American automated command and control system of tactical level FBCB2 (part of 2)

American automated command and control system of tactical level FBCB2 (part of 2)
American automated command and control system of tactical level FBCB2 (part of 2)

Table of contents:


8. Means of communication

I repeat that communication between the AICs installed on vehicles is supported by two communication systems: the TI information network (Tactical Internet), using EPLRS and SINGARS radio communication systems, and the Inmarsat mobile satellite communication system (PSC-5 Spitfire range 225-400 MHz). At the same time, to ensure satellite communications in motion, the command posts of reconnaissance units and the vehicles of the brigade command post are equipped with special stabilized satellite antennas.

American automated command and control system of tactical level FBCB2 (part of 2)
American automated command and control system of tactical level FBCB2 (part of 2)

Portable VHF radio stations installed on an HMMWV vehicle


HF portable radio stations and data transmission equipment (APD) of the range installed on the HMMWV car

Communication of the brigade's command post with the higher command and control bodies and command centers of neighboring brigades is carried out either through a small district communication center (CS) of the Enhanced MSE "Enhanced MSE" public communication system, which has a "grid" structure and is built on asynchronous delivery mode switches, or through JNN communication system. Communication of the FBCB2 system complexes located at the brigade's command post with automated workstations in the brigade's divisions is carried out via radio communication channels through TPT EPLRS and SINCGARS SIP radio stations.


The picture shows one of the HMMWV vehicles of the brigade's communications company with communications equipment installed on it. Antennas of microwave radio stations are visible on the roof to ensure communication with the portable systems of the system.

Planning, configuration and reconfiguration of the network in the "brigade-battalion" link is carried out under the control of the ISYSCON system software (integrated systems management software, version 4).


Data in the communication networks connecting the AWS of the FBCB2 system are transmitted under the control of IP protocols, adapted in accordance with the requirements and conditions of the functioning of radio communication networks in the tactical control link. Within the command post of the brigade and battalion (if they are deployed on site), all communications and system facilities are interconnected in a LAN using wired means.

The brigade's machines are connected to each other and to the regional communication center of the Enhanced MSE system by a fiber-optic communication line (FOCL) with a throughput of 100 Mbit / s. The regional computer network, covering the command post of the brigade and battalions, is being built on the basis of NTDR radio stations and JNN communication terminals. In addition, NTDR radios provide backup links for the brigade and above command link.


Block of digital multichannel station of VHF range


Blocks of radio stations, data transmission devices and GPS receiver antenna used in the system


Deploying a directional antenna

9. Software

The software (software) of the FBCB2 system is its key element.

The FBCB2 application software includes the "Enhanced Battle Command" (EBC) software package, which is a RAM-resident program and, together with other application software, provides interaction between the processor unit and the display unit, as well as general computer operation processes.

The EVS software package carries out the functions of database management, communication, processing and displaying a combat situation map, processing messages to ensure the operation of application software interfaces, as well as interfaces of the transport and network layer of the "Tactical Internet" network. The EBU software package in each command post control center interacts via a local network with the CP switchboard, and through the switch - with the Internet controller of the CP machine.

The same set of application software is used on all computer platforms of the system. The processing unit of the AN / UYK-128 computer, interfaced with the Internet controller, interacts with it under the control of TCP transmission control protocols and UDP user data protocol.


The main window with the display of the topographic base and the location of the object (tactical sign in the center of the screen)


The user interface of the automated workstation (AWP) of the system operator is represented by a "desktop" with icons, which is displayed on a liquid crystal touch screen. The system software provides each control level with a single picture of the tactical situation on the battlefield in two echelons (upper and lower), as well as neighboring formations (right and left). This ensures the timely provision of information about the situation as a whole, based on the position of friendly forces and enemy troops, as well as attached and interacting subunits. By touching the icon with the stylus (hand), you can display a map of the current combat situation with the location of your forces and the enemy's forces. Information on the map is updated in near real time.

The FBCB2 system uses a variable text message format "Variable Message Format" (VMF) to send and receive information, regardless of the recipient-sender affiliation. Currently, the VMF format is approved as the main one for the transmission of text messages in the e-mail system of the ACS of the higher level ABCS. In addition, digital maps and video images of the terrain can be quickly disseminated and scaled.

The user interface makes it possible to prepare in an automated mode a variety of formalized reports concerning the issues of logistics, medical evacuation, notification of a radiation-biological and chemical attack, to prepare and transmit a short text and graphic message about the observed enemy actions.


