HeliRussia-2016 exhibition was held in Moscow

HeliRussia-2016 exhibition was held in Moscow
HeliRussia-2016 exhibition was held in Moscow

At the end of last week, another exhibition of helicopter technology HeliRussia-2016 was held in Moscow. For the ninth time, domestic and foreign companies had the opportunity to show their new developments, as well as get acquainted with other people's achievements. Also, potential customers were able to find out the current trends in the development of helicopter technology, as well as select suppliers of the required machines. Specialists and technology enthusiasts were able to familiarize themselves with the latest in helicopter engineering from May 19 to May 21.

The HeliRussia exhibition has already become one of the main Russian platforms for demonstrating new developments in the field of helicopter engineering. This year the exhibition was attended by 219 organizations from Russia, including almost fifty representatives from 16 foreign countries. Some of the participants of the exhibition showed their developments at their own stands in the form of advertising materials and layouts, and some enterprises presented ready-made equipment of various classes. Visitors to the exhibition had the opportunity to see new developments both in the pavilion and in the static parking lot. The open area presents 16 machines of different types of domestic and foreign production.

The program of the last exhibition HeliRussia-2016 was attended by a large number of different events. During the three days of the salon, several conferences, meetings, presentations and demonstration events were held. For example, a number of organizations, primarily engaged in the development of unmanned vehicles, have conducted several flight demonstrations of such systems. In particular, there were races and battles of unmanned aerial vehicles.


The recognized leaders of the domestic helicopter industry this time did without high-profile premieres, but showed a number of interesting machines with great prospects. For example, the Moscow Helicopter Plant. M. L. Mil showed the second flight copy of the Mi-38 multipurpose helicopter. This machine has already received sufficient fame, and in addition, it is already preparing for mass production. Last year it was reported that the Kazan Helicopter Plant had started assembling the units of the first serial Mi-38. Also at the end of last year, this helicopter received a certificate that opened the way for it to operate.

In the context of further development of domestic helicopters, the equipment presented by the Kronstadt group is of great interest. The stand of this organization showed the KBO-62 avionics complex designed for the Ka-62 multipurpose helicopter. The KBO-62 complex is built on the basis of modern components and has a number of basic functions that ensure helicopter piloting in different conditions. In addition, the principle of the so-called. glass cockpit, to some extent simplifying the work of the crew. It should be noted that the KBO-62 complex for the Ka-62 helicopter is similar to the IKBO-38 system developed for the Mi-38, but has a number of differences related to the smaller size of the vehicle and other requirements for control systems.

The leading European helicopter manufacturer Airbus Helicopters showed its new developments in the form of mock-ups. First of all, the foreign organization intended to once again demonstrate to potential customers the H135 helicopter intended for medical aviation. This vehicle is capable of transporting two doctors and one bedridden patient. Also on board there is a set of medical equipment to provide assistance. In February 2016, a contract was signed for the licensed production of such helicopters in Yekaterinburg. Another novelty from Airbus Helicopters is the H160 multipurpose helicopter. The car, the layout of which was shown in Moscow, is intended for various transport tasks.

The exhibitors also presented a number of new technologies that will be used in the further development of helicopter technology. By introducing new ideas and solutions, it is planned to improve the characteristics of new equipment of various classes and types.

Central Institute of Aviation Motors. P. I. Baranova (CIAM) showed a number of samples made using new technologies. So, the application of parts made of composite materials in the design of turboshaft engines is being tested. The use of composites makes it possible to reduce the mass of the structure by 30-60%. The development of new technologies necessary for the creation of aircraft piston engines is also underway. At present, CIAM specialists pay special attention to new piston engines and small-sized gas turbine power plants for civil purposes. Such developments should increase the competitiveness of the domestic aircraft industry.

Russian Helicopters and Teplodinamika holding intend to test a new fuel system next year, which will be able to reduce potential risks in the event of an accident. Currently, the development of new units for the Ka-226T helicopter is underway, next year the system will be installed on a carrier and flight tests will be carried out. Through the use of new materials and technologies, it is planned to exclude damage to fuel tanks and fuel splashing under mechanical stress. This will reduce the likelihood of a fuel spill and fire in the event of an emergency landing or vehicle fall. The Ka-226T will be the first to receive the new system; in the future, similar units can be created for other types of helicopter technology.

The development of the domestic helicopter industry, demonstrated by the HeliRussia-2016 exhibition, allows the continued operation of existing equipment, as well as mastering new samples. For obvious reasons, the main goal of the exhibition is to promote developments in the domestic Russian market. According to available data, in 2015, 2605 helicopters of various types were registered in Russia, which was 129 more than in 2014. Statistics for the current year have not yet been summed up, but opinions are already being expressed about a possible reduction in growth rates.

Nevertheless, the Russian industry continues to develop helicopter technology and offers it for order. Foreign companies also want to get new contracts, and therefore take part in HeliRussia exhibitions. The results of advertising activities of helicopter-building companies and the success of their participation in the completed exhibition will become known in the near future. If these or those presented samples interested potential buyers, then very soon negotiations on the terms of new contracts should begin.
