The British Ministry of Defense lifted the ban on women serving on submarines in 2011, but the first of them became a member of the submarine's crew only in 2013. Today it is no longer possible to find out whether it was specially guessed for "13" or it was rock (which is a fate), but it happened that way.
And then it went according to the well-known rule: "A woman on board - to be in trouble."
Nine servicemen were fired from the British nuclear submarine HMS Vigilant of the Vanguard class. This type is prophetically named "vanguard" - what is happening on them is really the vanguard. With it we will finish the fascinating immersion into the world, closed inside the carriers of the royal "yadryon-loaves".
The latest scandal with the dismissal of nine broke the other day - and this is on a submarine, which is one of four nuclear submarines in the British Navy, equipped with nuclear Trident missiles. Fired after testing positive for cocaine.
"We will not tolerate drug abuse by service personnel. Those found to be inadequate to our high standards have been dismissed from service," a paranoid British navy spokesman fought in foam.
The drug scandal almost coincided with another scandal. It turned out that the commander of the submarine Stuart Armstrong and his deputy had "inappropriate relationships" with their female colleagues right in the workplace. One of them maintained an extramarital relationship with an onboard engineer, the other with a direct subordinate.
But they have an excuse - where can they go from the submarine?
Second Lieutenant Rebecca Edwards served on the nuclear submarine HMS Vigilant as an engineering support officer. Everyone really liked (or liked?):

One of the sailors of the same crew is suspected of having sex with a prostitute in the pool right on board the nuclear submarine. Another of the servicemen will appear before the tribunal for unauthorized absence from his "girlfriend".
Well, at least not to the boy.
The British Defense Minister outraged at the latest scandal, which led to calls for drug tests across the fleet. Although for drugs should be checked monthly who have access to nuclear weapons. Because with the advent of women in the Premier League, it only got worse.
In 2014, the nuclear submarine S 92 Talent (Trafalgar type) damaged part of the skin when it collided with a floating ice floe while tracking "a Russian ship", and this became known only in April 2015.

According to the British media, a hole with a diameter of more than 2 m appeared in the deckhouse.
2015 saw an increase in incidents involving the nuclear power plant (NPP) of Britain's newest Astute-class nuclear-powered multipurpose submarines. Compared to 2014, there has been an almost twofold increase in incidents of this kind - from 12 to 21 cases.
On July 20, 2016, the British nuclear-powered multipurpose submarine S 120 Ambush (the second in the Astute-class series, in service since 2013, commander Alan Daveney), while at periscope depth, collided near Gibraltar in international waters with " merchant ship "and was seriously damaged:

In just four years, there were 69 reported incidents, or an average of 17 per year (one incident every three weeks). This data was released to the public by the UK Department of Defense in accordance with the UK Freedom of Information Act. The nature of the incidents is not specified. But we are talking about "events that can lead to a decrease in the level of nuclear and radiological safety."
Well, the promised cherry on the cake. The first female captain of the battleship Sarah West commanded the frigate Portland for two years. Written off ashore for having sex with subordinates. According to media reports, appointed commander (hold on tight) Vanguard nuclear submarine. Decommissioned ashore from the Vanguard for having sex with subordinates.

In general, after the Kingdom's Foreign Ministry addressed the UN with a request to change the word of women to “people” in the law on the protection of pregnant women (protecting the rights of transgender people), one should not be surprised at what is happening. Soon, Britain's nuclear button will be commanded by the "middle sex".
P. S. However, the last story (about Sarah West on Vanguard) has so far been published only with reference to a Belarusian source, and this great ocean power is unlikely to have reliable information about what is happening on the remote abandoned island.