History and documents. Interest in the documents of our past on "VO" is constant, although sometimes it seems that materials on this topic are read by their commentators through glasses with curved lenses. They read anything in them, and see the bad even where it never existed. But the most interesting is the reasoning of some of them. Say, we were unlucky with the people who had to become the builders of socialism. Although our revolutionaries did not ask the people that much. They drove everyone in a crowd and then for some reason were surprised that various byaki-beeches “made their way and were falling apart”. Imagine only that someone from their calluses was relieved and full, and someone from their bedsores is poor and hungry? And then the order - "dispossess the kulaks". And How? The most, that is called, "that", to settle scores. After all, most of all people do not like what? The same thing: the intellectual superiority of the other person. They can put up with physical strength: "God gave!", With beauty. But in terms of intelligence … well, no, how is it: I am mediocre, and he is a smart guy? "I put on my glasses, and even wearing a hat!" “And Mikola, look, he vowed not to drink vodka and look - he is plowing! No, at the same time with the people … Oooh, the enemy!"
And then you can’t do anything. Such human "material" went to the builders of socialism, and they could not remake it. Failed? Yes, and this is best evidenced by the personal files stored in the funds of the party archives and, in particular, in the funds of the Penza OFOPO GAPO. In one of the previous materials, we examined the personal files of the communists of 1938. But now 25 years have passed, and … we have before us a new pack of cases. True, this time the names of the defendants will be changed, since 70 years have not passed since that time. But here, as always, there is a link to the source and the pages of the case will even be indicated: “Minutes of the meetings of the OK CPSU from January 14 to March 18, 1963. Fund 5893. Op. 1. Unit xp. 1". Few cases will be shown, but they are all very indicative …

Well, let's start with … biology. Yes, yes, with her, to show that no heroism, education, dedication and other positive qualities of the "builder of communism" were stronger than what? Call of nature!
So, we read.
* * *
#eight. Listened:
Case Sh … on Kh. Kh., Born in 1924, member of the CPSU since December 1944, party card number 03765114. Russian, employee, higher education.
In the Soviet Army he served from 1942 to 1948 as a cadet, tank commander, deputy battery commander … From 1950 to 1962 he worked in the ATC. Awarded with medals …
During the period of bringing to party responsibility, he worked as deputy director for cultural and educational work at construction school No. 1 in Penza, and is currently imprisoned by a court decision.
He was expelled from the ranks of the CPSU for moral decay, expressed in engaging in sodomy. On April 25, 1963, the regional court sentenced him to 3 years and 6 months in prison. The decision of the subordinate party organization of the OK KPSS was approved.
* * *
But the said comrade probably knew about the article for "unconventional orientation", and for the fact that he would be immediately chased from the party if he was caught. I knew, could not help but know. But the "call of nature" was stronger. Such are the people, and there were quite a few of them, whether we like it or not (page 187.12 of the said document).
We read on. There is also a "call" here, but already of a somewhat different plan. Loud call … of mammon!
* * *
# 7. Heard: the case of Mo … howl MM, born in 1912, member of the CPSU since 1952, party card number 02456400. Russian, office worker, incomplete secondary education. During the period of bringing to party responsibility, she worked as a senior accountant of the association of preschool institutions of the Penza branch of the Kuibyshev railway. He is currently imprisoned.
The crux of the matter: Mo … va, in complicity with the head of the nursery №18, the accountant … and the nursery manager … have systematically been engaged in the theft of material values belonging to the nursery since 1962.
On April 12, 1962, 20 meters of "jacquard" material was received for the nursery, which these persons appropriated and divided. They also stole carpets, flannel, tablecloths, bedspreads: 5 tablecloths, 50 meters of flannel, 5 meters of tapestry. Kitchen utensils worth 84 rubles were stolen, and the person involved in the case took 15 plates, a meat grinder, a saucepan and a container for spices.
In total, 547 rubles were appropriated, the defendant in the case - 100 rubles.
* * *
First, the thief was severely reprimanded and entered on the registration card. But since she was prosecuted and imprisoned, she was expelled from the party (page 4.10 of the said document).
Let's look at one more "thieves' case", which involved E … s EE, born in 1927, Russian, worker, lower education, who worked at the Kuznetsk shoe factory. On March 13, 1963, the Bureau of the Kuznetsk KR CPSU expelled him from the ranks of the CPSU for stealing 17 sheets of steel from the plant. He worked as a freight forwarder and … abused his position for mercenary whole. In everyday life, he behaved unworthily, abused alcohol, was repeatedly discussed by the collective of workers and at the party bureau, but did not draw any conclusions and continued to slide down the slope! The driver Ka … in offered him iron, he gave him 50 rubles, and the latter took him home to Ye … ov, where the police found him. For all this, he was unanimously expelled from the ranks of the CPSU, and the regional committee approved this decision (page 6.7 of the specified document).