Displays the status of the medical platoon of the 1st battalion of the 32nd infantry regiment. (All positions - 0% security)

The operator AWP FBCB2 can choose various methods and scales of displaying a digital map or aerial photograph (video image) of the terrain with the display of the part of a single (general) picture of the tactical situation intended for this operator, scaled for the corresponding control level.


Display of the tactical situation against the background of an electronic map of the area.

Maps of different scales and with a personal background allow you to see the location of each vehicle in the brigade or only vehicles of your platoon or company. In addition, other data of the tactical situation can be displayed on the digital map - the deployment of rear units, minefields, security corridors, etc. Such a display of the situation data allows you to quickly navigate the terrain and in the situation at night or in conditions of limited visibility, as well as achieve a positional advantage over the enemy.

Information about the combat situation, for example, the location of the enemy, is entered by the squad leader into the system and, using the SINCGARS ASIP radio station, via the Internet controller, it is sent to the tactical radio terminal (TRT) of the EPLRS system of a platoon or company for further distribution in the network.

Each ground vehicle of the brigade transmits to the FBCB2 network its position data obtained using the Navstar system.

In addition, on many platforms there are TPT systems EPLRS, which also automatically determine their own position based on measuring the difference in transit time of radio signals. The software automatically selects the best quality TPT location data from these two sources.


Examples of displaying the tactical situation and the position of objects against the background of aerial photographs

In the event that the reception of a signal from the Navstar satellites is impeded by dense foliage, meteorological conditions, terrain or other factors, the location data obtained from the multifunctional EPLRS system is used.

In general, the FBCB2 system software at the brigade and below level ensures the following tasks:

- provision of information, constantly updated as of the current time, about the combat situation, the state and action of its troops and enemy forces, filtered by the command echelon, echelon and location of the subscriber;

- determination of the geographic location of the subscriber (if he is in the air, the flight altitude is also determined);

- displaying the tactical situation map on the monitor screen;

- compilation and distribution of formalized messages and confirmations of receipt of messages, orders and orders, requests for fire support, target designations and orders for firing, warning signals, operational reports in an automated electronic format;

- formation and imposition of elements of the terrain, obstacles, intelligence data, operational standards, geometric data, diagrams - attachments to combat orders on the electronic map of the combat situation;

- the exchange between the components of the FBCB2 ACS and other elements of the ABCS ACS in a semi-automatic mode with selected data that is critical for the performance of a combat mission.

From other subsystems of the ABCS ACS, the FBCB2 system receives in electronic form the following data, which are important for solving a combat mission:

- from the Army Corps Logistics Support System (CSSCS) - the location of the supply points;

- from the ACS by the actions of formations, units and subunits of the army corps (MCS) - combat orders and diagrams - appendices to combat orders;

- from the automated control system with field artillery fire (AFATDS) - messages about fire support;

- from the automated control system for processing and analyzing intelligence data - data with the results of intelligence;

- from the ACS of military air defense (AMDPCS) - data of the air situation, including warnings about the threat of an air attack;

The FBCB2 system, in turn, transmits the following data to the ABCS ACS:

- in the CSSCS ACS - information on the state of material and technical supply, generalized to the company level;

- in the MCS ACS - situational awareness data and the geographical position of the ground forces and army aviation (in the air);

- in the ASAS ACS - data on situational awareness and the geographical position of ground forces and army aviation (in the air), as well as reconnaissance reports;

- in the AFATDS ACS - requests for fire support and reports on the results of fire support.

The picture of the tactical situation is constantly updated, and using dynamic filter settings, without operator intervention, it is displayed on the FBCB2 screens in the form of a combat situation map. Many automatic functions minimize the need for operator input of data or commands through the keyboard. Any operator can contact any serviceman of the brigade on the task he is solving, and not on the position in the network.

However, the most serious drawback of the system is the fact that the situations and the location of objects of the brigade link and below, displayed by means of the FBCB2 software, cannot be displayed by means of higher-level software without their preliminary manual processing.

The screenshots below show the position of objects in the area of the Baghdad airport, displayed by means of the FBCB2 software and by means of the ACCS software of a higher instance (possibly control 4 md).


Displaying the location of individual objects (military and other equipment) of the brigade link and below, using the FBCB2 software against the background of an aerial photograph

Pay attention to the different interface of the programs used to display the tactical situation:


Display of the tactical situation (the position of the units) against the background of an aerial photograph in the area of the airport of St. Baghdad by means of software used by a senior management authority after manual data processing.

