Life Extension Program. Challenger 2 main tanks modernization program

Life Extension Program. Challenger 2 main tanks modernization program
Life Extension Program. Challenger 2 main tanks modernization program

In 2013, the British Army Command launched the Challenger 2 Life Extension Program (CLEP / LEP). Their goal is to create a project for the modernization of the main battle tanks "Challenger-2", which will improve their basic characteristics and ensure the extension of service life. According to the results of the Challenger 2 LEP program, tanks will have to continue service until at least the mid-thirties. At the same time, they will have to meet current and future requirements.

The British branch of BAE Systems and the land sector of the German concern Rheinmetall are participating in the competition for the development of a project for the modernization of tanks. By now, they have completed the design and have already presented experienced tanks. In the near future, the British military will have to test and compare two samples, after which they will have to make a choice and conclude an agreement for the serial modernization of tanks.

Bae black night

In the fall of last year, BAE Systems showed for the first time a prototype of its version of the upgraded Challenger 2. Other organizations were involved in the project as suppliers of certain components. The updated tank was named Black Night and the prototype has a matching black paint job. By now, the experienced tank has been out for testing. There is information about the demonstration of the machine to representatives of the British military department.

Life Extension Program. Challenger 2 main tanks modernization program
Life Extension Program. Challenger 2 main tanks modernization program

Experienced tank Black Night. Photo BAE Systems /

The Black Night project involves limited rework of the original design. It is proposed to improve the main characteristics only by replacing part of the equipment, primarily the fire control system and communications. The hull and turret remain the same, and the power plant is not affected either. The armament complex retains its basic elements, but should receive new ones. This approach to modernization is expected to provide an optimal cost / benefit ratio.

The upgraded tank retains its own protection, including the standard frontal barriers based on the Chobham / Dorchester combined armor. The survivability increase is provided by several new systems. It is proposed to use a laser irradiation warning system with data output to the OMS. It is also proposed to use the Rafael Trophy active protection complex with two launchers for protective ammunition. The standard means of setting up smoke screens are preserved.

BAE Systems engineers do not propose to abandon the existing weapons; combat qualities should be improved due to modern devices from the OMS. The use of combined (day-night) sights of the commander and gunner is envisaged. The commander is invited to use the Safran Paseo panoramic sight; two devices from Leonardo are intended for the gunner. Other fire control devices are being replaced, which, it is argued, should increase the main characteristics and ensure effective operation in the "hunter-killer" mode.


An armored vehicle in the assembly shop. Photo

The new OMS receives appropriate controls. The commander's and gunner's consoles are proposed to be built on the basis of modern components. The crew workstations are also equipped with communication facilities with the ability to receive and transmit data on the situation on the battlefield. In terms of the instrumentation of the crew's workplaces and a number of other on-board systems, the Black Night tank is partially unified with the promising Ajax family of armored combat vehicles. It is expected that this feature will simplify the retraining of personnel to work on vehicles of different classes.

For some reason, the project "Dark Night" does not provide for standard solutions for our time in the field of auxiliary weapons. The machine gun on the roof of the tower is used with an open installation, and not with a remotely controlled weapon station.

Replacement of onboard equipment should not have a significant effect on the dimensions and weight of the tank. In addition, the mobility characteristics should remain at the same level. Thus, we are talking about increasing the overall performance of the tank only by increasing the security provided by additional systems and improved weapons control. According to BAE Systems, this approach provides the best combination of performance and cost.


View from a different angle. Photo

It should be recalled that BAE Systems engineers are currently developing another project aimed at modernizing Challenger 2 tanks. The goal of the HAAIP (Heavy Armor Automotive Improvement Program) project is to create a new complex of hinged armor. To compensate for the additional mass and maintain mobility, a new power unit with increased power can be developed. However, the LEP and HAAIP projects are being developed separately and without direct communication with each other.

Rheinmetall Challenger 2 LEP

A few weeks ago, the German concern Rheinmetall first published materials on its version of the Challenger 2 Life Extension Program. By this time, a prototype had already been built, which, moreover, managed to pass part of the necessary tests. Now the project is being fine-tuned; the customer was already able to evaluate the resulting tank.

Rheinmetall's Challenger 2 LEP project uses the same approaches as in the competing development, but they are implemented differently and complemented by other solutions. So, it is proposed to use a completely new tower with modern equipment. It houses new fire control devices and other weapons. The German project provides for the abandonment of the standard L30A1 rifled gun in favor of the smoothbore gun, which is more familiar to modern tanks. As part of a separate project, which is not directly related to LEP, the issue of replacing the power unit with a more powerful one is being worked out. No measures have yet been taken to enhance protection. There are no additional hinged modules or active protection complex.


