Moral and strong-willed qualities of American sailors

Moral and strong-willed qualities of American sailors
Moral and strong-willed qualities of American sailors

A Russian Su-24 bomber on Saturday flew several times near the US Navy destroyer Donald Cook in the Black Sea, simulating an attack. The ship's crew members undergo the necessary procedures with a psychologist to recover from the stress they endured. 27 members of the destroyer's crew submitted their resignation. Commenting on their actions, they said that they did not intend to endanger their lives.

Media reports of the incident in the Black Sea on April 12, 2014

NATO decided to allow the military to wear the uniform of the gender to which they consider themselves. This decision was made based on the pressure of the so-called. transgender people, the number of which in the ranks of NATO went to tens of thousands."

Shocking Details about Western Armed Forces Standards, November 2014

Two people were killed in the shooting at the Norfolk Naval Base in Virginia. This was reported by a spokesman for the base. According to her, the shooting took place at the first pier on Tuesday night. Details of the incident were not disclosed.

Associated Press, March 2014.

US Naval Command is investigating the filming of obscene videos aboard the aircraft carrier Enterprise. The videos were produced by the ship's chief officer, Owen Honors, in 2006-2007. Honors, in particular, presents a scene in which the participants - two sailors - depict swimming together. "Chickens in the shower," the officer says, "is my favorite topic." There is also a moment of a rectal examination of a soldier and many other episodes that raise many questions on the tape.

Virginian Pilot, 2011

Those who served in the army do not laugh in the circus. And the vaunted US Navy is no exception. In their battle formations, there are enough various morons, degenerates and wise fathers-commanders who like to make them wear a round one and push a square one. The Russian Internet community eats up such news like hot cakes, leaving derisive comments about the combat capability of the "potential adversary." Calls for war are already being heard somewhere. Hurry! Hurry! From all sides the slogans of the supporters of the movement "throw our hats" are heard:

"Overweight Americans", "low moral character", "serve for the opportunity to obtain citizenship", "are afraid to kill and die." Their technique is good, but the little people did not come out - neither in their minds nor in their bodies. They prefer to sit safely and push buttons. And as for the performance of feats - this is not provided for in the contract.

Hollywood is adding fuel to the fire with its sickeningly sugary products in the form of patriotic action movies about the invincible Rambo and the general triumph of the American nation. Happy end!

Honestly, it doesn't matter to me what gender American sailors wear, but here's an interesting thing: for the entire first half of the twentieth century, the US naval forces did not lose a single cruiser or battleship from a fire and a spontaneous explosion of artillery cellars. "Domestic disasters" were an integral part of that era. Too imperfect compositions of propellants, which did not forgive the slightest heating or blows. Explosions regularly thundered in the fleets of even the most prosperous countries - Bulwork and Vanguard (Great Britain), Mikasa, Kwachi and Mutsu (Japan), Liberte (France), Jaime I (Spain) … The only two who happily managed to avoid disasters are the German navy and the US naval forces. Despite the fact that in the composition of these fleets there were more capital ships than in all the other fleets of the world combined. That is, according to the theory of probability, the explosions should have thundered even more often. But - not a single disaster!

Moral and strong-willed qualities of American sailors
Moral and strong-willed qualities of American sailors

The death of the battleship "Liberte" in the harbor of Toulon, 1911

Now you can guess for a long time how many transvestites wore American naval uniforms in the first half of the twentieth century, but it is quite obvious that the reason for the trouble-free operation of ships was discipline, strict adherence to instructions and, accordingly, a high level of personnel training. Without all this, it would have been impossible to achieve those results.

In general, everything related to the stamina and morale of soldiers and sailors is too serious a question to draw conclusions while sitting on a warm sofa with a cup of aromatic coffee. How will each of us behave in a moment of dire danger: will he write a letter of resignation, like the 27 sailors of the Donald Cook, or rush to the aid of a comrade, like that officer in the legendary footage of the aircraft carrier Enterprise? War is like war. Anything happens.

Catapult officer Lieutenant Walter Chauning climbs onto the flaming F6F Hellcat, caught on the edge of the deck, to help the pilot escape. USS Enterprise, 1943

Once the Yankees met with a "real adversary" - exactly what a "real adversary" should be. Brave and skillful. Japanese kamikaze! Much bolder and more courageous - these guys did not even spare themselves. In principle, they did not plan to return alive from the battle, and the only happiness in their life was to chop the enemy destroyer in half or "stick" the Zero into the accumulation of aircraft on the deck of an aircraft carrier. Not to say that the Yankees were happy to meet. Quite the opposite. After the third ramming of the destroyer sailors, "Bush" seized a massive psychosis: people massively jumped overboard, fearing to be hit by another suicide bomber.


In the battles for Okinawa, the Allied fleet suffered terrible losses - over 200 ships were burned and turned into ruins by continuous air strikes. Nevertheless, the fleet held out and fulfilled its task. Okinawa Island was taken. Even those who had to serve on board the destroyers of the radar patrol did not flinch. They were the first to advance in dangerous directions and the first to fall under the blows of Japanese suicide bombers.