10. Prospects

It is bad form for Americans to stop at what they have achieved.

Therefore, efforts are currently being made in the US Army and Marine Corps to comprehensively improve situational awareness, down to the squad leader (individual soldier) level. At the same time, those systems of the hardware part of the system are being improved, which are planned to be installed on transport and combat platforms, including more "advanced" ones (compared to the HMMWV family of vehicles) in the pictures below:


According to American experts, the new hardware and software systems should provide timely, adaptable command, control and situational awareness (C2) services for all levels of tactical echelon, which will expand the possibilities of using tactical units.


In addition, they must increase the efficiency of combat and reduce the risk of loss of control due to a high level of information protection, quick system recovery and comprehensive compatibility within a single information space, including with command posts above the brigade. The system differs from the previous version of the software by more advanced network services and a convenient user interface.

At the same time, several versions of wearable hardware and software systems are being tested at the same time (in the pictures below).

In addition, the next generation of software is being implemented, installed on wearable platforms, which are identical in functionality to smartphones “Personal digital assistants”. The Joint Battle Command-Platform (JBC-P) software is another upgrade to the Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below software package.

The purpose of the implementation of the Joint Battle Command-Platform is to achieve full information interaction between aviation, ground combat vehicles, soldiers in the combat formations of units, sea-based platforms and higher-level control systems. JBC-P is the basis for achieving interoperability of combat units.

Currently, the system developers are testing various variants of computer wearable platforms. The work on choosing the best option will last until November 2012.

Below are several wearable options for hardware and software systems and information display facilities from various manufacturers.


In addition to this work, the US Marine Corps planned to implement and deploy a portable, personal system known as C2CE (Command and Control Compact Edition), which is, in fact, a software application for Windows Mobile wireless gadgets and provides soldiers with navigation and reconnaissance information. The system also allows the commander to observe and edit the common tactical picture, but unlike the JBC-P, which includes hardware, software and networking solutions, C2CE is only a smartphone and pocket computer application. As stated, both systems will be fully informational compatible.


Assessing the direction of development of these systems as promising, many American companies, on their own initiative, began to develop secure personal and mobile computers. For example, Lockheed Martin announced in early June 2010 the development of a protected tactical personal computer (Tactical Digital Assistant) for field units. The computer must be capable of installing both FBCB2 software and JBC-P applications and be capable of processing and transmitting classified information across the tactical network. The performance of the computer and networks should be sufficient for streaming video and processing information from tactical sensors.

As for the interaction of the FBCB2 system with other ACS of the US Armed Forces, the solution to the problem of practical implementation of the key provisions of the "network-centric" concept of "combat control based on a single information and communication space" with each other information and computer networks of various scales - from local to global, with high mobility, bandwidth and speed of deployment.

The united information and communication system in the US Armed Forces is created taking into account centrally developed plans for the formation of an organizational structure, hardware and software based on technological advances in the commercial sphere and adapted for use in adverse environmental conditions, both in command and control bodies and on board combat and supporting platforms. According to the views of American military scientists, the fulfillment of the above requirements should lead to the formation of such a new operational-strategic concept as "theater infosphere." which takes the form of a network of networks "all-encompassing, completely indissoluble, covering all space from the surface of the Earth to space."


However, for all tactical-level control systems, the critical issue in solving this problem is still the issue of the bandwidth of communication channels.

Nevertheless, the implementation of this global task should ensure in full:

- distribution of data on the tactical situation;

- increasing navigation capabilities, accuracy of determining the geographic position;

- coordination of actions of forces, clearly indicating the plan, intentions of the commander and maneuver schemes;

- improving the management of logistics / use of material resources;

- the ability for the technical means of the control system to work in motion;

- better integration of various technical means of reconnaissance (sensors) into the complex of technical support of the control system;

- reducing the likelihood of hitting its own troops with fire;

- designation of subsequent goals (tasks);

- concentration of efforts / fire;

- improving the planning of hostilities;

- adding additional tools that can be used in the development and adoption of a decision.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the US Army Command highly appreciates the results of using automated control and communication systems in conflicts of the late XX - early XXI century and is interested in their further improvement by creating a unified infrastructure that will significantly improve the interaction of command and control bodies at all levels, improve the quality of their received commanders of decisions and their communication to subordinates, to ensure the achievement of overwhelming superiority over any enemy.

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