How Stalin saved Russia

How Stalin saved Russia
How Stalin saved Russia

There is a mythical expression about Stalin: "He took Russia with a plow, but left with an atomic bomb." The very fact of this statement is obvious. This is a reality that most of today's young generations do not already know about.


Indeed, Russia after the First World War, the Civil War (turmoil) and intervention literally survived by a miracle. The country was completely drained of blood (millions of dead, wounded and refugees), collapsed, plundered (Russia was literally sucked dry), industry and transport were severely degraded, existing only as a memory of Russian industrialization of the late XIX - early XX (the first "Russian miracle"). Not a single large plant, not a single large power plant was built, not a single transport project was implemented. There was no financial means and gold: the gold reserve of the Russian Empire was partly spent by the tsarist government, partly plundered by whites, foreigners and taken out by the Leninist "guard". Huge capital, finances, values (gold, silver, precious stones, works of art, etc.) were taken out by the fleeing aristocracy, the big bourgeoisie, marauders who plundered the country during the fratricidal war.

Agriculture, which even in tsarist Russia did not shine with advanced agricultural technologies, was thrown back hundreds of years. Instead of tractors and various mechanisms, they used horses or people themselves worked. After the defeat of large commodity farms and estates, which provided the bulk of the grain for sale, agriculture degraded, its marketability decreased in comparison with the Russian Empire. The village returned to subsistence farming, most of the peasant farms worked only for self-sufficiency. The city could not provide the village with the industrial goods it needed. The opposition has matured along the city-village line. At the same time, social stratification remained in the village itself, the New Economic Policy (NEP) strengthened the position of wealthy farms - kulaks. The village was still living in poverty, starving. Famine 1921-1922 covered 35 provinces with a population of 90 million, killed hundreds of thousands of people, millions of children lost their parents and became street children. In this case, it was mainly the poor, indigent peasants who suffered. As a result, the village was on the brink of a second peasant war. The first peasant war, which began immediately after the February Revolution, was a terrible and bloody tragedy that claimed millions of lives. She was suppressed with great difficulty. The village was now ready to explode again.

The economic mechanism of Russia in the 1920s, a mixture of weak administrative planning and a speculative market, could not provide not only a leap forward, but also normal development. The rapidly growing Soviet bureaucracy and speculators, the criminal world, which was flourishing on the ruins of the empire, merged. There was no hope for external investment. Soviet Russia was in international isolation. At the same time, foreigners were happy to create a semi-colonial economic model in Russia, to gain control over existing enterprises, mines, and mineral deposits.

A weak, degraded industry could not provide the village with consumer goods in the required quantity, tractors and other equipment. The country did not have engine building, aviation industry, mass automobile manufacturing, electrical engineering, shipbuilding fell into decay, etc. Without developed mechanical engineering, in the industrial era, Russia was waiting for death. Science and industry could not provide the army with modern weapons and equipment. In the army parks there were only obsolete cars, tanks and aircraft from the First World War. And there were very few of them. Agriculture could not feed a large army, create strategic reserves in case of war, to supply troops and cities. As a result, Soviet Russia was doomed to a military disaster in the event of a new big war. It could be defeated not only by such advanced powers as Germany, Britain or Japan, but also by Poland and Finland. And a new big war was not far off. A little more, and the Western armies (and in the East - Japan) with mechanized divisions and air fleets, armed with masses of modern tanks, aircraft, guns would simply crush the remaining in the past Russia. New industrial, the capitalist world would just eat the USSRhow the once Western colonialists swept away the once mighty and numerous peoples and tribes of America and conquered the ancient and rich, but technically backward India.

During this time, the Western powers and Japan were developing rapidly. The industrial era flourished. A conveyor belt was launched at Ford factories. The automotive industry, engine building, aircraft building, shipbuilding, chemical industry, instrument making and electronic industry, metallurgy, etc. experienced rapid development. The world was rapidly electrified. And Russia stagnated, it now lagged behind not only world leaders, like the Russian Empire in 1913, but also from the powers of the second row. The lag was becoming monstrous, it was the death sentence of Russia-USSR. As Stalin honestly admitted: "We are 50-100 years behind …"

Another difficult problem for Soviet Russia was mental catastrophe, cultural, psychological, moral collapse of "old Russia". The people were suppressed, literally crushed by the catastrophe of 1914-1920. The destruction, disintegration, death of the former Russia, the Russia of the Romanovs, the old society took place. Millions of people died in the world and civil wars, during the peasant war and the criminal revolution, from hunger and disease. Millions of people fled abroad. The Russian Empire died in cruel agony. Russia paid a terrible price for the dead ends of its development caused by the Romanov project, for the tragic discord between the civilizational matrix code and real life, for betraying the pro-Western “elite” that abandoned the civilizational, historical mission of Russian civilization and the Russian superethnos.

