Comments to articles on the procurement of military equipment usually contain references to “cutting funds.” But, you must agree, it is difficult to “saw” millions if in three years it is necessary to hand over the finished destroyer.
As a result, last year the US Navy received the following list of naval equipment:
Expeditionary floating base "Lewis Puller"
Mistral landing helicopter carriers turned out to be excessively expensive to serve in peacetime. In order to reduce costs, the Pentagon proposed the concept of a military floating base based on a large-capacity civilian vessel. Alaska-class tanker with cut-out tanks; on the lower deck there is a hangar with equipment, on the upper deck there is a helipad.

The 230-meter USNS Lewis B. Puller (T-ESB-3) is the size of an aircraft carrier and costs 5% of the cost of the destroyer.
Full displacement 78,000 tons.
The permanent crew consists of 34 civilians.
If necessary, the number of the crew can be increased to 300 people: flight technical personnel, sailors and special forces. The basic aircraft armament includes four CH-53E heavy combat support helicopters (or its mine-sweeping version of the MH-53E). On board there is a hangar, an aviation ammunition storage facility and equipment for refueling with aviation fuel. The power supply system is made according to military standards - with full electric propulsion and the ability to quickly redirect energy to specific consumers.
The floating base does not carry heavy weapons, the tasks of ensuring its safety are assigned to ships of other classes.
The main tasks: patrolling in selected areas, observation, demining of fairways, anti-terrorist "sorties" and conducting "pinpoint" operations in hostile territories.

In the opinion of the command, the use of such "hybrids" will save the resource of expensive warships and redirect them to more adequate tasks.
Last year, the US Navy decommissioned its last frigate, the Simpson, one of 50 Oliver H. Perry-class ships built between 1977-1989. By the time of the decommissioning "Simpson" was the only of the active ships that managed to sink an enemy ship (Iranian frigate Johan).

Retirement does not promise peace to the 30-year-old veteran - a long line of people wishing to buy American trash has lined up in the world. Ukraine may become one of the potential buyers.
The old frigates were replaced by LCS - fast (up to 45 knots) coastal zone ships, combining the functions of frigates, minesweepers, patrol cutters, anti-submarine and small missile ships. The first 24 LCS (sub-series 0) will be equipped with only the simplest defensive weapons and a set of aircraft. Since 2019 another half dozen LCS with reinforced armament should be built (the installation of a “budget” version of the Aegis system is being considered) and equipped with additional anti-fragmentation armor.

USS Jackson (LCS-6) acceptance ceremony
Last year, the Navy transferred two coastal warships, the Jackson and Milwaukee, and launched three more (Little Rock, Omaha and Gabriel Gifford).
The USS Milwaukee (LCS-5) went out of service two weeks after starting service.
Submarine forces
In August 2015, the twelfth Virginia-class multipurpose submarine, named John Warner, entered service.
USS John Warner (SSN-785) refers to the so-called. "Third sub-series", created for warfare in shallow water. Compared to its predecessors, it has a rebuilt nose section with a “horseshoe” HAS antenna, which is most suitable for working at shallow depths. In the same place, in the bow, there are two six-shot launchers with "Tomahawks" or other target load.

The construction of the submarine has been carried out since 2013. Warner's tactical number is noteworthy: the 785th submarine in the history of the American Navy.
Replenishment in the Aegis family
Last year, John Finn (DDG-113) was launched and Raphael Peralta (DDG-115), the sixty-third and sixty-fifth destroyers of the Arlie Burke class, was baptized. The first is named after the hero of the Second World War, the second - in honor of the Mexican Marine who died in Iraq and received citizenship posthumously.

Both destroyers belong to the IIA "Restart" sub-series. The changes concerned the modification of the Aegis BIUS with increased capabilities for solving missile defense problems, a new aviation complex with MH-60R helicopters and a set of unmanned underwater vehicles for searching and destroying mines.
The destroyer's armament is based on 96 rocket launchers and a multifunctional radar with a peak radiation power of 6 megawatts. BIUS "Aegis" is capable of automatically tracking hundreds of targets under water, in the air and in space, distributing them depending on the threat they present and sequentially activating the destroyer's defense lines.
The cost of these superships exceeds $ 1.8 billion. The average pace of construction is about three years.
Simultaneously with the launching of the Finn and Peralta, the 69th destroyer Delbert Black was laid down last year, belonging to the IIA sub-series “Technology Implementation”. The design of this ship will combine some technical solutions for the destroyers of the future.
Finally - heavy artillery
In December last year, the Zamvolt went to sea for trials.
An experimental destroyer, built over eight years and promising to revolutionize naval affairs. According to the concept of application, "Zamvolt" corresponds to the "cruiser" class - a large, well-armed ship for single raids to the enemy's coast.
Recreated in metal, Zamwalt looks different than its creators imagined. Budgetary restrictions did not allow the creation of a new analogue of the Aegis, as a result, instead of a multifunctional destroyer, a highly specialized strike ship was built. A bold experiment that embodies the best of engineering.
Unusual shape of the contours - to improve seaworthiness and reduce the visibility of the destroyer. Turboelectric transmission with the possibility of flexible redistribution of energy flows (useful in the future, with the advent of "railguns"). A promising radar with an active phased array. Combined missile and cannon armament. Comprehensive automation to reduce operating costs and avoid putting unnecessary crew members at risk.

In the coming 2016, the American fleet is expecting an even more impressive replenishment. Next in turn are the lead aircraft carrier of the Gerald Ford class, the Illinois nuclear submarine and the final adoption by the fleet of two new destroyers - the aforementioned J. Finn”and“Zamvolta”. Also, it is expected to adopt the MQ-4C "Triton" maritime patrol drone, capable of examining 4 million square meters in one 30-hour flight. kilometers of ocean surface.
Let them "saw" the funds further!