Planar AFAR have significant advantages in terms of weight and size compared to other solutions. The weight and thickness of the AFAR web is significantly reduced. This allows them to be used in small-sized radar homing heads, onboard UAVs and for a new class of antenna systems - conformal antenna arrays, i.e. repeating the shape of the object. Such grids, for example, are necessary to create a fighter of the next, sixth, generation.
JSC NIIPP is developing multichannel integrated planar receiving and transmitting AFAR modules using LTCC-ceramics technology, which include all elements of the AFAR fabric (active elements, antenna emitters, microwave signal distribution and control systems, a secondary power source that controls digital controller with interface circuit, liquid cooling system) and are a functionally complete device. The modules can be combined into antenna arrays of any size, and with significant intrinsic integration, minimum requirements are imposed on the supporting structure, which must unite such modules. This makes it much easier for end users to create an AFAR based on such modules.

Thanks to original design solutions and the use of new and promising materials, such as low-temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC), composite materials, multilayer microchannel liquid cooling structures developed by JSC NIIPP, highly integrated planar APMs are distinguished by:

JSC "NIIPP" is ready to develop and organize serial production of planar receiving, transmitting and transmitting modules of AFAR S, C, X, Ku, Ka bands, according to the requirements of the interested customer.

JSC NIIPP has the most advanced positions in Russia and in the world in the development of planar APAR modules using LTCC-ceramics technology.

The results of a complex of research and development in the field of creating GaAs and SiGe microwave monolithic integrated circuits, libraries of elements and CAD modules, carried out at Tomsk University of control systems and radio electronics.

In 2015, REC NT began work on the design of a microwave MIC for a universal multi-band multichannel transceiver (L-, S- and C-bands) in the form of a "system on a chip" (SoC). To date, based on 0.25 micron SiGe BiCMOS technology, MISs have been designed for the following broadband microwave devices (frequency range 1-4.5 GHz): LNA, mixer, digital controlled attenuator (DCATT), as well as the DCATT control circuit.
Output: In the near future, the "problem" of radar for Yak-130, UAV, seeker for KR and OTR will be resolved at a very serious level. With a high degree of probability, it is possible to assume that "a product that has no analogues in the world." AFAR "in the weight category" 60-80 kg (about the required for the Yak-130 220kg-270kg radar mass I will keep silent)? Yes Easy. Is there any desire to get a full 30 kg of AFAR?
In the meantime … While "this is the case":
There is no serial aircraft yet. The Russian Federation did not even think about selling it to China and Indonesia (here it would be better to deal with the SU-35), however … However, the representative of Lockheed Martin and "a number of" experts "from Russia are already predicting: it will be expensive, there will be problems with the sale to China and Indonesia. From the history of the "backwardness" of Russian / Soviet-made avionics for "a number of" experts "from Russia, for reference:
GaN and its solid solutions are among the most popular and promising materials in modern electronics. Work in this direction is carried out all over the world, conferences and seminars are regularly organized, which contributes to the rapid development of technology for creating electronic and optoelectronic devices based on GaN. A breakthrough is observed both in the parameters of LED structures based on GaN and its solid solutions, and in the characteristics of PPMs based on gallium nitride - an order of magnitude higher than that of gallium arsenide devices.

During 2010, field effect transistors with Ft = 77.3 GHz and Fmax = 177 GHz with a gain in terms of power over 11.5 dB at 35 GHz. On the basis of these transistors, for the first time in Russia, an MIS was developed and successfully implemented for a three-stage power amplifier in the frequency range 27–37 GHz with Kp> 20 dB and a maximum output power of 300 mW in a pulsed mode. In accordance with the Federal Target Program "Development of Electronic Component Base and Radio Electronics", further development of scientific and applied research in this direction is expected. In particular, the development of InAlN / AlN / GaN heterostructures for the creation of devices with operating frequencies of 30-100 GHz, with the participation of leading domestic enterprises and institutes (FSUE NPP Pulsar, FSUE NPP Istok, ZAO Elma-Malakhit, JSC "Svetlana-Rost", ISHPE RAS, etc.).
Parameters of domestic heterostructures and transistors with an optimal gate length based on them (calculation):

It has been experimentally found that for the Ka-frequency range, type 2 heterostructures with tb = 15 nm are optimal, of which today V-1400 ("Elma-Malachite") on a SiC substrate has the best parameters, which ensures the creation of transistors with an initial current of up to 1.1 A / mm at a maximum slope of up to 380 mA / mm and a cut-off voltage of -4 V. In this case, field-effect transistors with LG = 180 nm (LG / tB = 12) have fT / fMAX = 62/130 GHz in the absence of short-channel effects, which is optimal for PA PA-band. At the same time, transistors with LG = 100 nm (LG / tB = 8) on the same heterostructure have higher frequencies fT / fMAX = 77/161 GHz, that is, they can be used in higher-frequency V- and E-bands, but due to short-channel effects are not optimal for these frequencies.
Let's see together the most advanced "alien" and our radars:

Retro: the pharaoh-M radar, which is now a thing of the past (it was planned to install it on the Su-34, 1.44, Berkut). Beam diameter 500 mm. Non-equidistant HEADLIGHTS "Phazotron". Sometimes she is also called "Spear-F".

Planar technology - a set of technological operations used in the manufacture of planar (flat, surface) semiconductor devices and integrated circuits.
-for antennas: BlueTooth planar antenna systems in cell phones.

- for converters IP and PT: Planar transformers Marathon, Zettler Magnetics or Payton.

- for SMD transistors
etc. see in more detail the patent of the Russian Federation RU2303843.
LTCC ceramics:
Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramic (LTCC) is a low temperature co-fired ceramic technology used to create microwave emitting devices, including Bluetooth and WiFi modules in many smartphones. It is widely known for its use in the manufacture of AFAR radars of the fifth generation fighter T-50 and the fourth generation tank T-14.

The essence of the technology lies in the fact that the device is manufactured like a printed circuit board, but located in a glass melt. "Low temperature" means that roasting is carried out at temperatures around 1000C instead of 2500C for HTCC technology, when it is possible to use not very expensive high-temperature components from molybdenum and tungsten in HTCC, but also cheaper copper in gold and silver alloys.