So, it is obvious that they were stealing on trifles, and, of course, it is incomparable with the volume of what the same FSB officers are stealing from us today. But the principle is important. A drop wears away a stone - it was said long ago and very aptly. First we take into the party … a worker without education, then it turns out that he steals and gets drunk. And a woman steals from children! What kind of morality do you need to have to do this at all? But I went for a few pots. And what does this mean? About the extreme poverty of our then "homo sovieticus", in whose eyes even a couple of pots and a gratuitous meat grinder - "and that is bread!" And there were many of them. And someone got caught, and someone did not, while others got off with a reprimand and went to steal "on trifles." Humanly, this is all understandable, but it is impossible to imagine that people with such a morality would raise worthy children, who then would not look at what is bad. And such a morality was expressed in a very indicative phrase: no matter how much you steal from the state, you cannot return what is stolen from you!
However, we have to read the most interesting personal file now.
The essence of the matter is as follows: E-ov A. U., party card No. 1258966 (canceled), Russian, peasant, secondary education, studied at the Higher Communist Agricultural School, but on July 22, 1933 was arrested by a Special Meeting at the OGPU collegium and was convicted under articles 58-2 and 58-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, sentenced to death - with replacement of imprisonment in a camp for 10 years. The indictment stated that he was "hostile to the CPSU (b) and the state system existing in the USSR, and in 1933 he joined the counter-revolutionary organization" People's Communist Party ", which aimed to overthrow the Soviet regime and establish a petty-bourgeois republic. …
After serving his sentence in the Sevpechlager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on October 8, 1945, he was released, and in 1947 he arrived in Penza, where he began to work as a mechanic of a mechanical laundry. On February 4, 1950, he was arrested again as a previous convict. By a special meeting at the Ministry of State Security of the USSR, for belonging to an anti-Soviet organization, he was exiled to a settlement in the Kustanai region of Kazakhstan without specifying a period, where he stayed until 1954.
And he and other Soviet citizens convicted in this case after 1953 began to apply for rehabilitation as wrongly convicted. An investigation was carried out, which established that "NO ABOVE COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARY ORGANIZATIONS EXISTED AND THE CASE IN THIS PART WAS FALSIFIED BY FORMER EMPLOYEES OF THE OGPU SENI-VOLZHSKY REGION."
As a result, the case of November 4, 1933 was canceled by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR on July 26, 1961, and the case of July 1, 1950 was canceled by a decision of March 7, 1963.
That is, as you can see, we dealt with the “cases” for a long time, in detail and for each of the cases separately, and not so that “in bulk,” as some people now believe. Thus, E … ov was completely rehabilitated.
And here's an interesting paragraph:
"However, E … s, being a member of the CPSU and a student of the Higher Communist Agricultural School, admitted instability and hesitation in understanding the correctness of the line of our party, repeatedly expressed all kinds of anti-Soviet fabrications, was indifferent to his party affiliation and compliance with statutory requirements."
The question is: how did this all come to be known? There is no indication of this in the case!
In the same 1933, he gave a friend a blank registration card and helped to illegally obtain a party card, and the RK VKP (b) that issued it did not check the card blank. Then he stole several more forms and gave them to his friends.
"Thus, using his official position, he made it possible for persons to penetrate the party without being accepted by the party organization."
He has been in party E … for 5 years, outside the party for 30 years, and is characterized positively in terms of work.
And what do you think? After all these ordeals, which essentially ruined his life, the man was denied the restoration of the party after all these ordeals, as he "showed instability and hesitation in understanding the correctness of the CPSU line … committed theft and forgery of party documents." Therefore, his request was rejected as unfounded (p. Of the said document 177-180: 2, 3, 4, 5).
Yes, but then he served 10 years in the camp! Not at a resort in Gagra, but in a camp, he worked hard, and then he still lived in a settlement in Kazakhstan, where he was also "not a fountain". And the party of 1933 and 1963 - these were two big differences, so you never know who hesitated then … Moral compensation, not to mention material compensation, should there have been? Well, it is clear that at that time there was not even a talk about material matters. But moral? No - they didn't even give this to the person! And there are still people who say that we had a society of "social justice"? But it is known that "injustice, illuminated by the name of the law, dishonors this law itself!"
And now the most "entertaining". I gave these materials to read to one student of the Moscow University named after Yu. S. Witte. She read it and said: “Is he crazy? Climb into the party after what this government did to him!.. "-" Well, he wanted so much … "-" Some nonsense! Everything that happened is absolutely unreal, like a bad dream. Society of some abnormal!"
Such is the judgment. But the future belongs to the young, and you can only pray to God that they have enough intelligence to never mess with such a crazy society again …