French aviation grace. Part 3

French aviation grace. Part 3
French aviation grace. Part 3

After the end of World War II, the French had to rebuild the fleet and naval aviation from scratch. France received four military-built aircraft carriers on lease from the United States and Great Britain. The ships, mostly obsolete, were handed over to France by the Allies and received as reparations from the defeated Germany and Italy. The aircraft based on them were also far from the most modern.

In the early post-war years, the French carrier-based aviation was armed with American fighters of the Second World War Grumman F6F "Hellcat", Vout F4U "Corsair", British Supermarine "Seafire".

The first in 1945 was received by the British escort aircraft carrier "Bayter" (in turn, received by the British in the United States under Lend-Lease), renamed "Dixmud". The second, in 1946, was leased in Great Britain for a period of five years to the aircraft carrier Arrowomance (formerly Colossus). In 1951 and 1953, France leased two Independence-class aircraft carriers in the United States: Lafayette (formerly Langley) and Bois Bello (formerly Bello Wood). The aircraft carrier "Bayter" was used as an air transport during the colonial wars in Vietnam and Algeria, was decommissioned in 1960, "Lafayette" was decommissioned in 1960, and "Bois Bello" - in 1963, both aircraft carriers were returned to the United States. The Arromanche served the longest (the ship was redeemed from Britain after the expiration of the lease), its career ended in 1974. In 1957-58, the Arromanche underwent modernization and was reclassified as an anti-submarine, and from 1964 the ship was used as a training ship. The Arromanches-based aircraft took part in the 1956 Egyptian war along with the carrier-based aircraft of British aircraft carriers.

In 1952, a program for the construction of two aircraft carriers was adopted. Unlike the Americans and the British, the French decided that light aircraft carriers were more suitable for them. The first aircraft carrier, Clemenceau, was launched in December 1957. The Foch, of the same type, was launched in July 1960.

Attempts to create their own carrier-based fighter ended in failure, and in 1954 the licensed production of the British Sea Venom fighter was launched, which was named Aquilon in France.

French aviation grace. Part 3
French aviation grace. Part 3

French carrier-based fighter "Aquilon" 203

The production of the new car was carried out at a plant near Marseilles. The Aquilon 203 model was equipped with the Khost 48 engine with a thrust of 2336 kg, manufactured by Fiat and the French APQ-65 radar, as well as the Nord 5103 guided missiles.

The fighter accelerated at an altitude of up to 1030 km / h, range with outboard tanks 1730 km.

This aircraft had a pressurized cockpit with an air regeneration system, a Martin-Baker ejection seat and four 20mm Hispano cannons. A total of 40 vehicles were built.

The first carrier-based jet fighter of French design was the Dassault "Etandard" IV M. The original version "Etandar" II (first flew in 1956), which traces its "pedigree" from the "Mister" was developed in accordance with NATO requirements for a light fighter … At the same time, the French Navy needed a fighter to be based on the aircraft carriers Clemenceau and Foch.


Tests "Etandar" IVM-02 on the deck of the aircraft carrier "Clemenceau", 1960

Serial "Etandar" IV M accelerated at an altitude of up to 1093 km / h. Maximum takeoff weight: 10800 kg. Combat radius of action, in the fighter version: 700 km., In the strike version: 300 km.

The armament consisted of two 30-mm DEFA cannons, each with 100 rounds, 4 wing pylons designed for a total load of 1361 kg - aviation weapons, including AS.30 air-to-ground missiles or Sidewinder air-to-air missiles , Bombs and NAR.

The aircraft was equipped with the Tomcoh-CSF / EMD "Agav" radar, the SAGEM ENTA complex strike navigation system with the SKN-2602 inertial platform, there was a CGT / CSF laser rangefinder, a radio altimeter, and an autopilot. The modernized aircraft were equipped with the Anemone radar.

Unable to realize itself as a "standard European fighter", "Etandar" IV M took its place on the deck of French aircraft carriers.


The first serial "Etandar" IVM

Fully equipped for naval use, the Etandar IVM made its maiden flight in 1958. In 1961-1965, the French Navy was supplied with 69 Etandard IVM aircraft, designed to strike at sea and ground targets and to provide air defense of an aircraft carrier formation.

