Israel's new missile defense systems are of interest both to the residents of this country and to foreign specialists. A few months ago, the full-fledged service of the promising complex "Kela David" began, and by now the first real results have been obtained. Some details of the program for the development of the complex and its subsequent operation were disclosed by the Israel Defense publication a few days ago.
On December 7, the publication published an article by Dan Arkin "Ensuring National Defense", which tells about the current state of affairs with the latest missile defense systems. The subtitle of this publication notes that in the six months that have passed since the moment of being put on duty, the Kela David systems have found their place in the layered air defense and missile defense system of Israel.
The Israeli author points out that the air defense system is currently undergoing a large-scale modernization program. The essence of the changes lies in the adaptation of the existing grouping in accordance with the new actual threats. The country is now threatened by heavier and more accurate ammunition with an increased range. Also, the enemy can use cruise and ballistic missiles, small reconnaissance vehicles, etc.

The Israel Defense Forces' response is well known: it is creating an echeloned air and missile defense system covering the entire territory of the country. This system includes separate complexes "Kipat Barzel", "Kela David" and "Homa". Integration and joint use of all these systems ensure the protection of the entire territory of the country and prevent the breakthrough of any weapons into the covered area.
D. Arkin calls the Kipat Barzel and Homa complexes real veterans - they have already worked with real goals. The third and newest element of the missile defense system is the Kela David (David's Sling) complex, formerly known as Sharvit Ksamim (Magic Wand). On April 2, in the presence of the military and political leadership, a solemn ceremony of putting the first "Sling" on alert took place.
It is argued that in parallel with the deployment of new complexes, the project is being improved. Each new Kela David model receives an updated threat base and is refined in other ways.
All the complexes of "David's Sling" were brought together in the 66th division as part of the air force. In the past, this unit used barreled artillery, but now it is armed with the most modern anti-missile system. The main base of the division is in the south of Israel, but its command post is responsible for the defense of the entire territory of the country.
D. Arkin notes that the base of the 66th division is noticeably different from the facilities on which other missile defense systems are deployed. In the case of the Homa or Kipat Barzel systems, a command post, detection equipment, launchers, etc. are deployed in a small area. The situation is different with the newest Sling. At the main base, only the battalion command, warehouses, transport, etc. are present. Anti-missile launchers, in turn, are distributed throughout the country and operated by their own operators in the field.
Unlike other newer weapons, Kela David is not a regional but a national defense system. The coverage area of this complex covers the entire territory of Israel. This uses the principle of centralized management.
According to official data, the Kela David complex is capable of intercepting various targets. It can be used to defend territories against tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and other similar threats. The overall composition of the complex is quite simple and includes control systems, a radar detection and tracking system, and launchers with interceptor missiles.
The battery of the complex is equipped with four launchers with 12 missiles each. The interceptor missile has a two-stage architecture. It uses two homing systems at once, radar and optoelectronic. The most important feature of the interceptor from the Sling of David is the method of hitting the target. For effective destruction of the target, the kinetic principle is used - the anti-missile literally crashes into the attacked object.
The commander of the 66th division is Lieutenant Colonel Kobi Regev. He says it is a great honor to run this compound, packed with state-of-the-art facilities. In addition, the division is entrusted with not only military, but also important civilian tasks. The battalion command is responsible for coordinating the actions of the entire Israeli missile defense system, as well as for alerting the population about the dangers.
It is the missile defense command post that issues data on existing threats and warns the civilian population. Israel is said to have established a highly effective warning system. Thus, even if the enemy's missile manages to break through all echelons of defense, citizens will be warned and will not be harmed.
Lieutenant Colonel K. Regev commented on the ways of deploying anti-missile systems. According to him, the national missile defense system "Kela David", unlike other complexes, does not need to be tied to specific objects or settlements. Obviously, radar stations should not be placed in front of mountains or radiating antennas of other objects. However, the open space for the deployment of an anti-missile system does not have to be near the covered city.
A major is appointed commander of the anti-missile battery, according to K. Regev. The personnel of the battery include specialists in working with weapons and detection equipment. The battery also has its own maintenance and logistics specialists. The number of launchers and interceptors in one battery is determined in accordance with the existing requirements. The connection can be strengthened if necessary.
The main concept of operation and combat use of the Kela David complex is based on the idea of integrating several such systems. The simultaneous use of three types of missile defense systems makes it possible to reliably close the airspace. To repel a specific attack, a system must be used that is able to show the greatest efficiency in the existing conditions.