Then there was the long and hot era of the Cold War. For the most part, the American navy proved to be an expensive and ineffective tool that failed miserably in most of its tasks. However, traditionally, their fleet has demonstrated a low accident rate, high quality of training of people and reliability of equipment. Only two submarines perished ("Thresher" and "Scorpion") during the entire existence of the nuclear submarine fleet. The largest series of nuclear powered ships "Stejen" (37) and "Los Angeles" (62 boats) - not a single major radiation accident in all 40 years of operation of these ships. The founding father and main enthusiast for the introduction of nuclear power plants, Admiral Hayman (Haim) Rikover, personally selected officers for the crews of nuclear-powered ships under construction, conducted trainings and supervised the process at the shipyards. Only enthusiastic volunteers were recruited into the crews. Reliability has become the main parameter. The results are all too obvious.

Previously, ships were made of wood, and people were made of iron. Now it's the other way around!

How has the Navy changed today? How did free morals affect the fighting efficiency of the "potential enemy"? Unfortunately, I can not imagine a graph of the dependence of the number of intercourse with partners of the same gender among the US Navy. It is only known that women have received the right to serve in the ranks of the US Navy along with men. Separate cockpits and latrines are equipped on the ships. The exceptions (for now) are the nuclear submarine fleet and the special forces of the Navy - the passage there is closed for the ladies. Too dangerous and responsible specialties, where there is no time for jokes with tolerance.

But here's what is interesting: in 2000, after the attack on the destroyer "Cole", the members of its crew (most - boys and girls 18-20 years old) answered the questions of the high commission of the Congress. How did they manage not to get confused and immediately begin to localize the damage? Despite heavy damage (a 6 x 12 meter hole, destruction of the LB engine room, loss of power supply, 17 dead and 39 wounded - 20% of the crew were incapacitated), the ship was not going to die. By the time the rescuers arrived, the fires were extinguished, the roll was reduced to 4 °, emergency diesel generators and water pumping pumps were activated, the Aegis system came to life.


The fact that a billion-dollar supership almost collapsed from the explosion of one bag of improvised explosives does no credit to the designers of the "invincible" Aegis destroyer. But the crew's actions in a difficult situation were recognized as brilliant. The ship was saved.

The young sailors' answer was simple: we went through this situation on simulators.

Before you is the most "heroic" ship in the world - USS Trayer (BST-21). Every day he "falls" under heavy enemy fire, receives hits from anti-ship missiles and torpedoes - after which his no less heroic "crew" rushes to the pumps and cannons and begins to localize the damage.


Life-size model of the Orly Burke destroyer.

83 million dollars were not spent in vain - the subwoofers installed below the deck broadcast the roar and groans of the wounded, from the gas injectors placed everywhere, flames beat out, strobe lights rush, sparks fly from the ceiling, water gushes from the walls, the suffocating smell of burning oil is felt … stretchers through the smoky passages and the ruined premises of the ship, the recruits unexpectedly stumble upon … Yo-My !!!

- What are you yelling, stupid guys? !! It's just a corpse!

A mutilated human "body" hangs from the ceiling in scraps of cables - everything should be like in reality.


The actions of the recruits are strictly monitored by the eyes of video cameras. Instructors from the Control Center assess the actions of a group of recruits and launch a new plot … Torpedo hit on the starboard side, flooding of the engine room!

Which of the modern fleets pays such attention to the training of their sailors? The question is rhetorical and does not require an answer.

Equally ridiculous is the myth that "illegal Mexicans are serving in the American army and navy for the opportunity to obtain citizenship." The US military recruits ONLY American citizens. The exception only confirms the general rule. The little-known program MAVNI (Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest) holds a limited recruitment of foreigners, but puts forward strict requirements: to live in the United States for several years and have a number of useful skills (knowledge of Chinese / Persian / Pashtun languages, medical education, etc.) … Naturally, no criminal record or health problems. How does this compare with the myth of "illegal criminals going to serve for citizenship"?

There is no secret here for a long time: the overwhelming majority of the US Armed Forces personnel chose military service under the pressure of life circumstances. I urgently needed a large amount of money - that's all the motivation. Undoubtedly, among them there are also enthusiastic patriots, fans of their work. "Nails" that hold everything. But if you look at it, any army in the world is based on approximately the same principles!

The story about "27 sailors who escaped from the destroyer" Donald Cook "undoubtedly cheers up in a friendly atmosphere. ordinary people, after reading news like "filming gay porn on an American aircraft carrier")?

Strive for armed confrontation with the American fleet! With that difference in training, number and technical equipment! Relying only on the illusory hope in the form of "we are stronger in spirit"! Such intentions are criminal and unacceptable. We are dealing with the strongest combat system, which never gave rise to doubts about its own high combat capability.
