similar to those that were identified during field tests in 1969;
- a number of components and assemblies borrowed from object 434 (stabilizer, sight-rangefinder, hydraulic lifting mechanism of the gun, elements of the undercarriage), as in object 434, worked unreliably and, thus, dramatically reduced the overall reliability of the tank.
• -The combat weight of tanks object 172 (tank # 4 - 38650 kg; tank # 5 - 38890 kg; tank # 6 -38900 kg) exceeds the combat weight of the tank object 434 (equal in TTT 37.0t -1.5%) by 2, 9 - 3, 6% (the maximum difference is 1350 kg - approx. A. Kh.).
• - Acceleration of object 172 proceeds more intensively than acceleration of object 434 (when operating on diesel fuel).
• -The target rate of fire from the tanks object 172 and object 434 received almost the same. The time to shoot the entire ammunition load at facility 172 is 23 minutes, and at facility 434 - 27 minutes.
• -Automatic loader on object 172 has a number of significant advantages over the loading mechanism of object 434. The design of the automatic loader ensures the transition of crew members from the control compartment to the combat one and back without preparatory work, loading the gun manually from all and non-mechanized stowage both on site and in the movement of the tank, as well as replenishment of the AZ conveyor with shots without turning the turret to the stern and without the help of the driver.
• -The angle of loading the gun in the tank object 172 is 2 ° more than in the tank object 434, which reduces the likelihood of the barrel sticking out during loading when the tank moves over rough terrain.
• -The largest number of failures and malfunctions falls on the chassis: 29, 9% of failures and 53% of malfunctions.
• -The resulting downtime of the tank for maintenance and the laboriousness of maintenance during the performance of work by the regular crew are given in the table and compared with the downtime of the tank object 434 according to the report of military unit 68054 inventory 3793 for 1969:

The time and labor intensity of maintenance with flushing of the air cleaner is indicated in brackets.
The given data of the table show that the idle time of the tanks object 172, submitted for testing, in all types of service is less idle time of the tank object 434, which is explained by a simpler and more convenient design of the loading mechanism, the maintenance of which takes 40-45 minutes, and at object 434 - 5 -7 hours, and also some improvement in access to serviced units and assemblies.
• -V / part 68054 considers it expedient to speed up the revision of the power plant, the weapon stabilizer, the power supply system, as well as the radical revision of the undercarriage, the hydraulic lifting mechanism of the gun, the collective protection system, with the simultaneous continuation of tests of three prototypes of object 172 in military unit 68054 according to the study of individual units and systems, and the conduct of control field tests after the implementation of all constructive measures according to the proposals of military unit 68054.
Work with the Object 172 tanks continued until early February 1971. By this time, the components and assemblies developed in Nizhny Tagil had been brought to a high level of reliability. Automatic loaders had one failure per 448 loading cycles, that is, their reliability roughly corresponded to the average survivability of a 125-mm D-81T cannon (600 rounds with a caliber projectile and 150 with a sub-caliber round). The only problem of the "object 172" was the unreliability of the chassis "due to the systematic failure of hydraulic shock absorbers, road wheels, pins and tracks, torsion bars and idler wheels."
On May 12, 1970, the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 326-113 "On carrying out work to further improve the tank" Object 172 "was issued. This document opened the way for work on improving the machine and on the introduction of a running gear on it, worked out on prototypes of the "Object 167".
Then at the UVZ design bureau, which was headed by Valery Nikolaevich Venediktov on January 7, 1970, it was decided to use the undercarriage from the "object 167" with rubberized road wheels of increased diameter and more powerful tracks with an open metal hinge, similar to the tracks of the T- tank. 62. Development of such a tank was carried out under the designation "Object 172M" and by the end of the year three such tanks were built. The engine, boosted to 780 hp, received the B-46 index. A two-stage cassette air cleaning system was introduced, similar to that used on the T-62 tank. The mass of the "object 172M" has increased to 41 tons. But the dynamic performance remained the same due to the increase in engine power by 80 hp, fuel tank capacity by 100 liters and track width by 40 mm. From the T-64A tank, only the positively proven structural elements of the armored hull with combined and differentiated armor and the transmission were retained.

Comparison of "Object 172" and "Object 172m"
From November 1970 to April 1971, the tanks "Object 172M" went through a full cycle of factory tests and then on May 6, 1971, they were presented to the Defense Ministers A. A. Grechko and the defense industry S. A. Zverev. By the beginning of the summer, an installation batch of 15 vehicles was produced, which, together with the T-64A and T-80 tanks, underwent many months of testing in 1972.
