A few words about the new heavy rocket

A few words about the new heavy rocket
A few words about the new heavy rocket

Rice. from vpk site

While on the Internet and in the corridors of the State Department (which is similar in terms of the level of thinking) useless disputes about bilateral violations by the US and Russia of the INF Treaty do not subside, which, without any documentary evidence (with the exception of American "targets"), looks rather stupid, the community has lagged a little behind the upcoming changes in the field of global containment, relying only on existing developments. The unreasonable claims of the States (including September) are also striking, although the extreme launch of the "Rubezh" at the "required" range put everything in its place to the utmost

The current concept of US and NATO warfare envisages achieving the maximum number of goals of a war or conflict as quickly and efficiently as possible. In this vein, most of the samples of the so-called. "smart weapons", high-precision weapons and "rapid global strike" weapons. The characteristic features of the future use of such weapons are the speed of delivery to the target, controlled escalation of the conflict (to ensure the maximum reduction in the likelihood of reciprocal use of weapons of mass destruction), high accuracy and high combat effectiveness of the use (ideally: one shot - one hit).

Despite the presence in the Doctrine of the Russian Federation of the postulate on the use of nuclear weapons in response to aggression with the use of conventional weapons, it also states that such use is possible only if the very existence of the state is threatened. Of course, in the conditions of opening a massive missile launch by the RF warning system, a retaliatory strike will be carried out immediately. However, in the conditions of a gradual increase in the intensity of the conflict, the choice of the moment and methods of attacking with strategic weapons is significantly complicated and, first of all, this is due to the undesirability of escalating the conflict into a nuclear one without a threat from the enemy to implement "total destruction".

Naturally, from a certain moment, the use of tactical nuclear weapons and strategic non-nuclear weapons, such as the KR Kh-101, will begin. However, such a weapon in a conflict of medium intensity is also not a panacea. Tactical nuclear weapons solve tactical problems. In this case, the main blow will fall on targets in Europe, but the structure of the state of a probable overseas adversary will not suffer. There are not enough conventional cruise missiles yet, and they have a number of vulnerabilities in this class of weapons.

At the same time, the currently existing ICBM missile systems cannot solve problems in this phase of the development of the conflict, since all are nuclear-equipped. Although they have a number of fundamental advantages - short time from decision-making to launch, short delivery time of ammunition to the target, high delivery reliability (no enemy air defense influence, high probability of overcoming missile defense when using modern KSP means).

To expand the capabilities of the Russian Federation in such conditions, it was decided to equip the new heavy missile under development with non-nuclear combat equipment. This has already been mentioned in passing by some current and former military leaders.

However, the fundamental novelty is not to put a high-explosive or fragmentation part on a rocket - this is too expensive and ineffective, especially in relation to a heavy missile system.

As a result of the joint work of the military and defense industry specialists, a fundamentally new solution was proposed. The novelty lies in the high combat effectiveness due to the fusion of three technologies: classic missile, hypersonic gliding and a fundamentally new warhead. All of these technologies exist and are tested. Now they are being implemented in practice. The fusion of technology promises to create a very formidable and versatile weapon.

Rocket technologies exist and have been worked out for a long time. The design of the new heavy missile is based on time-tested solutions and has all the advantages of such missiles. In addition, the interchangeability of combat equipment will provide both the possibility of using classic nuclear weapons and new warheads. This will ensure greater flexibility in combat use in various conditions of the situation and the development of a military conflict.

The missile is planned to be equipped with several third-generation hypersonic maneuvering units, work on which is now being carried out in parallel with the second-generation products that have already flown, which are now being tested for another RK. The first was the Albatross. Products of the second generation, which are now being tested, although they fly, still have a number of fundamental childhood diseases of the new technology. In the third generation, the experience of failures has already been taken into account, new structural materials and control systems have been used on a new element base.

A few words about the new heavy rocket
A few words about the new heavy rocket

The movement of the aircraft data is not recorded by the enemy's HIDDEN, since the flight occurs below the zone of action of the HIDDEN radar. The rocket will practically not leave the atmosphere, which will create difficulties not only for the ground echelon of the SPYAU, but also for the space one. And maneuvering blocks and bypassing missile defense / air defense zones will prevent the calculation of the aiming point and hitting blocks on the way to the target.

A fundamental difference from previously existing samples of such systems is a significant reduction in size and weight due to the use of a new control system and new materials, which will allow several such devices to be placed on the rocket.

But the real "highlight" of the complex will be several versions of its warhead. Along with classic nuclear warheads of various power, a completely new one will also be used. Previously, systems based on similar principles have not been used in the world. Despite the fact that this warhead is non-nuclear, the effectiveness of its use is comparable to the use of an ultra-low-power nuclear charge and significantly exceeds the use of the most powerful explosives. Kinetics makes an additional contribution to the power of the explosion, which is unattainable when using classical RCs with their warheads. Work on this topic is carried out in very limited cooperation, while the integration of the results and the military-strategic justification is carried out by the 4 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense. Naturally, the technical details of this work are not communicated not only to the Headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces, but also to us, however, some of the declared and confirmed key capabilities of this system are really impressive.

It is hoped that at a new stage in the development of missile technologies, the presence of several heavy missiles in the Shlyambur version of equipment will make it possible, along with the nuclear one, to carry out effective non-nuclear destruction of fortified objects, command posts, power plants, dams and other especially important objects on the enemy's territory with a high probability and in the shortest possible time, which will significantly make it possible to influence the armed conflict at various stages of its development.
