Great ship from the future

Great ship from the future
Great ship from the future

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Great ship from the future
Great ship from the future

12,000 BC NS

Holloman airbase lights swayed under the wing. The government Boeing was landing, shaking the night desert with the roar of its engines. A soft touch, and the silvery liner froze in the spotlights.

- Board "VVS-1", time 00:45 MST. Exactly on schedule.

- The President has arrived. We can start the meeting.

* * *

… here we will not discuss the reasons for the technological collapse of the United States. About why all the best developments come to us from Russia, China and Europe. We cannot create anything, and soon everyone will know about it.

We will also not talk about the possible consequences of the impending catastrophe. We are interested in a way out of this situation, and it has already been found.

In the background, dozens of monitors continuously broadcast footage of news channels, events and faces, economic charts, diagrams, blueprints and calculations.


After a short pause, the speaker continued:

- The find should shock everyone and confuse the scientific community. The fact of the existence of such artifacts will jeopardize the whole picture of the world order. These things will change the established views on the course of history and technological progress.

A real hunt will be arranged for the secrets of the "alien ship". And whoever gets access to technology first will rise in the eyes of others. More impressive than our '70s lunar scam.

Misinformation will create a wave of fear. And it will make us even more powerful than before.

What will the “alien ship” look like? An extraterrestrial form of death will sound too trite. We will create a new image of a "highly developed partner" who at any moment threatens to become our common enemy. Equally incomprehensible and dangerous for everyone, regardless of beliefs, race and nationality of everyone. We will create a "time capsule" with a dead crew and unique weapons. A messenger from distant times - a highly developed civilization of the past. Sumerians, China or Ancient Egypt? The details are to be decided by the specialists of the "Last Trump" project.

We will equip the “ship” with the necessary number of “miracles” - bold prototypes of weapons and combat systems based on new physical principles.

And then we will confuse international experts by artificially aging the “ship” for several millennia.

“Experts can masterfully forge murals and objects, but how can you fool the radiocarbon analysis?

- Some of the elements of the "ship", incl. the remains of living beings and embryos, in the form of the bodies of the crew members, will be made from organic materials. We will artificially lower the content of carbon-14 isotopes at the stage of “growing” this organic matter.

A high quality counterfeit will be “accidentally” shown to the world somewhere in the Mediterranean. During underwater archaeological excavations as part of an international expedition of scientists from dozens of countries. In such a way that the bulk of the capsule would "randomly" go to the Americans. The find is being evacuated "to quarantine" by the forces of our navy. At the same time, it is important not to leave our partners without a share of the production. Such a "short" share, which would make it clear what precious knowledge was stored in the main part of the ship, which fell into the hands of the United States.


Technologies of the future (or of the distant past?) Do not work today. We don't even need working samples, just general hints, diagrams and maps. In some cases, individual pieces of equipment.

Attention to the screen: here is a short list of “artifacts” that are planned to be included in the ship's equipment. Forget about lasers and railguns. This is yesterday. I promise you, the seeming simplicity and extravagance of these projects will not leave you indifferent.

This is a secure communication system based on the quantum teleportation effect. How does it work? Imagine two fragments of one projectile flying apart. It doesn't matter how far the pieces are scattered. If we can measure the momentum of one, then we know the momentum of the other. Well, it's on the fingers, for non-specialists. All this is tied to the paradoxes of quantum mechanics, which are often inexplicable from the point of view of our reality. It is important to understand: we can transmit information by changing the state of one particle and taking readings from its “twin”. In this case, teleportation as such, as well as the movement of mass, does not occur. The advantages of the way? Based on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, it is impossible to measure the state of an elementary particle without affecting its other parameters. In other words, if a message has been intercepted and read by an adversary, we will immediately know about it.

- Impressive.


- And these are our “drones”. What happens if you combine living insects, microelectronics and radioactive materials? Robotic beetles for special tasks. The introduction of foreign particles and the transmitter occurs early. Electronic parts become entangled with the growing body of the beetle, which will subsequently allow remote control of the insect by stimulating the muscles of the wings. Also, an energy source is hidden in the insect's body - a radioactive isotope of nickel-63 and a microscopic piezoelectric generator, activated by a stream of beta particles. The half-life of nickel-63 is 12 years, which allows you to control the "cyborg" throughout its life.

- An excellent project of a deadly "drone".

But that is not all.

Does everyone here love small arms? Here you are, a prototype of a silent automatic rifle from the “ancient Egyptians”. No gunpowder and chemical propellants. It is based on an electric centrifuge spinning up to a thousand revolutions per second. Striking elements with incredible energies and destructive power fly out from the hole in the rim.

- Wow, why did no one guess before? Intricate car.


A couple more inventions in the same spirit. For example, "leaky armor".

Remember the riddle: the more of them, the less weight? These are holes. But, as the latest computer simulations show, they not only reduce weight and weaken the strength of armor. Holes are not a damaged body armor. Perforated armor plate should be considered as a polyhedron with extremely sharp and hard edges. When a bullet hits such a face (where the “hole” begins), the bullet will tear apart.

Simple and effective.

- Yes, and finally, you can just mock your competitors. Toss them a couple of obviously fantastic projects from the frontiers of space-time physics.

- The scheme of a perpetual motion machine?

(Laughter in the audience.)

- No, something that clearly does not violate the laws of nature. And, perhaps, it will find application in the future. Although not in our century. For example, a defensive system that takes enemy bullets into space with a different metric, with their subsequent endless circling in pseudo-Euclidean space (Mobius strip).

It is possible to cause the reflection of an enemy bullet from the "light cone" with the creation of an exact copy of it, flying back in time, back to the enemy.

Finally, there are diagrams and descriptions of the tachyon weapon that kills the enemy even before the start of the battle. Who are "tachyons"? Elementary particles predicted in theory, moving faster than the speed of light and causing a violation of cause-and-effect relationships.

* * *

With this, the "special meeting" in the dungeons of Holloman airbase can be considered completed. The story could be the script for a sci-fi action movie. If not for one "but". There is a description and even the principle of the "weapon of the future". All of these systems are real-life technologies under active development around the world. The degree of originality and novelty is such that the notorious "Armata" and the F-35 superplane fade before them.

And if such things are freely talked about in the public domain, it is difficult to imagine what is hidden in military laboratories under the heading “top secret”.