Rus-Russia was drained of blood, the morality and mental structure of the Russian people - the state-forming people, bearing the main burdens of creating and preserving the empire - broke down. Russia withstood the catastrophe of 1917, the transition from the old world to the new - the USSR. The socialist revolution promised great people the meaning of their existence. However, Soviet Russia in the 1920s was squalid. Instead of a happy, creative and new world full of possibilities, people again saw a hard, hungry and unfair everyday life. Hopes were dying. Such a Russia had no future. Thus, the people were able to leave the unjust old world, but did not see a happy and just new world.

And at this time, when Russia again faced the threat of complete destruction, the Soviet elite was frantically looking for a way out. There were three possible scenarios. The first is a return to the foundations of the old world: bourgeois-capitalist, liberal-democratic. Recognize that the future of humanity is the Western matrix of development (in fact, this is the White Project, the Westernized Februaryists who killed the Russian Empire, the autocracy). That is, red Moscow could bargain for the honorable terms of surrender by establishing a pseudo-communist (Marxist) regime in the country, suppressing any discontent of the people by force and terror. The party elite would quickly degenerate, become a colonial administration, the administrative apparatus of the masters of the West.

The second is to try to close oneself off from the old world, to create an “iron curtain”, and behind it to accumulate strength, to build our own world. However, in essence, this path ultimately led to the first - degeneration, decay of the Soviet, party elite. In addition, closed, without advanced Western technologies, achievements of science and technology, the Soviet Union of the 1920s, would quickly become a victim of a new "crusade" of the West to the East. Thus, both scenarios led to disaster, it was only postponed for the future.

The third scenario was proposed by Joseph Stalin - the red emperor. He was able to literally with an inhuman effort raise a lost civilization from the ashes, give it a new impetus for development, create a new reality, civilization and society of the future. To create a supercivilization of the future, which in the long term buried the Western project of enslaving the planet and gave humanity the opportunity to live like a human being, happily and with dignity.

First of all, Stalin was able to give people an image of the future. - brilliant, beautiful (especially for young people), the world of the future. A society of knowledge, service and creation, where knowledge, work and creation (creativity) will become the main ones. Society for social justice and the rule of ethics of conscience. It was a real alternative to Western society - a society of slave owners and slaves. Soviet Russia began to create a world of creativity, social justice, a world where there is no exploitation and social parasites. A world where due to labor, creativity, the disclosure of the intellectual and spiritual abilities of a person and service to society, an immeasurably higher level of development of society and an individual will be achieved than in the old world.

It was a breakthrough into the future. For the first time on the planet, a new world-civilization, a society of the future was created. The masters of the West (the current global mafia) are building a global slave civilization, taking as a basis the ancient slave-owning civilizations of the Ancient East. Rome and Greece. It is a caste, slave-owning society with the division of society into the "chosen" - the lord and "two-legged tools." The Soviet Union proposed a different world, based on justice, truth and ethics of conscience. Supercivilization and a society where the spiritual will be higher than the material ("golden calf"), the general is higher than the particular, justice is above the law. Where human desires will be reasonable, and collective interests will outweigh animal selfishness. A world where people realize that for a happy future, today they have to endure hardships, work and, if necessary, fight, give their lives for great ideals.

Thus, Stalin and his associates embodied the ideals of the Russian civilization code-matrix, Light (Holy) Russia. They tried to create a new reality where justice, truth, goodness and honest work will prevail. And it cannot be said that they did not succeed. It turned out a lot, though not everything. The old reality resisted, did not want to go into the past. In particular, the masters of the West organized the Second World War with the aim of destroying Russia-USSR. Due to the chronic lack of time, it was necessary to apply the most radical, harsh methods. A psychologically significant part of society, especially the elite, was not ready for the new reality, it was drawn into the past. And the new generations, who believed in a bright future with their minds and souls, were greatly drained of blood by the Great War. Hence the rollback during the reign of Khrushchev and Brezhnev.

As a result, Stalin initially had nothing but a dream, an image of the future. However, this image coincided with the civilizational code of Rus. The 1917 revolution created the possibility of creating a new reality, the world, and the red emperor used it. In order for the country and the people to survive, in order for the Russian civilization to survive, Stalin began to translate the civilization matrix into a national development project, in materialization of the project of Light Russia. The new Soviet (Russian) civilization, the world-society of the future were to become the basis of the entire human civilization, determining its development for hundreds of years to come. It was a challenge to the global mafia, the "masons" who were building a "new world order" - a slave-owning civilization. The last emperor of Great Russia (USSR) accomplished the literally impossible!