The Etandar IVP photo reconnaissance aircraft made its first flight in November 1960, the aircraft was equipped with five cameras, three of which were installed in the nose of the fuselage, and two instead of 30-mm cannons. In 1962-1965, 21 Etandar IVP photo reconnaissance aircraft were manufactured.

The aircraft's baptism of fire was Operation Sapphire-1. The crisis that erupted in the Horn of Africa in 1974 prompted France to take decisive steps. A squadron was assembled, led by the aircraft carrier Clemenceau. However, the "baptism" turned out to be a pure formality, the planes took off for demonstration flights and photographic reconnaissance.


"Etandar" IVM from the 17th flotilla, 1980

In 1982, in Lebanon, French pilots had to face real danger from Syrian air defenses. Providing the landing of French troops on reconnaissance flights from the Foch, the Etandars IVP left. Their task was to reconnoitre the terrain and locate pockets of possible danger. The pilots photographed the positions of the Druze "militia" units, the accumulation of Syrian troops and several anti-aircraft batteries.


Since then, the life of the "fours" developed relatively serenely, and on July 1, 1991, a solemn ceremony was held in Istra to see off the "Etandar" IVM deck attack aircraft to "well-deserved rest." On this day, the last flight of a car of this type took place. The "Etandars" of the reconnaissance modification "IVP" continued to fly.


In 1991, a civil war broke out in Yugoslavia, NATO forces were drawn into the ever-expanding conflict, and two years later the French fleet launched Operation Balbusar. For the seemingly hopelessly outdated "Etandars" scouts there was a job.

Reconnaissance in the zone of operations of all belligerents became a common combat mission, but the main focus was on the detection of positions, command posts, communications and supplies of the Bosnian Serb army. These same targets were then subjected to the most fierce attacks by NATO aviation. The role of the outdated Etandars turned out to be considerable. First, the French units tried to use their data. Secondly, intelligence information was constantly lacking. They barely had time to decipher the pictures and were immediately handed over to the infantrymen and attack pilots.

Flights over Bosnia were neither easy nor safe, aircraft were repeatedly fired upon by anti-aircraft artillery and MANPADS. In April and December 1994, "Etandars" received serious damage from air defense systems. Both incidents ended in forced landings. Despite this, the flights continued, in just the period from 1993 to July 1995, the pilots of "Etandarov" IVPM made 554 sorties over Bosnia.

In the early 90s, it was assumed that the Etandar IVPM scouts would soon replace the Rafali equipped with intelligence special containers. But the case dragged on, and the scouts were exploited until 2000.

In the early 70s, the characteristics of the Etandar IVM aircraft ceased to meet the increased requirements. Initially, a ship modification of the Jaguar M attack aircraft was intended to replace them, and the Vout A-7 and McDonnell-Douglas A-4 Skyhawk aircraft were also proposed. The Jaguar was even tested on an aircraft carrier. However, for political and economic reasons, it was decided to develop a purely French (Jaguar was an Anglo-French machine) fighter-bomber based on the Etandar IV aircraft.

The main task of the aircraft called "Super-Etandar" was to be the fight against enemy warships and the destruction of important coastal facilities. Based on this, an armament complex was formed, which was assembled around an onboard radar. The new monopulse station AGAVE detected a destroyer-class ship at a distance of 111 km, a missile boat at a distance of 40-45 km, and an aircraft at a distance of 28 km. She could search, capture and auto-tracking sea and air targets, as well as mapping.

The aircraft's main weapon is the newest AM 39 Exocet anti-ship guided missile. She weighed over 650 kg and was equipped with a penetrating high-explosive warhead weighing 160 kg. The combined guidance system ensured the defeat of large sea targets at ranges of 50-70 km from an altitude of 100 meters to 10 km.


A standard suspension of one anti-ship missile under the wing was supposed. In this case, the place on the opposite pylon was occupied by the fuel tank. For self-defense, it was possible to use a pair of new-generation air-to-air thermal missiles Matra R 550 Mazhik or old Sidewinders on unified launchers.

The rest of the armament remained unchanged.

On November 24, 1976, he lifted the first production aircraft, and on June 28, 1978, official celebrations were held in Bordeaux to mark the adoption of the Super-Etandard aircraft by the French naval aviation. The aircraft was in production from 1976 to 1983, 85 aircraft were built.


"Super-Etandar" did not shine with outstanding data, but due to the fact that it had much in common with the previous model, it was quickly mastered by the technical and flight personnel.

