In the 14th century, various types of firearms spread throughout Europe, including early artillery systems. The development of artillery quickly enough led to the appearance of the bombard - a heavy large-caliber cannon with monstrous destructive power and an extremely low rate of fire. Naturally, there were similar systems in Russia.
Historical issues
It should be noted that the study of Russian bombards and other artillery can be significantly hampered by a number of characteristic factors. First of all, this is a certain lack of historical documents. The authors of the famous chronicles, describing the weapons of the rati, usually did not go into details. The documents of the Pushkar order could be more useful, but they have repeatedly died in fires.
The study of the topic is also hampered by the problem of classification. Historical sources often do not distinguish between artillery of different classes. The terms bombarda, cannon, squeaky, or mattress can be used synonymously. The definition of a bombard as a large-caliber cannon appeared much later.
Finally, there is a certain lack of real samples. Large-caliber guns, by the standards of the XIV-XVI centuries. were extremely complex and expensive, and not the cheapest raw materials were used for their manufacture. They tried to use them until the resource was fully depleted and then sent to be melted down. As a result, only a few Russian guns survived, corresponding to the "traditional" definition of a bombard.
Bombard history
It is believed that Russia got acquainted with artillery in the last quarter of the 14th century, and these were German-made weapons. In just the next few decades, Moscow and Tver armed their troops with similar systems - they were purchased from foreigners, and at the same time they were developing their own production.
By this time, European gunsmiths had already managed to create the first weapons that can be classified as "classic" bombards. Similar ideas got to the Russian foundry workers and led to well-known consequences. By the course of the XV century. the Russian army received its first bombards. Judging by the surviving samples, the early guns of this kind were distinguished by their modest dimensions and caliber, but in the future there was a tendency towards an increase in these parameters.

A striking example of early Russian bombardments is the items stored in the Military-Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering Troops and Signal Corps (St. Petersburg). They have wrought iron barrels ranging from 75 to 110 mm, mounted on wooden decks. The chambers were removable for reloading.
Later iron specimens of 230 and 520 mm caliber have also survived with a relatively short barrel length. The total length of these items is 1, 4 m and 77 cm, respectively. In their appearance, such bombards generally correspond to foreign systems of that time.
A new stage in the development of Russian artillery began in the last quarter of the 15th century. and is associated with the name of the Italian engineer Aristotle Fioravanti. In Moscow, he worked as an architect, fortification builder and weapons engineer. Having received the position of chief of artillery, A. Fioravanti ensured the development of new technologies brought from leading foreign countries. In the same period, other Italian masters came to Russia.
In 1488Italian Pavel Debosis cast the first weapon of a new class for our army - the copper (bronze) bombard "Peacock". She had a large caliber and could shoot stone cannonballs weighing 13 pounds (more than 210 kg). On the model of foreign bombard "Peacock" had a conical expanding bore and a narrowed charging chamber.
Two other iconic bombards appeared in the middle of the 16th century. The German gunsmith Kashpir Ganusov in 1554 cast the so-called. Kashpirovu gun with a caliber of 530 mm. The gun had a barrel 4, 88 and weighed 1200 pounds (more than 19, 6 tons). An important feature of the "Kashpirovaya Cannon" was the cylindrical bore. The standard ammunition was a 330-kg stone cannonball.
A year later, Stepan Petrov cast the second "Peacock" under 245 kg of cannonballs. This bombard was 4, 8 m long and weighed 16, 7 tons. Probably, the name for this weapon was chosen due to the similarity of the designs.

