The missile forces and artillery of the Russian ground forces are busy mastering new types of equipment and weapons. After a long process of development and testing, the modern Tornado-S multiple launch rocket system entered service. This year, the army received the first production samples of this type and, having mastered them, conducted the first live firing. In the future, the number of MLRS "Tornado-S" will increase.
Made and handed over
On May 19, RIA Novosti, with reference to the deputy general director of the Tekhmash concern, Alexander Kochkin, reported on the current work in the field of MLRS. The representative of the organization said that this year the enterprises of the concern manufactured and handed over to the Russian army the first brigade set of 9K551 Tornado-S systems. The equipment was put into pilot operation.

In addition, Tekhmash organizations have worked out the documentation for upgrading the existing Smerch MLRS to the Tornado-S state. A. Kochkin also said that last year the concern and the Ministry of Defense signed a contract for the supply of rockets for new MLRS. For the first time in this area, an agreement was concluded for a long period - until 2027.
The appearance of such a contract allows the contractor organization to more efficiently draw up plans, prepare cooperation, etc. However, there are also some problems. Thus, the growth of value added tax and inflationary processes can affect the proceeds of Techmash.
It should be noted that reports on the start of operation of the newest MLRS "Tornado-S" arrived a little earlier. Back in January, the domestic media reported on the imminent delivery of serial complexes to the troops. The 439th Guards Rocket Artillery Brigade from the Southern Military District was named the first operator of the Tornado-S.
At the end of April, at the Kapustin Yar training ground, exercises of missile forces and artillery were held, in which more than 1,000 people and over 100 pieces of equipment, including the Tornado-S complexes, took part. The latter practiced preparation for firing and firing. Fire missions were solved using single and group strikes.
Tornado program
The program of deep modernization of the existing MLRS of the Russian army with the general name "Tornado" was launched at the turn of the last decades. The Tornado-G project provided for the upgrade of the Grad systems, and the name Tornado-S refers to the modernized Smerch. Through the introduction of new communication and control equipment and the development of improved rockets, it was proposed to increase the range and accuracy of fire. At the same time, the new equipment was supposed to provide the possibility of modernizing the equipment of combat units.
According to known data, the experienced 9K551 "Tornado-S" went for testing back in 2016. Subsequently, the necessary improvements and improvements were carried out, as a result of which the MLRS received a recommendation for adoption. Last year, representatives of the army have repeatedly talked about the imminent start of deliveries of serial systems to the troops. By now, the first brigade set has begun service.
After modernization under the Tornado-S project, the 9A52 combat vehicle of the Smerch MLRS receives the designation 9A54. In the course of modernization, it is equipped with new on-board control and communication equipment (ABUS), an automated guidance and fire control system (ASUNO), as well as navigation devices that receive signals from satellite systems. All this leads to a serious change in the crew's jobs and a noticeable increase in the main characteristics.
New equipment speeds up and simplifies preparation for firing. Satellite navigation is used for more accurate and faster topographic location, ABUS provides data reception, including target designation, and with the help of ASUNO, automatic calculation of data for firing is carried out with subsequent guidance control. The introduction of new components on the 9A54 launcher allows faster solving of the assigned tasks, and also increases the accuracy of fire.

The 9A54 combat vehicle retains the existing launcher and can use existing 300-mm rockets. Within the framework of the Tornado-S project, new versions of such ammunition were created, which have significant differences from the previous ones. Thus, the 9M542 product is capable of delivering a high-explosive fragmentation or warhead to a range of up to 100-120 km. The 9M534 projectile was developed, the payload of which is a reconnaissance UAV.
In view of certain problems characteristic of long-range unguided projectiles, the new missiles are equipped with homing means. GOS ammunition based on a satellite navigation system is capable of hitting targets with known coordinates with high accuracy. In the future, new types of shells with different capabilities may appear. Earlier it was reported about the fundamental possibility of creating a 300-mm missile with a range of up to 150-170 km or more.
Thus, the new MLRS 9K551 "Tornado-S" differs from the base "Smerch" by a wider range of ammunition and improved tactical and technical characteristics. Depending on the assigned tasks, "Tornado-S" can operate as a multiple launch rocket system or take over the functions of an operational-tactical missile system. The advantages of such a system are obvious.
Construction and modernization
Projects of the Tornado family provide for both the construction of combat vehicles from scratch and the modernization of finished models. According to the latest information, the first brigade set of MLRS "Tornado-S" includes completely new machines. In the future, the production of such equipment can continue, and in parallel, the modernization of machines taken from combat units will be carried out.
According to open data, the ground forces of the Russian army have at least a hundred MLRS "Smerch" in the basic version. The delivery of the first brigade set, including several dozen units of equipment, has recently been completed - the exact number of the new Tornado-S has not yet been announced. Earlier, foreign sources mentioned 12 Tornado-S units, which were transferred to the troops for various tests and after they were put into operation.
MLRS "Smerch" are in service with several formations of the ground forces of the Russian army. Two brigades have already received modernized or completely new equipment that increases their combat effectiveness. In the foreseeable future, the Tornado-S systems will be supplied to other connections as well. By building new samples and modernizing existing ones, a complete or almost complete replacement of older multiple launch rocket systems will be performed.
The Russian Ministry of Defense has not yet clarified such plans, but it can be assumed that over the next few years, at least most of the available MLRS will undergo deep modernization on the new project. Fighting vehicles that cannot be repaired and restored can be replaced with samples of new construction. Thus, in the medium term, the modern 9K551 Tornado-S will form the basis of the large-caliber MLRS grouping.
In addition to Russia, the Smerch-type MLRS are used by fourteen foreign countries. They may be interested in an improved version of this complex, which allows us to expect the appearance of the first export contracts. Foreign customers can purchase new 9A54 machines and related equipment, or order the modernization of existing equipment.
However, the main task of the industry so far is to update the fleet of equipment and arsenals of the Russian army. The first brigade set "Tornado-S" has already been handed over to the customer, delivered to the unit and even used during the exercise. It should be expected that soon similar news will begin to come from other formations of the ground forces.