Flight characteristics:

Maximum speed at 11,000 m: 1,380 km / h

Maximum speed at sea level: 1180 km / h

Combat radius of action: 850 km

Service ceiling: more than 13,700 m

In January 1981, the first "Super-Etandar" was modified for the use of special ammunition AN-52 with an equivalent capacity of 15 kt. One such bomb could be suspended from the ventral or right inner underwing pylon. Gradually, all combat aircraft underwent the same modernization.

In 1983, the Super-Etandars took part in Operation Oliphant in Lebanon.

On September 22, under the cover of the Crusaders, four Super-Etandars flew out. At the end of the day, an official report appeared that in the indicated area, French aviation destroyed 4 enemy artillery batteries.

Although the first combat mission was successful, during the fighting in Lebanon, Syrian air defense systems shot down two Super Etandar aircraft of the French Navy.

According to the results of the hostilities, the aircraft equipment was improved. A suspension was provided on the right outer pylon of containers for ejecting false thermal targets and dipole reflectors, while an active radio jamming station was usually suspended on the left outer suspension unit.

The set of additional tanks included two underwing tanks with a capacity of 1100 liters and one under-fuselage 600-liter PTB, and the aircraft's outboard armament was also expanded. A version with an AS 30 rocket was introduced - one missile launcher under the right wing and a range finder - a target designator on the central pylon.

In the early 90s, "Super Etandars" took part in hostilities in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Operating from the aircraft carrier "Super-Etandary" were supposed to provide fire support to the international armed forces in Bosnia. Their task was to block the military activities of all the warring parties, and in practice they attacked the positions of the Bosnian Serb army, waging a real war in the very center of Europe together with the aviation of other NATO countries. Every day "Super-Etandars" made up to 12 sorties, hunting for tanks and convoys, or storming the positions of troops. In July 1995, the aircraft carrier Foch returned to Toulon, and the participation of the French Navy in the Balkan conflict was suspended.

But these aircraft gained wide popularity when they took part in another conflict.

In the late 1970s, Argentina ordered 14 Super-Etandars, 28 AM 39 Exocet anti-ship missiles.


By the beginning of hostilities with the British squadron, five aircraft and five missiles were delivered.


"Super-Etandar" Z-A-202 "of the Argentine Navy, which took part in the attacks on British ships on May 4 and 25, 1982.

In 1982, aircraft "Super Etandar" of the Argentine Navy were actively used against the ships of the British fleet, in the Falkland Islands. On May 4, 1982, the destroyer URO Sheffield was sunk by AM.39 Exocet missiles launched from aircraft of this type. Television screens all over the world flew sensational footage - "Exocet" rushes like a comet over the water and hits the newest British destroyer. Aluminum superstructures on the ship caught fire, the crew could not cope with the fire and were forced to abandon the ship. Ironically, Sheffield was the command post for the air defense of the entire task force, its death was a resounding slap in the face of the British Admiralty. In addition, at least one nuclear warhead went to the bottom of the Atlantic.


"Sheffield" after hitting anti-ship missiles "Exocet"

The next victim was the Atlantic Conveyor container ship, which was used as an air transport. This time, the pilots of the Argentine Super Etandars aimed their Exocets at the Hermes aircraft carrier. However, the British managed to hide behind a cloud of false targets. By disoriented dipole reflectors and heat traps launched from the ships of the British squadron, the missiles were "confused", their heads lost their target, and they lay on the tack. And then a new victim appeared nearby, in some 5-6 km - a container ship of the "ro-ro" type "Atlantic Conveyor". The huge vessel sank, carrying with it 6 medium and 3 heavy transport helicopters, as well as several hundred tons of food, equipment and ammunition intended for the expeditionary force.


After these events Iraq became interested in "Super Etandars" and RCC "Exocet". The Arabs did not hide the fact that they needed new weapons to block the waters of the Persian Gulf. They wanted to cut off the flow of currency into Iran, with which they had fought a brutal war for several years. An agreement was signed with Iraq on the lease of five Super-Etandar aircraft and the first batch of 20 AM 39 missiles. Subsequently, missile attacks on tankers in the Persian Gulf, which significantly reduced the export of Iranian oil.