In 1568 Andrey Chokhov, a student of K. Ganusov, cast his first cannon. Subsequently, he made many guns of all basic types, from light arquebuses to heavy bombards. His most famous creation was the Tsar Cannon in 1586. This bronze weapon was more than 5.3 m long with a caliber of 890 mm and a mass of more than 39 tons.
The era of heavy artillery
By the second half of the 16th century. developed artillery appeared in the Russian army, having different systems, incl. weapons of "great and special power". For example, during the Livonian War, up to fifty light and the same number of heavy guns could be used in one operation - the latter included several bombards.
Kashpirov and Stepanov's cannon together with "Peacocks" were regularly used in the siege and capture of enemy fortresses. Such a weapon was very difficult to operate and did not differ in the rate of fire, but the heavy stone cores made it possible to make gaps in the fortress walls. However, it took a lot of time.
Due to a number of characteristic factors, bombardments in the Russian army have never been the basis of artillery and have always remained a small means for solving special problems. Later, with the development of fortification and artillery, the need for large-caliber systems for a stone or cast-iron core was gradually reduced.
By the second half of the 17th century. such weapons have actually fallen into disuse. It should be noted that in Russia this happened later than in other countries. European fortress builders took the necessary measures already at the beginning of the 16th century, after which the use of bombardments diminished sharply.
It is known that before the beginning of the 18th century. several large-caliber bombs were stored in Moscow. These and other guns lay under guard on one of the sections of Red Square. In 1701, after the Narva confusion, Peter I ordered to transfer some of the outdated cannons from storage to modern models. The Kashpirov cannon and one of the Peacocks (which one is unknown) were melted down.

The other bombards were more fortunate. Some historical samples later, under various circumstances, ended up in museums. The Tsar Cannon remained in the Kremlin, and later acquired an ornate gun carriage and decorative cannonballs. However, the bulk of the heavy guns - as well as other obsolete artillery systems - were melted down due to damage or due to obsolescence.
In the second half of the 17th century. such weapons went out of service and gave way to more convenient and effective weapons. Therefore, the melting down of bombards into cannons was expected and logical - albeit unfair in relation to unique historical samples.
Design features
By their design, Russian bombards were close to foreign ones. The same applied to the methods of combat use. Large-caliber guns for a stone core were used during sieges and assaults to destroy the fortress walls. Also, defensive use was not ruled out in some circumstances.
Early bombards had a barrel of limited length (no more than 5-7 calibers) and diameter. The barrel was made by forge welding of iron strips, which limited its strength and other characteristics. Later, Fryazh craftsmen helped to master bronze casting, which made it possible to increase the power of the guns. At the same time, the caliber grew, but the proportions of the barrel remained the same.
Most bombards had a special barrel design. The canal containing the cannon was usually tapered and slightly widened towards the muzzle. The breech contained a chamber of a smaller diameter with thick walls. The outer surface of the weapon was decorated with patterns, covered with inscriptions, etc. Brackets were provided for transportation and management.
Bombards were not equipped with a standard gun carriage and needed special means. They were transported to the place of application using horse traction and log rollers. A wooden frame was built at the position, on which the gun was laid. At the back, the product was propped up by masonry or logs that take on recoil.

The process of loading a large-caliber bombard was difficult and time-consuming, because of which it could fire no more than a few shots a day. After each shot, it was required to restore the aiming and a new loading procedure. With each shot, a multi-pound cannonball inflicted serious damage to any fortress walls, and for several days of continuous firing, the gunners could make a gap for the subsequent assault.
Spherical stone cores weighing up to hundreds of kilograms were initially used as ammunition. Later, mainly abroad, cast iron cores of larger mass appeared. Throwing heavy ammunition was associated with increased loads on the barrel and led to its rapid wear. As the resource depleted, bombards were often transferred to shotguns - for firing with stone shot. Then the weapon was “written off” and melted down.
The special power of the Middle Ages
One of the reasons for the appearance and development of artillery, which led to the appearance of the "classic" bombard, was the improvement of fortification. Large-caliber guns could slowly but surely destroy any fortress. They were highly sophisticated but effective tools for solving special problems.
Bombards appeared abroad, but the Russian army did not stand aside. In the XIV-XV centuries. our troops received all the necessary samples of artillery, including large and special power. Such weapons have been used in numerous battles and have shown themselves well - despite the low operational characteristics.
However, the development of military affairs continued, and already in the 17th century. the bombard has lost its potential. Now, for the storming of the fortresses, different weapons and means were required, and almost all outdated Russian bombards were recycled. After themselves, they left mostly only the most general descriptions and a noticeable mark on Russian military history.