Where the sky merges with the sea
Reflecting a purple sunset
Suddenly a white sail appeared
Above a beautiful slender frigate
The high capabilities of the 22350 project are achieved thanks to its perfect fire control means. Radars, BIUS and active missile homing heads are the main trump card and the most important criterion for evaluating the new Russian frigate.
To begin with, a small excursion into this topic.
Low attenuation of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere makes it possible to obtain a large detection range in all weather conditions. It is for this reason that radars have become the primary means of detection in the aviation and navy. In addition to external differences in the dimensions of antenna devices, all radars differ in purpose, type and method of operation, in the selected range of operation, and, of course, in the level of technical performance.
Even at the dawn of radar, scientists suspected the possibility of controlling the radar beam without physically controlling the antenna itself. For the first time, an electronically scanned three-dimensional radar was installed in 1959 aboard the American cruiser Long Beach. Despite its cumbersomeness in the era of radio tubes, phased array radars (PAA) demonstrated absolute superiority over mechanically scanned radars. The SCANFAR station could instantly “direct its gaze” to the selected area of the sky and form the required directional pattern by choosing the required beam width.
Due to the complexity of the production of such antennas, the next ship with a similar radar appeared only in 1983 (the Aegis system). Our situation was somewhat different. The domestic fleet has not received a single operational radar with fixed HEADLIGHTS with electronic scanning in azimuth and elevation. The Mars-Passat radar system has remained a fake decoration of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier.
And now, it happened!
The first domestic ship equipped with a three-coordinate radar is ready for commissioning with active PAR.
We are no longer talking about conventional phased antennas. Each individual element of the 5P-20K Polyment radar is an independent receiver and emitter capable of operating in an autonomous mode (usually, to create a beam of the required power, PPMs are grouped into modules of several pieces during operation). Result: the capabilities of "Polyment" are akin to combat fantasy!
Exceptionally high resolution. Possibility to change the beam width. Instantaneous (within milliseconds) scanning of the selected area of the sky. Versatility and multitasking. Simultaneous shelling of up to 16 air targets.

Externally, "Polyment" is four fixed "canvases", fixed on the sides of the pyramid in the upper part of the superstructure: one antenna array for each of the sectors of view (90 degrees in azimuth).
The exact characteristics of the radar are still classified. The only thing that can be said with a reasonable degree of confidence: "Polyment", like most foreign analogs, operates in the centimeter range of radio waves (X-band).
The loss of signal power increases with its frequency, and therefore X-band radars have a limited detection range (at the present stage, no more than 200 km). Unlike the American "Aegis" (decimeter S-band), which is able to track targets in low-earth orbit, the main task of "Polyment" is to detect and intercept low-flying targets. Rockets rushing over the water, suddenly popping out from the horizon at a distance of 15-20 miles from the ship. Where the count went by seconds, the full potential of Polyment is revealed. Centimeter radar provides a narrow beam for tracking a high-speed small-sized target, while AFAR technology provides maximum sensitivity and versatility of the radar.
The reader, for sure, will be interested (and useful!) To find out that on American ships, for certain reasons, there are no such radars. Radars with AFAR are installed only on ships of a number of NATO countries and the Japanese Navy.

Frigate of the Royal Netherlands Navy "DeSeen Provinsen", equipped with radars with AFAR
Domestic specialists “stepped over” a generation, having managed to create a radar with an active phased array at the level of the best world standards.
The complex of radar devices for detecting ships of the project 22350 is not limited to radar with AFAR. At the top of the pyramidal foremast is another antenna post of the general detection station. While Polyment is keenly peering into the horizon, this radar scans the entire volume of the surrounding airspace.
What is hidden under the radio-transparent casing of the antenna is still not known for certain. Obviously, this is a surveillance radar with a phased array with mechanical scanning in azimuth and electronic scanning in elevation (i.e., in height).
It is most likely that a 5P27 "Furke-4" or one of the modifications of the three-coordinate "Fregat" radar (installed on domestic ships since the early 1980s) is installed there. As an option - the newest modification "Frigat-MAE-4K", operating in the range with wavelengths from 3, 75 to 5 cm (rare H-band).
Purpose of the system: detection of surface and air targets, identification of their nationality ("friend or foe"), issuing primary target designation to fire weapons and electronic warfare equipment. According to the manufacturer's data, the Frigate MAE-4K station is capable of detecting a cruise missile at a range of 17 km, a fighter-type target - 58 km, max. the detection range is 150 km. The data update rate is 2 seconds.
The laconic nature of the means of detecting and controlling anti-aircraft fire is the calling card of the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov". Access to the privileged ship club of the 21st century.
No bulky antenna posts and additional illumination radars (which was the fault of all the ship's Aegis and S-300Fs of the previous generation). Two universal radars (first of all, "Polyment" with AFAR) take on the whole range of tasks for the detection, selection and tracking of air targets, ensuring the operation of shipborne anti-aircraft weapons.

