Meanwhile, a hermit in a dark cell
Here a terrible denunciation of you writes:
And you will not leave the worldly court, How not to escape from God's judgment.
History and documents. The materials of this cycle aroused great interest of the reading public of "VO", because, although many experts of everything and everyone have gathered on the site, they do not have access to the archives, especially the archives of the OK KPSS, and rely only on their own memory and on the fact that " the men were talking in the smoking room. " And when it comes to the achievements of the Soviet era, for some reason everyone remembers about free medicine, but no one talks about its quality. “Freebie, come” - this is how my students usually “mantrated” before exams, that is, for our readers at the appropriate age, the main thing is that it should be free, and how - it doesn’t matter. Human memory is imperfect; with age, it tends to keep only the good, and the bad - to forget. So some readers of "VO" write that there were no epidemics in the USSR, that everyone (absolutely everyone!) Received emergency medical care, there were no drug addicts, and so on and so forth. But archival documents know no mercy for the past. The archives accumulate notes, receipts, reports, reports, in a word, a lot of things that allow you to look at the past differently. And since the readers of "VO" were so fond of the topic of free medicine in the USSR (which is understandable in the current epidemic), I went to the regional party archives of OPPO GAPO and took a 1963 document at random. It is called as follows: "Information on the state and measures to improve medical care in the cities and workers' settlements of the region (annex to item 17, ave. 7. Minutes of the meeting of the Bureau of the OK CPSU from 14.01 to 16.03.1963. F. 5893. Op. 1 Unit of inventory 12. Penza industrial regional committee of the CPSU. Special sector).
And then … Further it is hardly worth retelling this curious document, it is easier to rewrite it one by one. So, we read.
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“From year to year, a network of medical and preventive institutions is growing in the region. In the cities and workers' settlements of the region there are 27 hospitals with 3145 beds, 3 outpatient clinics, 3 dispensaries, 3 ambulance stations, 117 health centers at industrial enterprises, 16 paramedic and obstetric points, 32 nurseries for 2210 beds, 2 children's homes for 160 beds and one children's sanatorium for 50 places …
Over the past two years, a surgical hospital with 100 beds, a polyclinic at the city hospital No. 1, and a blood transfusion station have been built in the city of Penza. A hospital with 150 beds was built in the city of Kuznetsk.
N. Lomovskaya and Serdobskaya hospitals, a maternity hospital in the city of Kuznetsk, a hospital in the village of Belinskselmash, a 25-bed building in the city of Belinsk, an oncological dispensary, and a hospital in the village of Chemodanovka are under construction. In the city of Penza, the construction of a city hospital with 240 beds has begun in the area of Yuzhnaya Polyana.
In total, 1,427 doctors work in the region, of which 964 are in cities and workers' settlements.
Most of the medical institutions in the cities are provided with the latest equipment and instruments, the quality of patient care and diagnostics have improved. The incidence of diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and gastrointestinal infections has noticeably decreased.
However, despite the existing achievements, there are serious shortcomings in the work of medical institutions in the city and workers' settlements.
The appropriations allocated for the construction of medical institutions are not used from year to year. In 1961, out of 340 thousand rubles. disbursed 305 thousand rubles, or 87 percent, and in 1962 out of 400 only 251, 9 thousand.rubles, or 62.9 percent. The construction started does not end for years, funds are scattered. The construction of N. Lomovskaya, Serdobskaya, Kamenskaya hospitals, which are being built for eight or more years, has been inadmissibly delayed.
The oblast health department carries out repairs and reconstruction of existing institutions without a plan and thoughtlessly. For the second year in a major overhaul in the city of Penza is the city hospital №3.
In the cities of the region, instead of 5,600 hospital beds, there are 3,145, in connection with which there are refusals in hospitalization in hospitals. So, city and regional hospitals in 1962 refused to hospitalize 6.457 patients, of which 4.471 due to lack of places.
Due to the fact that the regional neuropsychiatric hospital is designed for 1000 beds, and there are 1,300 patients in it, every day 300 patients sleep on the floor.
An acute shortage is felt in the cities in nurseries. Instead of 5000 places, there are 2210. Currently, there are 7 thousand children who need to be placed in a nursery school. The workers of watch factories, CAM, compressor factories, "Penzmash", "Penzkhimmash" and others have a great need for children's institutions.
The regional communications department employs 3,700 women, but there is not a single childcare institution. In the trade organizations of the city of Penza there is a need for nurseries and kindergartens for 600 children.
The seven-year plan for the development of the national economy in the cities of Penza and Kuznetsk provides for the opening of five pharmacies in newly built residential buildings. However, not a single pharmacy has been opened in recent years.
The central pharmacy warehouse, which is located in unsuitable premises, operates in extremely difficult conditions. Due to the lack of storage facilities, expensive equipment is stored in the yard.
