Automated control system of anti-aircraft missile brigade of air defense SV "Polyana-D4"

Automated control system of anti-aircraft missile brigade of air defense SV "Polyana-D4"
Automated control system of anti-aircraft missile brigade of air defense SV "Polyana-D4"

The development of an automated control system for the anti-aircraft missile brigade of the air defense of the ground forces "Polyana-D4" (9S52) was carried out by the Minsk Research Institute of Automation Means of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry for TTZ GRAU in order to automate the control processes of anti-aircraft missile brigades of armed S-300V or Buk air defense systems.

Automated control system for anti-aircraft missile brigade of air defense SV
Automated control system for anti-aircraft missile brigade of air defense SV

The ACS "Polyana-D4" included:

1.the command post (PBU) of the brigade (MP06 vehicle) on a BAZ-6950 vehicle with a SKN-6950 body

2. command and staff vehicle (KShM) of the brigade (MP02 vehicle with a KP4 trailer) on a Ural-375 vehicle and an SMZ-782B trailer.

3. Spare parts and maintenance vehicle (MP45 vehicle) on a Ural-375 vehicle

4. two diesel power plants ED-T400-1RAM on KamAZ-4310 vehicles.

The PBU housed automated workstations (AWPs) for the brigade commander, senior combat command officer (directed to two divisions and to the front (army) air defense command post, air force aviation representative, operational duty officer, combat command officer (directed to two divisions), brigade intelligence chief (senior operator of radar data processing), operator of radar data processing, engineer and communications technician.

The KShM equipped the AWP for the deputy commander of the brigade for armaments, the officer of the operational department (operator of the alphanumeric display - ADS), the senior officer of the operational department (operator of the drawing and graphic machine - ChGA) and manual workplaces for two technicians.

The KShM trailer contained the AWPs of the brigade chief of staff and the chief of the operational department (brigade communications chief) - the operator of the ADS and six manual workplaces for the officers of the brigade headquarters.

To ensure the combat operation of the Polyana-D4 automated control system, the general air defense system of the air defense system provided for the exchange of digital operational-tactical and radar information, as well as voice communication with higher-level, subordinate and interacting command posts and control points through the attached communication center

Information exchange between PBU and KShM was carried out via cable communication lines.

For communication between the crews of mobile units of the ACS Polyana D4, VHF radio stations installed in the driver's cabins were used on the march.

The time of deployment (folding) of the Polyana-D4 automated control system by the crew did not exceed 20 minutes.

ACS "Polyana-D4" provided control of:

• up to four anti-aircraft missile battalions armed with S-300V air defense systems or Buk air defense systems (Buk-M1) and their modifications;

• subordinate radar posts PORI-P1 or PORI-P2;

• The control center for the means of direct cover of the PU-12M brigade or the unified battery command post "Ranzhir".

The superior air defense command post in relation to the "Polyana-D4" automated control system was the front air defense command post or army.

It was also envisaged to interface the Polyana-D4 ACS with the command post of tactical formations of the Air Defense Forces.

The sources of information about the air situation for the "Polyana-D4" automated control system were:

• Control posts for radar posts PORI-P1 or PORI-P2;

• Aviation complex for radar surveillance and guidance A-50;

• Command post of anti-aircraft missile battalions S-300V or "Buk"

• Front (army) air defense command post;

• command post of the tactical formation of the Air Defense Forces of the country;

• Command post of fighter aviation of the front (army) Air Force.

The Polyana D4 automated control system implemented the principle of mixed combat control of the S-ZOOV or Buk anti-aircraft missile brigade, which combined the centralized targeting of the brigade's command post with the autonomous actions of anti-aircraft missile battalions to select targets in their assigned areas of responsibility.

Radar information about the air situation was received by the Polyana D4 automated control system in digital form from the following sources of this information:

• command post of air defense of the front or army;

• Control center of subordinate RLP;

• Aviation complex for radar surveillance and guidance A50;

• Four command and control departments of subordinate divisions;

• Command post of fighter aviation of the front air force.