Extract from tests:
Three factory models of the 172m object (with a new undercarriage and a V-46 engine with a capacity of 780hp) in the period from November 1970. Until April 1971 They underwent intensive tests in various climatic conditions (Nizhny Tagil region, ZabVO, military unit 6054) in order to check the reliability of the components and mechanisms of the tank.
Tests of these samples in the amount of 10,000 + 13,004 km (the engines worked 414 + 685, 7 hours) showed the effectiveness of the modifications introduced during the tests, the reliable operation of the chassis, engine and its systems, power transmission and automatic loader, which made it possible in the 2nd quarter 1971 Submit 172m samples for field tests.
The conducted field tests of 172m tanks in various operating conditions (BVO, MVO, and TurkVO) in the amount of 8458+ 11662 km (the engines worked 393, 7 + 510, 7 hours), also showed the reliable operation of the B-45 engine (? Typo, help. author), power transmission, chassis as a whole.
According to the remarks identified during field tests and, in particular, during tests in high-mountain conditions of the ZakVO, the plant introduced, as well as being developed, which will be implemented in the process of preparing the serial production of object 172m, carried out by the plant in accordance with the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 326-113 dated May 12, 1970.
Tank "Object 172m" No. 1 passed the 1st stage of testing in accordance with the program agreed with VP No. 47, in the period from 26.11 to 06.1270. The tests were carried out at the plant's tank-training facility along a ring-shaped highly rugged track with frozen ground, frequent potholes and bumps. Sea trials were carried out intensively with operating time 19, 8 hours per day and the length of daily crossings up to 418 km at the highest possible speeds for the given road conditions. During the first stage of testing, the tank traveled 3000 km, the engine worked for 154 hours. The tests showed the following results:
- the V-46 engine worked reliably, its parameters were within the specifications and practically did not change;
- the power train units were working reliably.
After maintenance No. 2 and the elimination of the comments, the tank "Object 172m" No. 1 was subjected to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th (additional) stages of testing.
Before the start of the 2nd stage of testing, experimental caterpillar tracks 613.44.22sb were installed, drive wheels 175.54sb-1 with rims for tracks of caterpillar tracks 613.44.22sb, brackets 175.01.148-1 were welded for fastening support rollers made of special steel and bolts for fastening supporting rollers with M30x2 thread, and before the 4th stage (after 10004 km) - a modified fan drive. The sea trials of the 3rd and 4th stages were carried out from 09.12.1970 to 16.04.1971 at the tankodrome of the plant in the same conditions as at the 1st stage.
Over the entire testing period, the tank traveled 13,004 km, the engine ran for 685.7 hours, and 1,027 automatic loading of the gun were made, including 170 rounds. As a result of the tests carried out, it was revealed:
- the engine and its systems are working reliably. During the tests, A) slight oil leakage through the seals of the block head covers;
B) insignificant emission of oil vapors through the prompter of the engine;
C) the formation of cracks on the left exhaust manifold (worked out 441, 9 hours);
D) due to the destruction of the fan drive of the cooling system at 451, 2 hours, the engine was overheated, in this regard, the sealing gum of the water channels and duralumin gaskets in the connector of the block heads were replaced on it.
- the guitar and gearboxes with final drives worked reliably and had no comments. The angular gearbox of the fan drive worked unreliably due to the destruction of the gear driven unit of the bevel gearbox of the fan drive and the bearing of the fan clutch, caused by a significant misalignment of the drive. Installed1 after 10004 km, the modified drive, allowing increased misalignments, did not have any comments during tests over 3000 km with deliberately set misalignments and remained in working order.