The main advantage of the Sling of David, according to Lieutenant Colonel Regev, lies in the ability to effectively intercept large precision missiles. This complex occupies an intermediate position between the other two systems of its class and in fact takes on the most complex goals.
According to K. Regev, when organizing anti-missile defense, one should remember the characteristic differences from anti-aircraft systems. In this area, the acceptable reaction time is limited to seconds, which is associated with a large number of threats and their high speed. As a result, the complexes must be on duty around the clock and be constantly ready to repel an attack.
Israel Defense recalls that the Kela David complex has automatic and semi-automatic modes of operation. In this case, the main one is the regime involving the participation of a person. After detecting the target and taking it for escort, the operator of the complex must confirm the launch of the anti-missile. Further, all tasks are solved by the interceptor independently. The commander of the 66th battalion called the Sling interceptor missile an amazing product capable of destroying high-altitude, high-speed and high-precision targets.
Having become a real technological breakthrough, the Kela David complex attracted the attention of foreign military personnel. For example, Poland wants to get its own missile defense system. It purchased the American Patriot anti-aircraft systems, with which it is supposed to use the anti-missile from the Sling. The launcher of the Israeli complex, some elements of the rocket, etc. are produced by the American company Raytheon, which can somewhat simplify its promotion on the international market.
The Kela David missile defense complex was created by the Rafael company in cooperation with other organizations in accordance with the order of the Advanced Development Department of the Israeli Defense Ministry. The head of the program for the development of this weapon, Brigadier General of the Reserve Pini Yongman, claims that the experience of the Raphael company in the field of air-to-air missiles was used to create the anti-missile system. It was proposed to create an interception system capable of detecting an existing threat as quickly as possible. In addition, there was a proposal to intercept both ballistic missiles and aircraft weapons.
The American company Raytheon quickly joined the design work. At one point in time, several thousand people were working on the project. In 2012, flight tests of new missiles and the entire complex began, which continued until 2015. Curiously, some of the test launches were carried out in the presence of the top leadership of the US Missile Defense Agency.
By now, the author points out, the Kela David complex has been put on duty and the required number of batteries has been deployed. Personnel for such systems are being trained at the Air Defense School at one of Israel's southern bases. This institution trains all specialists, from operators of complexes to commanders of one level or another. Earlier, when the 66th battalion was just being formed, the calculations were made up of servicemen who had previously operated other missile defense systems. The technical staff for the maintenance of the anti-missile defense is being trained in Haifa.
One of the main training tools for future operators is a special simulator developed by Elbit. This product fully simulates all stages of the combat operation of an anti-missile system. The process of tracking the situation, target detection and interception is simulated. In addition, an imitation of interaction with other missile defense systems is provided. The use of simulators makes it possible to carry out the required training of personnel without distracting real complexes from duty. In addition, this approach allows you to avoid wasting very expensive missiles.
The career growth of the future operator of the Kela David complex is no different from the promotion of other air defense fighters. After the course of a young soldier, the soldier will serve in one of the air defense units, including, possibly, using the "David's Sling". Then he can go to the anti-combined-arms officer course, followed by training at the Air Defense School. The operator's crew of the anti-missile complex consists of several soldiers and an officer. In this case, the launch is carried out by a soldier operator.
Currently, the 66th Air Defense Battalion of the Israeli Air Force remains at the stage of building new facilities and deploying additional systems. The total number of Kela David systems on duty and planned for deployment, however, has not been specified.
Israel Defense indicates that the required number of launchers and interceptors depends on the main features of the current threats. The Sling of David's mission is to intercept relatively large and heavy missiles with an appropriate range, and the industry intends to maintain such capabilities of antimissiles by constantly updating them. The Sling must work in conjunction with the Iron Dome and hit targets that it cannot effectively deal with.
Ballistic missiles are the main weapon of enemy attacks and the main threat to Israel. It is to counter such weapons, first of all, that new systems are being developed, such as Kela David. Thanks to such technical and technological breakthroughs, the Israeli air force in charge of missile defense can be considered the world leader in this area.
Nevertheless, as Dan Arkin writes, missile defense systems cannot provide timely and correct interception of all targets, creating a "hermetic" protection of the country's airspace. Despite this, the industry and the military are doing everything possible to ensure that the lowest possible number of threats break through the anti-missile systems.