Along with the elimination of a number of diseases in the region, the growth of tuberculosis patients is of serious concern: if in 1960 the deaths from tuberculosis accounted for 4.5 percent of all deaths in the region, then in 1962 - 4.41 percent. In total, there are 8 thousand patients with tuberculosis in the region, of which 2,400 are bacillary. If in the city of Penza on 1 / 1.62 there were 1759 tuberculosis patients registered, of which there were bacillary there were 596 people, then by 1 / 1.63 there are 2028 people registered, of which 456 are carriers, and 359 children.
The prevention and treatment of cancer diseases is poorly organized. Their number in the region is increasing. In 1962, 1,824 cancer patients were re-registered. In total, there are 5159 such patients in the region. There are not enough hospital beds for such patients, and the building of the oncological dispensary has been under construction for the sixth year.
Until now, such a social disease as venereal diseases has not been eliminated, with 919 patients suffering from them (of which 699 are urban).
The percentage of injuries is high. In 1962, 60 thousand injuries were registered in the region, of which only 16 thousand were registered in the city of Penza.
In some hospitals, even in the regional center, there is lice of patients.
There are major deficiencies in the medical care of children. There is a lot of overcrowding in nurseries and kindergartens, which causes an increased incidence. In 1962, compared with 1961, infant mortality remains at the same level - 3, 4 (in cities and towns of the region). The highest infant mortality is noted in the cities of Penza - 3, 6, Kuznetsk - 3, 7, Kamenka - 3, 6 (with the average regional 2, 9).
There are dairy kitchens for children only in 8 cities. In Penza, the dairy kitchen, due to the distance, cannot serve all children in need of food.
The working people are completely insufficiently provided with outpatient and polyclinic care. Many hospitals, clinics and first-aid posts are poorly equipped with modern medical equipment, instruments, soft and hard equipment.
In the cities of the region, instead of 1392 doctors, only 964 work. There are 428 doctors missing. For two years, 303 doctors arrived in the region, of which 150 doctors arrived in the city, and 214 left the region, 110 doctors from the city.
The regional health department dismissed the doctor of the oncological dispensary, comrade Davydkina, and the chief physician of the regional neuropsychiatric hospital, comrade Ivaykov, for abuse of office. Almost all employees of the regional health department work part-time and receive one and a half rates. Medical ethics are violated.
In the city of Penza in 1962, a group of drug addicts was identified (I can not resist the "!" - Auth.), Which was facilitated by the former inspector of the regional health department Soskov and the doctor of the city hospital No. 3 Nefedova.
In January 1963, at the Penza Infectious Diseases Hospital, nurse Banina mistakenly injected penicillin into another instead of one child, after which the child died instantly.
Pharmacies often lack the most popular medicines (for headaches, aspirin, vitamins, glucose, ammonia, etc.). There are no thermometers, syringes. When checking in the pharmacy No. 3 of the city of Penza, out of 688 prescriptions submitted from the population, 171 were refused, i.e. 25 percent.
Medical care in factories is very poor. For example, at the SAM plant, where there is an equipped health center with a gynecological office, a gynecologist in 1962 performed an appointment only 16 times instead of 50 required. Since March 1961 there has been no appointment with an ophthalmologist, since May 1960 - with a surgeon and an otolaryngologist.
Clinical examination is carried out formally, its effectiveness is not studied, patients are not hospitalized in a timely manner. In 1962, due to temporary disability, 2.5 million working days were lost, which is equivalent to the fact that 8 thousand workers did not work during the whole year due to illness. Paid disability benefits for 1962 7 million 649 thousand rubles. In some cases, morbidity with temporary loss of working capacity is artificially overestimated. This can be found in the hospital No. 1 of the city of Penza, N. Lomovskaya, Serdobskaya hospitals.
From year to year, the sanitary condition of cities and workers' settlements remains unsatisfactory. The streets are littered with snow, littered with paper, cigarette butts. House yards are not cleaned.
Penza City Executive Committee in 1961-1962 made a number of decisions on improving the sanitary condition in the city, but they are being implemented extremely unsatisfactorily, since the city executive committee deals with this issue not every day, but in a campaign manner.
Serious shortcomings in the work of medical institutions are evidenced both by letters and statements of workers. In total, in 1962, the regional health department received 817 complaints and proposals, of which 88, that is, 10.7 percent, were considered in violation of the established deadlines."
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There was still more, but I got tired of typing all this. And without that, such "heavenly booths" have opened, so at least run there in a time machine and enjoy all these delights of free medicine!
I just want to say: goodness came to the Soviet paradise, where everything was for the good of man!
I was already closing the folder, when my eye habitually snatched out a report on the marriage in production. The Bureau of the OK of the CPSU reported (the same document, p. 322) that at the Penza Diesel Plant, a complaint is received for every sixth diesel engine produced, and there is no way to fix the situation!