The air situation was displayed on the displays of the PBU workstation in the form of symbols of their own, alien and unidentified targets. Next to the symbol of the target, its number, height and quantitative composition (for a group target) were displayed. It was intended to display up to 5 target traces, extrapolated to a time of up to 7 minutes.

The control of subordinate radars carried out with the PBU ACS "Polyana-D4" made it possible to change the rate of measurement of the coordinates of targets, to specify their affiliation, etc.

Selective notification of divisions and means of direct cover of the brigade was formed automatically in accordance with the importance (danger) of targets and the position of subordinate means of destruction.

Operational and tactical information from the air defense command post of the front (army) was sent to the Polyana-D4 automated control system in the form of orders and instructions, data on the enemy, teams for the distribution of efforts, flight corridors and requests for flights of own aviation, duty zones of fighter aircraft, coordinates of the frontline (army) reference point, information about the ground situation.

The exchange of operational and tactical information between the Polyana-D4 automated control system and the front (army) air defense command post was carried out via secret telecode communication channels.

To control the combat operations of missile divisions and direct cover subunits, the Polyana-D4 automated control system provided:

• formation and transmission to the command post of divisions of teams for the distribution of efforts in the form of sectors, areas of responsibility, missile-hazardous areas, receiving and displaying reports on their implementation;

• formation and transmission of the coordinates of the reference point to the command control of the divisions;

• formation and transmission to the command post of divisions and the control point of direct cover assets (PU SNP) of general type teams, receiving and displaying reports on their execution;

• formation and transmission to the command post of divisions and PU of the ATS of teams by targets, receiving and displaying reports on the progress and results of their implementation;

• continuous processing, output to display devices and input into algorithms for target distribution and coordination of battles' combat actions data from the front (army) air defense command post and front (army) air force fighter command command on the air situation with signs of actions on the targets of the air defense and air defense systems, as well as reports from divisions on combat work on targets assigned from the brigade's command post and selected independently;

• input of data on the position, condition, combat readiness and nature of actions of subordinate units into the EEC of the ACS "Polyana-D4".

ACS "Polyana-D4" also ensured the transmission to the air defense command post of reports on the position, condition, combat readiness and results of hostilities of all combat assets of the brigade, on the execution of commands for targets issued by this command post, on the distribution of brigade efforts.

In the standby mode of operation of the Polyana-D4 ACS, a limited number of ACS technical means were envisaged, which ensured the reception of information about the air situation, warning signals and commands to bring the brigade units to various degrees of combat readiness, control of the brigade duty units.

In the period from May 1985 to June 1986, the prototype ACS "Polyana-D4" passed the entire cycle of state tests, At the first stage of testing at the imitation and modeling complex of the Research Institute of Automation Means, an assessment was made of the correct functioning of the software, productivity, time and accuracy characteristics of the Polyana D4 ACS, as well as checking the possibilities of providing informational interface of the system with objects, the development of which has not yet been completed.

The second stage of state tests was carried out at the Emben test site and included an assessment of the operational and technical characteristics of the system in real conditions, checking its information and technical interface with existing controlled objects and with communication facilities, as well as confirming the performance characteristics obtained using simulation

Modeling the combat actions of an anti-aircraft missile brigade in a complex air and jamming environment showed that the number of enemy air forces affected by the use of the Polyana D4 automated control system, compared with the autonomous actions of divisions, increases by 20-23% for a brigade equipped with an S-300V air defense system, and by 35-37 % for a brigade equipped with a Buk-M1 air defense system.

In 1986, the ACS "Polyana-D4" was adopted by the air defense forces of the ground forces.

The creation of the Polyana-D4 automated control system was a new qualitative step in the direction of automating the control of anti-aircraft missile formations of the operational echelon of the military air defense.

In terms of its performance characteristics, the Polyana-D4 was superior to the American Missile Minder automated control system, which was used at that time to control the air defense systems of the operational echelon of the ground forces of the NATO countries.