Tower close-up. Photo BAE Systems /

The standard Challenger 2 tower in the Rheinmetall project is being replaced by a new welded structure. The dome is built using modern grades of armor steel and other materials that enhance the protection of the frontal projection. The front and central parts of the turret are given under the habitable part of the fighting compartment, while the stern holds the ammunition rack. The volumes for the shots are made insulated and equipped with knockout panels.

German designers propose to abandon the standard British-made cannon and replace it with a product from Rheinmetall. Provides for the use of a 120-mm smoothbore gun with a barrel length of 55 calibers. Replacing the gun allows you to get an increase in combat characteristics, as well as to ensure unification with other NATO tanks, solving the old problem of the British army.

Having received the new cannon, the Challenger 2 LEP will be able to use all types of NATO-standard 120mm tank shells. Also, two new ammunition is being developed for British tanks. These are the DM53 armor-piercing feathered projectile and the DM11 high-explosive fragmentation projectile with a programmable fuse. These two products have already been tested and are showing good results.


Challenger 2 LEP from Rheinmetall. Photo

It is alleged that during testing, a prototype from Rheinmetall fired at a target in the form of an outdated main tank using the DM53. The sub-caliber projectile pierced the upper frontal part, passed through the internal volume of the target and flew out through the stern sheet. This shows the high potential of a promising armor-piercing projectile. However, the most interesting details of such tests have not been published.

The Rheinmetall project also proposes the use of a completely new LMS and modern devices from its composition. The commander and gunner rely on combined sights on the current component base. There is a ballistic computer that takes into account all the necessary parameters, an automatic target tracking, etc. The OMS is connected to the communication facilities providing the transmission of data on the situation on the battlefield.

The modernization of the Challenger 2 tank, offered by the Rheinmetall concern, provides for a major design update with the introduction of a large number of new elements. At the same time, it has almost no effect on the dimensions and weight of the armored vehicle. In the future, at the request of the customer, the Challenger 2 LEP tank can receive increased armor, which will increase its weight. In this case, a promising power unit of increased power is already being created at Rheinmetal. However, so far the modernization project provides for the use of the existing chassis without major changes.


The tank is being tested. Photo AlexT /

Customer's choice

To date, the participants in the CLEP program have completed the design and brought prototypes of the upgraded tanks for testing. In the near future, comparative tests should take place, during which the British army will be able to assess the real capabilities of technology and choose a more successful model. What will be the choice of the command is unknown. Both modernization projects have strengths and weaknesses, and the army can choose either of them.

An interesting fact is that recently, work on Black Night and Challenger 2 LEP is being carried out under the control of the Rheinmetall concern. At the end of January, it was announced that Rheinmetall and BAE Systems were forming a joint venture based on the latter's UK land-based technology division. 55% of the new company Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land (RBSL) is now owned by the German concern, the remaining 45% - BAE Systems. Thus, both existing projects for the modernization of British tanks were in charge of the German industrialists.

Almost immediately it was announced that the structural changes would not affect the course of the CLEP program. Rheinmetall and RBSL will continue independent work on two projects, and both updated tanks will be presented to the customer. Regardless of the choice of the army, the modernization of equipment will be carried out by the forces of RBSL. The joint venture will be able to master the renewal of equipment for any of the new projects.


An experienced Rheinmetall tank is firing. Photo

Currently, the Royal Armored Corps operates 227 Challenger 2 main tanks. Several dozen more are used as training vehicles or are in storage. According to current plans, all combat armored vehicles will be upgraded under the CLEP program. Whether other equipment will be updated is not specified. Apparently, the modernization of tanks from storage is not considered necessary.

The army should choose the winner of the competition soon. Serial restructuring of equipment will begin shortly thereafter. It will take several years to update all the required tanks, and this process will be completed in the middle or in the second half of the next decade. Modernization, as well as repair and extension of the service life will allow the Challengers-2 to operate until 2035. At the same time, it is expected that they will maintain acceptable combat and operational characteristics.

Thus, Great Britain has decided on its plans for the development of armored vehicles for the next decade and a half, but has not yet chosen a specific project for implementation in practice. The existing tanks must undergo modernization aimed at extending the service life and improving the basic characteristics and qualities. What will happen after 2035 is not yet fully clear. If there are plans for this period, the command has not yet announced them. So far, only one thing is clear. In the near future, all Challenger 2 battle tanks will undergo repair and modernization, which will allow them to continue their service.