- undercarriage assemblies showed the following results:
A) the destruction of the torsion bars that took place are associated with the contamination of the steel with non-metallic inclusions and the lack of technology, the torsion bars of electroslag remelted steel installed after 7053 km did not have any comments until the end of the tests;
B) the destruction of the balancer bushings was caused by their insufficient strength, the reinforced bushings installed after 7053 km did not have any remarks and remained in working condition;
C) in the process of testing, the design of the seal for the hydraulic shock absorber connector was worked out, the working fluid and working pressure in the hydraulic shock absorber were selected, hydraulic shock absorbers tested at a distance of 3000 km (installed after 10004 km) with a modified design of the housing, bulkhead and cover seal, as well as a modified locking of the fingers in the joint traction with a hydraulic shock absorber lever, had no comments;
D) in the process of testing, there were cases of falling out of the tire locking rings and the destruction of the locking rings of the hubs of the supporting rollers, the modified rings introduced after 368 km ensured the tests to be carried out in a given volume;
E) the support rollers of the sixth suspensions after 7971 km were replaced due to the destruction of the rubber masses, the rest of the support rollers were tested until the end of the tests, after changing the torsion bar angle, the newly installed rollers of the front and rear suspensions worked at a distance of 5033 km without destroying the rubber mass;
E) caterpillar tracks 613.44.22sb (without technological and design improvements) ensured serviceability up to 3972 km, serial caterpillar tracks 166.44sb-1V with an open hinge worked 3000 km and remained suitable for further operation;
G) disks of sloths and hubs of driving wheels had cracks along the ribs, later on subsequent samples were installed with a modified design.
- automatic loader in the amount of 1,027 loaders, including 170 rounds, had 4 refusals and 2 delays.
- TPD-2 sight and 2E28 stabilizer worked for 54, 3 hours and had no comments.
According to the comments identified in the process of testing "Object 172m" No. 1, the plant developed constructive measures that were implemented on factory samples No. 2 and No. 3 before the start of testing or in the process of testing as it was developed.
Tests of "Object 172m" No. 2 and No. No. were carried out in the period from 14.01 to 17.04.1971. in three stages in the amount of 3000 km - stage 1, 4000 km - stage 2, 3000 km - stage 3 in accordance with the program agreed with VP No. 47.
Stage 1 of the tests was carried out at the tank training center of the plant during the period from 14.01 to 29.01.1971. along the same route and under the same conditions as the tests of the control polygon samples No. 8 and No. 9 of the "Object 172m" were carried out.
Stage 2 of the tests was carried out in ZabVO (station Mirnaya) in the period from 16.02 to 26.02.1971.
Stage 3 of the tests was carried out at the tank training center of the plant from 30.03 to 17.04.1971.
The purpose of the tests was to check the reliability and performance of the units and assemblies of the chassis, the systems of the engine-transmission compartment of the tank as a whole, as well as the effectiveness of the design measures taken.
At the "Object 172m" No. 2 and No. 3, the following constructive measures were introduced:
A. Before testing:
1. Reinforced driving wheels 175.54sb-2;
2. Torsion shafts from steel 45HNMFA-Sh;
3. Supporting rollers 175.53sb-1 with a modified tire stopper on the hub, filled with TsNATIM-203 grease;
4. Reinforced balancer bushings;
5. Hydro shock absorbers with improved traction locking 175.52.012, filled with MSZP-5 oil;
6. Sloths with reinforced discs.
B. Before Stage 2 Test:
1. Track belts 613.44.22sb.
- on tank # 2 - with technological improvements;
- on tank # 3 - with reinforced transverse ribs of the tracks (from 8mm to 10mm in thickness and from 16mm to 20mm in height).
B. Before stage 3 testing:
1. Changed the exhibition of torsion shafts in the angle of twist in order to unload the first and sixth road wheels;
2. Cast discs of guide wheels made of special steel with reinforced ribs;
3. Serial (T-62 tank) steel throat guide wheels - for tank # 3;
4. In connection with the changed exhibition of torsion bars, new road wheels were installed in the first and sixth suspensions.
During the tests, the tanks passed in three stages:
- tank number 2 - 10000 km;
-tank No. 3 - 10012 km;
The engines worked for 419, 1 and 414 hours, respectively.
The tests were carried out intensively with operating time up to 20, 7 hours per day and the length of daily crossings up to 732 km. Sea trials in the amount of 10,000 km were completed in 31 calendar days (9-11 days per stage). Average speeds during tests at the plant's tank training facility were 20.8 km / h, and during tests in the ZabVO - 40.3 km / h.
During the tests, the modified units and mechanisms worked reliably, confirmed the effectiveness of constructive and technological measures and ensured the implementation of the program in the amount of 10,000 km.
In the future, the days of operating the engines of the motor resource up to 500 hours, as well as checking the experimental measures, tank No. 3 in accordance with the joint decision of the organization of PO Box V-2968 and military unit 52682 dated 1971-08-05. continued testing on the track of military unit 68054, and tank No. 2 on the basis of letter 562/3/005085 dated 1971-16-04 military unit 52682 - in TurkVO (training center "Kelyata"). Taking into account additional tests, tank # 2 covered 13686 km, and tank # 3 - 11388 km, the engines worked for 572 and 536 hours, respectively. The tanks are in working order.
