Not so long ago, the Russian industry presented its first loitering munition - an unmanned aerial vehicle capable of reconnaissance and attacking a designated target with a direct hit. A new product of this class is being demonstrated for the first time at the Army-2019 military-technical forum. The Zala Aero Group, part of the Kalashnikov concern, has shown a new Lancet UAV.

Development of ideas
It is reported that the appearance of "Lancet" in two versions is directly related to a previous project of this kind. Loitering ammunition Zala "Cube" received good marks, but not without criticism. Potential customers pointed out the need to refine the on-board electronics and the operator's console: it was required to ensure the preservation of video communication until the moment it hit the target. These wishes were taken into account in the new project.
In addition, conclusions were drawn regarding the overall architecture and aerodynamic appearance of the UAV. As a result, the new Lancet is completely different from the previous Cube. The new design provides certain advantages of a technical and operational nature.
Under the name "Lancet", two versions of the strike UAV are presented. Products "Lancet-1" and "Lancet-3" are unified in terms of the airframe and parts of the internal systems. The differences lie in the payload and performance characteristics. The devices carry warheads of different masses, and also differ in take-off weight and flight duration.
New design
The two Lancets have a very interesting look. These loitering ammunition is built on a longitudinal biplane scheme with two sets of X-shaped planes. They are mounted on the fuselage of large aspect ratio with an optoelectronic unit in the nose and a power plant in the tail. Plastics and composites are widely used in the design of UAVs.

The unified optical equipment unit has a television channel with signal transmission to the operator's console. Also, the UAV is equipped with its own navigation system, capable of determining coordinates from various sources and objects. Flight and targeting can be carried out both under the control of the operator and independently. Combined mode can be used.
The devices are equipped with electric motors of an unnamed type. The engine is placed in the tail of the fuselage and is connected to the pushing propeller. Apparently, "Lancet-1" and "Lancet-3" have different storage batteries, which affects their flight characteristics.
"Lancet-1" is equipped with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead weighing 1 kg. In this configuration, it has a takeoff weight of only 5 kg. UAV "Lancet-3" is noticeably heavier. It weighs 12 kg and carries a 3 kg warhead. In terms of its power, the warheads of the two UAVs are equivalent to medium-caliber artillery shells. Undermining is carried out using a pre-contact fuse.
Both loitering ammunition are launched using a ground catapult previously created for Cuba. In flight, they are capable of speeds of 80-110 km / h. The lighter device has a flight duration of 30 minutes, the heavy version - up to 40 minutes. Operation is provided at distances up to 40 km from the operator's console.

The complex includes an operator panel that provides data reception and processing, as well as the transmission of commands to the ammunition. A training system has been created that simulates the operation of real UAVs as accurately as possible. By integrating the necessary components, the simulator can be turned into a remote control for combat use.
The advantages of the "Lancet"
The presented loitering ammunition has certain advantages of a technical, operational and combat nature. The presence of such qualities simplifies production and operation, increases combat survivability and increases the likelihood of successfully hitting targets.
First of all, the capabilities of the Lancets are determined by their belonging to the class of loitering ammunition. Such UAVs are capable of staying in a given area for some time and looking for a target, and then destroying it. This simplifies reconnaissance and strikes. At the same time, the joint use of "disposable" drones and reconnaissance vehicles is not excluded.
The most important feature of the two Lancets is the aerodynamic configuration with two X-shaped sets of planes. It was used to reduce the dimensions of the bearing planes while maintaining the required lifting force. At the same time, it was possible to increase the rigidity of the structure and increase the possible flight speed. Two sets of planes also improved the maneuverability of the craft.

The developers claim that due to their high maneuverability, the new UAVs in flight are even capable of imitating the behavior of birds, confusing the enemy. This seriously complicates the search and identification of loitering munitions, as well as their subsequent destruction.
In the context of combat stability and survivability, other measures have also been taken. It is believed that laser air defense systems should show high efficiency in the fight against drones. The Zala Aero Group has developed new methods of protection against such threats. The developers talk about the reflection of laser beams, but do not elaborate on the details of such technologies.
The Lancet complex includes the minimum required amount of funds and is easy to operate. Due to this, it is argued, an attack with the help of loitering ammunition is significantly cheaper than the use of self-propelled artillery with guided ammunition. The low cost provides another characteristic advantage: it simplifies the organization of massive raids aimed at overloading enemy air defenses.
At the exhibition and at the training ground
A full-scale model of a new UAV is being demonstrated at the Army-2019 exhibition. In addition, the Kalashnikov concern showed an advertising video of great interest. This video includes footage from the tests of the "Lancet", filmed directly by its optoelectronic unit.

Video footage shows that the tests of the loitering ammunition began at least last winter. They were carried out under different conditions and using different targets. The latter were located motionless or moved, making guidance difficult. The targets were located both in open spaces and surrounded by other objects. In all cases included in the commercial, the UAV successfully aimed at the indicated target and hit it.
All this means that the Lancet project has passed the stage of design work, and now the development of experimental products is underway. In the very near future, the manufacturer will be able to offer a finished product to customers. Apparently, first such UAVs will be offered to the Russian army, and then it will be possible to enter the international market. However, the timing of this has not yet been announced.
New direction
By world standards, loitering ammunition is not new. Such products have been developed for a long time and have already managed to participate in real operations. For the Russian industry and the army, such products are still an undeveloped promising direction. However, every effort is being made to change the situation.
Just a few months ago, in February of this year, the Zala Aero company presented the first modern domestic loitering ammunition "Cube". Work in this direction was continued, and now the exhibition showed a new UAV "Lancet". These two projects have a number of similarities, but they are noticeably different from each other. Due to certain innovations, the newer "Lancet" gets certain advantages over the "Cube".
The company from the Kalashnikov concern has gained good pace in the development of a new direction for our army. It is possible that the next loitering munition from Zala will appear in just a few months. Until this happens, the Department of Defense can review and study existing projects and determine the need for such systems. So far, there is every reason for optimistic forecasts. "Cube" or "Lancet" have a chance to go into service and expand the strike capabilities of the troops.