During the "Iraqi campaign", one Super-Etandar was lost and another damaged under unexplained circumstances, with the Iranian side claiming that both vehicles were the victim of their fighters. At the same time, in 1985, it was announced that the lease of the aircraft had expired and that all five aircraft were supposedly returned to France. Iraq fully paid for their use, and no questions about compensation for losses were raised.

"Super-Etandars" were in March 2011 on board the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle during Operation Harmatan, during which airstrikes were carried out on Libya.


Satellite image of Google Earth: nuclear-powered aircraft carrier "Charles de Gaulle" docked in Toulon

Today, the Super-Etandars remain in service with the air wing of the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. Some of them are in storage. In the mid-2000s, it was assumed that by now all of them will be replaced by the deck modification of the "Raphael". But thanks to a shortage of funds and the financial crisis, these well-deserved aircraft continue to take off.

Since the subsonic "Etandars" it could not be effectively used to intercept high-speed air targets. For use as carrier-based interceptors in 1964, 42 Vout F-8E Crusader fighters were purchased from the United States.


F-8E "Crusader"

It was a fairly perfect plane for its time. But, given the pace of development of jet aircraft, it quickly became obsolete; in the USA, the Crusaders were withdrawn from service in the mid-70s. In addition, the Crusader could only use melee missiles with TGS, which severely limited its capabilities as an interceptor.

Nevertheless, these aircraft for a long time remained in service with the French carrier-based aviation. Only in December 1999, the last French "Crusaders" were removed from service, which was the end of forty years of operation of this type of aircraft.

In April 1993, a carrier-based version of the Rafale fighter made the first landing on an aircraft carrier. In July 1999, the French Navy received the first serial carrier-based aircraft "Rafale" M.


In December 2000, the French Navy began to receive Rafale M fighters of the F1 standard, designed to provide air defense of an aircraft carrier group. In June 2004, the first squadron (naval base at Landiviso) reached the level of full operational readiness.


In mid-2006, the French Navy received the first Rafale M fighter of the F2 standard. By today, the Navy was to receive about three dozen F2 standard fighters. They should gradually replace standard fighters. The aircraft are based on the Charles de Gaulle nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.


Satellite image of Goole Earth: Super-Etandar and Rafale aircraft at Lanvisio airbase

In mid-2006, ground and flight tests of the Rafal B fighter began at the test center in Istra. In order to test the systems and equipment to be used on the F3 standard aircraft.


At the end of 2008, a new avionics complex began to be installed on the aircraft, which made it possible to bring the fighters to the F3 standard, that is, the Rafale turned into a fully multipurpose fighter. Now it is capable of carrying a container with a new generation RECO-NG reconnaissance equipment and Exocet AM-39 anti-ship missiles under the fuselage.


Deck "Rafali" have already taken part in hostilities. On March 28, 2007, Rafale M aircraft from the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier located off the coast of Pakistan bombed the Taliban for the first time at the request of the command of the Dutch troops.

In March 2011, carrier-based Rafali attacked Libyan airfields and air defense systems. In the course of Operation Harmatan, air bombs of 250 kg caliber equipped with modular AASM high-precision guidance kits were used for the first time in real combat operations.


Experts consider the use of these bombs from Rafale fighters in combat conditions as the final stage of testing the AASM variant with a laser seeker before its adoption by the French Air Force. A combat bomb with the AASM module has two guidance modes - pre-programmed to perform the task of hitting a stationary target such as a building or an ammunition depot, or programmed by the aircraft crew in target designation mode under time-limited conditions.

In 2011, in Libya, during Operation Harmatan, the French Air Force used over 1,600 ASP, including aerial bombs and guided missiles. Among them are 225 AASM modular ASPs dropped from Rafale aircraft.

The French Air Force first struck ground targets in Libya on March 19, 2011, when AASM bombs were used to destroy a convoy of armored vehicles in the Benghazi region in the eastern part of the country. AASM bombs were also used to destroy the Soviet-made S-125 anti-aircraft missile system. They were dropped from an aircraft outside of its effective zone, as well as on March 24 to destroy the Yugoslav-made Galeb jet trainer aircraft, which was detected by the AWACS early warning and control aircraft and destroyed immediately after landing.

Despite the financial crisis, France still demonstrates the ability to independently develop and produce modern competitive aircraft and weapons. Maintaining the high technical and technological level of its aviation industry.