The tests of "Objects 172m" No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, carried out in various climatic and geographical conditions, showed high dynamic and maneuverable qualities and operational and technical characteristics, sufficient reliability of the operation of units, assemblies, mechanisms and systems of the engine compartment, chassis and control within the passed 11388 + 13686 km.
The engines of these tanks reliably worked 697, 7 (tank number 1), 572 (tank number 2) and 536 (tank number 3) hours. The automatic loader in a modified form on the control samples of "Object 172m" No. 8 and No. 9 showed the same high reliability - 448 loaders per failure. The resulting degree of refinement of units, mechanisms, units of the engine-transmission compartment, chassis and automatic loader, along with modifications carried out by co-contractors in armament and TPD-2, made it possible to submit samples for field tests.
The conducted tests of polygon samples of "Object 172m" in various climatic conditions (BVO, TurkVO, MVO) confirmed the high degree of constructive development of "Objects 172m", with operating time 8458 + 11662 km, engines 393, 7 + 510, 7 hours and automatic loader 619+ 2000 gun loads.
The engine, guitar, gearboxes and other components and mechanisms of the power transmission showed reliable operation within the limits of the operating time performed by the tanks.
The leak of water from the outer space of the fifth liner of the right block that took place on the engine of Object 172M # 5 was caused by a manufacturing defect - one of the three rubber rings of the lower belt of the liner was not installed during assembly. After installing the rubber ring, the engine ensured the execution of the program by the tank in a given volume.
The automatic loader showed reliable operation within the range of 377 + 539 loaders per failure.
The nodes of the undercarriage showed the following performance:
1. Torsion shafts - 8458 + 11662 km.
2. Balancers - 8458 + 11662 km.
3. Idler wheels - 6000 km.
4. Tracks - 5000 + 8096 km.
5. Driving wheel disks - 8458 + 11662 km.
6. Ventsy driving wheels - 5000 + 10004 km.
7. Shock absorbers - 8458 km.
8. Support rollers - 5890 km (modified design in TurkVO).
9. Track rollers - 4237 + 11662 km.
According to the comments and defects revealed in the process of testing ground samples, the plant promptly carried out constructive modifications, the effectiveness of which was verified by tests under the same conditions. The support rollers that did not work reliably at the 1st stage of testing in TurkVO were modified and tested at the "Object 172m" No. 7 during the 2nd stage of tests under the same conditions.
The support rollers have worked 5890 km (up to the tank's operating time of 10004 km) and remained in working order. At the second stage of testing "Object 172m" No. 7 in TurkVO, the effectiveness of the new exhibition of road wheels with a changed twist of the torsion bars was also tested. The road wheels worked 6387 km and remained in working order, except for the 4th left one, which was replaced after the indicated mileage due to the destruction of the rubber mass. On a number of comments, constructive improvements are being carried out, measures for which will be introduced in the process of further production of the "Object 172m".
After the end of the tests, a "Report on the results of military tests of 15 172M tanks manufactured by Uralvagonzavod in 1972" appeared.
Its concluding part said:
1. The tanks passed the tests, but the track resource of 4500-5000 km is insufficient and does not provide the required tank mileage of 6500-7000 km without replacing the tracks.
2. Tank 172M (warranty period - 3000 km) and engine V-46 - (350 m3 / h) worked reliably. In the process of further tests up to 10,000-11,000 km, most of the components and assemblies, including the B-46 engine, worked reliably, but a number of serious components and assemblies showed insufficient resources and reliability.
3. The tank is recommended for adoption and serial production, provided that the identified deficiencies are eliminated and the effectiveness of their elimination is checked before serial production. The scope and timing of revisions and checks must be agreed between the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Defense Industry."

Experimental tank "object 172M" 1971
In the first half of 1973, one more successful control tests of the installation batch of ob. 172M took place. During this period, the shortcomings identified in the previous ones were eliminated. This gave all the grounds for the adoption of the tank into service.
By the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 554-172 of August 7, 1973, "object 172M" was adopted by the Soviet Army under the name T-72 "Ural" (name in 1975). The corresponding order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR was issued on August 13, 1973. In the same year, an installation batch of 30 cars was produced.
Serial production of the machine began in 1974. During this year, Uralvagonzavod produced 220 T-72 tanks.