Antenna posts of the Aegis system (cruiser Ticonderoga, USA)
There is only one remedy. And it will break the neck of anyone who tries to break through the air to the frigate. New generation shipborne air defense system "Redut" (also "Polyment-Redut").
Where does the reason for optimism come from?
When creating a new generation of warships, the Navy abandoned the S-300 / S-400 family of anti-aircraft systems, due to the bulkiness of this weapon. Instead, a compact and laconic "Redoubt" was created.
All three missiles of the new complex:
- medium and long range 9M96E2 (max. launch range 120 km)
- medium range 9M96E (launch range up to 40 km)
- short range 9M100 (within 10 … 15 km)
equipped with an active radar seeker, i.e. built-in radar.
In addition to simplifying the radio-technical appearance of the ship, anti-aircraft missiles with ARLGSN allow you to hit targets out of line of sight, over the horizon. As evidenced by the results of all tests of similar air defense systems abroad.
Or to destroy an unwary pilot who has fallen into the field of view of the ship's radar for a few seconds and is now trying to find rescue at an ultra-low altitude. Hell no! Now he can't get away.
The only problem will be the fight against stealth aircraft. A miniature radar in the bow of the missile defense system can hardly find conventional fighters and missiles at a range of 10-15 km. When meeting with the "stealth", the ship's "Polyment" would have to bring the missile to a minimum (a couple of hundred meters) distance until its weak ARGSN captured the target. Alas, none of the existing domestic and foreign air defense systems has such high computing power.
Externally, installed on the "Gorshkov" "Polyment-Redut" consists of 32 missile silos designed to store and launch anti-aircraft ammunition. One medium and long-range missiles or four short-range missiles in each of the cells - in any combination.
Start - vertical.
No beams or complicated moving parts.
Rate of fire - 1 launch per second.
And again we will talk about radars
The range of tasks of the frigate is too wide to be limited to only two radars. In order not to distract the "Polyment" for solving the simplest tasks, a number of radar devices are installed on board the frigate.
The gaze slides over the swift silhouette of the frigate until it rests against the egg-shaped dome above the navigation bridge. Hidden inside is the 34K-1 "Monolith" radar of the surface monitoring system and the issuance of target designation to anti-ship missiles at line-of-sight range.
Slightly higher, on the site in front of the foremast, another radar with a phased array is installed.
5P-10 "Puma" artillery fire control system. Determines the results of firing on bursts of dropped projectiles.
Also, on board the frigate there are three navigation radars "PAL-N1" with an antenna rotating in the horizontal plane. Designed for detection and auto-tracking of detected ships, obstacles and floating buoys with the development of recommendations for a safe divergence.
Another teardrop-shaped antenna casing is visible at the stern. Alas, this is just the Centaurus satellite communications system.
If we talk about all means of detecting the frigate, then the list of the listed equipment will be added:
- system of all-view high-resolution TV cameras (MTK-201M);
- two optoelectronic modules of the ZRAK “Broadsword” fire control system (mounted on one gun carriage, together with rapid-fire cannon turrets);
- a hydroacoustic complex for lighting the underwater environment with a telescopic and towed antenna.
Is a frigate stronger than a nuclear cruiser?
"An army of rams, led by a lion, will triumph over an army of lions, led by a ram"
All the amazing variety of frigate detection means are linked together by invisible threads of the Sigma-22350 combat information and control system.
BIUS "Sigma" is another milestone project of the Russian fleet, increasing the power of warships of ships several times.

Nuclear cruiser pr. 1144 "Orlan"
Ships of previous generations were equipped with bulky and ineffective CIUS, built according to the so-called. "Farm scheme" (for example, "Alley-2M" installed on board the TARKR "Peter the Great"). With such a scheme, anti-aircraft systems receive only primary target designation from surveillance radars, and, then, operate independently, using their own radar and fire control facilities.
The modern "Sigma" creates a continuous information field, linking together all the frigate systems, and ensuring the operation of the only universal air defense system with long, medium and short-range missiles.

The frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov"

And on the way - the next ship in the series. Frigate "Admiral Kasatonov"