For critics of the machine: If you carefully analyze the history of the creation of the T-72, it becomes clear that the plant and the designers created what the Ministry of Defense wanted with the available capabilities of the defense industry to produce a mass tank, and not what the designers themselves would like.
The fantasies of the design bureau always remain in the background, first of all, the machine is built according to the tactical and technical specifications and the customer's request, which was rigorously done. Those. The “cigarette lighter” is located where the customer wants it, and not where it will be convenient for him to use it.

Drawing of the tank "Object 172m"
• Object 172M of the experimental and military series - the tower was made by converting the tower of the T-64A tank
• T-72K (Object 172MK) "Ural-K" - the command version of the T-72 linear tank (ob. 172M), on which a shortwave radio station, navigation equipment, a charger were additionally installed, but the ammunition load was reduced
• T-72 (Object 172M) model 1975
• T-72 (Object 172M) model 1976
• T-72 (Object 172M) of the 1978 model
• T-72 (Object 172M) model 1979
• T-72 (Object 172M-E) - export modification
• T-72 (Object 172M-E1) - export modification
• T-72 (Object 172M-E2) - export modification
• T-72K (Object 172MK-E) - export modification of the commander's version of a linear tank
• T-72K (Object 172MK-E1) - export modification of the commander's version of a linear tank
• T-72K (Object 172MK-E2) - export modification of the commander's version of a linear tank
• Object 172MN - a prototype of the T-72 tank (ob. 172M), on which a 130 mm 2A50 rifled gun (LP-36E) was installed. Tested in 1972-1974. In mid-October 1975, it was demonstrated to Marshal A. A. Grechko. during his visit to the research institute in Kubinka. Was not accepted for service
• Object 172MD - a prototype of the T-72 tank (ob. 172M) with a 125 mm high-power smoothbore gun 2A49 (D-89T). Was not accepted for service
• Object 172MP - a prototype of the T-72 tank (ob. 172M) with a 125 mm 2A46M smoothbore cannon. Manufactured in May-July 1977 for the purpose of carrying out acceptance tests of the system. According to the results of these tests, the 2A46M gun was recognized as meeting the specified tactical and technical requirements and was recommended for further tests.
• Object 175 - the result of work carried out in 1970-75 to improve ob. 172M. It was not accepted into service, the prototype was not manufactured. Separate developments for the machine of this specification, as well as for ob. 172-2M, were used to improve the design of serial machines with ob. 172M (T-72)

T-72 first modifications
And this was only the BEGINNING of the glorious path of the legendary car. In order to tell about the stages of its further modernization, a series of articles is needed, with a story about the layout and equipment, further modernizations, where a special place will be occupied by the "Object 184", which entered service under the designation T-72B, at which the author of these lines had honor to serve a large part of my life.
And modifications of the first releases of the T-72 with simplified unclassified armor, an ancient optical rangefinder, a mechanical ballistic computer, an analog radio station P-123 and an engine B-46 fought in the Middle East, where they were kissed by the Syrians, in Iraq, where Abrams avoided them, not daring to go out into the oncoming battle without a bombardment of aviation and artillery. They are fighting now in Syria, if you look closely, then on the video chronicle of the use of Syrian vehicles, you can see the hump extended along the hump in front of the turret of the tank commander, this is the element of the optical rangefinder. If the optics are muffled, then the quantum equipment was delivered later, but this is the very old man.
In this article, I did not specifically describe all the squabbles of the three design bureaus among themselves, especially between Kharkov and Tagil, personal agreements with the highest echelons of power and the designers' lobbying for their offspring.
Why write about it? The authors of unique machines fought for their inventions not for money and power, but for an IDEA. They wholeheartedly rooted for the Great Cause - the creation of the most powerful armored fist of their country.
This article is just about the history of the creation of the machine, which became the workhorse of tank units.
I hope the discussion will not include the usual comparison of the schools of tank building, which is rarely carried out by the tankers themselves.
For us, the crews, after a long and exhausting work, there is no sweeter music than the RIGHT roar or whistle of the engine, the roar or howl of the systems we switch on.
There is no better feeling when YOUR "iron" harmoniously "sings" its song under the influence of your hands or feet. And it doesn't matter which model of the tank you are in at the moment.
In this "symphony" you FEEL YOURSELF, one molded organism with a multi-ton beast. This is how the crew's agreement with the equipment is born, and they are inseparable.
And a "live" tank is born. He is INVINCIBLE.
T-72 is worthy of respect. He still defends his country with dignity on his tracks and with his armor.
Prepared by Aleks TV [/i